Wednesday, February 11, 2009

#reddwarfmain 2009_Feb_11_2300

[23:21] >>> Saturday Feb 07 2009 – Automatic reset triggered – Logging Start <<<
[23:21] [Minako Aino (PJs)] O_O Mako-chan is dating a girl too??!!
[23:22] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] nooooooooo
[23:22] [+David O'Cain] Somehow, I doubt that.
[23:22] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] I meant Haru-san and Michi-san
[23:22] [Rei Hino]'s not that shocking..
[23:23] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] but no I don't think mako is dating a girl
[23:23] [Minako Aino (PJs)] Doesnt seem like their cusp of sea..
[23:24] > Minako Aino (PJs) sips her cup of tea.
[23:24] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] as for sets.....who knows...she might already be somewhere here XD
[23:24] > Usagi Tsukino (PJs) is back
[23:24] --> Vanadine (Nightwear) [] has joined #reddwarfmain
[23:24] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (Nightwear)
[23:24] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (Nightwear)
[23:25] [+David O'Cain] Hi, Vana.
[23:25] > Usagi Tsukino (PJs) is wearing some pink silk PJs....and has her hair undone...the long hair almost to the floor
[23:25] [Iris Gainsburough] Hey, Vana.
[23:25] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] heh..hi, vana
[23:25] --> Candy (nightgown) [] has joined #reddwarfmain
[23:25] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Candy (nightgown)
[23:25] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Candy (nightgown)
[23:25] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] hi hi!
[23:26] [Rei Hino] Good evening
[23:26] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] ..what about you, rei?
[23:26] [Minako Aino (PJs)] Hello Vanadine.
[23:27] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] how're all you ladies and Davey tonight?
[23:27] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] fine! we're going to have a pajama party sleepover
[23:27] > Usagi Tsukino (PJs) sits down, with a bag of chips ^^
[23:28] [Iris Gainsburough] Just fine, Vana.
[23:28] [+David O'Cain] Doing alright, Vana. How about you?
[23:28] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] i'm gooood, just thought i'd join the party :)
[23:29] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] brought the candy girl with me :)
[23:29] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] awesome!
[23:29] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] we were wondering if we should invite anyone else...
[23:29] [+Candy (nightgown)] Yeep!
[23:29] > Rei Hino hopes it won't get to out of hand
[23:30] > Usagi Tsukino (PJs) eats some chips ^^
[23:31] [Minako Aino (PJs)] We can dig up a scarry movie.. maybe some wine or saké.. talk about old times..
[23:32] [Usagi Tsukino (PJs)] sounds like plans!
[23:32] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) sits on the floor herself
[23:32] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] bet this would be a dream come true for kaede heh
[23:33] [+David O'Cain] Perhaps, Matsumi.
[23:33] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] I could call Jenny!
[23:33] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] like I said..I don't think I could get Haru and Michi here
[23:33] [+Candy (nightgown)] heheheh
[23:34] [Iris Gainsburough] Why not?
[23:34] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] well..I could try
[23:35] [+Candy (nightgown)] I could bring lots of anime
[23:35] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) picks up a cellphone and calls their house...wondering if she'll get them
[23:35] [Minako Aino (PJs)] A big senshi reunion party! I wonder what Hotaru is up to..
[23:36] [Iris Gainsburough] I think I've got some Cartoon Planet lying around somewhere.
[23:36] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] she lives with haru and michi still I know that
[23:36] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) waits to see if she gets any response
[23:37] > Usagi Tsukino (PJs) is eating some chips
[23:38] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] ......hmmm...
[23:39] [+David O'Cain] Anything, Matsumi?
[23:39] [Rei Hino] Your vacuuming tomorrow then Usagi if your bring those with
[23:40] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) pulls her phone out of her pocket and starts to type out a message
[23:40] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) taps her fingers
[23:41] > +Candy (nightgown) sits next to Usagi
[23:44] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) puts her phone in her pocket and sits next to Matsumi
[23:44] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] ......
[23:45] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) hangs up super quickly
[23:45] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] ......ok...that didn't go so well
[23:45] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] what's wrong sweety?
[23:45] [+Candy (nightgown)] What happened Matsy?
[23:46] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] ....I did get through...
[23:46] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] ...I think I interuppted them in the middle of something
[23:46] [+Candy (nightgown)] ....oh
[23:47] [+David O'Cain] Whoops.
[23:47] [Iris Gainsburough] That didn't sound good.
[23:47] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Oh boy
[23:47] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] ..though I did leave the message and the offer for tnight
[23:47] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] *tonight
[23:50] --> Jennifer Flare (Nightwear) [] has joined #reddwarfmain
[23:50] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Jennifer Flare (Nightwear)
[23:50] > Jennifer Flare (Nightwear) walks in with two large bags/ Someone ordered some saki!?
[23:51] [Usagi Tsukino (PJs)] whoa!
[23:51] [+David O'Cain] Hi, Jen.
[23:51] [Iris Gainsburough] Hi.
[23:51] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) leans against vana a bit, giggling
[23:52] [+Candy (nightgown)] Poor matsy
[23:52] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Hey Jenny
[23:52] [Rei Hino] This get together is getting bigger and bigger by the moment
[23:52] [Usagi Tsukino (PJs)] is that bad?
[23:53] [Usagi Tsukino (PJs)] are you going to get in your pajamas, rei????
[23:53] [Rei Hino] We're going to my place so I can get in them when I get there
[23:53] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] I thought we were having it up here???
[23:53] [Minako Aino (PJs)] It is kinda questionable.. Too many chiefs spoil the bath.
[23:54] [Rei Hino] O.o
[23:54] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] um..
[23:54] > Usagi Tsukino (PJs) blinks
[23:54] [Rei Hino] we're having it here then
[23:54] > Rei Hino is away: ...
[23:54] [Minako Aino (PJs)] Yeah.. I thought it was up here.
[23:55] --> Hotaru Tomoe [] has joined #reddwarfmain
[23:55] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Hotaru Tomoe
[23:55] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] hotaru!!!
[23:55] [Hotaru Tomoe] So, party in space, I hear?
[23:55] [Hotaru Tomoe] I got your message, Matsumi-san.
[23:55] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] and michi told you >.>
[23:55] [Jennifer Flare (Nightwear)] This is amazing!
[23:55] [+Candy (nightgown)] yep!
[23:56] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] ....that was...a bit of a shock
[23:56] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Hi hi!
[23:56] [Usagi Tsukino (PJs)] heya, hotaru!
[23:56] [Hotaru Tomoe] No, Haruka-poppa and Michiru-momma are *ahem* "busy".
[23:56] [Iris Gainsburough] Hello.
[23:56] [+David O'Cain] Hi, Hotaru.
[23:56] [Hotaru Tomoe] But I did hear the conversation.. I hear EVERYTHING.. >_<
[23:57] [Minako Aino (PJs)] Hi Hotaru chan!
[23:57] > Hotaru Tomoe turns and bows in turn to everyone.
[23:57] [+Candy (nightgown)] D:
[23:57] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] oh man heh
[23:57] [Usagi Tsukino (PJs)] hey guys...I'm looking for a new job!
[23:58] [+Candy (nightgown)] today I got a few love letters in my shoe locker again
[23:58] [Iris Gainsburough] Hey, where'd Rei go?
[23:58] [Jennifer Flare (Nightwear)] so, w hat do you think girls... chilled or hot saki?
[23:58] > Rei Hino (gown) is back
[23:58] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] aww man, candy
[23:58] [Minako Aino (PJs)] I dunno.
[23:58] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] Hotaru- it's a pajama party!
[23:58] [Iris Gainsburough] Nevermind. ^_^;
[23:59] [+Candy (nightgown)] It's getting to be valentine's day again
[23:59] [Hotaru Tomoe] Pajamas? Well, I guess, if I must.
[23:59] > Rei Hino (nightgown) walks in and sits down.
[23:59] > Iris Gainsburough sits next to Rei
[00:00] >>> Sunday Feb 08 2009 <<<
[00:00] > +David O'Cain whispers to Matsumi
[00:00] [Usagi Tsukino (PJs)] wonder if there is anything on TV
[00:00] > Hotaru Tomoe is away: Back into the lion's den. For clothes, of all things.
[00:00] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) whispers back to david
[00:01] [Minako Aino (PJs)] You don't HAVE to, Hotaru chan...
[00:01] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] too late, minako!
[00:01] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) whispers to david again
[00:01] [Iris Gainsburough] Already gone back to fetch her stuff.
[00:02] > Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas) is back
[00:02] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) leaps up..and gives hotaru a huuuuge hug!
[00:02] > Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas) comes back wearing long pajamas that look like the night sky.
[00:02] [+Candy (nightgown)] pretty Hotaru
[00:03] > Jennifer Flare (Nightwear) shrugs and puts the saki bottles in the fridge
[00:03] > Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas) EEPs and goes a bit wide eyed.
