Tuesday, December 16, 2008

#reddwarfevents 2008_Dec_16_1932

[01:18] >>> Sunday Dec 07 2008 – Automatic reset triggered – Logging Start <<<
[01:18] [+David O'Cain] Man, my head hurts like hell. ~_~
[01:19] > Sailor Quinox (Eternal) has transformed into Matsumi Kaze
[01:19] [+Matsumi Kaze] ahh much better
[01:19] > @Sub Zippo has transformed into Nate Detroit
[01:20] [+David O'Cain] I knew I should have changed form in steps. The price I gotta pay. ~_~
[01:20] [Sailor Venus] I.. um... I gotta go.. Ill catch up with you guys later, I promise. ^.^
[01:20] > Sailor Mercury (Visor) has transformed into Ami Mizuno
[01:21] [+Matsumi Kaze] take care
[01:21] [Ami Mizuno] You'd better, Minako-chan.
[01:21] > SolarSun (starlights fuku) has transformed into Candy
[01:21] > Sailor Venus jumps out of sight.
[01:21] [Sailor Venus] ./part
[01:21] > Sailor Zephrius (Super) has transformed into Masaki O'Cain
[01:21] [+David O'Cain] Bye. Nice seeing you.
[01:21] <-- Sailor Venus has left #reddwarfevents
[01:21] > Sailor Mars (Eternal) has transformed into Rei Hino
[01:22] [+David O'Cain] Hey, Nate. If you wanna, I can talk to the General to see if there's any engeneers available to help clean things up and restore the ship.
[01:22] [Ami Mizuno] I'd better go check on Luna, she's probably in pieces right now.
[01:22] [Rei Hino (starlights fuku)] I need to head back to the temple before grandpa gets into the sake again
[01:23] [Rei Hino (starlights fuku)] Goodnight
[01:23] [Nate Detroit] We better go check out the damage, dear. No point putting it off.
[01:23] <-- Rei Hino (starlights fuku) [flameguardian@mars.net] has left #reddwarfevents (well that went well)
[01:23] [Usagi Tsukino] I'm going to head home..to do stuff
[01:23] > Usagi Tsukino gives Ami a big hug!
[01:23] [Nate Detroit] That'd be great, Dave.
[01:23] [Rei Hino (starlights fuku)] (( pay no mind to the starlights thing it's an issue with how it saves cookies ))
[01:23] [Ami Mizuno] See you, Usagi-chan.
[01:24] [+David O'Cain] Awesome. Gonna have to wait till morning. To tired to call it in and my head is killing me. >_<
[01:24] [Ami Mizuno] (( That's odd.. ))
[01:24] [Rei Hino (starlights fuku)] (( yeah when I'm in the events channel I HAVE to have something in the suffix or it does weird things ))
[01:24] [Ami Mizuno] (( Hmm.. ))
[01:25] [Rei Hino (starlights fuku)] (( it's been that way for a while and if I don't have something in the suffix it does things like that ))
[01:25] [Nate Detroit] (( Id like to see her in a starlights fuku. ))
[01:25] <-- Usagi Tsukino [Moon_Bunny@Jubaan.Tokyo.co] has left #reddwarfevents (going home!)
[01:25] <-- Ami Mizuno [Dr.Mizuno@JuubanClinic.co.jp] has left #reddwarfevents (Luna-san...)
[01:25] > +David O'Cain tries to get up, but sits back down, "Geh." ~_~
[01:26] [+Rowenta (Jumpsuit)] Yeah, we should-nya. I'm almost afraid to, though..
[01:26] > Nate Detroit takes her hand and leads her out.
[01:27] [Nate Detroit] /I just hope hes gone.. if hes gone itll be worth it..
[01:27] [@HOL_6000 (Jumpsuit)] You should take something before you go.
[01:27] <-- Nate Detroit [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has left #reddwarfevents (^)
[01:28] > Nate Detroit is back
[01:28] [Nate Detroit] Huh?
[01:28] > @HOL_6000 sets mode +o on Nate Detroit
[01:28] [@Nate Detroit] Hah... thanks Holly.
[01:29] [+David O'Cain] Yay. Nate's back in the saddle again.
[01:29] [+Candy (Casual)] Do you want to go check out the ship Matsumi or should I take you back to my house?
[01:29] <-- @Nate Detroit [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has left #reddwarfevents (Now I feel a little better.)
[01:30] [+Matsumi Kaze] I think maybe I should head home with you, candy ^^
[01:30] <-- +Rowenta (Jumpsuit) [Orangetabby@reddwarf.co.uk] has left #reddwarfevents (<3)
[01:31] [+Candy (Casual)] Ok then lets go
[01:31] > +Candy (Casual) kisses Matsumi
[01:31] <-- +Candy (Casual) [sunangel@sun.net] has left #reddwarfevents (well at least it all worked well in the end)
[01:31] <-- +Matsumi Kaze [Airsenshi@Qtech.com ] has left #reddwarfevents (very true ^^)
[01:33] > Masaki O'Cain kisses her husband
[01:33] > +David O'Cain weakly smiles
[01:34] [Masaki O'Cain] you going to be alright?
[01:34] [+David O'Cain] When this damn headache goes away, I'll feel better.
[01:36] > +David O'Cain tries to get up again
[01:37] [Masaki O'Cain] let's go home then
[01:38] [+David O'Cain] Okay. Maybe a couple of lovely nurses can help me feel better.
[01:39] > Masaki O'Cain giggles
[01:39] <-- +David O'Cain has left #reddwarfevents (I know Azu-chan's one of them.)
[01:40] <-- Masaki O'Cain [RisingStorm@ZepherTech.com] has left #reddwarfevents (and who is the other per say :P)
[09:05] --> ~Llednar has joined #reddwarfevents
[09:05] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, ~Llednar
[10:13] > @Nate Detroit changes topic to `Sorry to all those who couldnt make it.`
[16:31] [Solarchos] (( WELL CRAP! I MISSED EVERYTHING!! ><;; ))
[16:32] [Solarchos] (( Oh well, I was already asleep when this was going on since I had to work this morning. ))
[19:52] --> Arru (tattered gown) [Shadowdemon@hellsgates.com] has joined #reddwarfevents
[19:52] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! Arru (tattered gown) detected!
[19:52] > @Oppiz Bus has cleared ~Llednar
[19:52] ➣ Some random building in Earth...
[19:52] --> Oppiz Bus [BurntIce@Oranbega.net] has joined #reddwarfevents
[19:52] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! Oppiz Bus detected!
[19:53] > Oppiz Bus lies motionless.
[19:53] --> Sailor Arzu has joined #reddwarfevents
[19:53] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! Sailor Arzu detected!
[19:53] > Sailor Arzu stays in a corner
[19:54] > Arru (tattered gown) frowns sitting on a box in the middle of the room.
[19:54] > Arru (tattered gown) sets mode +angst
[19:54] > Sailor Arzu scraches her cheek a bit with her knife
[19:54] [Arru (tattered gown)] ......I'll kill them....
[19:56] > Arru (tattered gown) picks up a glass beside her and throws it at the wall
[19:56] > Arru (tattered gown) glances over at Oppiz
[19:57] > Oppiz Bus moans, awoken by the shattering.
[19:57] > Arru (tattered gown) walks over to him and stands there
[19:58] > Sailor Arzu watches the goings on
[19:58] [Arru (tattered gown)] ..so you are alive..
[19:59] [Oppiz Bus] Can't... move... feel...
[20:00] > Arru (tattered gown) sits down next to him on the bed
[20:00] > Sailor Arzu keeps playing with her knife
[20:01] [Arru (tattered gown)] Well you did almost die back there, most bodies can't take that
[20:02] > Arru (tattered gown) presses down on one of his wounds on his chest
[20:05] > Oppiz Bus doesnt respond.
[20:05] [Arru (tattered gown)] .....
[20:05] > Arru (tattered gown) reaches up and scratchs his face along his jawline with her fingernail
[20:06] [Oppiz Bus] Cannot... feel...
[20:07] [Arru (tattered gown)] ......
[20:07] > Arru (tattered gown) stands up and begins to break things left and right!
[20:07] [Arru (tattered gown)] I will have their blood! They will all DIE BY MY HAND!
[20:08] > Arru (tattered gown) walks over to Arzu and slaps her across the face!
[20:08] [Sailor Arzu] o_o
[20:09] > Sailor Arzu growls and slashes at Arru
[20:09] > Arru (tattered gown) gasps at the slash falling on her and biting her ear.
[20:10] > Sailor Arzu scraches!
[20:10] [Arru (tattered gown)] ...what the hell is wrong with me my little pet?
[20:10] > Arru (tattered gown) shivers with each scratch
[20:11] [Oppiz Bus] Take me... Oranbega...
[20:11] [Sailor Arzu] ..dun know
[20:12] > Arru (tattered gown) removes herself from Arzu and walks back over to Oppiz
[20:12] [Arru (tattered gown)] ...why? Why should I?
[20:14] > Arru (tattered gown) slaps him across the face
[20:15] > Oppiz Bus rocks on the spot, unmoving of his own strength.
[20:17] > Arru (tattered gown) sits back down defeated
[20:20] [Arru (tattered gown)] Fine I'll take you there
[20:22] [Arru (tattered gown)] Will they be able to help you there?
[20:23] [Oppiz Bus] Yessss....
[20:24] > Arru (tattered gown) reaches over and touches the side of his face
[20:24] [Arru (tattered gown)] Good..
[20:24] > Sailor Arzu simply watches all this....
[20:28] > Oppiz Bus moans a little.
[20:29] [Sailor Arzu] scrape...scrape
[20:31] > Arru (tattered gown) bends over hesitantly looking at his face unsure
[20:34] [Arru (tattered gown)] You confuse me...I should kill you..
[20:35] > Oppiz Bus grunts.
[20:36] > Sailor Arzu watches
[20:36] > Arru (tattered gown) instead kisses him as best as she can in his condition..
[20:36] [Oppiz Bus] You've... nothing to gain...
[20:37] > Sailor Arzu licks her knife
[20:37] > Oppiz Bus is kissed, and can barely kiss back.
[20:39] > Arru (tattered gown) climbs on top of him.
[20:39] [Arru (tattered gown)] Of course I have nothing to gaine from you living...
[20:39] > Sailor Arzu starts stabbing the floor
[20:40] [Oppiz Bus] Dont you? I recover... fun...
[20:42] > Sailor Arzu starts stabbing harder
[20:43] > Arru (tattered gown) finds herself blushing
[20:44] [Arru (tattered gown)] eheh yes... I do enjoy tormenting and being tormented by you ~_^
[20:45] > Arru (tattered gown) digs her nails into his side by habit
[20:46] > Oppiz Bus stares up at her.
[20:48] [Arru (tattered gown)] Arzu We're going to Rhode Island
[20:49] [Sailor Arzu] oh?
[20:50] [Arru (tattered gown)] Yes I'm sure there will be plenty of humans for you to torment Arzu there too ~_^
[20:51] > Sailor Arzu grins
[20:52] > Arru (tattered gown) picks Oppiz up
[20:53] > Oppiz Bus is picked up, dead weight.
[20:53] > Sailor Arzu stands
[20:54] <-- Arru (tattered gown) [Shadowdemon@hellsgates.com] has left #reddwarfevents (To Rhode Island!)
[20:55] <-- Sailor Arzu has left #reddwarfevents (heheh)
[20:57] <-- Oppiz Bus [BurntIce@Oranbega.net] has left #reddwarfevents (*Groooan*)
[00:00] >>> Monday Dec 08 2008 <<<
[17:29] --> Arru (gown) [Shadowdemon@hellsgates.com] has joined #reddwarfevents
[17:29] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! Arru (gown) detected!
[17:30] > Arru (gown) walks around a small town in Rhode Island
[17:30] --> Sailor Arzu has joined #reddwarfevents
[17:30] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! Sailor Arzu detected!
[17:31] > Sailor Arzu is following behind...wearing a trench coat
[17:31] > Arru (gown) sighs covering her nose
[17:31] [Arru (gown)] Humans really are a stinky bunch
[17:32] [Sailor Arzu] mmhmmm *is gazing around..counting off people*
[17:33] [Arru (gown)] Heh just give it a moment sweet Arzu
[17:33] [Sailor Arzu] so many......
[17:34] [Arru (gown)] I know...even this small town seems to have a lot of humans
[17:35] > Sailor Arzu smiles to herself
[17:37] [Arru (gown)] Ok lets enjoy ourselves though we have to do it quietly Arzu. Quietly. No need getting the local athorities in on this while we're at it.
[17:38] > Arru (gown) sees some people head in an alleyway.
[17:38] [Sailor Arzu] of coooourse
[17:39] [Arru (gown)] eheheh I see our first victu...er...friends
[17:40] [Sailor Arzu] oooo my
[17:40] > Arru (gown) quietly follows the people into the alleway
[17:42] [Arru (gown)] hummhumm dee dum
[17:42] > Sailor Arzu grins, following
[17:43] > ~A silenced muffle or two is heard in the alleyway and some cans being knocked over
[17:44] > Arru (gown) walks out her hands a bit messy as she wipes it on a passing newspaper
[17:44] [Arru (gown)] humm that was a bit to easy...
[17:47] > Arru (gown) looks behind her to see how Arzu is doing
[17:49] > Sailor Arzu is cleaning off her knife
[17:49] > Arru (gown) 's watch beeps
[17:50] [Sailor Arzu] ????
[17:50] [Arru (gown)] humm lets go collect more innocents then
[17:50] [Sailor Arzu] yays!
[17:50] > Arru (gown) walks down the street looking for people in nice spots
[17:52] > Sailor Arzu is grinning ear to ear
[17:52] > Arru (gown) sees one couple arguing near a dumpster
[17:53] [Sailor Arzu] hehehe
[17:54] [Sailor Arzu] what do you think?
[17:54] > Arru (gown) bows for Arzu to lead the way
[17:54] > Sailor Arzu smiles, heading towards the couple
[17:56] [Sailor Arzu] hehehehehe
[17:57] > ~The couple stops arguing seeing Arzu walk near
[17:58] [Sailor Arzu] good eveninnng
[17:58] [~Man] eer....hello...
[18:00] [Sailor Arzu] oooh I was wondering..could you help me with something?
[18:02] [~Woman] ...yes?
[18:02] > Arru (gown) giggles watching
[18:03] [Sailor Arzu] I have a friend who got their leg stuck under some boxes..and I was wondering if you two could help me get her out..
[18:04] [~Man (coat)] Stuck? Really? Shouldnt you call a police officer for help then?
[18:05] [Sailor Arzu] she isn't far....and I'm sure with your help she will be fine
[18:05] [~Woman (dress)] ..well if it isn't serious dear..