[00:03] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] always good to see my "little sister"
[00:03] [Usagi Tsukino (PJs)] it's great to be around all you guys ^^
[00:04] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] It's nice to know that someone is.
[00:04] > Rei Hino (nightgown) just sits there quietly
[00:04] > Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas) hugs Matsumi-san back.
[00:05] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) sits back down
[00:05] [Usagi Tsukino (PJs)] so girls..what should we do????
[00:06] [Iris Gainsburough] Um, I don't know. What do you think, Rei?
[00:06] [+David O'Cain] How've you been, Hotaru?
[00:07] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] ..I don't know........heh
[00:07] [Rei Hino (nightgown)] Watch movies, read manga, play video games. Kind of like the old times
[00:07] [+Candy (nightgown)] Oooo manga!
[00:07] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] Surviving, I suppose. As best as one can with the pair I live with.
[00:08] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] video games sound neat!
[00:08] [+David O'Cain] Gotcha. Been up to much lately?
[00:09] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] ooo! I should get one of my husband's games
[00:09] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) is away: going to grab one!
[00:09] [Usagi Tsukino (PJs)] so how are you Vina?
[00:09] [Usagi Tsukino (PJs)] jenny?
[00:09] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Hmm
[00:09] [Minako Aino (PJs)] We have any racing games?
[00:10] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Name's Vana, Usagi and i'm doing fine
[00:10] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] Keeping Haruka-poppa out of as much trouble as I can and reading, mostly.
[00:10] [+Candy (nightgown)] Vana is my wifypoo
[00:10] [Jennifer Flare (Nightwear)] I'm going good Usagi.... just taking care of my Inny's little girl
[00:11] [Usagi Tsukino (PJs)] ....inny????
[00:11] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) is back
[00:11] > Jennifer Flare (Nightwear) nods/ I'm dating Inu-Yasha.... we're living together.
[00:11] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] welcome back sweety
[00:11] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) has brought in Gaia Fighter II, Mech-Flyer and Hyper-Racer Alpha
[00:11] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] brought gaaaames
[00:12] > Usagi Tsukino (PJs) suddenly puts an arm around Rei!
[00:12] [Usagi Tsukino (PJs)] Hey Rei!!
[00:12] [Usagi Tsukino (PJs)] how about you lend me some manga ^^
[00:12] [Rei Hino (nightgown)] How about you replace that one you destroyed t he other day
[00:13] [+Candy (nightgown)] ahh racing and fightingn games
[00:13] [Usagi Tsukino (PJs)] um......I'll do that when I have some money to >.>
[00:13] [+Candy (nightgown)] how about a party game? Like mario party?
[00:13] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] wait..isn't there a wii here!?...Wii sports!
[00:13] [Rei Hino (nightgown)] then I'll do that when I have a complete collection again
[00:13] [+Candy (nightgown)] BOWLING!
[00:13] [Usagi Tsukino (PJs)] so Minako! how are you feeling ^^
[00:14] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) sits down so she's right in front of vana
[00:14] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] Party games are more up my alley. I may be able to compete with Ami-san for brains, but I just don't have her knack for picking up new skills.
[00:15] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] heh..I remember I was always afraid of beating you, Hotaru..wasn't sure if you would be a sore loser and....WAM
[00:16] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] <_<
[00:16] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] ..well it was just a thought you know heh
[00:16] > Usagi Tsukino (PJs) moves over so she's sitting next to Minako
[00:16] [Iris Gainsburough] One of those "Let the Wookie win" situations, Matsumi?
[00:16] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] Yeah.
[00:17] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] I just hate losing, because if we lose the big one, you know what my responsiility is.. I don't really relish the thought.
[00:17] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] I bet...
[00:18] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] though of course you would be reborn..and THEN you would be easy to beat at a game :P
[00:19] [Minako Aino (PJs)] Well, I'm open to anything. ^^
[00:19] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] :P :P
[00:19] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] though I could easily do that now :P
[00:20] [+David O'Cain] Heh.
[00:20] > Usagi Tsukino (PJs) gets a michivious look...and steals minako's ribbion!
[00:20] > Minako Aino (PJs) giggles.
[00:20] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] I've already had to grow up three times on this planet, I'd be bound to do something drastic after a fourth.
[00:20] [Minako Aino (PJs)] Heeey now!
[00:21] [Usagi Tsukino (PJs)] got the ribbion!
[00:21] [Minako Aino (PJs)] Gonna try it on?
[00:22] [Minako Aino (PJs)] Cause if you are, _I_ am getting odangos. :P
[00:22] > Rei Hino (nightgown) chuckles a little
[00:22] [Rei Hino (nightgown)] and then we won't be able to tell who's who
[00:22] [Usagi Tsukino (PJs)] hey!!!
[00:22] > Iris Gainsburough chuckles
[00:23] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) ruffles hotaru's hair ^^
[00:23] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] You two DO look a lot alike.
[00:23] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] @_@
[00:24] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) giggles and leans back against vana
[00:24] [Usagi Tsukino (PJs)] I know :P
[00:24] [Jennifer Flare (Nightwear)] What about me?
[00:24] > Usagi Tsukino (PJs) puts the ribbion in Rei's hair
[00:24] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] is the job, jenny?
[00:25] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) just holds Matsumi
[00:25] > +Candy (nightgown) sits next to Matsy
[00:25] [Minako Aino (PJs)] Hey, theres a nice look for her... but the red doesnt clash enough... I think she needs a yellow ribbon.. or maybe blue.
[00:25] [Rei Hino (nightgown)] O.o
[00:25] [Jennifer Flare (Nightwear)] Just getting things set up for the new center. Should be ready by the beginning of next month.
[00:26] [Iris Gainsburough] Hmmm, maybe have the bow near the tips.
[00:26] > Usagi Tsukino (PJs) puts rei in pigtails
[00:26] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] oh that's nice!
[00:26] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] Definitely green, to contrast the black and red.
[00:26] > Minako Aino (PJs) helps Usagi.
[00:27] [Minako Aino (PJs)] Shes ether gonna look like an american patriot, or a christmas hero.
[00:27] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] And now you see why I keep mine short. :P
[00:27] [Usagi Tsukino (PJs)] hee
[00:27] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) hugs candy super close ^^
[00:27] > Rei Hino (nightgown) is now in pigtails
[00:27] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] what about your old job, jennY?
[00:27] > +Candy (nightgown) giggles returning the hug
[00:28] [Minako Aino (PJs)] Yeah, cause Hotaru is no fun. :P
[00:28] [Jennifer Flare (Nightwear)] Got my successor picked out already. She seems to be working out quite well.
[00:29] [+David O'Cain] Who'd you pick, Jen?
[00:29] [Jennifer Flare (Nightwear)] My friend Rynia
[00:29] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] hey...hotaru-chan is fun!
[00:29] [Iris Gainsburough] Heheh, Rei looks cute now. (hugs Rei)
[00:30] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] *I* just have a bit more sophisticated idea of fun.
[00:30] > Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas) looks down her nose at them with a grin.
[00:30] > Minako Aino (PJs) giggles.
[00:31] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] well....we always got along.......hotaru?
[00:31] > Rei Hino (nightgown) blushes a little
[00:31] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] Yes?
[00:32] [Iris Gainsburough] ^_^
[00:32] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] I mean...we did get along, hotaru..right?
[00:33] > Jennifer Flare (Nightwear) looks around, not sure where to sit
[00:33] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] Of course. Certainly better than I do with my "parents".
[00:34] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] is the game ready?
[00:35] > +Candy (nightgown) giggles a little watching the room
[00:36] [+David O'Cain] Well, as much as I'd like to stick around, ladies, but I must be going. Y'all have fun.
[00:36] [Usagi Tsukino (PJs)] hmm..should we have saki heh
[00:36] [Usagi Tsukino (PJs)] night, david!
[00:36] > Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas) bows to David. "Good night."
[00:37] [Minako Aino (PJs)] Later, Dave.
[00:37] [Iris Gainsburough] See ya, cap'n.
[00:38] <-- +David O'Cain has left #reddwarfmain (Good night.)
[00:38] [Rei Hino (nightgown)] Goodnight David
[00:40] > Usagi Tsukino (PJs) is playing with rei's pigtails
[00:40] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) twirls Candy's hair
[00:40] [+Candy (nightgown)] I should put your hair in pigtails matsy dear
[00:40] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] ohhhh?
[00:41] > +Candy (nightgown) begins to
[00:42] > Jennifer Flare (Nightwear) decides to go sit by the bar and watch the rest
[00:42] [Jennifer Flare (Nightwear)] Ya'll let me know when any of ya' want anything to drink, k?
[00:43] [Iris Gainsburough] Heh, this is fun.
[00:43] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] heh alright thanks, jenny!