[18:05] [~Man (coat)] ...fine ><
[18:05] [~Man (coat)] Show the way
[18:05] [Sailor Arzu] follow me....she's just over in that ally
[18:06] > ~Man (coat) man hesitantly nods
[18:06] > Sailor Arzu walks into the ally....and stops
[18:07] [Sailor Arzu] ...she's right over here
[18:08] > ~Man (coat) walks in behind Arzu
[18:08] > ~Woman (dress) follows him hesitantly
[18:08] [~Man (coat)] Where?
[18:09] > Sailor Arzu turns to face them...her eyes turning white
[18:09] [Sailor Arzu] ..here...
[18:09] > ~Man (coat) steps back about to run
[18:09] > Sailor Arzu pulls out her knife....and slams it into the man...
[18:09] > Arru (gown) steps in the way of the alley entrence
[18:09] [~Man (coat)] AHHHHhh~
[18:10] [Sailor Arzu] hehehehehe
[18:10] > ~Woman (dress) looks in horror at what she just saw
[18:10] > Sailor Arzu this time creates a white hot energy...which burns into the man's body
[18:10] [~Woman (dress)] ...someone....he..
[18:10] > Arru (gown) slices the woman's neck clean off
[18:10] [Arru (gown)] ...bad little girl, trying to get us caught..
[18:11] > Arru (gown) holds out her hand and two dark orbs float from where the bodies laid/lay to her hand
[18:11] > Sailor Arzu smiles, wiping off the knife
[18:11] [Arru (gown)] these are good
[18:12] > Arru (gown) looks at the orbs
[18:12] [Arru (gown)] yes very good
[18:12] > Arru (gown) grabs Arzu forcefuly and kisses her hard
[18:14] [Sailor Arzu] mmmm!
[18:15] [Arru (gown)] God I've missed you..
[18:16] [Sailor Arzu] me toooo
[18:17] > Arru (gown) pins Arzu to the wall with her body.
[18:17] [Arru (gown)] it's been a while since we've done something like this, how about we enjoy it?
[18:19] [Sailor Arzu] yes...lets!
[18:19] <-- Arru (gown) [Shadowdemon@hellsgates.com] has left #reddwarfevents (eheheh ♡♡)
[18:20] <-- Sailor Arzu has left #reddwarfevents (hehehe)
[21:34] [Oppiz Bus] In the underground city of Oranbega, a battered black figure lies motionless in a hollowed out crystal, waves of energy flowing over him.
[21:34] --> Oppiz Bus [BurntIce@Oranbega.net] has joined #reddwarfevents
[21:34] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! Oppiz Bus detected!
[21:35] [Arru (robe)] /joion
[21:35] --> Arru (robe) [Shadowdemon@hellsgates.com] has joined #reddwarfevents
[21:35] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! Arru (robe) detected!
[21:35] > Arru (robe) grumbles at typo demons and bats them away
[21:36] > Arru (robe) walks up to the crystal
[21:37] > Oppiz Bus appears to be asleep.
[21:39] > Arru (robe) frowns touching the crystal's surface.
[21:40] > Arru (robe) closes her eyes and lets energy flow from to the crystal
[21:41] > Oppiz Bus slowly opens his eyes.
[21:41] [Arru (robe)] *from her to the crystal
[21:42] [Oppiz Bus] Arru?
[21:42] [Arru (robe)] Yes Oppiz?
[21:43] [Oppiz Bus] You still stand beside me?
[21:44] > Arru (robe) turns her head away.
[21:45] [Arru (robe)] well of course...you do have that collar on...you are still mine
[21:45] > Oppiz Bus grunts.
[21:45] > Oppiz Bus grins, just a little.
[21:45] [Oppiz Bus] Get me walking...fighting... help me get revenge.. I'll be yours, forever..
[21:46] > Arru (robe) feels odd her face heating up once more.
[21:46] [Arru (robe)] uuh..yeah of course stupid ^__^ I want to kill them too
[21:48] > Oppiz Bus grunts, pants, and sighs.
[21:49] [Oppiz Bus] I feel.. a little better... but I cannot move..
[21:49] [Arru (robe)] you better be able to move soon....a toy that's broken is hard to 'play' with
[21:49] > Arru (robe) giggles
[21:50] > Oppiz Bus 's expression sours a little.
[21:51] > Arru (robe) I mean...
[21:51] [Arru (robe)] I mean...
[21:52] [Oppiz Bus] I'll show you broken... when I get out of this damn thing.
[21:52] > Arru (robe) frowns stepping back
[21:53] [Arru (robe)] It was just a joke Oppiz...
[21:55] [Oppiz Bus] Think its funny? Funny that they've broken me?
[21:55] [Arru (robe)] Of course not! I want them to pay! I want to burn their skin off piece by piece, inch by inch, while the others watch!
[21:56] > Arru (robe) slams her fist on the top of the crystal
[21:56] > Oppiz Bus smiles at that, and relaxes a little.
[21:57] [Arru (robe)] For doing this to you all of them will die.
[21:58] [Oppiz Bus] Death... too easy.. slow death.. torture..
[21:58] [Arru (robe)] I love torture..
[21:58] > Arru (robe) giggles
[22:00] > Arru (robe) puts a hand on the crystal again and feeds it energy
[22:01] > Oppiz Bus grunts and struggles.
[22:02] [Arru (robe)] Relax dear, your not going to get well overnight even if I go and destroy a city or two to gather soul energy
[22:02] [Oppiz Bus] Oh, is that why I felt refreshed?
[22:03] [Arru (robe)] Just a bit ~_^ Arzu and I had a bit of fun topside
[22:04] [Oppiz Bus] I trust my associates have been hospitible?
[22:04] [Arru (robe)] Besides the occasional being hit on yes ^_~
[22:04] > Arru (robe) sets mode +love
[22:04] [Arru (robe)] Which I don't mind of course *giggle giggle*
[22:05] > Arru (robe) sits on the crystal towrds his feet.
[22:06] [Arru (robe)] So what's it like in there?
[22:10] [Oppiz Bus] Boring..
[22:10] [Arru (robe)] :(
[22:13] [Arru (robe)] I could join you in there but i'd probably hurt you and not in a good way and be all cramped
[22:13] [Oppiz Bus] Cramped... and I best not move my neck more then I need to.
[22:14] > Arru (robe) frowns looking ahead something on her mind
[22:14] [Arru (robe)] Yeah.. if you were anybody else you'd probably would have passed my gates a long time ago
[22:20] [Arru (robe)] And if you were anybody else, besides Arzu, I probably would have left you back in the chaos. I still do not understand myself with that.
[22:20] > Arru (robe) frowns thinking.
[22:23] [Oppiz Bus] Perhaps I should thank you..
[22:24] [Arru (robe)] The great Oppiz thanking someone?
[22:25] > Arru (robe) giggles a little.
[22:25] [Arru (robe)] I'd check your temperature but it would hurt you to much ~_^
[22:25] [Oppiz Bus] Its not unheard of.. Even the mightest evils need outside help..
[22:26] [Arru (robe)] True I guess. Hell isn't run by just one person after all...
[22:26] [Oppiz Bus] This body doesnt get fevers anyway..
[22:27] [Arru (robe)] That I didn't know
[22:27] [Oppiz Bus] Immune to hot and cold.. masterful control of them..
[22:28] [Arru (robe)] Oooh I guess that does make sense
[22:28] [Arru (robe)] All I can control is hell's flame. It burns you and your soul ~_^
[22:28] [Arru (robe)] For fire wise
[22:30] > Arru (robe) watches him in the crystal
[22:33] [Arru (robe)] Did it surprise you to see me when you awoke?
[22:33] [Oppiz Bus] Only a little.
[22:34] [Arru (robe)] At least you can talk a bit more fluently now
[22:35] [Arru (robe)] Do you get many visitors in here?
[22:36] [Oppiz Bus] Only the healers.
[22:37] [Arru (robe)] :(
[22:37] [Arru (robe)] I'll have to go torture some visitors for you ~_^
[22:38] [Oppiz Bus] We arent much for sentiment around here.. tho the succubi can be enertaining.
[22:39] [Arru (robe)] Ooo I might have to go seduce one of them
[22:40] [Oppiz Bus] Up to you.. Its not really hard.
[22:40] [Arru (robe)] Yeah, they're succubi. It would mean at least a little fun time
[22:41] [Arru (robe)] Do you mind me in here then since you all seem to like being alone?
[22:42] [Oppiz Bus] As long as you bare my child, you will be welcome in this place.
[22:42] [Arru (robe)] and when the child is born..?
[22:43] > Arru (robe) begins to scratch something in the top of the crystal lightly
[22:43] [Oppiz Bus] As long as it as at your side.. maybe, maybe after then, if Idecide I like you.
[22:44] [Arru (robe)] You better decide that
[22:45] [Arru (robe)] because who knows..
[22:45] [Oppiz Bus] I have time..
[22:46] [Arru (robe)] That you do, at least a months worth of time to think about it
[22:46] > Arru (robe) finishes scratching something in the crystal
[22:46] [Oppiz Bus] What, gonna spear it with a hanger?
[22:48] [Arru (robe)] No, this child will work well in destroying my other half and possibly yours ♡♡
[22:49] [Arru (robe)] But I won't stand for being second best to a twirp of my own offspring
[22:50] [Arru (robe)] You treat me like s[BLEEP]t and I'll just raise the kid with Anzu by myself much like I'm sure Shana will do with hers.
[22:50] > Arru (robe) giggles a little after that.
[22:51] > Oppiz Bus laughs a little to himself.
[22:51] [Oppiz Bus] If you intend to take it away from me, you better kill me now, but I have no such intentions.
[22:52] [Arru (robe)] Dear if I was going to kill you I would have done it a few days ago and not delivered you to your people to heal you
[22:52] [Arru (robe)] And be sitting here talking with you
[22:53] [Arru (robe)] You're mine after all ♡♡~
[22:53] > Arru (robe) notes she scratched the words 'M-I-N-E' backwards so he can read them through the crystal
[22:55] [Arru (robe)] heheh
[22:56] [Arru (robe)] Anyway my dear Oppiz heal up and fast so we can kill them together
[22:57] [Arru (robe)] I seem to be having a bit of sickness at the moment...ooh bother..
[22:57] > Arru (robe) leans over and kisses the crystal playfully above his face.
[22:57] [Arru (robe)] ~_^ don't run off now, you here?
[22:59] > Arru (robe) quickly and gently kisses him on the cheek then since it is open ~_^
[23:00] [Arru (robe)] Goodnight ♡~
[23:01] <-- Arru (robe) [Shadowdemon@hellsgates.com] has left #reddwarfevents (Oooh Anzu dear~)
[23:01] [Oppiz Bus] Goodnight..
[23:01] <-- Oppiz Bus [BurntIce@Oranbega.net] has left #reddwarfevents (Ungg...)
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Dec 09 2008 <<<
[20:49] --> Teen Alala (dress) [priestess@sun.net] has joined #reddwarfevents
[20:49] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Teen Alala (dress)
[20:50] --> Leo (Future) [highpriest@sun.net] has joined #reddwarfevents
[20:50] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Leo (Future)
[20:51] > Teen Alala (dress) looks around the ship covering her nose
[20:52] [Teen Alala (dress)] ..still smells like blood a bit..
[20:52] [Leo (Future)] yeah....you're right
[20:53] [Teen Alala (dress)] ...do you think they found the room even with that enchantment
[20:53] [Leo (Future)] I hope not....
[20:53] > Teen Alala (dress) blinks at the door.
[20:55] > Teen Alala (dress) opens the door to find everything still were they left it
[20:55] [Teen Alala (dress)] ..probably the only place on this ship they didn't destroy...
[20:56] [Leo (Future)] luckly
[20:56] > Teen Alala (dress) smiles entering the room.
[20:57] > Teen Alala (dress) sits carefully on the couch wiggling happily
[20:58] > Leo (Future) smiles and sits next to alala "feel good?"
[20:59] [Teen Alala (dress)] The place we rented last week was nice and had a backyard but this place feels like home to me.
[20:59] [Teen Alala (dress)] nya~
[21:00] > Teen Alala (dress) wiggles like a happy kitty
[21:01] > Leo (Future) gives alala a kiss
[21:01] [Leo (Future)] I'm happy to see you so well....
[21:01] > Teen Alala (dress) nods returning the kiss
[21:03] [Leo (Future)] how does it feel...being married now
[21:04] [Teen Alala (dress)] ...it feels nice...
[21:05] > Teen Alala (dress) touches the side of her husband's face giggling.
[21:05] [Leo (Future)] yes....I agree
[21:05] > Leo (Future) smiles and strokes alala's cheek
[21:06] [Teen Alala (dress)] How does it feel to be married to a pregnant neko girl nya~?
[21:07] [Leo (Future)] oh perfectly happy ^^
[21:09] [Teen Alala (dress)] Now I won't have to worry about Nate..er.. pops running after you with a shot gun ^^
[21:10] [Leo (Future)] heh true.......we're together
[21:11] [Teen Alala (dress)] We were always together, it was weither or not I had a ring on my finger nya~
[21:11] [Leo (Future)] quite true *kisses alala's hand*
[21:14] [Teen Alala (dress)] nya~
[21:14] [Teen Alala (dress)] I wonder how Marty and Pops are doing nya~
[21:15] [Leo (Future)] we haven't talked to them in awhile..
[21:17] [Leo (Future)] shall I get you something to eat?
[21:22] [Teen Alala (dress)] Yeah cheese sandwhich
[21:22] > Leo (Future) nods and heads into the kitchen area
[21:26] > Teen Alala (dress) wiggles her toes
[21:29] [Teen Alala (dress)] It's weird *looks at her ring*
[21:30] [Leo (Future)] hmm?
[21:31] [Teen Alala (dress)] being married
[21:31] [Leo (Future)] ..do you dislike it?
[21:33] [Teen Alala (dress)] no not at all
[21:34] [Leo (Future)] what do you find weird about it?
[21:39] > Leo (Future) comes in with a cheese sandwich and some milk
[21:39] [Teen Alala (dress)] aww thankies :3
[21:40] [Leo (Future)] my pleasure ^^
[21:41] > Teen Alala (dress) inhales the food
[21:42] [Leo (Future)] ...heh....hungry
[21:50] [Teen Alala (dress)] yes very
[21:50] > Teen Alala (dress) rubs her stomach
[21:51] [Leo (Future)] heh....any problems?
[21:52] [Teen Alala (dress)] Just getting a little nervous
[21:53] [Leo (Future)] oh? why is that?
[21:56] > Leo (Future) sits next to alala
[21:59] [Teen Alala (dress)] They'll be here sooner then I'd like :3
[22:00] [Leo (Future)] heh...