[00:43] [Minako Aino (PJs)] She looks cute like this, Usagi.. I know what shes getting for her upcoming birthday.
[00:43] [Rei Hino (nightgown)] birthday..
[00:44] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] My body really doesn't tolerate alcohol very well, so I think I'll pass on the hard stuff.
[00:44] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] candy..what should we do to vana's hair? :P
[00:44] [Jennifer Flare (Nightwear)] I would make you a fruit smoothie or somethin' if you want Hotaru.
[00:45] [Minako Aino (PJs)] Ill take something when everyone else does.
[00:46] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] Thank you, I'd appreciate it.
[00:48] [+Candy (nightgown)] hummmmmm a bun
[00:48] > Iris Gainsburough acts like she points a sword to Jennifer, "Bring on the rum, and keep it flowing, ye barwench." :P
[00:48] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] fruit smoothie too
[00:49] > Jennifer Flare (Nightwear) smirks at Iris and hops behind the bar
[00:50] [+Candy (nightgown)] fruit smoothie sounds yum
[00:50] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] nah, candy..I wanna do something goofy with vana's hair :P
[00:51] > Minako Aino (PJs) pulls out some hair bands, and starts fassioning her hair into odangos and pigtails.
[00:53] [Minako Aino (PJs)] Done with Rei-chan, Usagi? I can never get them to look like yours.
[00:53] [+Candy (nightgown)] silly hair night it seems
[00:54] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) has dozed off
[00:54] > Jennifer Flare (Nightwear) starts to making up drinks.
[00:54] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] awwww
[00:54] [Usagi Tsukino (PJs)] I think so
[00:55] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] I wasn't around to see it, but I heard the first time you tried it didn't turn out so well.
[00:55] [Iris Gainsburough] Looks like Vana's out.
[00:55] [Minako Aino (PJs)] Ne, my hair? It was enough to fool the Youma.
[00:56] [Minako Aino (PJs)] Sure saved Usagi's butt. ^^
[00:56] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] wasn't it a daimon, minako???
[00:56] [Iris Gainsburough] Wha?
[00:56] [Jennifer Flare (Nightwear)] I actually dressed up as you girls once during a halloween part
[00:57] [Jennifer Flare (Nightwear)] ^party
[00:57] [Minako Aino (PJs)] Yeah, I think so... one of those baddies.. I forget.
[00:58] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)]'s a question
[00:58] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] how are we going to sleep up here?
[00:58] [+Candy (nightgown)] um comfertably?
[00:58] [Jennifer Flare (Nightwear)] well, i'm sure my old room is empty
[00:59] [Rei Hino (nightgown)] not a slumber party if everyone's in seperate areas
[00:59] [Jennifer Flare (Nightwear)] my room's pretty big
[00:59] [Jennifer Flare (Nightwear)] that or we could just get a bunch of sleeping bags and sleep in here
[01:00] > Jennifer Flare (Nightwear) finishes the drinks and starts handing them out
[01:00] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] do we have sleeping bags?
[01:00] [Minako Aino (PJs)] I like Jenny's plan. ^^
[01:00] [+Candy (nightgown)] thankies jenjen
[01:00] [Minako Aino (PJs)] We can just take blankets and comforters off beds. Theres lots.
[01:01] [Iris Gainsburough] Heh, yeah.
[01:01] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] thanks!
[01:01] > Iris Gainsburough takes her rum, "Thanks, Jen."
[01:02] > Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas) gives a short bow. "Thank you."
[01:03] > Minako Aino (PJs) takes hers. "Arigato."
[01:03] [Rei Hino (nightgown)] Thank you
[01:04] [Jennifer Flare (Nightwear)] You're all very welcome ^_^
[01:05] [Usagi Tsukino (PJs)] thank you!
[01:05] > Iris Gainsburough starts drinking
[01:05] > +Candy (nightgown) sips on hers happily
[01:05] > Minako Aino (PJs) sips hers and giggles.
[01:06] > Rei Hino (nightgown) wiggles her head around unsure about the pigtails
[01:06] [Jennifer Flare (Nightwear)] That look is nice for you Rei
[01:06] > Minako Aino (PJs) continues to work on her hair, unaided.
[01:09] [Jennifer Flare (Nightwear)] What're you doing Minako?
[01:10] [Minako Aino (PJs)] hair.
[01:10] [Jennifer Flare (Nightwear)] I know that silly :P What style are you trying to put it into?
[01:11] > Usagi Tsukino (PJs) is eating chips again
[01:12] > Rei Hino (nightgown) leans back on the couch.
[01:12] [Minako Aino (PJs)] Odangos and pigtails.
[01:12] > Iris Gainsburough holds onto Rei
[01:13] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] Practicing her princess disguise.
[01:14] > +Candy (nightgown) snickers.
[01:15] [Usagi Tsukino (PJs)] hey are you making fun of me?
[01:15] [+Candy (nightgown)] no
[01:15] [Minako Aino (PJs)] Noooo.. just being silly.
[01:16] [Jennifer Flare (Nightwear)] hehe
[01:17] [Usagi Tsukino (PJs)] oh good heh
[01:17] [Minako Aino (PJs)] I don't make fun of you, thats Rei-chan's job. ^.~
[01:18] [Iris Gainsburough] Heh.
[01:18] [Rei Hino (nightgown)] I don't do that as often as I used to
[01:18] [Jennifer Flare (Nightwear)] Hehe
[01:19] [Usagi Tsukino (PJs)] that's true!
[01:22] [Usagi Tsukino (PJs)] then again..haven't kept in touch much ^^;;;;
[01:22] [Rei Hino (nightgown)] though you are a grown woman, stay out of my manga
[01:22] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] I guess we're all a little guilty of that, Usagi-san.
[01:23] [Usagi Tsukino (PJs)] yeah..true, hotaru
[01:24] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] man...I forget how old we are sometimes...
[01:24] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) snuggles against Matsumi, now fully asleep
[01:24] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] I've got a little advantage there. :P
[01:24] [Minako Aino (PJs)] Yeah.. >_<
[01:24] [Jennifer Flare (Nightwear)] ya'll ain't THAT old....
[01:24] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] I won't hit the big three-oh until next year~
[01:25] [Minako Aino (PJs)] We arent string kicking anymore..
[01:25] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] Though, to be honest, I'd much rather get a little older than have to grow out of diapers again. >_<
[01:26] [Iris Gainsburough] Yikes.
[01:26] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] man...yeah
[01:26] > Rei Hino (nightgown) nods
[01:27] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] Growing almost five years in a matter of seconds is NOT fun. And another eight in a couple days?.. yeah, no.
[01:27] [Jennifer Flare (Nightwear)] Sounds painful
[01:28] [Minako Aino (PJs)] (( Let me know if my proverbs need translation =P Im starting to get the hang of this. ))
[01:29] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] I bet it's hard
[01:31] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] At least I got my age back, but a little more time would have been nice. Stupid Galaxia.
[01:32] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] The only reason she released Nehelenia was to reage me so she could steal my power.
[01:32] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] I was lucky enough never to directly get involved in that.......
[01:32] [+Candy (nightgown)] I'm 17 looking now Hotaru. I feel your pain
[01:33] > Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas) nods. "You seem to have gotten the opposite end of that stick."
[01:34] [Minako Aino (PJs)] Yeah.. we dont seem to LOOK any older..
[01:34] > Iris Gainsburough finishes her glass of rum, "Sounds like one hell of a fight."
[01:36] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] weird isn't it
[01:36] [Rei Hino (nightgown)] It was..
[01:38] > +Candy (nightgown) yawns a little
[01:38] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] That.. was a very bad time, for all of us.
[01:38] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] tired, candy?
[01:38] [+Candy (nightgown)] a little bit
[01:38] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] while you guys were fighting her..I was getting my butt kicked by beryl's "siblings" they called themselves
[01:39] [Jennifer Flare (Nightwear)] should we start gathering things to sleep in?
[01:39] [Iris Gainsburough] What, Matsumi?
[01:40] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] it's a VERY long story, iris
[01:41] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] Good plan, if some of us are headed that way.
[01:42] [Jennifer Flare (Nightwear)] Let's see.... how many of us are there...?
[01:42] [Rei Hino (nightgown)] Humm there are quite a few
[01:42] [Iris Gainsburough] Yeah.
[01:42] > Minako Aino (PJs) finishes her drink, haven given up on odangos.
[01:42] [Usagi Tsukino (PJs)] yeah
[01:43] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] Nine, or ten if Iris is staying.
[01:44] [Iris Gainsburough] I'm staying.
[01:44] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] Oops, miscounted, that's nine.
[01:45] [Jennifer Flare (Nightwear)] Ten it is!
[01:45] > Jennifer Flare (Nightwear) is away: getting bedding
[01:46] [Rei Hino (nightgown)] heh
[01:46] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] Then again, it's always best to include Setsuna-san in any count, because you never know.
[01:46] [Rei Hino (nightgown)] That is true
[01:47] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] heh true
[01:47] > Setsuna Meioh (nightgown) is already in Jennifer's room waiting :)
[01:48] > Usagi Tsukino (PJs) is still eating chips
[01:48] [Rei Hino (nightgown)] I thought we were sleeping out here
[01:51] [+Candy (nightgown)] You shouldn't be eating chips this close to bed time Usagi
[01:52] [Usagi Tsukino (PJs)] oh?
[01:53] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] That tends to be bad for your waistline, Usagi-san.
[01:54] > Usagi Tsukino (PJs) quietly puts away the bag
[01:54] > Jennifer Flare (Nightwear) is back
[01:54] > Jennifer Flare (Nightwear) walks in with a large stack of blankets
[01:55] [Minako Aino (PJs)] Ne.. I question if any of us are capable of getting fat..
[01:55] [Rei Hino (nightgown)] like getting old
[01:55] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] Maybe not, but why risk it?
[01:56] > Usagi Tsukino (PJs) nods quickly
[01:57] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] heh true
[01:57] [+Candy (nightgown)] so true
[01:58] > Jennifer Flare (Nightwear) lays out the blankests around teh room
[01:58] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] if there is a green one, I call it!
[02:00] [+Candy (nightgown)] We'll have to move vana d own
[02:00] > Minako Aino (PJs) takes an orange one and gets under it, taking pause to finish her drink.
[02:01] [+Candy (nightgown)] I wonder if there is g oing to be a fight with t he red ones
[02:01] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] yeah true
[02:01] [Minako Aino (PJs)] This feels so nice... to be here with you all like this..
[02:01] > Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas) finds a nice purple blanket and snuggles inside it~
[02:02] > Usagi Tsukino (PJs) picks a pink one!
[02:02] [Usagi Tsukino (PJs)] yeah ^^
[02:02] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] yeah it is.....I'm also glad to see you here, are still like..a little sister to me
[02:02] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] And without a bunch of noise coming through the wall. @_@
[02:03] > Rei Hino (nightgown) snatches a red one
[02:03] > Iris Gainsburough picks out a blanket
[02:03] > +Candy (nightgown) is left with a purple one :(
[02:03] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] Thank you, Mastumi-san. :)
[02:03] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) snuggles into the green blanket
[02:04] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] I like 'sister' a lot better than 'daughter'.
[02:04] [Minako Aino (PJs)] Little sister. ^^
[02:05] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] heh..well..we outers are a family, aren't we heh
[02:05] > Usagi Tsukino (PJs) has already fallen asleep
[02:05] --> Setsuna Meioh (nightgown) [] has joined #reddwarfmain
[02:05] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Setsuna Meioh (nightgown)
[02:05] [Setsuna Meioh (nightgown)] excuse me...
[02:05] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] A very strange one, yes.
[02:05] > Minako Aino (PJs) curls up and rests..
[02:05] > Setsuna Meioh (nightgown) puts down a dark dark green blanket..
[02:05] [Minako Aino (PJs)] Someone... lower the lights..
[02:05] [Setsuna Meioh (nightgown)] candy-chan...
[02:06] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] And there's mother number two. :P
[02:06] [+Candy (nightgown)] Yes a very strange messed up either non ageing or somehow to young family
[02:06] > Setsuna Meioh (nightgown) puts down on the floor a red and yellow blanket
[02:06] [+Candy (nightgown)] red!
[02:06] [Setsuna Meioh (nightgown)] for you
[02:06] > +Candy (nightgown) jumps on it
[02:06] > Setsuna Meioh (nightgown) lays down carefully into the dark green blanket and looks at hotaru and matsumi " children sleep well"
[02:06] [+Candy (nightgown)] thank you!
[02:06] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] yes, sets :P :P :P
[02:07] > Rei Hino (nightgown) lays down next to Iris
[02:07] [Rei Hino (nightgown)] Goodnight then
[02:07] > Iris Gainsburough curls up next to Rei
[02:07] > Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas) gives Setsuna-san a little scowl and snuggles in her blanket.
[02:07] > Setsuna Meioh (nightgown) just gives a tiny laugh
[02:07] > Setsuna Meioh (nightgown) closes her eyes quietly
[02:08] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] night you guys
[02:08] [Iris Gainsburough] Night.
[02:09] > Minako Aino (PJs) mutters to herself quietly. "Everyones here.. everything is gonna be alright.."
[02:09] [+Candy (nightgown)] night ♡
[02:10] <-- Rei Hino (nightgown) [] has left #reddwarfmain (*sleeping~*)
[02:10] <-- Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas) [] has left #reddwarfmain (Good night..)
[02:10] <-- Iris Gainsburough has left #reddwarfmain (Sleepytime now.)
[02:11] <-- +Candy (nightgown) [] has left #reddwarfmain (*wiggles under her blankeys*)
[02:11] <-- +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) [ ] has left #reddwarfmain (sleep..)
[02:11] <-- Minako Aino (PJs) has left #reddwarfmain (Im glad to be back..)
[02:11] <-- Setsuna Meioh (nightgown) [] has left #reddwarfmain (good night)
[02:11] <-- Usagi Tsukino (PJs) [] has left #reddwarfmain (zzzzz)
[02:13] <-- +Vanadine (Nightwear) [] has left #reddwarfmain (zzzzzz)
[02:14] > Jennifer Flare (Nightwear) looks over the rest of them, then lays down herself
[02:14] <-- Jennifer Flare (Nightwear) [] has left #reddwarfmain (Night everyone)
[12:45] --> Usagi Tsukino (PJs) [] has joined #reddwarfmain
[12:45] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Usagi Tsukino (PJs)
[12:46] > Usagi Tsukino (PJs) yawns and gets up groggry
[12:46] [Usagi Tsukino (PJs)] ....gotta go..
[12:46] > Usagi Tsukino (PJs) is away: ..*yawn*
[12:54] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) quietly snores a bit
[12:58] > Setsuna Meioh (nightgown) is sleeping and holding of all things...a stuffed bear
[13:54] <-- +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) [ ] has left #reddwarfmain
[13:54] <-- Setsuna Meioh (nightgown) [] has left #reddwarfmain
[20:37] --> Iris Gainsburough has joined #reddwarfmain
[20:37] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Iris Gainsburough
[20:38] [Iris Gainsburough] Man, that was fun last night.
[20:57] > Iris Gainsburough sits down on the sofa
[21:35] [Iris Gainsburough] I guess everyone's busy.
[22:22] [Setsuna Meioh] good evening
[22:23] > Setsuna Meioh is suddenly standing behind iris
[22:24] [Iris Gainsburough] Oh, hi.
[22:24] [Iris Gainsburough] Didn't hear you come in.
[22:24] [Setsuna Meioh] no one does
[22:27] [Iris Gainsburough] Enjoy the sleepover last night?
[22:27] [Setsuna Meioh] yes quite
[22:29] [Iris Gainsburough] So did I. Never thought being in a sleepover with Senshi would be this fun.
[22:31] [Setsuna Meioh] why not?
[22:32] > Iris Gainsburough shrugs
[22:34] [Iris Gainsburough] Anyway, what's going on with you?
[22:37] [Setsuna Meioh] not much at all
[22:40] [Iris Gainsburough] Oh.
[22:41] --> Minako Aino [] has joined #reddwarfmain
[22:41] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Minako Aino
[22:41] [Minako Aino] Hiyas.
[22:41] [Setsuna Meioh] hello there, minako
[22:41] [Setsuna Meioh] have a good sleep?
[22:42] [Minako Aino] Surprisingly! Last night... it felt so peaceful.
[22:42] [Setsuna Meioh] it was quite peaceful
[22:42] [Iris Gainsburough] Hi, Minako.
[22:44] [Setsuna Meioh] it was because you were with friends
[22:47] [Minako Aino] Yeah... thats probably it.
[22:48] [Iris Gainsburough] Yeah. It was fun, though.
[22:54] [Setsuna Meioh] yeah it was
[22:56] [Minako Aino] Ne, Setsuna-san ... do you have any idea where Artemis might have wound up?
[22:56] [Setsuna Meioh] perhaps
[22:56] [Minako Aino] I'm gonna try to track him down, sort of a warm up mission after my sabbatical.
[22:57] > Setsuna Meioh nods
[22:58] [Setsuna Meioh] I wish you luck
[22:59] [Iris Gainsburough] Hope you find him.
[23:03] [Iris Gainsburough] So, how ya been, Minako?
[23:03] [Minako Aino] Alright... recovering...
[23:05] [Minako Aino] Its been a wild couple of years. ^.^
[23:06] [Iris Gainsburough] Oh yeah?
[23:07] [Minako Aino] Yee.. yeah. ^^; You know, the usual fare.. drinks and parties.. photo shoots..