[22:00] > Leo (Future) kisses "think we'll be ready?"
[22:01] [Teen Alala (dress)] ~_~ I don't know nya~
[22:02] [Leo (Future)] we will try our best...
[22:05] [Teen Alala (dress)] what if it's not enough
[22:06] [Leo (Future)] ...then we will have to make it enough somehow
[22:07] [Leo (Future)] ...we have to
[22:10] > Leo (Future) strokes alala's cheek
[22:12] [Leo (Future)] ^_^
[22:13] > Teen Alala (dress) blushes snuggling against Leo
[22:14] > Leo (Future) holds alala close "..it's good to be back"
[22:17] [Teen Alala (dress)] yes it is ^_^
[22:18] [Leo (Future)] I feel like a new man
[22:19] [Teen Alala (dress)] why nya~?
[22:19] [Leo (Future)] ...having a miss leo next to me
[22:21] > Teen Alala (dress) blushes
[22:23] [Leo (Future)] it's...uplifting
[22:23] [Teen Alala (dress)] heh nya~
[22:24] [Leo (Future)] what??
[22:24] [Teen Alala (dress)] nothing *
[22:24] > Teen Alala (dress) snuggle snuggles!
[22:25] > Leo (Future) smiles and nuzzles alala
[22:27] [Leo (Future)] you seem quite happy now..
[22:32] [Teen Alala (dress)] Yes...VERY happy
[22:34] [Leo (Future)] heh...I love seeing you happy
[22:35] [Teen Alala (dress)] >:3 VEEERRY HAPPY
[22:37] [Leo (Future)] heh.....well.....that's a good sign
[22:42] [Leo (Future)] you were so upset for a long time
[22:45] > Teen Alala (dress) climbs on Leo's lap.
[22:45] [Teen Alala (dress)] Yeah...well I still am worried....but it doesn't change right now how VERY HAPPY I am
[22:46] [Teen Alala (dress)] >:3
[22:47] [Leo (Future)] hehe
[22:50] > Teen Alala (dress) gets up and heads toward the bedroom~
[22:50] [Leo (Future)] alala?
[22:50] <-- Teen Alala (dress) [priestess@sun.net] has left #reddwarfevents (:P figure it out yourself then)
[22:51] <-- Leo (Future) [highpriest@sun.net] has left #reddwarfevents (alala???)
[22:54] ➣ Location: The guest bedroom at Candy's house, which is starting to look empty
[22:55] --> ~Vandadine (wrestling gear) has joined #reddwarfevents
[22:55] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, ~Vandadine (wrestling gear)
[22:55] > +Vanadine (wrestling gear) drops her belt on the bed and punches the wall in anger
[22:58] [+Vanadine (wrestling gear)] I swear, I don't know why I even try!
[23:00] > +Vanadine takes off the two pieces that comprise her wrestling outfit, walking around the room in a black sports bra and matching panties
[23:01] ➣ The doorbell rings.
[23:03] [+Vanadine] What?
[23:03] [@Nate Detroit] Can I come in?
[23:03] [+Vanadine (Undies)] If ya' want...
[23:04] > +Vanadine (Undies) sits on the bed looking a bit annoyed still
[23:05] > @Nate Detroit lets himself in.
[23:05] [@Nate Detroit] Hi..
[23:06] [+Vanadine (Undies)] Oh.... so you notice me now, eh?
[23:06] [@Nate Detroit] Vana... please hear me out, ok?
[23:07] > +Vanadine (Undies) turns away from him and croses her arms: Whatever..... say what you gotta' say.
[23:09] [@Nate Detroit] I honestly don't know what happened.. it happened before, and it scares me. Its like, when she dances, I black out. Its not something I choose to do, and is scares me..
[23:10] [@Nate Detroit] Shes a nice girl, I like her as a friend, but I LOVE you..
[23:10] > @Nate Detroit sighs.
[23:10] > +Vanadine (Undies) looks down a bit
[23:11] [@Nate Detroit] Alright.. Ill go.. just please don't stay mad forever..
[23:11] [+Vanadine (Undies)] No wait....
[23:11] > +Vanadine (Undies) turns around and looks up at Nate
[23:12] [@Nate Detroit] Mm?
[23:12] [+Vanadine (Undies)] It just seemed like I walked in tonight and noone cared..... you were in your trance, candy was trying so hard to get your atention she barely noticed me.... then Matsy came in with her daze....
[23:13] [@Nate Detroit] Need some attention, Mistress? ^_^
[23:13] [+Vanadine (Undies)] ... it just... it irritated me
[23:13] > @Nate Detroit bows.
[23:14] [+Vanadine (Undies)] I'm just tired and achy
[23:14] [+Vanadine (Undies)] throwing other girls around for three days and in turn also getting thrown around by the same girls is kinda' stressful on a body
[23:15] [@Nate Detroit] I bet. Youre made of tougher stuff than me.
[23:17] [+Vanadine (Undies)] maybe, but it's tough on me
[23:18] > +Vanadine (Undies) lays out on the bed, face down
[23:18] > @Nate Detroit walks over to Vana, kneels over her, and begins to rub her back.
[23:20] [+Vanadine (Undies)] Mmmm... what do you think you're doin'?
[23:20] [@Nate Detroit] Making you feel better.
[23:21] [+Vanadine (Undies)] Well then..... your mistress says to keep goin'
[23:23] > @Nate Detroit rubs her shoulders, down her spine, her arms...
[23:23] [+Vanadine (Undies)] Mmmmm..... that feels good
[23:25] [+Vanadine (Undies)] We're almost done with the move...... as I'm sure you could tell.
[23:28] ➣ Down the hallway..
[23:28] --> Candy (nightgown) [sunangel@sun.net] has joined #reddwarfevents
[23:28] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Candy (nightgown)
[23:28] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Candy (nightgown)
[23:28] > @Nate Detroit kisses Vana's neck, digging his fingers into her sides.
[23:28] --> Matsumi Kaze (nightie) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com ] has joined #reddwarfevents
[23:28] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze (nightie)
[23:28] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze (nightie)
[23:28] > +Vanadine (Undies) giggles a bit
[23:28] [+Candy (nightgown)] Here let me help you get to your room
[23:29] [+Vanadine (Undies)] That tickles a little
[23:29] [@Nate Detroit] You hear something?
[23:29] > +Candy (nightgown) wraps an arm around Matsy's waist.
[23:29] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] yeah..thank you....I feel exausted..
[23:29] [+Vanadine (Undies)] Hmmm...?
[23:29] > +Candy (nightgown) walks down the hallway
[23:30] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) follows candy
[23:30] > +Candy (nightgown) opens the door to the room..
[23:30] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] ................
[23:31] > @Nate Detroit JUMPS! O_O
[23:31] [+Candy (nightgown)] O_O
[23:31] [@Nate Detroit] Oh.. heh.. hi. ^_^;
[23:31] > +Candy (nightgown) turns bright red covering her face.
[23:31] [@Nate Detroit] I.. I I.. was just rubbing her back! Really!
[23:31] [+Candy (nightgown)] andhereisyourroomithinkillgonow...
[23:31] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] ............
[23:32] > +Vanadine (Undies) looks up: OH, hey girls...
[23:32] [+Vanadine (Undies)] Don't go...
[23:32] > +Candy (nightgown) turns quickly to get the hell out of there @_@
[23:32] [@Nate Detroit] Candy..
[23:32] [+Vanadine (Undies)] ... Candy wait!?
[23:32] [@Nate Detroit] Its alright. ^^ Stay. Wanna help?
[23:33] > +Candy (nightgown) stops.
[23:33] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) nearly falls over without candy's support @_@
[23:33] [+Vanadine (Undies)] Yeah, come on in... it's ok
[23:33] > +Candy (nightgown) catches her again
[23:33] [+Vanadine (Undies)] And bring Matsy over here, she looks exhausted
[23:33] > +Candy (nightgown) walks over toward the bed with Matsumi and helps her on it
[23:34] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] thanks
[23:34] [+Candy (nightgown)] yeah..no problem...
[23:35] > @Nate Detroit kisses Vana between the shoulderblades and gets off her.
[23:36] [+Candy (nightgown)] no...it's alright...do what you want...
[23:36] [+Candy (nightgown)] Don't worry about me..
[23:37] > +Vanadine (Undies) turns and looks at Candy and Matsumi
[23:37] [@Nate Detroit] Has something got you down, candy girl?
[23:39] [+Vanadine (Undies)] Hey girls, I gotta' appologize to you girls. I was bein' moody earlier.
[23:40] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) nods
[23:40] [+Candy (nightgown)] It's alright Vana.
[23:40] [+Candy (nightgown)] I wasn't very talkutive myself
[23:41] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] ....I was bearly awake
[23:42] [+Vanadine (Undies)] Hey Nate....
[23:42] [@Nate Detroit] Mmm?
[23:42] [+Vanadine (Undies)] ..... I think Candy girl could use some attention too
[23:42] [+Vanadine (Undies)] Concider it.... an order from the Mistress. ^_~
[23:43] [+Candy (nightgown)] ..m..mistress....?
[23:43] [@Nate Detroit] You think so? Heh, yes, Mistress. Candy, coem here, please.
[23:43] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) just lays on the bed...
[23:43] > +Vanadine (Undies) grins at Candy: It's a special dynamic to Nate and I's relationship. He lets me order him around.
[23:44] [+Candy (nightgown)] Oooh *turns red*
[23:44] > @Nate Detroit pats the bed next to him, and looks at Candy with a smile.
[23:44] > +Vanadine (Undies) hugs Matsumi and kisses her temple while watching Candy and Nate
[23:44] > +Candy (nightgown) nervously walks over toward Nate and sits down.
[23:45] > @Nate Detroit sits behind Candy, and rubs her shoulders.
[23:45] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) just smiles a bit
[23:45] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] ..sorry about tonight...work....was hell
[23:46] [+Candy (nightgown)] mm that feels nice Nate ^^
[23:47] > @Nate Detroit tucks his hands ever-so-slightly in the neck of Candy's nightgown to get her shoulders.
[23:48] [@Nate Detroit] I don't really know what Im doing, but Im told Im good. Anywhere feeling tence to you?
[23:49] [+Candy (nightgown)] my lower back..since a few days ago they had me wearing these giant black wings for a photoshoot...it hurt like hell ><
[23:49] [+Vanadine (Undies)] It's alright Sweety, I know how it gets
[23:49] [+Candy (nightgown)] Heh lucky Vana, gets these backrubs all the time ^^
[23:49] [@Nate Detroit] Lay down. If.. um.. your comfortable with it, you might wanna take off the gown. ^^
[23:50] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] ..least my room is back in once piece....and amazing looking..
[23:51] [+Candy (nightgown)] um...
[23:51] > +Candy (nightgown) looks at the girls and then at nate
[23:52] [+Vanadine (Undies)] Go ahead Cutie
[23:52] [+Candy (nightgown)] ..o..ok..
[23:52] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) is just laying on the bed....pretty much staying still
[23:52] [@Nate Detroit] Only if you want, but it really is better.
[23:53] > +Candy (nightgown) pulls her gown up over her head revealing a matching set of bra and underwear.
[23:53] > +Candy (undies) lays down on the bed
[23:54] > @Nate Detroit gently rubs her back, begining where wings would likely be.
[23:55] > +Vanadine (Undies) hugs Matsumi while watching Nate and Candy
[23:55] [+Vanadine (Undies)] isn't that cute?
[23:55] [+Candy (undies)] mmhmm
[23:55] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] yeah....it is.
[23:55] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] heh..
[23:56] [+Vanadine (Undies)] Feels good, doesn't it Cutie?
[23:56] > @Nate Detroit rubs along her spine, and out to soft spots in her back.
[23:56] > +Candy (undies) has her eyes closed enjoying the backrub. "yes it does."
[23:57] > @Nate Detroit leans over, still rubbing Candy's back, and kisses her neck.
[23:58] [+Candy (undies)] nice~
[23:58] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) looks a bit at the ceiling
[23:59] [+Vanadine (Undies)] See... that's what I got just before you girls walked in
[23:59] > +Candy (undies) is in happy blissful land~
[00:00] >>> Wednesday Dec 10 2008 <<<
[00:00] > @Nate Detroit rubs Candy's arms, and continues to plant kisses on Candy's neck.
[00:00] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) nods
[00:01] [@Nate Detroit] They call her Candy because her skin is so sweet..
[00:01] > +Candy (undies) blushes giggling.
[00:01] > +Vanadine (Undies) giggles
[00:02] [+Vanadine (Undies)] Hey Nate... don't forget the low end ^_~
[00:03] > @Nate Detroit slides his hands down, rubbing her lower back, then her thighs.
[00:03] [+Candy (undies)] Row must have it good
[00:04] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) tries to reach out to grab one of the blankets
[00:04] [@Nate Detroit] I like to think so.. but I take good care of all the girls who will have me.
[00:05] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] ugh..my arms
[00:05] [+Vanadine (Undies)] That's my cue
[00:05] > @Nate Detroit rubs Candy's feet.
[00:06] [@Nate Detroit] Oopsie.. I left a bite mark..
[00:06] > +Vanadine (Undies) rubs Matsumi's arms
[00:06] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] thankies..heh
[00:06] [+Candy (undies)] heh really?
[00:07] > +Candy (undies) wiggles her toes
[00:08] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] it's almost like my entire body is numb
[00:08] > @Nate Detroit rubs her feet, up to her ankles, her legs...
[00:09] [+Candy (undies)] No wonder Vana and Matsumi love you so much heh
[00:09] [@Nate Detroit] Heh.. you flatter me. ^^
[00:09] > +Vanadine (Undies) grins at Matsumi: I'll take care of that
[00:10] > +Vanadine (Undies) starts rubbing Matsumi's arms and shoulders in responce
[00:10] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] heh
[00:10] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) relaxes a bit and smiles
[00:11] > @Nate Detroit rubs Candy's hips, thighs, up to her butt.
[00:11] [+Candy (undies)] mmhmm nice nice
[00:12] [@Nate Detroit] Mmm? Oh, Im sorry, I should have asked..
[00:12] > +Vanadine (Undies) grins over at Nate and Candy
[00:12] > +Candy (undies) blushes realizing what he just did. "..oh..it's ok..."
[00:13] > @Nate Detroit hesitates, then just keeps on going.
[00:13] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) tries to turn a bit in the bed..with difficulty
[00:13] > +Vanadine (Undies) giggles then reconcentrates on Matsumi
[00:14] [@Nate Detroit] Vana loves this.. Matsumi does, but wont admit it.