[23:07] > Setsuna Meioh smiles a bit
[23:07] > Minako Aino laughs uncomfortably and waves herself off.
[23:07] [Iris Gainsburough] Heh. Sounds like you got one hell of a career there.
[23:08] [Minako Aino] Ne.. maybe.. ^^
[23:08] [Iris Gainsburough] As for me, it's either I'm doing military stuff or out somewhere in the world helping a police force bring in a crook or take down a crime ring.
[23:09] [Minako Aino] Thats so cool! That sounds like how I started out.
[23:09] [Setsuna Meioh] my business takes up much of my time
[23:10] [Iris Gainsburough] Really? What'd you do, Minako?
[23:11] [Minako Aino] I.. I'd rather not talk about it. ^^;
[23:11] > Setsuna Meioh just smiles
[23:12] [Setsuna Meioh] Minako..if you would like....I could design some new clothes for you
[23:12] [Minako Aino] I'm.. not proud.. of it all.
[23:12] > Minako Aino blinks.
[23:12] [Minako Aino] Really?
[23:13] [Iris Gainsburough] Oh. Sorry. Didn't mean to hit a touchy subject.
[23:14] [Minako Aino] Its fine.
[23:15] [Setsuna Meioh] yes
[23:15] [Setsuna Meioh] all I need is specifics...and your measurements....
[23:15] [Setsuna Meioh] that is my new business
[23:16] [Minako Aino] Those I can get you, easy.
[23:16] > Minako Aino jots them down and hands them over.
[23:16] [Minako Aino] Thats so COOL! Ne.. let me know if you need a model. ^.~
[23:18] > Setsuna Meioh nods "I will let you know"
[23:18] [Minako Aino] I swore I was done with the business.. but I'd be honored to work with you. Someoen I can trust.
[23:19] [Iris Gainsburough] Heh. Get the guys' engines roaring, eh? :P
[23:19] > Setsuna Meioh nods
[23:19] [Minako Aino] You could say that..
[23:20] > Minako Aino smiles, her eyes closed, squinting a little.
[23:23] [Iris Gainsburough] Can I ask you two something?
[23:24] [Setsuna Meioh] hmmm?
[23:24] [Minako Aino] Ne?
[23:25] [Iris Gainsburough] What are your opinions about David? For whatever reason, that question's been in the back of my head lately.
[23:25] [Setsuna Meioh] ...he is a good soldier
[23:26] [Minako Aino] I havent really dealt with him enough... he seems nice, but borring.
[23:29] [Iris Gainsburough] I see. Perhaps it might change when you two are in the same room.
[23:29] [Minako Aino] Ne? What, hes got a crush on me or somthin?
[23:31] [Iris Gainsburough] No. I'm just saying that he might not be so boring as you think he is.
[23:33] [Minako Aino] Well, I said I hadnt really had a chance to judge him...
[23:34] [Setsuna Meioh] hmm
[23:35] [Iris Gainsburough] Gotcha.
[23:41] [Iris Gainsburough] Anything to drink, you guys?
[23:42] [Setsuna Meioh] lemonaide
[23:46] [Minako Aino] Anything..
[23:47] > Iris Gainsburough goes to the bar and starts mixing drinks
[23:53] > Iris Gainsburough comes back with a lemonade for Setsuna, vodka mixed with ice cream for Minako, and a glass of brandy for herself
[23:54] [Minako Aino] Whats this?
[23:55] [Iris Gainsburough] Oh, I took some chocolate ice cream and some good vodka, and mixed it in a blender.
[23:55] > Minako Aino tries some, and her eyes light up.
[23:56] [Minako Aino] hats really good... it clashes off the vodka perfectly.
[23:57] > Setsuna Meioh sips her lemonaide lightly
[23:59] [Iris Gainsburough] Thanks.
[00:00] >>> Monday Feb 09 2009 <<<
[00:02] [Setsuna Meioh] sadly..I must depart
[00:03] [Iris Gainsburough] Bye, Setsuna.
[00:03] <-- Setsuna Meioh [] has left #reddwarfmain (who watches the watcher's watcher?)
[00:04] [Minako Aino] Ja ne Setsuna-san! Keep in touch!
[00:05] [Iris Gainsburough] The sleepover was fun.
[00:08] [Minako Aino] Yeah.. we could make it a regular thing. Makes me feel... young again.
[00:10] [Iris Gainsburough] I'll bet. Must have been good times.
[00:11] > Minako Aino sips her drink, and eats some of the ice cream.
[00:11] [Minako Aino] It was nic eto feel like a teenager again, Ill say that.
[00:13] [Iris Gainsburough] Yeah.
[00:27] [Iris Gainsburough] Rei looked silly with her hair in pigtails. (giggles a little)
[00:30] [Minako Aino] Hheehe... that was fun..
[00:30] [Minako Aino] I like throwing a curve ball at her when shes trying to be all prim and propper.
[00:33] [Iris Gainsburough] Too bad we didn't get to watch a movie while we were up last night.
[00:33] [Minako Aino] Yeah.. it went so fast.
[00:35] [Iris Gainsburough] With so many titles out, picking one is gonna be difficult.
[00:38] > Minako Aino finishes her drink and yawns.
[00:39] [Iris Gainsburough] Getting tired?
[00:39] [Minako Aino] Yeah.. I think so..
[00:42] [Minako Aino] Thanks for the drink... Umm... Say hi to Rei-chan for me? o.o
[00:42] [Iris Gainsburough] Heh, you're welcome, and I will.
[00:43] <-- Minako Aino [] has left #reddwarfmain (Ja ne)
[00:44] <-- Iris Gainsburough has left #reddwarfmain (Good night.)
[20:17] --> David O'Cain has joined #reddwarfmain
[20:17] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to David O'Cain
[20:17] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +David O'Cain
[20:18] [+David O'Cain] What a day. Damn.
[20:55] > +David O'Cain sits on the sofa
[22:13] --> Nate Detroit [] has joined #reddwarfmain
[22:13] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +o to Nate Detroit
[22:13] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, @Nate Detroit
[22:13] [@Nate Detroit] Oye..
[22:15] [+David O'Cain] Hey, Nate.
[22:16] [@Nate Detroit] How goes, Dave?
[22:17] [+David O'Cain] Not much. Been pretty much relaxing since I got here.
[22:18] [+David O'Cain] How about you?
[22:20] [@Nate Detroit] Alright... its been hell getting preped for summer, especally opening a new store.
[22:22] [+David O'Cain] Ah. Well, I hope things go well.
[22:25] [@Nate Detroit] I do too.
[22:32] [+David O'Cain] Any new games lately?
[22:35] [@Nate Detroit] I've been trying to import a Street Fighter 4, but I jsut dont have the budget for it...
[22:35] [@Nate Detroit] But I tell you, there arent NEARLY as many new arcade games stateside as there were ten years ago...
[22:36] [+David O'Cain] I can imagine. Must have been a lot back then.
[22:37] [@Nate Detroit] More like theres nothing now. Arcades in america are dying. My numbers are down, but I'm still making a profit because I understand my audience.
[22:39] [+David O'Cain] I see. Any idea how other countries that have arcades are fairing?
[22:40] --> Jennifer Flare [] has joined #reddwarfmain
[22:40] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Jennifer Flare
[22:40] --> Rei Hino [] has joined #reddwarfmain
[22:40] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Rei Hino
[22:41] [@Nate Detroit] I havent really been looking. Japan keeps cranking out games, so they must at least be surviving..
[22:41] > Rei Hino wonders in
[22:41] [Rei Hino] Excuse me I won't be here for long
[22:42] > Rei Hino starts looking around for something
[22:42] [Jennifer Flare] Hello Rei, Nate, Dave
[22:42] [+David O'Cain] Hi, Rei and Jen.
[22:42] [@Nate Detroit] Hello, ladies.
[22:42] [Jennifer Flare] What're you looking for Rei?
[22:44] [Rei Hino] A necklace
[22:44] [@Nate Detroit] Whats it look like?
[22:44] > @Nate Detroit starts going through the cussions.
[22:44] > +David O'Cain helps out in the search
[22:45] > Jennifer Flare looks around as well
[22:45] [Rei Hino] It has a gold trim, and the jewel is a ruby, round in shape.
[22:47] [+David O'Cain] I'm sure we'll find it.
[22:48] > Jennifer Flare looks over by the bar/ It's too bad we don't have Kaede here. She could look under the sofas
[22:49] > @Nate Detroit puts his hands under a side of the sofa.
[22:49] [@Nate Detroit] Jenny, look, I can only do this for a minute.
[22:50] > Jennifer Flare drops down and looks
[22:50] [Jennifer Flare] I think I see it!
[22:50] > @Nate Detroit pulls the sofa up about a foot off the ground.
[22:50] [Jennifer Flare] There it is!