[00:14] [+Candy (undies)] Heh..I can see why both of them love it so much
[00:15] [+Candy (undies)] And matsumi probably does that to make you want to prove it more :P
[00:16] > +Candy (undies) sinks back into blissful happyland that is candyland
[00:16] > @Nate Detroit tickes Candy's sides gently.
[00:17] > +Candy (undies) giggles squirming a bit
[00:17] > +Vanadine (Undies) grins, hugging and kissing matsumi while massaging her
[00:18] > @Nate Detroit rubs Candy's back, and plants kisses up her spine.
[00:18] [+Candy (undies)] mmhmm
[00:19] > @Nate Detroit continues to kiss up her neck, over to her cheek...
[00:20] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) tries to hold onto vana.....but is having a hard time
[00:20] [+Vanadine (Undies)] Matsy, why don't you go ahead and sleep? You look like you need some rest.
[00:20] > +Candy (undies) in the moment turns her head just slightly capturing his lips.
[00:21] > @Nate Detroit gives Candy a slow, long, soft kiss.
[00:22] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] ....should I?
[00:22] > +Candy (undies) returns the kiss just as soft.
[00:24] [+Vanadine (Undies)] Mmhmm.... I think I will two.... those two can take care of each other.
[00:24] > +Candy (undies) pulls away slowly her eyes opening
[00:24] [+Vanadine (Undies)] ^too
[00:24] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) nods slowly
[00:24] > @Nate Detroit does likewise, looking at Candy, slightly unsure.
[00:25] [+Vanadine (Undies)] Cutie, you ok?
[00:25] > @Nate Detroit smiles at her, and runs a hand through her hair.
[00:25] > +Candy (undies) realizes what just happened..
[00:25] [+Candy (undies)] ...I...uh...
[00:26] [@Nate Detroit] Hows your back? ^_^
[00:26] [+Candy (undies)] ...It's better....thank you..
[00:27] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) lays back on the bed
[00:27] [@Nate Detroit] You ok?
[00:27] > +Candy (undies) sits up and grabs for her nightgown.
[00:28] [+Candy (undies)] ..I..I'll be fine....don't worry about it ^^
[00:28] [@Nate Detroit] I.. uhh.. Anything else, Mistress? ^^;
[00:28] > +Candy (undies) slips it quickly over her head.
[00:28] > @Nate Detroit looks back to Vana.
[00:28] > +Vanadine (Undies) smirks at Nate, but yawns
[00:28] [+Vanadine (Undies)] No Nate, dear. I think we're done for tonight.
[00:28] [+Candy (nightgown)] yeah...I should..should probably go..
[00:29] [@Nate Detroit] Very well. I should get back to Rowe.
[00:29] > +Candy (nightgown) tries to get up off the bed but ends up face first on the floor.
[00:29] [+Candy (nightgown)] @_@
[00:29] [@Nate Detroit] Candy!
[00:29] [+Vanadine (Undies)] Cutie!?
[00:29] > @Nate Detroit hops off and puts his hands on her.
[00:29] [@Nate Detroit] You alright?
[00:30] > +Candy (nightgown) jumps a little.
[00:30] [+Candy (nightgown)] y..yeah...
[00:30] > @Nate Detroit helps her up.
[00:30] [@Nate Detroit] You gotta be careful..
[00:30] > +Candy (nightgown) can't seem to look him in the eye.
[00:30] [+Candy (nightgown)] ..yeah...those blankets...
[00:31] [+Vanadine (Undies)] Hey Nate, why don't head back up to the ship and say hi to Kitty-chan for us
[00:31] [+Vanadine (Undies)] Cutie, hold on for a sec
[00:31] [@Nate Detroit] Ye.. yeah.. Goodnight ladies. Ill be seeing you..
[00:31] [+Candy (nightgown)] Goodnight..
[00:31] > @Nate Detroit heads for the door, giving Candy a backwards glance before leaving.
[00:32] <-- @Nate Detroit [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has left #reddwarfevents (...)
[00:32] > +Vanadine (Undies) sits up a bit, looking at Candy: What happened there?
[00:33] > +Candy (nightgown) shifts nervously.
[00:33] [+Candy (nightgown)] ...I..I don't know..
[00:34] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) just listens
[00:35] > +Candy (nightgown) touches her lips the feeling still lingering there...
[00:37] [+Vanadine (Undies)] Look, Candy....
[00:37] [+Vanadine (Undies)] Remember a while back you talkin' about wanting to share in all the parts of Matsy and I's relationship?
[00:37] > +Candy (nightgown) nods sitting back on the bed.
[00:40] [+Vanadine (Undies)] Well... that kind of contact with Nate is part of it....
[00:41] [+Candy (nightgown)] ooh..
[00:41] [+Candy (nightgown)] I k.know you guys have a special relationship...
[00:42] [+Vanadine (Undies)] Yeah...... well he just gave you a small sample of that
[00:43] [+Vanadine (Undies)] Now, we don't wanna' make you do anything you don't want to do....
[00:43] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) listens
[00:44] [+Candy (nightgown)] ..I know...
[00:45] [+Candy (nightgown)] ..It...I mean...the kiss...it was....kind of nice....
[00:45] > +Candy (nightgown) is looking kind of worried.
[00:47] [+Candy (nightgown)] ...I was just is shock...I never dreamed...
[00:49] > +Vanadine (Undies) suddenly grabs Candy and kisses her
[00:50] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] heh
[00:50] > +Candy (nightgown) is kissed by vana and quickly returns the kiss.
[00:52] [+Candy (nightgown)] mmhmm
[00:53] > +Vanadine (Undies) breaks the kiss and lets Candy go with a grin
[00:54] [+Candy (nightgown)] So I take it I'm not leaving the room then :P
[00:55] [+Vanadine (Undies)] If ya' don't want to
[00:55] > +Candy (nightgown) crawls toward them.
[00:56] [+Candy (nightgown)] Heh I don't mind it at all! Vash and Hideki can share the bed in my room tonight.
[00:56] [+Vanadine (Undies)] The boys might think that's a little weird.... but oh well.
[00:56] [+Vanadine (Undies)] I like having my cutie in bed with me and my matsy
[00:57] [+Candy (nightgown)] heh~
[00:57] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] heh..wish I could move
[00:57] [+Candy (nightgown)] it's alright matsy *leans over and kisses her*
[00:58] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) smiles and returns the kiss
[00:58] > +Vanadine (Undies) reaches up and turns out the lights
[00:59] <-- +Vanadine (Undies) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #reddwarfevents (Time for our beauty sleep before we finish moving)
[00:59] <-- +Candy (nightgown) [sunangel@sun.net] has left #reddwarfevents (yeah soon we'll be in our new house yay~)
[01:00] <-- +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com ] has left #reddwarfevents (*just plain falls asleep*)
[12:40] ➣ meanwhile..in matsumi's quarters
[12:40] --> Matsumi Kaze (Teacher) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com ] has joined #reddwarfevents
[12:40] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)
[12:40] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)
[12:40] > +Matsumi Kaze (Teacher) sits on her bed and starts to quietly eat her lunch
[12:42] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] ..wonder why I came in here
[12:50] > +Matsumi Kaze (Teacher) finishes her lunch and lays on the bed
[12:52] > +Matsumi Kaze (Teacher) finally realizes how ornate her quarters are now
[12:54] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] hmmm
[12:55] ➣ There is a knock at the door
[12:55] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] come in
[12:55] --> Candy (gothic angel) [sunangel@sun.net] has joined #reddwarfevents
[12:55] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Candy (gothic angel)
[12:55] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Candy (gothic angel)
[12:55] --> Kaede Sasaki (Undies) has joined #reddwarfevents
[12:55] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Kaede Sasaki (Undies)
[12:55] > +Candy (gothic angel) walks carefully in.
[12:55] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] oh hey
[12:55] [+Candy (gothic angel)] hhhiii sensei
[12:55] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] heh hi there
[12:56] > Kaede Sasaki (Undies) follows Candy, keeping a bit of distance so she doesn't damage her wings
[12:56] > +Matsumi Kaze (Teacher) sits up a bit, adjusting her glasses
[12:56] [Kaede Sasaki (Undies)] Hi Oneesan
[12:56] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] ...what's with the outfit, kaede/
[12:57] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] ^?
[12:59] > Kaede Sasaki (Undies) blushes | The uh... bad guys thrashed all my clothes except my underwear... and the replicators arn't working yet
[12:59] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] ooooh
[12:59] [+Candy (gothic angel)] ...awww Kaede! I should take you shopping!
[12:59] > +Candy (gothic angel) looks deterimaned
[13:00] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] so what brings you two in here?
[13:00] [+Candy (gothic angel)] To see what matsy is doing!
[13:00] [Kaede Sasaki (Undies)] Yeah, wanted to see why you popped in and out so quick while Candy and I were chatting
[13:01] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] well you two were having a girl-girl chat..didn't want to come in the middle of it and distract you
[13:01] > Kaede Sasaki (Undies) looks at Candy | That's sweet of you... but I can't go out in just my underwear. :P
[13:01] [+Candy (gothic angel)] Matsumi give me your clothes >:P
[13:02] [Kaede Sasaki (Undies)] Candy! XD Oneesan's clothes are way too big for me
[13:02] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] are you saying I'm fat!?
[13:02] [+Candy (gothic angel)] Well Kaede big clothes is still clothes till we can get you some of your own
[13:02] [Kaede Sasaki (Undies)] No!
[13:03] > +Candy (gothic angel) pokes Matsumi's boob.
[13:03] [Kaede Sasaki (Undies)] Just that you're taller then me
[13:03] [+Candy (gothic angel)] She's saying your well endowed
[13:03] [Kaede Sasaki (Undies)] and your chest is bigger then mine
[13:03] [+Candy (gothic angel)] XP
[13:03] [+Candy (gothic angel)] I want to help Kaede! As a member of the Nclub I must!
[13:04] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] don't poke :P
[13:04] [Kaede Sasaki (Undies)] I could be like Tabatha and run around in an extra long t-shirt
[13:04] [+Candy (gothic angel)] fine all of you I will buy clothes for >:P
[13:05] [+Candy (gothic angel)] At least a few sets until the ship is up and running
[13:05] [Kaede Sasaki (Undies)] no no no, silly. i was saying i could go out like that
[13:06] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] hmm...mind if I test something?
[13:06] [Kaede Sasaki (Undies)] I need to borrow your bathroom Oneesan.... I wanna' wash some of this grease off....
[13:07] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] alright...and..mind if I see if it's true :P *hands kaede one of her T-shirts*
[13:08] > Kaede Sasaki (Undies) giggles a bit and takes the shirt | I'll be back in a minute
[13:08] > Kaede Sasaki (Undies) is away: In Oneesan's bathroom
[13:08] [+Candy (gothic angel)] do I have any clothes in here Matsy?
[13:08] [+Candy (gothic angel)] I'm done with the shoot and want to change but I have nothing ><
[13:09] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] um...*looks about*..doesn't look like it..but you can borrow some of mine if you want
[13:10] [+Candy (gothic angel)] ok
[13:10] > +Candy (gothic angel) digs around in her dresser.
[13:11] > +Candy (gothic angel) grabs some capres and a tank top
[13:12] [+Candy (gothic angel)] the shirt should fit...it's the pants I'm worried about :P
[13:13] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] what..do you mean by that :P
[13:13] [+Candy (gothic angel)] I'm taller then you :P
[13:13] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] true...
[13:13] [+Candy (gothic angel)] coudl you take the wings off?
[13:13] > +Candy (gothic angel) turns around.
[13:14] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] oh sure *gently removes the wings*
[13:15] > +Candy (gothic angel) moves happily ♡~
[13:15] [+Candy (gothic angel)] ahh my back is going to kill me later >< after Nate went and helped me last night
[13:16] > +Candy (gothic angel) quickly slips off the corset and gown replacing it with the tank top and capres
[13:16] [+Candy (casual)] humm..
[13:17] [+Candy (casual)] I'll wait for Kaede to be done to remove the heavy makeup
[13:17] > +Candy (casual) sits down happily now ^___^
[13:17] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] how do they feel?
[13:17] [+Candy (casual)] the wings? They're heavy. They're not like my own wings
[13:18] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] no no..the pants :P
[13:18] [+Candy (casual)] a little tight at the bottom but better then if I tried some of your pants
[13:20] > +Candy (casual) winks at Matsumi
[13:20] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] :P
[13:21] > +Candy (casual) sits down on her bed and kisses Matsumi.
[13:22] > +Matsumi Kaze (Teacher) returns the kiss
[13:23] [+Candy (casual)] I love you Matsumi
[13:24] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] I love you too candy
[13:26] > +Candy (casual) giggles wiggling happily
[13:26] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] hehe
[13:26] > Kaede Sasaki (Long T-Shirt) is back
[13:26] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] oh hey, kaede...
[13:27] > +Candy (casual) is away: makeup wash off time
[13:27] > Kaede Sasaki (Long T-Shirt) walks out of the bathroom in Matsumi's t-shirt, the shirt almost looks like a skirt on her, going down just above her knee
[13:27] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] oh wow XD
[13:27] [Kaede Sasaki (Long T-Shirt)] I told you :P
[13:27] > +Candy (casual) comes back wiping her face with a towel
[13:27] [+Candy (casual)] hummmm...
[13:28] > +Candy (casual) digs and grabs a belt!
[13:28] [Kaede Sasaki (Long T-Shirt)] Your chest is so much bigger that the shirt looks even longer on me
[13:28] > +Candy (casual) puts it around Kaede's waist
[13:28] [+Candy (casual)] now it's a dress ~_^
[13:28] > +Matsumi Kaze (Teacher) blushes
[13:28] > Kaede Sasaki (Long T-Shirt) giggles and smiles | Thanks Candy :)
[13:29] [+Candy (casual)] heh no problem!
[13:29] > Kaede Sasaki (Long T-Shirt) gets up next to Matsumi
[13:30] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] heh...looks interesting on you
[13:30] > Kaede Sasaki (Long T-Shirt) grins and randomly grabs her chest
[13:31] [Kaede Sasaki (Long T-Shirt)] See, mine don't squish like these :P
[13:32] [+Candy (casual)] heh what about me :P
[13:33] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] O____O
[13:33] [Kaede Sasaki (Long T-Shirt)] You want me to grab yours too Candy? ;P
[13:33] [Kaede Sasaki (Long T-Shirt)] I'll do it!
[13:33] > +Candy (casual) giggles
[13:34] > Kaede Sasaki (Long T-Shirt) smirks and hops off the bed, giving Candy a playfully demented look | Come'ere
[13:35] > +Candy (casual) skips over to Kaede! :P
[13:35] > Kaede Sasaki (Long T-Shirt) blatently palms Candy's chest
[13:35] [+Candy (casual)] Squishy?