[22:51] > Jennifer Flare reaches under the sofa and pulls the necklace out
[22:51] [Rei Hino] ooh thank goodness
[22:51] [Rei Hino] Thank you very much
[22:51] [+David O'Cain] Yay!
[22:51] > Jennifer Flare sits up and holds it out to Rei
[22:51] > Rei Hino takes it thankfully
[22:51] > @Nate Detroit drops the sofa with a thud.
[22:51] [Rei Hino] I thought I lost it for good
[22:52] > Rei Hino bows to them
[22:52] [@Nate Detroit] No problem.. glad to help.
[22:52] > @Nate Detroit rubs his shoulders.
[22:52] [Jennifer Flare] Yup :)
[22:52] [Rei Hino] I must take my leave now though
[22:52] > Rei Hino bows again
[22:52] [+David O'Cain] Bye, Rei.
[22:52] [Jennifer Flare] Awww, ok Rei
[22:52] <-- Rei Hino [] has left #reddwarfmain (I don't know what I'd do if I lost this..)
[22:52] [Jennifer Flare] See ya' later :)
[22:53] [Jennifer Flare] That girl is a sweetheart
[22:54] > @Nate Detroit looks around.
[22:54] [@Nate Detroit] Hino?
[22:54] [Jennifer Flare] yeah
[22:55] [@Nate Detroit] Maybe if you're a woman, she is.. We only recently loostened our grips on eachother's throats.
[22:55] [Jennifer Flare] aww
[22:56] [+David O'Cain] Rei can be nice.
[22:56] [@Nate Detroit] Not to me.. >_> but we've buerried the hatchet, at least.
[23:00] --> Sailor Quinox (Eternal) [] has joined #reddwarfmain
[23:00] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Sailor Quinox (Eternal)
[23:00] > Sailor Quinox (Eternal) goes flying through the door and slams into the far wall
[23:01] [@Nate Detroit] O_O
[23:01] [@Nate Detroit] Holy s[BLEEP]t Matsumi!
[23:01] [Sailor Quinox (Eternal)] oof.....
[23:02] > Sailor Quinox (Eternal) has one black eye, scraches and bruises
[23:02] > @Nate Detroit runs over to her.
[23:02] [Sailor Quinox (Eternal)] oh..hey guys
[23:02] [+David O'Cain] Matsumi?! O_o
[23:02] [@Nate Detroit] What happened?! Are you ok?
[23:03] [Sailor Quinox (Eternal)] I'm just doing a workout
[23:03] [Sailor Quinox (Eternal)] think I turned the holo-level a tad high...
[23:03] [+David O'Cain] Damn.
[23:03] > @Nate Detroit looks around at the damage. "Workout?!"
[23:04] [Sailor Quinox (Eternal)] I'll be fine *stands*
[23:04] [Sailor Quinox (Eternal)] ...I'll be right back you guys
[23:04] [@Nate Detroit] .........kay.
[23:04] > Sailor Quinox (Eternal) is away: just going to finish this...
[23:04] [+David O'Cain] Um, alright.
[23:06] [@Nate Detroit] Shes made of tougher stuff than she looks.
[23:07] [+David O'Cain] Yeah.
[23:08] > Sailor Quinox (Eternal) is back
[23:08] > Sailor Quinox (Eternal) has transformed into Matsumi Kaze
[23:08] [+Matsumi Kaze] ok..I'm done *still looks a bit beat up*
[23:09] [@Nate Detroit] Princess... please.. leave a note if you are going to train and might be having your body flung about the ship..
[23:09] [+Matsumi Kaze] sorry about that
[23:10] [Jennifer Flare] Wow....
[23:11] [Jennifer Flare] That was somethin' else Matsy
[23:11] [+Matsumi Kaze] wanted to make sure I wasn't rusty
[23:11] [@Nate Detroit] I thought for sure we were under attack.. I was worried for a second you were hurt..
[23:12] [+David O'Cain] Indeed.
[23:13] [+Matsumi Kaze] I'm sorry about that..
[23:13] [@Nate Detroit] You say youre ok?
[23:14] [Jennifer Flare] Yeah, you sure?
[23:14] [+Matsumi Kaze] yeah..I ok...I feel a bit sore...and my eye stings...but otherwise..
[23:15] [@Nate Detroit] Have a seat..
[23:15] > @Nate Detroit goes and makes an ice pack.
[23:16] > +Matsumi Kaze sits down
[23:16] [+David O'Cain] So, what were you fighting, Matsumi?
[23:18] [+Matsumi Kaze] was a Giga-Youma that I programmed into the fight system
[23:18] > @Nate Detroit hands Matsumi the ice pack, and starts going over her cuts with an alcohol wipe.
[23:18] [+David O'Cain] Giga-Youma? Never heard of those.
[23:19] [Jennifer Flare] Giga? Are those super powerful?
[23:19] [@Nate Detroit] Giga comes after mega on the metric scale, unless Im mistaken..
[23:19] [+Matsumi Kaze] they served the "Dark Ones"'s a long story
[23:22] [+David O'Cain] Oh. Damn. Somehow I just know I'd get thuroughly trashed or killed against one of them.
[23:23] [Jennifer Flare] You're somethin' else takin' one of those on Matsy.
[23:23] [+Matsumi Kaze] I destroyed most of them
[23:23] [+Matsumi Kaze] again..long story
[23:25] [+David O'Cain] Perhaps you can tell it another time.
[23:25] [+Matsumi Kaze] ow..careful, nate
[23:26] [@Nate Detroit] I should say the same to you.
[23:27] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh
[23:27] [+Matsumi Kaze] I programmed any creature I fought into a training program
[23:29] > Jennifer Flare stands/ I think I'm gonna' head home. G'night everyone. ^_^
[23:29] [@Nate Detroit] Night Jenny.
[23:30] [+David O'Cain] Night, Jen.
[23:30] [+Matsumi Kaze] night
[23:30] <-- Jennifer Flare [] has left #reddwarfmain (I'm comin' home Inny. ^_^)
[23:30] [@Nate Detroit] Glad to see her happy... now if I can just do the same to Kaede..
[23:31] [+David O'Cain] Yeah. As for me, I'm going to bed. I'll see you guys later.
[23:31] [+Matsumi Kaze] night, david
[23:32] <-- +David O'Cain has left #reddwarfmain (Night, guys.)
[23:36] > @Nate Detroit bandages some of Matsumi's larger cuts.
[23:36] [+Matsumi Kaze] thanks nate heh
[23:36] [+Matsumi Kaze] was your day today?
[23:37] [@Nate Detroit] ok, but increasingly stressful.
[23:39] [+Matsumi Kaze] anything I can do to help?
[23:40] [@Nate Detroit] Yeah, hold still.
[23:40] [@Nate Detroit] You really did scare me, you know..
[23:42] [@Nate Detroit] What would go through your head if you saw my body fly through the door and smash into a wall?
[23:42] [+Matsumi Kaze] probably think you were in trouble
[23:48] [@Nate Detroit] There... that should do it.
[23:49] [+Matsumi Kaze] thank you
[23:49] > +Matsumi Kaze gives nate a kiss
[23:50] > @Nate Detroit returns it. ^^
[23:51] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh guess it's just us two now
[23:51] [@Nate Detroit] Yupp. Anything I can get you?
[23:52] [@Nate Detroit] My warrior Princess.
[23:52] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh.....light drink is fine...
[23:53] > @Nate Detroit goes to the bar, and makes two vodka and lemonades.
[23:54] [+Matsumi Kaze] thanks ^^
[23:55] > @Nate Detroit sits next to her and hands it off.
[23:57] > +Matsumi Kaze takes it and sips " good"
[23:58] [@Nate Detroit] You're toughening your endurance.
[23:58] [@Nate Detroit] Wait, is 'toughening' a word? Oh well..
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Feb 10 2009 <<<
[00:00] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh who knows
[00:03] --> Vanadine [] has joined #reddwarfmain
[00:03] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine
[00:03] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine
[00:03] [+Matsumi Kaze] hi, vana
[00:04] [+Vanadine] hey sweety, nate
[00:04] > +Matsumi Kaze has been througly bandaged :P
[00:05] [+Vanadine] Sweety.... what happened to you?
[00:05] [+Matsumi Kaze] work out
[00:06] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh
[00:07] [+Vanadine] You're using that training program again, weren't you?
[00:07] [+Matsumi Kaze] yeah
[00:08] [+Vanadine] Geez
[00:08] > +Vanadine sits next to matsumi
[00:08] [+Matsumi Kaze] wasn't that bad
[00:08] [@Nate Detroit] I've patched her up, best I can.
[00:08] [+Vanadine] you're not gonna' stop using that program till you seriously hurt yourself, are ya'?
[00:09] [+Matsumi Kaze] hey!
[00:09] [+Matsumi Kaze] I know my limits
[00:12] > +Matsumi Kaze smiles
[00:14] [@Nate Detroit] She hasnt got hurt too bad yet, I guess.
[00:15] [+Matsumi Kaze] trust me...I know what settings not to go beyound
[00:15] > +Matsumi Kaze DEFINTLY is not going to go beyound level 3
[00:16] [+Vanadine] Well, you just make me worry when you use that thing....
[00:17] [+Matsumi Kaze] well..least it helps me from getting rusty
[00:18] [+Matsumi Kaze] I'm going to go change..I'll be right back
[00:18] > +Matsumi Kaze puts her drink aside and heads to her quarters
[00:18] > +Matsumi Kaze is away: changing
[00:19] [@Nate Detroit] Shes gonna give me grey hair..
[00:20] [+Vanadine] You and me both...
[00:21] [+Vanadine] ....well, I met the new girl today.
[00:22] [@Nate Detroit] New girl?
[00:22] [+Vanadine] yeah, new wrestler in our company....
[00:25] [@Nate Detroit] Howd that go?
[00:25] [+Vanadine] she's somethin' else....
[00:25] [+Vanadine] ... she's a little taller then me, brown haired
[00:26] [+Vanadine] and c[BLEEP]ky
[00:26] [@Nate Detroit] Heel?
[00:26] [+Vanadine] no... that's how she acts backstage
[00:30] [+Vanadine] though i'm pretty sure she's gonna' be a heel when she starts in ring
[00:33] [@Nate Detroit] It really helps get you over when your alignment matches your personality.
[00:37] [+Vanadine] yeah, though i fear what they're going to do with her
[00:37] [+Vanadine] i hear rumor they want to take the title off me and give it to her
[00:40] [@Nate Detroit] And she only just started? Thats not fair.
[00:43] [+Vanadine] well, i'm sure they'll do it for her how they did with me... except that she'll start right away in the ring
[00:44] [+Vanadine] she's a former champ in some small indy fed in america
[00:48] [@Nate Detroit] hmm..
[00:50] --> Matsumi Kaze (PJs) [ ] has joined #reddwarfmain
[00:50] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze (PJs)
[00:50] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze (PJs)
[00:50] [+Vanadine] it's alright. i always knew i'd have to give up the belt
[00:50] [+Vanadine] wb sweety
[00:50] > +Matsumi Kaze (PJs) returns
[00:50] [+Vanadine] ^welcome back
[00:50] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] thanks
[00:51] [@Nate Detroit] Yeah.. I just hope they dont bury you or something.. I hate when they put titles on newbies.
[00:51] [+Vanadine] i was just telling nate about the new girl in my company
[00:51] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] hm?
[00:53] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] what sort of person is she
[00:54] [+Vanadine] kinda' stuck up
[00:55] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] sorry to hear that
[00:55] [+Vanadine] really c[BLEEP]ky
[00:57] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] ugh
[00:58] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] I think I'm going to head home...
[00:59] [@Nate Detroit] Pity.. night princess.
[00:59] [+Vanadine] awww, you sure sweety?
[00:59] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] yeah.......
[00:59] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] night you two.....have fun
[00:59] <-- +Matsumi Kaze (PJs) [ ] has left #reddwarfmain (....why do I have to be so tired......)
[01:01] [+Vanadine] not even a kiss goodnight?
[01:02] [@Nate Detroit] She'll see you later..
[01:02] [+Vanadine] yeah....
[01:02] > @Nate Detroit kisses Vana, deply and passionately.
[01:03] [+Vanadine] Mmmmmm...
[01:04] > +Vanadine wraps her arms around Nate and lays back, pulling him on top of her
[01:04] [@Nate Detroit] Thats for her..
[01:04] > +Vanadine giggles up at him
[01:04] [+Vanadine] you sure know how to cheer a girl up~
[01:06] [@Nate Detroit] I know what pleases you. ^^
[01:07] [+Vanadine] you're far too kind to your mistress ^_~
[01:08] [@Nate Detroit] Complaining?
[01:08] > @Nate Detroit holds Vana, laying on top of her.
[01:09] [+Vanadine] never ^_^
[01:14] [+Vanadine] How's the kitty girl doing?
[01:16] [@Nate Detroit] Shes good... Always loving, but ever reclusive..
[01:18] [+Vanadine] I need to come visit her one of these nights....
[01:19] [@Nate Detroit] I know shed like it.
[01:21] [+Vanadine] I'll do that tomorrow after I get done with the show.
[01:21] > +Vanadine yawns
[01:22] [@Nate Detroit] Sleepy, 'Mistress?'
[01:25] [+Vanadine] Yeah, I think it's time I headed home and went to bed ~_~
[01:26] [@Nate Detroit] Want me to get off you? =p
[01:26] [+Vanadine] Might help me to get up if you did :P
[01:30] > @Nate Detroit does so, and takes her by te hand.
[01:30] [@Nate Detroit] Ill walk you home.
[01:30] > +Vanadine sits up then stands: Sure thing :)
[01:31] <-- @Nate Detroit [] has left #reddwarfmain (Ice is flowin' through my veins; Explosives on my lips and in my lungs.)
[01:32] <-- +Vanadine [] has left #reddwarfmain (Such a gentleman, walking me home. ^_^)
[12:02] --> Miara (shorts) [] has joined #reddwarfmain
[12:02] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Miara (shorts)
[12:03] > Miara (shorts) appears, holding Daniel, who is deep asleep
[12:06] > Miara (shorts) plops down on a couch and just sits there for a while
[12:15] [Miara (shorts)] Guess no one's around, huh, apaa?
[12:23] > Miara (shorts) is away: shower would be nice
[18:26] --> Miara (blanket) [] has joined #reddwarfmain
[18:26] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Miara (blanket)
[18:27] > Shin (robe) is already seated in a chair
[18:28] [Miara (blanket)] Hey, somebody's here.
[18:29] [Shin (robe)] good evening madam
[18:30] > Shin (robe) is sipping a rather expensive wine..and reading a copy of Faust
[18:30] [Miara (blanket)] Oh no, am I starting to look old? *feels her face*
[18:31] [Shin (robe)] no...of course not, my lady
[18:31] [Miara (blanket)] Cause I'm not and that would be baaaad.
[18:32] > Miara (blanket) settles comfortably into a couch, wrapped in her blanket
[18:33] > Shin (robe) quietly reads and then offers miara some of the wine
[18:33] [Miara (blanket)] thanks.
[18:34] [Shin (robe)] very well
[18:35] > Shin (robe) sips his drink
[18:35] [Shin (robe)] I sometimes cannot decide who was better...
[18:36] [Shin (robe)] Marlow or Goethe
[18:36] [Miara (blanket)] I dunno.
[18:36] [Miara (blanket)] How are you? Have you been around lately? Cause I don't think I've seen you in a while.
[18:37] [Miara (blanket)] But I haven't been here for a while, either.
[18:41] [Shin (robe)] I have been..busy
[18:42] [Miara (blanket)] With what?
[18:42] [Shin (robe)] my job
[18:43] [Miara (blanket)] Don't you do anything else?
[18:44] [Shin (robe)] I enjoy my music...and my home
[18:45] [Miara (blanket)] Well wine and reading get sooo boring after a while.
[18:45] [Miara (blanket)] Besides, it means you have to sit still foreeeever.
[18:46] > Shin (robe) smiles "my dear...I have been doing that for centuries.."
[18:46] [Miara (blanket)] weirdo
[18:49] > Shin (robe) goes back to his book, a death-head moth quietly moving along his shoulder
[18:53] [Miara (blanket)] Oh hey, I've seen those in Asia
[18:53] [Shin (robe)] could say they children
[18:55] [Miara (blanket)] Really? You created them?
[18:56] [Shin (robe)] no.....not quite
[18:57] > Shin (robe) marks his page and closes his book
[18:57] [Shin (robe)] how have you been, my lady
[19:01] --> Solarchos has joined #reddwarfmain
[19:01] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Solarchos
[19:01] --> Bomowas Andrimiton has joined #reddwarfmain
[19:01] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Bomowas Andrimiton
[19:01] [Miara (blanket)] Hot, burned, and tired.
[19:01] > Miara (blanket) waves to Bomowas
[19:01] [Shin (robe)] good evening
[19:01] [Miara (blanket)] Hey Solar!
[19:01] > Shin (robe) is now smoking a long thin cig
[19:02] [Bomowas Andrimiton] Ah, hello again. I haven't seen you in a long while. Manowas Langister has mentioned to me that you've taken in a little one of your kind.
[19:02] [Solarchos] Hi Miara. Hello Shin.