[13:36] [Kaede Sasaki (Long T-Shirt)] Yup, just as squishy... not bad ^_~
[13:36] > +Candy (casual) looks down at the hand.
[13:36] [+Candy (casual)] eheheh
[13:36] > +Matsumi Kaze (Teacher) is all red in the face
[13:36] [Kaede Sasaki (Long T-Shirt)] Not like mine.... B's don't squish that way
[13:37] [+Candy (casual)] it tickles a little XD
[13:38] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] um..*cough*..w-well you two...I better get going back to the school
[13:38] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] I...will see you all later hopefully
[13:38] [+Candy (casual)] oooh right *quickly kisses Matsumi again*
[13:38] > +Matsumi Kaze (Teacher) stands and fixes her coat
[13:38] [+Candy (casual)] See you matsy!
[13:39] <-- +Matsumi Kaze (Teacher) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com ] has left #reddwarfevents (bye)
[13:40] [Kaede Sasaki (Long T-Shirt)] I think I embarassed Oneesan when I grabbed her
[13:41] [Kaede Sasaki (Long T-Shirt)] So, you said you were gonna' take me shopping?
[13:41] [+Candy (casual)] well you can appoligize later
[13:41] > +Candy (casual) nods. "We can get some clothes for everyone, a few outfits at least till the computer is fixed."
[13:41] [+Candy (casual)] You know they're sizes right :P
[13:42] [Kaede Sasaki (Long T-Shirt)] No... but I can pull 'em from the computer. We take measurements from everyone in case we need to make clothes en mass
[13:43] > +Candy (casual) nods. "Good idea. With my job I can help out ^^ and like helping out. It's the least I can do when you guys are in need."
[13:44] > +Candy (casual) blushes. "I..I bought Nate some clothes yesterday too..."
[13:44] [Kaede Sasaki (Long T-Shirt)] Hehe
[13:45] [+Candy (casual)] ...why didn't I see it before...:P
[13:45] > Kaede Sasaki (Long T-Shirt) looks at Candy and grins
[13:45] [+Candy (casual)] anyway lets go
[13:45] [+Candy (casual)] :D
[13:45] [Kaede Sasaki (Long T-Shirt)] Ya' know somethin'....
[13:45] [+Candy (casual)] yeah?
[13:45] [Kaede Sasaki (Long T-Shirt)] ... I never thought about it before. But you're really cute when you blush.
[13:46] > +Candy (casual) blushes again. "..ahh...well I blush at the drop of a hat...it bugs me sometimes.
[13:46] > Kaede Sasaki (Long T-Shirt) giggles
[13:46] > Kaede Sasaki (Long T-Shirt) randomly kisses Candy on the cheek before heading out | Let's go!
[13:47] [+Candy (casual)] heh ok ^^
[13:47] > +Candy (casual) rubs her cheek lightly
[13:47] <-- +Candy (casual) [sunangel@sun.net] has left #reddwarfevents (so what do you want for clothes?)
[13:47] <-- Kaede Sasaki (Long T-Shirt) has left #reddwarfevents (This should be fun)
[21:33] ➣ Things are begining to slow down at a familiar arcade after a busy day.
[21:33] --> Nate Detroit [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has joined #reddwarfevents
[21:33] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +o to Nate Detroit
[21:33] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, @Nate Detroit
[21:34] > @Nate Detroit is taking tokens out of machines.
[21:35] --> Candy (casual) [sunangel@sun.net] has joined #reddwarfevents
[21:35] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Candy (casual)
[21:35] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Candy (casual)
[21:35] > +Candy (casual) enters the arcade quietly looking around.
[21:36] [+Candy (casual)] DDR ♡_♡
[21:36] > +Candy (casual) floats over to the giant flashing machine..
[21:36] > @Nate Detroit takes them back behind his counter and looks up to see Candy.
[21:36] > @Nate Detroit puts a handful of tokens on the machine for Candy.
[21:37] [+Candy (casual)] ..nate?
[21:37] > +Candy (casual) giggles. "Awww thankies!"
[21:38] > @Nate Detroit goes back to closing down.
[21:38] > +Candy (casual) puts enough credits in to start the machine as she watches him from the corner of her eye.
[21:39] > @Nate Detroit bags up trash and sorts the prize bins.
[21:40] > +Candy (casual) dances away ♡~
[21:42] > @Nate Detroit closes up and empties the register.
[21:42] > +Candy (casual) finishes turning around to see Nate.
[21:43] > +Candy (casual) walks over toward him nervously.
[21:43] [@Nate Detroit] You wanna play anything else, or should I power down?
[21:45] [+Candy (casual)] No it's fine, you don't have to but it sure is nice knowing someone with their own arcade
[21:45] [@Nate Detroit] Heh.
[21:45] > @Nate Detroit takes the money in back and flips the breakers, killing all the games.
[21:47] > +Candy (casual) waits at the counter.
[21:48] > @Nate Detroit counts up the money, puts it in a safe, then turns around and looks at her.
[21:48] [+Candy (casual)] ...nate...um..I do have a slight confession..
[21:49] [@Nate Detroit] Mmm?
[21:50] [+Candy (casual)] ...that kiss...well....it meant something to me....I..I thought I should tell you at least...it's alright if it didn't with you
[21:50] [@Nate Detroit] Earlier.. you said it was nothing..
[21:50] > +Candy (casual) is turning beat red and still is looking at the counter
[21:50] [@Nate Detroit] I thought I just made a mistake.
[21:51] [+Candy (casual)] ....w..well I never really thought of you as more then just a friend till then...
[21:51] [+Candy (casual)] ...which we still can be...I mean...
[21:52] [@Nate Detroit] But you wouldnt come out here and confess if you didnt want there to be more..
[21:54] > @Nate Detroit stands next to Candy.
[21:57] [@Nate Detroit] What'd that kiss mean to you? ^_^
[22:02] [+Candy (casual)] ..well..um...I know you have a lot to deal with...I shouldn't have confessed
[22:02] [+Candy (casual)] ..it...it was wonderful
[22:04] [@Nate Detroit] It was? Surely Im not THAT good a kisser.
[22:05] > +Candy (casual) is beat red. "...well it could have been just more then the kiss..."
[22:06] > @Nate Detroit puts a hand on her cheek and strokes it with his thumb.
[22:07] > +Candy (casual) unsure glances up at his face.
[22:09] [@Nate Detroit] You like me, Candy?
[22:10] [+Candy (casual)] It seems so Nate
[22:10] [@Nate Detroit] I like you too.
[22:10] > @Nate Detroit pulls Candy's chin in gently for another kiss.
[22:11] > +Candy (casual) happily returns the kiss!
[22:12] > +Candy (casual) jumps up and wraps her arms around his shoulders during the kiss too!
[22:13] > @Nate Detroit hold sher up, still kissing, and more agressively.
[22:14] > +Candy (casual) returns the kiss with just as much agression.
[22:15] > @Nate Detroit walks Candy over to the air hockey table and sits her down, finally breaking the kiss.
[22:17] > +Candy (casual) looks at Nate breathing heavily.
[22:18] [@Nate Detroit] Heh.. ^_^
[22:18] [+Candy (casual)] ..w...wow..
[22:20] [@Nate Detroit] Well, I don't THINK Rowe will mind if I see another woman, since shes already part of the Kaze family..
[22:20] [+Candy (casual)] ..I should ask her though...
[22:21] [+Candy (casual)] ...how long nate...
[22:22] [@Nate Detroit] Hmm? 'Bout seven inches.
[22:22] [+Candy (casual)] @_@
[22:22] [@Nate Detroit] Eight on a good day. almost a foot with this one spell of Rowe's...
[22:23] [+Candy (casual)] ...n...n....no! not that! I..I mean...how long have you liked me like this?
[22:23] [+Candy (casual)] @_@
[22:23] [@Nate Detroit] Wait, what did you ask?
[22:23] [@Nate Detroit] Oh, heh.. hehehee.... Mmm.. On and off for a while..
[22:25] [+Candy (casual)] ...why didn't you say something sooner then?
[22:25] [@Nate Detroit] I didnt think you cared much for me at all.
[22:26] [@Nate Detroit] That and Im married and seeing a lot of women on the side already. ^^;
[22:28] [+Candy (casual)] You love Vana and Matsumi, we were always going to be close friends
[22:29] > +Candy (casual) touches his arm gently.
[22:31] [+Candy (casual)] ..I wonder if Vana set that up last night hoping we'd do something like that...:P
[22:32] [@Nate Detroit] You know, if you were any of them.. you'd be... um...
[22:32] > +Candy (casual) blinks. "Be what?"
[22:32] > @Nate Detroit chuckles silently and motions to the hockey table Candy is sitting on.
[22:32] [+Candy (casual)] ..huh....o..OH!
[22:33] > +Candy (casual) is bright red once more.
[22:33] [@Nate Detroit] Not on the first date, I bet ^_^
[22:33] [@Nate Detroit] But, we COULD go somewhere else if you liked. Somewhere far less sinister.
[22:34] [+Candy (casual)] ...nate...the..only people I've been in contact like that are Vana and Matsumi...
[22:34] > +Candy (casual) coughs still red as a beat >.> <.<
[22:37] [@Nate Detroit] Oh. Wait... Wait?! You and Vash??
[22:37] > +Candy (casual) shakes her head.
[22:37] [@Nate Detroit] O_O Really? Why?
[22:38] [+Candy (casual)] ...though he has asked a few times we both agreed, or at least he agreed with me, due to all the future children running around from me it seems I'm a fertial little thing
[22:38] [+Candy (casual)] and...well...I was trying to keep with old tradition too
[22:38] [@Nate Detroit] Yeah well, if those kids are from the future, thats a good sign none of them are from now.. plus theres always the pill.
[22:39] [+Candy (casual)] ...true...
[22:39] [@Nate Detroit] Old tradition, meaning... *makes a motion with his fingers involving hitting two Os together.* is alright?
[22:40] [+Candy (casual)] ...no...that...that...Vana almost left for good...
[22:40] [@Nate Detroit] Im not critisizing... I just think its weird.
[22:40] [+Candy (casual)] yeah I know...it is weird...
[22:40] [@Nate Detroit] Left? Because you wouldnt?
[22:41] [+Candy (casual)] no...she ran off after almost killing my one teacher
[22:41] [@Nate Detroit] ....the pervert?
[22:41] [+Candy (casual)] ...yeah
[22:42] [@Nate Detroit] Hmm...
[22:42] [@Nate Detroit] Well, you wanna go somewhere? I know a 24 hour place with fair ice cream.
[22:42] > @Nate Detroit offers an arm.
[22:42] [+Candy (casual)] the old tradition seemed irrelivient when I almost lost her
[22:43] > +Candy (casual) scoots off the hockey table taking his arm
[22:43] [@Nate Detroit] Unless of course, you'd rather stay with the air hockey machine. I can always fire it back up, but its a bother to put money in every five minutes.
[22:43] [+Candy (casual)] ...I'm sorry....
[22:43] [@Nate Detroit] Its alright, Candy girl.
[22:43] [@Nate Detroit] Just, don't let others dictate what you do and don't. Even me. ^_^
[22:44] [+Candy (casual)] When it won't hurt so much I wouldn't mind being with you *blushes*
[22:44] [@Nate Detroit] Hurt so much?
[22:45] [+Candy (casual)] ...well...er....my first time with a guy....and stuff...
[22:45] [+Candy (casual)] @_@
[22:45] [@Nate Detroit] Huh? Oh... heh... lets get you an ice cream and start debunking myths.
[22:46] <-- @Nate Detroit [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has left #reddwarfevents (Your cure when you're shy.)
[22:46] <-- +Candy (casual) [sunangel@sun.net] has left #reddwarfevents (*blushes*..heh you're sweet...)
[00:00] >>> Thursday Dec 11 2008 <<<
[20:38] ➣ Meanwhile, in Oranbega..
[20:38] --> Oppiz Bus [BurntIce@Oranbega.net] has joined #reddwarfevents
[20:38] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! Oppiz Bus detected!
[20:39] --> Arru (sexy suit) [Shadowdemon@hellsgates.com] has joined #reddwarfevents
[20:39] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! Arru (sexy suit) detected!
[20:40] > Arru (sexy suit) walks in with a severed head in her hand.
[20:41] [Arru (sexy suit)] It's almost been a week...
[20:41] > Oppiz Bus is sound asleep in an open crystal, waves of energy washing over him.
[20:41] > Arru (sexy suit) walks up to the crystal placing a hand on it.
[20:43] > Arru (sexy suit) watches him sleep for a moment
[20:44] > +Candy (casual) 's eyes seem to soften toward him..
[20:44] > +Candy (casual) then grins holding up the head she brought along.
[20:45] [Arru (sexy suit)] (( that was suppose to be Arru >.> wtf? ))
[20:46] > Arru (sexy suit) begins to mutter something evil sounding and the head bursts into black flames disappearing within the flame causing her to glow.
[20:47] > Arru (sexy suit) touches the crystal with both her hands and begins to feed it a large ammount of energy
[20:47] [@HOL_6000] (( After you're done tell me what browser you're using. That's such an odd problem to be having. ))
[20:47] > Oppiz Bus 's eyes open.
[20:48] > Arru (sexy suit) is so busy concentrating she doesn't notice him awaken.
[20:50] > Arru (sexy suit) stops glowing, is breathing quite heavily, and is slightly sweating
[20:50] [Oppiz Bus] Arru...
[20:51] > Arru (sexy suit) 's eyes snap toward Oppiz's.
[20:52] > Oppiz Bus shudders.
[20:52] [Arru (sexy suit)] Are you alright?
[20:52] [Oppiz Bus] I don't know. Am I still laid out in a healing crystal bed?
[20:52] [Arru (sexy suit)] yes
[20:53] [Oppiz Bus] Then no.
[20:53] [Arru (sexy suit)] ...sorry
[20:53] > Arru (sexy suit) slides on the floor leaning against the crystal
[20:54] [Oppiz Bus] Arru...
[20:54] [Oppiz Bus] ...touch me...
[20:55] > Arru (sexy suit) stands up looking like it took a little bit more effort then normal and leans over the crystal bringing her hand to his face.
[20:55] [Oppiz Bus] I feel you...
[20:55] [Arru (sexy suit)] That's great!
[20:56] > Oppiz Bus closes his eyes. "Touch me elsewhere."
[20:57] > Arru (sexy suit) nods running her hands over his chest and shoulders.
[20:57] [Oppiz Bus] My chest... shoulders...
[20:57] > Arru (sexy suit) runs her hands a bit lower on his stomach and legs where she can reach.
[20:58] [Oppiz Bus] My legs... am I right?
[20:59] > Arru (sexy suit) nods
[20:59] [Arru (sexy suit)] So they crystal seems to be working
[21:00] > Arru (sexy suit) reaches up to his face again.
[21:00] > Oppiz Bus has his eyes closed......
[21:00] [Oppiz Bus] So I am right?
[21:00] [Arru (sexy suit)] Yes
[21:01] [Oppiz Bus] That is one battle fought and won.. but the war is far from other.
[21:01] [Oppiz Bus] Over..
[21:01] [Arru (sexy suit)] yeah..
[21:02] > Oppiz Bus strains.
[21:02] > Arru (sexy suit) leans on the casket heavily still touching his face.
[21:03] [Oppiz Bus] I am glad.. I can feel your touch again..
[21:03] [Arru (sexy suit)] Is something wrong?
[21:04] [Arru (sexy suit)] It means progress
[21:04] [Oppiz Bus] Trying to move... ungg...
[21:05] [Arru (sexy suit)] Do you want a little help to sit up?
[21:05] > Oppiz Bus GLARES at her.
[21:06] > Arru (sexy suit) backs off...
[21:06] [Oppiz Bus] At least I can move my eyes....
[21:06] > Oppiz Bus sighs and stops trying.
[21:08] > Arru (sexy suit) slams her hand on the ground
[21:09] [Arru (sexy suit)] ...then I'll go collect more energy...
[21:10] [Oppiz Bus] Don't bother... w ehave enough energy..
[21:10] [Oppiz Bus] I need time.
[21:10] [Arru (sexy suit)] ..yeah
[21:12] > Arru (sexy suit) pulls herself up using the coffin as leverage.
[21:13] [Arru (sexy suit)] I'll go then and give you time
[21:13] > Oppiz Bus grunts.
[21:13] [Oppiz Bus] You needent go.
[21:14] [Oppiz Bus] Do you have any news?
[21:14] [Arru (sexy suit)] ...actually...
[21:15] [Arru (sexy suit)] I don't know how much of it I'm really gathering but from my connection I've felt a change
[21:16] [Arru (sexy suit)] It seems my half has fallen in love AGAIN...stupid b[BLEEP]ch
[21:16] [Arru (sexy suit)] that's not the news part of it eheheh
[21:17] [Arru (sexy suit)] it seems her object of desire is non other then your other half
[21:19] [Oppiz Bus] Say that again, with names...
[21:20] [Arru (sexy suit)] Candy, the other half of my soul, seems to be in love with Nate.
[21:20] [Arru (sexy suit)] and from all the damn affection I'm getting in the link he seems to reciprocate at least slightly.
[21:21] [Oppiz Bus] Heh, if I loved you, that'd be ironic.
[21:21] [Arru (sexy suit)] ...heh...yes....irony..
[21:23] > Arru (sexy suit) frowns feeling like breaking something in half.
[21:24] [Arru (sexy suit)] ...anyway for some odd reason I feel like hearing something scream bloody murder now
[21:26] [Arru (sexy suit)] and I doubt you'd want to voleenteer for that right now so I'm going to go...
[21:26] [Oppiz Bus] ....
[21:26] [Oppiz Bus] No, Id rather not be broken, and lose the little progress I've made.
[21:27] [Arru (sexy suit)] ..Yeah...
[21:30] [Arru (sexy suit)] And since it seems all my efforts probably did nothing then I'll stop that
[21:30] [Oppiz Bus] I don't know.. I can feel again.. thats something.
[21:31] [Arru (sexy suit)] Since you need time more then my energy transfer is there anything I can really do at the moment then Oppiz?
[21:33] [Oppiz Bus] I think I could use something to drink..
[21:34] [Arru (sexy suit)] Fine, brb
[21:34] > Arru (sexy suit) is away: something to drink eh?
[21:38] > Arru (sexy suit) is back
[21:38] > Arru (sexy suit) walks in with a bottle of whiskey
[21:39] > Arru (sexy suit) walks over to him and opens it.
[21:40] [Arru (sexy suit)] ....can you drink from this if I hold it?
[21:40] [Oppiz Bus] I can try..
[21:41] > Arru (sexy suit) gently places the lip of the bottle on Oppiz's lips.
[21:43] > Oppiz Bus sips it, spilling a little.
[21:43] > Arru (sexy suit) wipes off his face with a rag near by
[21:45] > Arru (sexy suit) has an idea
[21:45] > Arru (sexy suit) takes a swig of the liquid, not swallowing and leans in kissing Oppiz
[21:46] [Oppiz Bus] hmmm....
[21:47] > Arru (sexy suit) pulls away wiping her mouth.
[21:48] [Arru (sexy suit)] ...sucks when I can't drink this stuff to taste it...
[21:48] [Oppiz Bus] Thank you..
[21:49] [Arru (sexy suit)] No problem!
[21:52] [Arru (sexy suit)] ..do you want another?
[21:52] [Oppiz Bus] Yes..
[21:53] > Arru (sexy suit) takes another swig of the whiskey and bends over kissing him again.
[21:56] > Arru (sexy suit) lets the kiss linger though..
[21:56] > Arru (sexy suit) pulls away finally wiping her mouth.
[21:57] [Oppiz Bus] You're having fun..
[21:58] [Arru (sexy suit)] Can you blame me?
[21:59] > Arru (sexy suit) leans over the crystal and starts teasinly scratching lightly at his chest
[22:00] [Oppiz Bus] Mmm.... a few more days and that will feel good..
[22:02] [Arru (sexy suit)] in a week I'll possibly be able to join you in there ~_^
[22:03] > Arru (sexy suit) leans over again this time without the alcohol in her mouth kissing him.
[22:04] > Oppiz Bus weakly returns the kiss.
[22:06] > Arru (sexy suit) pulls away after a bit but still very close to his face
[22:08] [Arru (sexy suit)] Just so you know Oppiz dear if you fall in love with anybody I'll kill them were they stand
[22:08] > Oppiz Bus tries to grin.
[22:08] > Arru (sexy suit) pats his cheek playfully standing up fully.
[22:08] [Oppiz Bus] Oh? interesting...
[22:09] [Arru (sexy suit)] Interesting how so?
[22:11] [Oppiz Bus] You love me, don't you, Ms. Nightingale?
[22:11] > Arru (sexy suit) chuckles a little.
[22:11] [Arru (sexy suit)] Maybe maybe not
[22:12] [Arru (sexy suit)] If I did it would be irronic
[22:13] [Arru (sexy suit)] ..at least for me that is
[22:15] > Arru (sexy suit) watches him
[22:16] [Arru (sexy suit)] and if I did what would you do about it?
[22:16] > Oppiz Bus looks a little thoughtful.
[22:16] [Oppiz Bus] That all depends on me getting out of here..
[22:18] [Arru (sexy suit)] oh
[22:19] > Arru (sexy suit) thinks
[22:20] [Arru (sexy suit)] Then I guess you shall see the answer later
[22:21] > Arru (sexy suit) places the bottle of whiskey beside the crystal on a table.
[22:21] [Oppiz Bus] We shall see.
[22:22] [Arru (sexy suit)] ..yes
[22:22] [Arru (sexy suit)] Goodnight Oppiz
[22:23] > Arru (sexy suit) turns to leave.
[22:23] <-- Arru (sexy suit) [Shadowdemon@hellsgates.com] has left #reddwarfevents (hmm..)
[22:24] [Oppiz Bus] Hmm..
[22:24] [Oppiz Bus] Strange woman..
[22:24] > Oppiz Bus strains for a moment, his eyes looking angerly down his person.
[22:25] [Oppiz Bus] Move damnit..
[22:26] [Oppiz Bus] Move.... MOVE...
[22:26] > Oppiz Bus 's body shudders, and he stops trying.
[22:28] <-- Oppiz Bus [BurntIce@Oranbega.net] has left #reddwarfevents (DAMNIT)
[00:00] >>> Saturday Dec 13 2008 <<<
[19:43] ➣ meanwhile....at the new house
[19:44] --> Matsumi Kaze [Airsenshi@Qtech.com ] has joined #reddwarfevents
[19:44] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze
[19:44] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze
[19:44] > +Matsumi Kaze sits on the stairs, wiping her brow
[19:45] [+Matsumi Kaze] my back ><
[19:46] --> Candy [sunangel@sun.net] has joined #reddwarfevents
[19:46] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Candy
[19:46] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Candy
[19:46] > +Candy (casual) walks in a bit tired herself.
[19:47] [+Matsumi Kaze] man.....this place is huge...
[19:47] [+Candy (casual)] ...yeah you could get lost in it
[19:48] [+Matsumi Kaze] hope Sora doesn't get lost
[19:48] [+Candy (casual)] Well the kids rooms are near the living room and kitchen area so it shouldn't be to hard for them to pick up the layout
[19:49] [+Matsumi Kaze] how does it feel candy..to be here
[19:50] [+Candy (casual)] ..It's different.. and I am excited and sad to start a new life here
[19:51] [+Matsumi Kaze] sad? why?
[19:51] [+Candy (casual)] well sad to see the other house go...but I am happy the inu and Janette will live in it. It feels wonderful knowing something so precious to me will be special to them as well.
[19:52] [+Candy (casual)] *jennifer
[19:54] [+Matsumi Kaze] yeah ^^
[19:54] > +Matsumi Kaze tries to put her arm around candy but winces
[19:55] [+Candy (casual)] hot tub?
[19:55] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh do you want to?
[19:55] [+Candy (casual)] it'll help ease our aching bodies
[19:56] [+Matsumi Kaze] let's then ^^
[19:57] > +Matsumi Kaze stands and offers her arm to candy
[20:00] > +Candy (casual) gladly takes it
[20:00] > +Matsumi Kaze starts heading up the stairs
[20:01] > +Candy (casual) giggles
[20:03] [+Matsumi Kaze] this will be the first time I use it heh
[20:05] [+Candy (casual)] should we go change then?
[20:05] [+Matsumi Kaze] lets
[20:05] > +Candy (casual) is away: swimsuits~
[20:06] > +Matsumi Kaze is away: yays
[20:10] > +Candy (bikini) is back
[20:10] > +Matsumi Kaze (bikini) is back
[20:11] [+Matsumi Kaze (bikini)] heh how do I look?
[20:13] [+Candy (bikini)] cute ^^
[20:14] [+Matsumi Kaze (bikini)] you look great too ^^
[20:15] > +Candy (bikini) blushes walking over to the hot tub
[20:15] > +Matsumi Kaze (bikini) follows happily
[20:16] > +Matsumi Kaze (bikini) slips in slowly
[20:17] > +Candy (bikini) lets herself sink in slowly. "Ahhhh"
[20:17] [+Matsumi Kaze (bikini)] this is so nice!
[20:20] > +Matsumi Kaze (bikini) giggles and swims close over to candy
[20:21] [+Matsumi Kaze (bikini)] caaaandy
[20:21] [+Candy (bikini)] yeeeees?
[20:22] [+Matsumi Kaze (bikini)] how does it feel?
[20:24] [+Candy (bikini)] niiiiiice
[20:25] > +Matsumi Kaze (bikini) puts her arms around candy ^^
[20:28] > +Matsumi Kaze (bikini) accednetly turns on the bubbles
[20:29] [+Matsumi Kaze (bikini)] eep!!
[20:33] [+Candy (bikini)] O.O woooah
[20:36] > +Matsumi Kaze (bikini) giggles
[20:40] > +Candy (bikini) giggles as well
[20:41] [+Candy (bikini)] ahhhhh this is so nice to a an aching body
[20:41] > +Matsumi Kaze (bikini) hugs candy "this is so nice"
[20:44] [+Matsumi Kaze (bikini)] heh...wonder how the boys are doing
[20:48] [+Candy (bikini)] probably taking a break at the pub
[20:49] > +Matsumi Kaze (bikini) pokes candy's leg with her foot
[20:51] [+Matsumi Kaze (bikini)] you are quiet :P
[20:53] [+Candy (bikini)] so are you!
[20:53] > +Matsumi Kaze (bikini) splashes at candy :P
[20:54] > +Candy (bikini) splashes back
[20:56] > +Matsumi Kaze (bikini) SPLASHES EVEN MORE!
[20:56] > +Candy (bikini) sppppaaassshes!
[20:56] > +Matsumi Kaze (bikini) super-splashes!
[20:57] > +Candy (bikini) super-de-duper splashes!
[20:58] > +Matsumi Kaze (bikini) (fakes) getting water in her eyes and starts to cry
[21:00] [+Candy (bikini)] ..m...matsumi?? Are you alright??
[21:01] > +Matsumi Kaze (bikini) starts to sniffling "c-c-come..closer..T_T"
[21:02] > +Candy (bikini) moves closer
[21:03] > +Matsumi Kaze (bikini) kisses candy!
[21:03] > +Candy (bikini) giggles but returns the kiss
[21:05] [+Candy (bikini)] so silly are you
[21:06] [+Matsumi Kaze (bikini)] of course ^^
[21:10] > +Matsumi Kaze (bikini) pokes candy somewhere :P
[21:10] [+Candy (bikini)] I love that about you!
[21:12] [+Matsumi Kaze (bikini)] good ^^
[21:13] > +Candy (bikini) kisses her forehead
[21:18] > +Matsumi Kaze (bikini) smiles and hugs candy happily
[21:20] [+Matsumi Kaze (bikini)] how long do you think we should stay in here?
[21:27] [+Candy (bikini)] forever~
[21:31] > +Matsumi Kaze (bikini) uses her finger and snaps (like a rubber band, not break) one of candy's bikni straps :P
[21:33] [+Candy (bikini)] O.o
[21:33] [Morrigan] ^_^
[21:33] [Fantine] ^_^
[21:33] > +Candy (bikini) ducks under the water grabbing her self
[21:34] [Fantine] Naughty-naughty!
[21:34] [Morrigan] Ooooo, I didn't know this was *this* kind of pool party! XD
[21:35] [+Matsumi Kaze (bikini)] (( ...um ))
[21:35] [+Matsumi Kaze (bikini)] (( ..how did you guys get in here ))
[21:35] [+Matsumi Kaze (bikini)] (( ..... ))
[21:35] [+Matsumi Kaze (bikini)] (( I mean your charcters... ))
[21:36] [+Matsumi Kaze (bikini)] WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE
[21:36] > +Matsumi Kaze (bikini) frowns deeply
[21:37] ➣ The succubus and a strange, yet attractive young girl are currently walking by the pool.
[21:37] [+Candy (bikini)] (( if you look in the logs this is their private bathroom of Matsy and Candy's new home ^^'' ))
[21:37] [+Matsumi Kaze (bikini)] HOW DID YOU GET IN MY HOUSE
[21:38] [Morrigan] Actually, we're looking for a certain skating party that's supposed to be starting tonight.
[21:38] [Fantine] Yes, would either one of you be able to point us in the correct direction?
[21:38] > +Matsumi Kaze (bikini) just..points towards where it is
[21:39] [Morrigan] Nice home. Did you both just get this place?
[21:39] > Fantine bows. "Please forgive our accidental intrusion."
[21:39] > +Matsumi Kaze (bikini) is trying her best to cover up
[21:39] > +Candy (bikini) giggles nervously still partally under the water
[21:39] [+Matsumi Kaze (bikini)] yes we did..yes...
[21:39] [+Candy (bikini)] I wonder if the boys had anything to do with this XD
[21:40] [Morrigan] Ooooo maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe! ^__~
[21:41] > +Matsumi Kaze (bikini) also notes the bathroom is rather ornate...fitting a mansion
[21:41] <-- Fantine has left #reddwarfevents (We do apologize for your intrusion, but we did wish to see your new home for ourselves.)
[21:41] > +Candy (bikini) mumbles something about vash being a pervert :P
[21:42] > Morrigan is famously skilled for being able to infiltrate *anywhere*! :P
[21:43] [Morrigan] Hmmm, nice place. Spacious, too. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll just let you two get back to what you were doing before we barged in.
[21:45] <-- Morrigan has left #reddwarfevents (PAY NO ATTENTION TO THE MAN STANDING BEHIND THE CURTAIN! Heh, that's from the "Wizard of Oz" if you don't know the joke. ;P)
[21:46] [+Candy (bikini)] @_@
[21:46] [+Matsumi Kaze (bikini)] >____>
[21:49] [+Candy (bikini)] umm ok...I don't feel safe in here anymore
[21:50] [+Matsumi Kaze (bikini)] what should we do...
[21:56] > +Matsumi Kaze (bikini) looks to candy
[22:01] > +Candy (bikini) sighs getting out of the tub
[22:01] > +Matsumi Kaze (bikini) follows
[22:01] [+Candy (bikini)] we'll have to get a lock :P
[22:03] [+Matsumi Kaze (bikini)] heh yup
[22:03] [Morrigan] (( Sorry about the earlier blunder. Hope I didn't spoil anything. ))
[22:05] [+Matsumi Kaze (bikini)] (( next time, check logs ))
[22:12] [+Candy (bikini)] (( it happens to the best of us from time to time don't worry about it ^^ ))
[22:17] > +Candy (bikini) giggles taking matsumi's hand. "How about we go find the boys?"
[22:17] [+Matsumi Kaze (bikini)] sure ^^
[22:18] <-- +Candy (bikini) [sunangel@sun.net] has left #reddwarfevents (oooh boys! Where are you??)
[22:19] <-- +Matsumi Kaze (bikini) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com ] has left #reddwarfevents (hehehe)
[22:27] > @HOL_6000 has cleared the auxiliary topic.
[22:29] > @HOL_6000 changes topic to `Remember that this is room is for events. If you're holding an event, and don't want to be disturbed, set a password and clear it afterward. If someone else is holding an event, make sure it is okay to join before doing so.`
[22:29] > @HOL_6000 changes topic to `All operators and privileged users can use the password functions.`
[00:00] >>> Sunday Dec 14 2008 <<<
[00:10] > +Vanadine has changed the channel password.
[00:11] ➣ Location: INside an remote abandoned labratory in Japan
[00:11] --> Shana Alcot [evilscientist@japanlab.net] has joined #reddwarfevents
[00:11] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! Shana Alcot detected!
[00:11] --> Sailor Anzu has joined #reddwarfevents
[00:11] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! Sailor Anzu detected!
[00:11] [Shana Alcot] Well now... this isn't TOO bad....
[00:11] [Sailor Anzu] hmm...
[00:12] [Sailor Anzu] true
[00:12] > Shana Alcot turns on the lights in the, surprisingly spacious labratory.
[00:13] > ~Cloaked Figures walk in, standing close to anzu, as the lights come on
[00:13] [Sailor Anzu] impressive
[00:13] > Shana Alcot turns around and gasps| W...who the hell is that!?
[00:14] [Sailor Anzu] things which have a use
[00:14] > ~Cloaked Figures remove their robes
[00:14] > ~Cloaked Figures is now known as Rep-Clones
[00:14] > Rep-Clones stays near Anzu
[00:14] [Shana Alcot] What the....?
[00:14] [Sailor Anzu] call them..safety measures
[00:15] > Shana Alcot looks at Rep-Clones
[00:15] ➣ Rep-Clones: creation of mad scienice, they appear as a twisted configuration between Matsumi Kaze and a lizard-like-life form (complete with short blond hair)
[00:15] [Sailor Anzu] what can I say...
[00:16] > Rep-Clones just stare silently ahead
[00:17] [Shana Alcot] How did you make those..... things?
[00:17] [Sailor Anzu] a strand of hair....some reptile essance..and your notes
[00:18] > Sailor Anzu leans agianst a wall
[00:20] [Sailor Anzu] well???
[00:20] [Shana Alcot] I see
[00:20] [Shana Alcot] I guess my notes were more exact then I orginally thought :P
[00:21] [Sailor Anzu] they were useful..*just grins*
[00:21] > Rep-Clones stay around the door
[00:21] [Shana Alcot] How so?
[00:21] [Sailor Anzu] think of these.....as...watchguards
[00:23] [Shana Alcot] Oh
[00:23] > Shana Alcot sits on a desk and looks down a bit | I thought for a moment there you were using them to.... replace me. ~_~
[00:23] > Sailor Anzu simply smiles
[00:23] [Sailor Anzu] oh no...
[00:24] [Sailor Anzu] these things have no intellegence anyway
[00:24] [Sailor Anzu] mearly puppets
[00:24] [Shana Alcot] I see
[00:25] [Sailor Anzu] of course that is unless you wish to replace me..
[00:25] [Shana Alcot] No... I do not want to be replaced... nor would I ever replace you.
[00:25] > Sailor Anzu smiles "I am glad"
[00:26] [Shana Alcot] I am just being emotional right now..... stupid hormone imbalance.....
[00:26] [Sailor Anzu] oh...I am sorry...
[00:26] > Sailor Anzu smles
[00:26] [Sailor Anzu] *smiles
[00:26] [Shana Alcot] You have no reason to appologize..... I am the one who got pregnent
[00:27] [Shana Alcot] I literally asked for this.... so I guess this is what I get.
[00:28] [Shana Alcot] Oh.... that reminds me
[00:28] > Sailor Anzu just smilllllles
[00:29] > Shana Alcot puts her hand over her abdomen, looking down
[00:29] [Shana Alcot] Oppiz mentioned that there is a great chance that..... I may not survive this child being born....
[00:30] [Sailor Anzu] ..we shall find a way for u...you to survive
[00:31] [Shana Alcot] ...well, if for some reason I do not..... I want you to take care of the child.
[00:31] [Sailor Anzu] I shall....of course...
[00:31] > Shana Alcot smiles a little finally | Thank you....
[00:31] > Sailor Anzu smiles and coughs a tiny bit, leaning against the wall
[00:32] [Shana Alcot] Are you alright? You're smiling a lot more then normal... and I did not like the sound of that cough.
[00:32] [Sailor Anzu] oh........let's just say I haven't told you everything.....
[00:32] [Shana Alcot] Y...you're hiding things from me!?
[00:33] [Sailor Anzu] yes
[00:33] > Shana Alcot looks a little upset | Why would you do that!?
[00:34] [Sailor Anzu] well.....let's just say...I was a tiny bit upset with you briefly
[00:35] [Shana Alcot] At me...? For what?
[00:35] [Sailor Anzu] ...I felt that one night you decided to throw me away....
[00:35] [Shana Alcot] What night? I would never throw you away!!
[00:36] > Shana Alcot slides off the desk, standing | I went out of my way and spent 2 years trying to find a way to bring you back to me.... there's no way I'd just toss YOU of all people aside!
[00:37] [Sailor Anzu] take it as me being emotional
[00:37] [Sailor Anzu] which is why I did what I did....
[00:37] [Sailor Anzu] ..that one night
[00:37] > Shana Alcot sighs and leans against the desk | and exactly what DID you do....?
[00:38] [Sailor Anzu] oh let's say I had a little fun......
[00:38] [Shana Alcot] Hmm?
[00:39] [Shana Alcot] I may be smart, but I am a bit confused
[00:39] > Sailor Anzu walks over up to shana
[00:39] [Sailor Anzu] lets just say.....a certain someone....had a little fun with me...
[00:41] [Shana Alcot] I..... still don't quite understand.....
[00:42] [Sailor Anzu] ....Oppiz...
[00:43] [Shana Alcot] Ahhh..... I see.
[00:43] > Shana Alcot suddenly puts two and two together and gasps |Wait.... you didn't.....!?
[00:44] > Sailor Anzu simply smiles slowly...
[00:44] [Shana Alcot] You had him...... do THAT to you too!?
[00:46] [Sailor Anzu] ...I was jealous :3
[00:47] [Shana Alcot] But I did that so that you wouldn't need to..... ~_~
[00:47] [Sailor Anzu] do not worry.....we will survive...I will find a way
[00:48] > Shana Alcot sits on the desk and holds her face in her hands, obviously highly upset now
[00:48] [Shana Alcot] I didn't want you to risk yourself in this..... I was willing to sacrifice myself to give you a proper child to raise since my past two attempts failed >_<
[00:48] > Sailor Anzu puts her hands through shana's hair
[00:49] [Sailor Anzu] ...do not fret
[00:50] > Sailor Anzu simply smiles deeply
[00:52] > Shana Alcot looks through her hands at Anzu
[00:52] [Sailor Anzu] ..trust me
[00:55] > Shana Alcot brings her hands down, looking sadly at Anzu | I always trust you..... you know that.
[00:56] > Sailor Anzu kisses shana deeply
[00:57] > Shana Alcot kisses Anzu back, wrapping her arms around Anzu's neck and back
[00:57] > Sailor Anzu holds shana
[00:58] > Rep-Clones meanwhile are idealy screaching the walls
[00:58] [Shana Alcot] I'm sorry I got upset at you....
[00:59] [Sailor Anzu] your strength is mine..and my strength is yours..
[01:02] > Shana Alcot smiles at her finally
[01:04] [Sailor Anzu] ...such a smile
[01:04] [Shana Alcot] You like it?
[01:05] [Sailor Anzu] ...it....yes....I...I do
[01:08] > Sailor Anzu smiles back
[01:10] [Shana Alcot] Good.... my only desire is to make you happy.
[01:11] [Sailor Anzu] so this shall be our home?
[01:12] [Shana Alcot] Yes, untill we find something better
[01:13] [Shana Alcot] i will soon start looking for a way to contact arru and oppiz
[01:13] [Sailor Anzu] we shall have to make this place......comfortble...
[01:15] > Sailor Anzu moves her nail across shana's cheek gently
[01:16] [Shana Alcot] of course
[01:16] [Shana Alcot] nothing but the best for my Anzu
[01:17] [Sailor Anzu] gooooood
[01:19] > Shana Alcot stands in front of Anzu
[01:19] > Sailor Anzu looks at shana
[01:22] [Sailor Anzu] here....we may live..as one
[01:22] > Shana Alcot nods and smiles
[01:23] [Sailor Anzu] ..do you know where we may sleep
[01:23] [Shana Alcot] Oh yes, there is a bedroom here. Are you tired?
[01:24] [Sailor Anzu] not yet....heh
[01:25] [Shana Alcot] Tomorrow I will start wiring this place for sound. Computer systems and the like.
[01:26] > Sailor Anzu smiles "excellent"
[01:27] > Shana Alcot smirks at Anzu and puts an arm around her
[01:27] [Shana Alcot] So, did you want to go to bed or.....
[01:27] [Shana Alcot] ...... "go to bed"? ♡
[01:27] [Sailor Anzu] "go to bed" of course
[01:28] [Shana Alcot] Mmmmm..... well then. Let's go ^_~
[01:28] > Shana Alcot leads the way to the bedroom, turning out the lights in the main labratory
[01:29] > Rep-Clones huddle together in the dark, staying by the door
[01:29] <-- Shana Alcot [evilscientist@japanlab.net] has left #reddwarfevents (I will have my revenge!!)
[01:30] <-- Sailor Anzu has left #reddwarfevents (oh well shall....)
[01:30] > +Vanadine has cleared the channel password.
[19:16] > Rémi is NOT happy
[19:16] [Rémi] Why is there no one around yet!? Adair was supposed to be bringing them here by now!
[19:18] [Rémi] ....
[20:45] > Rémi checks his watch
[20:55] > Rémi has the sleighs all ready
[21:01] --> Morrigan has joined #reddwarfevents
[21:01] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Morrigan
[21:01] --> Solarchos has joined #reddwarfevents
[21:01] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Solarchos
[21:02] --> David O'Cain has joined #reddwarfevents
[21:02] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to David O'Cain
[21:02] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +David O'Cain
[21:02] [Morrigan] Sorry about the delay! We got caught in the tail-end of a lag-storm on the way here.
[21:03] [Rémi] FINALLY
[21:03] --> Adair [adair-hime@eden] has joined #reddwarfevents
[21:03] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Adair
[21:04] > Solarchos hops onboard the sleigh. ^__^
[21:04] ➣ Everyone is at the station where the sleighs are, this planet looks slightly familiar to those that were involved in the Unmei Wars
[21:05] ➣ The winter temperature is slightly lower than the larger planet that you can see in the cloudless sky that is near the sun
[21:05] [Morrigan] Ahhhh, this place looks familiar.
[21:05] [+David O'Cain] Hmm.
[21:06] ➣ As everyone gets into the larger of the sleighs, Adair and Rémi hop into the driver's seat
[21:08] > Morrigan sits down. "What's the plan for tonight?"
[21:08] [+David O'Cain] Other than relax, no clue at all.
[21:08] [Rémi] Dinner at Xaiver-san's mansion
[21:08] [Adair] Then skating on the large pond!
[21:11] [Solarchos] Nice!
[21:11] [Morrigan] Looking forward to it!
[21:11] [+David O'Cain] Okay.
[21:18] > Solarchos sits back and relaxes, enjoying the scenery.
[21:20] [+David O'Cain] (( Got IM problems, Solar? ))
[21:22] [Solarchos] (( YEah. For some reason it won't come on for me on my end. Very, very strange. ))
[21:23] [+David O'Cain] (( For Y!M, try this: http://webmessenger.yahoo.com/index.php ))
[21:27] ➣ The twins flick the reigns fiercely and the sleigh gets moving at a startling rate
[21:28] [Morrigan] O_o
[21:28] [Solarchos] o_O
[21:29] [+David O'Cain] What?!
[21:31] [+David O'Cain] Late for an important date, I guess.
[21:32] [Solarchos] Or they just want us to have a good ride.
[21:32] [Morrigan] RIDE EM COYBOY!! :D
[21:34] [+David O'Cain] Either way, gonna get there quick.
[21:36] [Solarchos] Are we late or something?
[21:37] [+David O'Cain] I have no idea.
[21:40] > Morrigan hums happily to herself, liking the bumpiness of the ride. ^___^
[21:51] [Morrigan] Ahhhh, such a nice, chilly night! Perfect for cuddling up with the ones you love. ^__~
[21:51] [+David O'Cain] Heh.
[21:52] [Solarchos] (( I'm really sorry, but I've gotta get going for the night. You all know I've got work in the morning and and early wake-up as usual. ))
[21:53] [+David O'Cain] (( Take care, man. ))
[21:54] [Solarchos] (( Even worse, next week is shaping up to be absolute hell. Forget Christmas: my supervisors seem hell-bent on making everyone suffer excessive overtime just for the sake of screwing up the holidays for us completely. ))
[21:54] [+David O'Cain] (( S[BLEEP]t. ))
[21:55] [Solarchos] (( I know. It makes absolutely no sense at all. Next week I have to work BOTH of my days off in addition to at least 12 additional hours of overtime. What the hell for??!! ))
[21:57] [Solarchos] (( So merry Christmas to everyone here. I think mine's going to get totally trashed. ))
[21:58] [+David O'Cain] (( You too, man. That just sucks ass. ))
[21:58] [Rémi] (( sorry XD ))
[21:59] > Solarchos is away: Consider us still here for the event though.
[21:59] > Morrigan is away: After all, we'd hate to see tonight's event get derailed.
[22:20] ➣ as the sleigh slows down, large iron-wrought gates appear
[22:20] ➣ the gates begin to open slowly and the sleigh passes through them with ease before approaching a large mansion
[22:20] [Rémi] (( Sorry, trying to make dinner ))
[22:22] [+David O'Cain] Nice touch.
[22:43] ➣ the doors of the mansion open as the twins hop down and enter with grins "Welcome to the Ashford estate of Egae!"
[22:44] [Rémi] We're just doing dinner tonight
[22:44] [Adair] Tomorrow will be skating~
[22:47] [+David O'Cain] Heh.
[23:01] ➣ the twins lead everyone into a large reception hall where coats and the like are taken by servants before heading into the formal dining room
[23:04] [+David O'Cain] Hm.
[23:11] ➣ there is a four-course meal with the first course already on the table "This salad is a specialty, it's made with duck liver."
[23:11] > Rémi is the one that spoke XD
[23:12] [+David O'Cain] Duck liver salad?
[23:22] [Rémi] Well, yeah, it's a local delicacy XD Instead of a chicken salad, it's a duck liver salad
[23:22] [+David O'Cain] Um, okay.
[23:24] > Adair already finished her salad
[23:31] > +David O'Cain just eats
[23:34] ➣ once everyone has finished their salad the soup is served
[23:35] [Adair] This is tomato soup with a bit of basil in it. ^_^
[23:37] > +David O'Cain drinks the whole bowl in front of him in one go
[23:38] [+David O'Cain] Ah, that felt better.
[00:00] >>> Monday Dec 15 2008 <<<
[00:00] ➣ the main course is oddly, snail stew with carrots and potatoes
[00:01] > Rémi chows down on the food happily :3
[00:01] [Adair] Nevermind the escargot~
[00:01] > Adair happily eats
[00:02] > +David O'Cain simply eats
[00:15] ➣ and once everyone has finished the main course wine and other liquers are offered before dessert is served, egg nog ice cream with a bit of cognac in it
[00:16] ➣ Excuse me if anything is misspelled I'm too lazy to go find the correct spelling of words
[00:18] > +David O'Cain just drinks the cognac, "Gotta burn away some of that taste."
[00:25] <-- +David O'Cain has left #reddwarfevents (Sorry, gotta go.)
[00:28] ➣ and everyone is escorted back to the mirror in the sleigh as the night's entertainments are over
[00:28] <-- Rémi [prince-rémi@eden] has left #reddwarfevents (Wake me up when we start killing.)
[00:28] <-- Adair [adair-hime@eden] has left #reddwarfevents (When will the killing begin? When will it end?)
[21:23] > +Candy has changed the channel password.
[21:31] --> Oppiz Bus [BurntIce@Oranbega.net] has joined #reddwarfevents
[21:31] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! Oppiz Bus detected!
[21:32] > Oppiz Bus is in his crystal bed, grunting loudly.
[21:33] --> Arru (Black gown) [Shadowdemon@hellsgates.com] has joined #reddwarfevents
[21:33] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! Arru (Black gown) detected!
[21:34] > Arru (Black gown) walks in after passing and hearing the odd noises
[21:35] > Oppiz Bus is still grunting, and shifting slightly.
[21:38] [Arru (Black gown)] Oppiz?
[21:40] [Oppiz Bus] Yeah? What?
[21:41] > Arru (Black gown) looks in the crystal
[21:41] > Oppiz Bus looks up, mildly annoyed.
[21:42] > Arru (Black gown) frowns.
[21:42] [Arru (Black gown)] Fine then I'll be going
[21:43] [Oppiz Bus] Ung... no... you stay.. >_<
[21:44] > Arru (Black gown) sits on the closed part of his crystal casket.
[21:44] > Oppiz Bus grumbles.
[21:45] [Arru (Black gown)] ...sorry...seems that fetis you gave me that night is deciding to destroy my sleep and making it hard to even eat
[21:46] [Oppiz Bus] Yeah, demon children will do that.
[21:46] [Oppiz Bus] Funny tho, I thought you were tough enough to handle it.
[21:47] [Arru (Black gown)] It's a mild annoyance
[21:47] [Arru (Black gown)] I'd hate to see what Shana is going through
[21:48] [Oppiz Bus] She asked for it. You didnt exactly turn it away...
[21:49] [Arru (Black gown)] I'm not really blaming you, now am I?
[21:51] [Oppiz Bus] Youre whining about it..
[21:52] [Arru (Black gown)] I was explaing to you why I so easily snapped there
[21:53] [Oppiz Bus] You think you have problems? I CANT WALK DAMN IT! I can barely move!
[21:55] > Arru (Black gown) floats up above him.
[21:59] > Oppiz Bus struggles, his fingers and toes moving slightly, his body shifting a little.
[22:00] [Arru (Black gown)] :D
[22:00] [Arru (Black gown)] this is a nice little development
[22:01] > Arru (Black gown) scratches lightly at his chest.
[22:05] [Arru (Black gown)] I know it seems frustrating but what more then a week ago you could barily talk and couldn't do anything besides that
[22:07] [Oppiz Bus] This is humiliating! I should be setting that ship ablaze! I should be torturing that catgirl, and my brother should have his body!
[22:07] [Oppiz Bus] So help me... shes gonna BEG me to kill her..
[22:10] [Arru (Black gown)] ...
[22:12] [Arru (Black gown)] Yes well you couldn't have planned that and they'll all get payment don't be in such a hurry to do so
[22:13] [Oppiz Bus] Heh...berhaps nine months of demonic childrearing would be a good start..
[22:14] [Arru (Black gown)] yes.. heh how will my other half take it when she sees a child of her dna completely evil?
[22:16] [Arru (Black gown)] I hope they've got your twisted soul ~_^
[22:18] > Arru (Black gown) bends down and kisses him again
[22:19] [Oppiz Bus] That would be nice.. theres no garantee they will embrace our beliefs, but its damn likely..
[22:19] > Oppiz Bus smirks.
[22:21] > Arru (Black gown) giggles.
[22:21] [Arru (Black gown)] I only hope so
[22:22] [Arru (Black gown)] I couldn't handle giving birth something like my other half does, sweet and innocent
[22:31] [Arru (Black gown)] ^_^
[22:33] [Arru (Black gown)] Now..
[22:33] > Arru (Black gown) puts a hand above his. "Try and touch my palm."
[22:34] > Oppiz Bus screws up his face and makes his arm shake, but it doesnt lift off the crystal.
[22:35] [Arru (Black gown)] Try a finger
[22:41] [Arru (Black gown)] Touch a finger to my palm Oppiz
[22:42] > Oppiz Bus lifts a finger a little, just enough to touch.
[22:43] > Arru (Black gown) nods. "Now do it again."
[22:43] > Oppiz Bus struggles, but does.
[22:44] [Arru (Black gown)] And again
[22:45] > Oppiz Bus does it with a little less struggle.
[22:46] [Arru (Black gown)] Again~
[22:46] > Oppiz Bus does.
[22:47] [Arru (Black gown)] Try another finger
[22:48] > Oppiz Bus struggles like at first, but does.
[22:49] [Arru (Black gown)] I'm not going to kiss you again till you can get all your fingers to touch my hand without much struggle ♡~
[22:49] [Arru (Black gown)] And I've got all night :P
[22:49] [Oppiz Bus] Meh.. that will bother you more then me.
[22:50] [Arru (Black gown)] what is that suppose to mean ~_^
[22:50] > Oppiz Bus simply rolls his eyes. 9_9
[22:50] > Arru (Black gown) giggles. "Anyway!"
[22:51] <-- Arru (Black gown) [Shadowdemon@hellsgates.com] has left #reddwarfevents (Now I wanna see you work at this!)
[22:52] <-- Oppiz Bus [BurntIce@Oranbega.net] has left #reddwarfevents (Im sure you do..)
[22:52] [+Candy] /passclear
[22:52] > +Candy has cleared the channel password.
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Dec 16 2008 <<<
[00:30] > +Vanadine has changed the channel password.
[00:31] ➣ Location: A small hospital in Japan, an empty room in said hospital
[00:31] --> Nall [WhiteDragon@SilverStar.co.lun] has joined #reddwarfevents
[00:31] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Nall
[00:32] > Nall walks in just ahead of a nurse, who's wheeling a bed in
[00:33] > Neva looks utterly exausted...
[00:34] [Neva] ..uh...
[00:35] [Nall] You did great sweetheart
[00:35] [Neva] heh.......how..are they?
[00:35] [Nall] They're fine..... in the nursery
[00:36] > Neva tries to lift her arm....but is very tired
[00:38] [Neva] ......we did it
[00:38] > Nall takes her hand in his and smiles - YOU did it sweetheart... it was all you....
[00:39] > Neva smiles "....how do they look..."
[00:42] [Nall] Beautiful.....
[00:42] > Neva smiles weakly
[00:42] [Nall] ... it seems there's a bit of a gender reversal when it comes to them and us.
[00:42] [Neva] ..oh?
[00:43] > Nall nods - our second daughter looks just like me...
[00:43] [Nall] ... and our son looks a lot like you.
[00:43] [Neva] hehe...our son
[00:44] [Nall] That's right
[00:44] [Nall] Which reminds me...
[00:44] [Nall] .... takes out a paper from his back pocket
[00:44] [Nall] ^/me
[00:44] [Nall] We... need to pick names.
[00:45] [Neva] ..oh?
[00:47] [Nall] Mmhmm
[00:48] [Neva] heh....the paper?
[00:49] [Nall] So I can write the names down
[00:49] [Neva] hmm...
[00:49] [Neva] daughter first?
[00:50] [Nall] If you'd like
[00:50] [Nall] We can wait if you don't feel up to it
[00:50] [Neva] heh....I have a little strength
[00:53] [Neva] ...the girl..hmm
[00:53] [Neva] a flower name?
[00:54] [Nall] If you'd like....we agreed you would pick her name
[00:55] [Neva] ....hmm..
[00:56] [Neva] rose? daisy?...Lavender?
[00:56] [Nall] They all sound nice
[00:57] [Neva] heh....
[00:58] [Neva] how about......
[00:58] [Neva] Rose..
[01:01] [Nall] I like it :)
[01:02] [Neva] heh good..
[01:04] [Neva] ...what about the boy...
[01:10] [Neva] dear?
[01:11] [Nall] Actually, I've thought about that...
[01:12] [Nall] ... what do you think of... Mandrake?
[01:12] [Nall] We could call him Drake for short....
[01:13] [Neva] ..that's a great name
[01:16] > Nall smiles and writes those down
[01:19] [Nall] You get some rest, ok? I'm gonna' turn this slip in with the nurses so they can make out the birth certificates
[01:19] [Nall] and i'm gonna' go tell our friends the good news
[01:20] [Neva] alright...
[01:20] > Neva nods and yawns
[01:21] > Nall bends down and kisses her forhead - Goodnight Neva... I love you.
[01:23] [Neva] I love you too, nall-kun
[01:23] [Nall] I'll bring Violet to see you tomorrow morning
[01:23] > Neva smiles "I would like that"
[01:23] [Nall] And to introduce her to Rose and Drake ^_^
[01:24] > Neva smiles and nods
[01:24] <-- Nall [WhiteDragon@SilverStar.co.lun] has left #reddwarfevents (I'll go tell our friends the good news too)
[01:27] <-- Neva [BHunterCat@SystemNova.com] has left #reddwarfevents (so tired..)
[12:35] > @HOL_6000 has cleared the channel password.
[19:11] [@HOL_6000] Neva: Only OPs and Priviledged users may change the channel password.
[19:12] > +Matsumi Kaze has changed the channel password.
[19:12] --> Matsumi Kaze [Airsenshi@Qtech.com ] has joined #reddwarfevents
[19:12] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze
[19:12] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze
[19:12] ➣ at the Kaze home..
[19:12] [+Matsumi Kaze] ^_^
[19:13] --> Candy (robe) [sunangel@sun.net] has joined #reddwarfevents
[19:13] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Candy (robe)
[19:13] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Candy (robe)
[19:13] [+Matsumi Kaze] oh hey candy
[19:13] [+Candy (robe)] Hii~~
[19:14] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh...how are you?
[19:14] > +Matsumi Kaze is sitting on a sofa at the bottom of the stairs
[19:15] [+Candy (robe)] Just got out of the gigantic bathtub
[19:16] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh....isn't it wonderful?
[19:16] [+Candy (robe)] yes I love this place
[19:17] [+Matsumi Kaze] what do the kids think of their rooms?
[19:18] [+Candy (robe)] Love them
[19:22] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh
[19:24] [+Matsumi Kaze] ready for this weekend?
[19:24] [+Candy (robe)] ...yeah...><
[19:25] [+Matsumi Kaze] what's wrong?
[19:27] [+Candy (robe)] nervous
[19:27] [+Matsumi Kaze] awww me too
[19:29] [+Candy (robe)] my first marriage
[19:29] > +Matsumi Kaze smiles
[19:31] [+Matsumi Kaze] hey..dont' worry
[19:31] > +Candy (robe) blushes
[19:31] [+Candy (robe)] but i'll finally be married teo the ones I love