[19:02] > Shin (robe) looks at Bomowas
[19:03] > Shin (robe) looks at Bomowas Andrimiton
[19:03] ➣ Bomowas Andrimiton: is a tall, slender, youthful human-looking girl with pale skin and long turquoise hair. She moves with an elegant grace that only be born from lifetime spent in low gravity. Her left cheek is marred by a scar that looks like it came from a knife. She wears the blue, black, and red uniform of a Labule officer, as well as the delicate tiara-like "alpha" of an Abh.
[19:03] [Shin (robe)] ...have we met?
[19:03] > Bomowas Andrimiton looks back at the odd gloe in the robe. "I do not believe we've met before, no."
[19:04] > Shin (robe) stands and walks over, taking Bomowas's hand and kissing it "I am known as Shin, m'lady"
[19:04] [Miara (blanket)] Yes, I did.
[19:04] [Solarchos] Miara...are you all right?
[19:05] > Bomowas Andrimiton is a little surprised by the strange action. "Why did you kiss my hand like that?"
[19:05] [Miara (blanket)] Yeah. We spent the last few days in Australia helping where the fires are.
[19:05] [Shin (robe)] it is....a form of greeting to the ladies...where I live
[19:06] [Solarchos] Did you get hurt there?
[19:07] [Bomowas Andrimiton] Ah. Such customs are rather rare among the Abh. Sorry. ^_^
[19:07] > Solarchos hopes Miara didn't get singed or anything.
[19:07] [Miara (blanket)] Not too much.
[19:07] [Shin (robe)] I have lived long enough to adopt..local customs
[19:09] [Miara (blanket)] But we were able to help a lot of people.
[19:09] [Bomowas Andrimiton] Wait, you were injured?!
[19:10] [Solarchos] I guess that's good. How's Daniel doing?
[19:10] [Bomowas Andrimiton] Where do you originate from, Shin?
[19:11] [Shin (robe)] I live in a small city in a place called Italy..
[19:11] [Shin (robe)] but in reality..
[19:11] [Shin (robe)] I am a lord of Hell
[19:11] [Miara (blanket)] Like I said, not much. Daniel's fine, I think he had a good time playing with some of the children once they were out of danger.
[19:12] > Bomowas Andrimiton is a little confused by Shin's reply. "Hell? Is that a previously unknown planet?"
[19:13] [Solarchos] I'll bet he did. He's turning into a regular bundle of energy.
[19:13] [Shin (robe)] not in a sense........
[19:13] [Miara (blanket)] He means Hell as in where bad people go.
[19:13] [Shin (robe)] and these past few days....I have been quite busy...
[19:14] [Bomowas Andrimiton] Oh, you mean that religious place?
[19:14] [Shin (robe)] you could...say that
[19:15] > Shin (robe) brushes a Death's Head Moth that has landed on Bomowas's forehead
[19:15] > Bomowas Andrimiton glances up at the insect that landed on her head. "Where did that come from?"
[19:15] [Shin (robe)] could say it is a servent of mine
[19:16] > Miara (blanket) looks at Bomowas rather closely
[19:16] [Solarchos] You'll have to forgive Andrimiton. The Abh are a pretty pragmatic and secular race compared to humans.
[19:17] [Shin (robe)] ah I see
[19:18] > Bomowas Andrimiton didn't even see the moth flying around...which is HIGHLY unusual given an Abh's natural visual acuity.
[19:18] > Shin (robe) takes a puff of his cig
[19:18] > Bomowas Andrimiton smiles at Miara. "Hello. I see you look a little crispy around the edges from your trip. Are you feeling better?"
[19:19] > Shin (robe) quietly pulls out "Paradise Lost" by milton
[19:20] [Miara (blanket)] A shower and sleep helped, but I can still smell burn, and I don't have any clothes left.
[19:20] > Shin (robe) quietly reads...and smirks a bit
[19:20] [Solarchos] Finding some discrepencies in the discriptions in there, Shin?
[19:21] [Shin (robe)] Milton always had a...amusing grasp of certain people
[19:22] > Bomowas Andrimiton takes off her Alpha and rubs the skin around what looks like a small grey jewel imbedded in the middle of her forehead.
[19:22] [Shin (robe)] but it is..still a good read
[19:22] [Solarchos] So I've heard. Apparently much better than "Paradise Found".
[19:22] [Miara (blanket)] What do you do with that?
[19:23] [Bomowas Andrimiton] Paradice Lost? Isn't that the name of a casino somewhere?
[19:23] [Miara (blanket)] oo
[19:23] [Bomowas Andrimiton] What? This? *points at the jewel in her forehead*.
[19:24] > Miara (blanket) shifts around a little, and Daniel kind of tumbles out of her lap
[19:24] [Miara (blanket)] Yeah, that
[19:24] --> Daniel has joined #reddwarfmain
[19:24] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Daniel
[19:24] [Shin (robe)] do you refer to Paradise Regained?
[19:24] [Solarchos] Daniel! Where'd you come from, you little sneak?
[19:25] > Daniel yawns and stretches, rolling around on his back
[19:26] [Bomowas Andrimiton] Actually, this is my *frosh*. Oh don't speak Barohn. This is the extra sensory organ that all Abh possess. It's analogous to an extra eye in human terms.
[19:26] --> Logan SD [] has joined #reddwarfmain
[19:26] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Logan SD
[19:26] [Logan SD] Hiiiii everybody!
[19:26] > Solarchos reaches over to Daniel and flicks his hair with his finger.
[19:26] [Miara (blanket)] Oh. Does it collect physical or spiritual information?
[19:26] [Miara (blanket)] Hi Logan!
[19:27] > Daniel sleepily bats at Solar's fingers
[19:27] [Bomowas Andrimiton] Physical. Specifically spatial.
[19:27] [Solarchos] Hi Logan.
[19:27] > Solarchos continues to play with Daniel. ^_^
[19:27] > Logan SD runs and LEAPS over the couch, and lands with a soft thud on the cussions.
[19:28] [Miara (blanket)] Oh, I see.
[19:28] > Shin (robe) looks at the children, smoking quietly
[19:28] [Miara (blanket)] You'll have to forgive Daniel, he hasn't slept in a few days.
[19:29] [Logan SD] Wow... 0.0 Thats not good.
[19:30] > Shin (robe) sips his wine
[19:30] > Bomowas Andrimiton turns her head slightly and pulls back her hair, revealing that she has a similar sensory organ behind her ears. "Our *frosh* enable us to see in all directions with a good degree of detail."
[19:30] [Solarchos] He hasn't? Why not?
[19:30] [Shin (robe)] ...some things can...bypass the senses, m'lady
[19:30] > Daniel rolls around lazily on the couch
[19:31] [Miara (blanket)] I told you, we were an Australia helping people. There's not exactly time to sleep when you're dealing with stuff like that.
[19:31] [Logan SD] Woah, thats weird. o.o
[19:31] > Shin (robe) goes back to his book
[19:32] [Bomowas Andrimiton] In conjunction with an Alpha and our interface systems, we can literally link into our starship's sensor systems and "see" what it sees. That's one of the reasons why Abh are such exceptionally skilled starship pilots: we all possess naturally perfect 360-degree spatial perceptions.
[19:32] [Miara (blanket)] I found out something, though.
[19:32] [Miara (blanket)] Oh, that's cool.
[19:32] [Shin (robe)] ...................I suppose I shall leave now
[19:33] [Shin (robe)] farewell to you all
[19:33] [Solarchos] Still, even emergency workers have to rest from time to time of they get fried. Literally, their fatigue can completely overwhelm their minds.
[19:33] [Bomowas Andrimiton] You're leaving?
[19:33] [Shin (robe)] yes
[19:33] [Solarchos] Good night then, Shin.
[19:33] [Logan SD] Aww... bye bye!
[19:33] [Bomowas Andrimiton] Farewell, Shin.
[19:33] [Miara (blanket)] Well we're not still there, obviously.
[19:33] [Solarchos] What did you find out, Miara?
[19:34] > Shin (robe) vanishes...leaving a mist around the room that smells of death and decay..and oddly enough....burnt meat
[19:34] [Miara (blanket)] Night, Shin.
[19:34] <-- Shin (robe) [pestalencedoom@5thlevel.hell] has left #reddwarfmain ( has been a busy day)
[19:34] > Bomowas Andrimiton cringes and shudders at the scent Shin left behind. "Ugh!!!! Who Kobe-beefed?!!"
[19:35] > Miara (blanket) frowns, noting the smell is a little too familiar.
[19:35] [Logan SD] Ewwwwwwwww =>.<=
[19:35] > Bomowas Andrimiton clears her sinuses and leans in closer to the little child. "Hello there little one? Now where did you come from?"
[19:35] [Miara (blanket)] I found out astral shields either don't last long or take a LOT of concentration and power to last against big fire.
[19:36] > Logan SD runs out of the room, away from the stink.
[19:36] <-- Logan SD [] has left #reddwarfmain
[19:37] [Solarchos] Well, raging fires like that generate a tremendous amount of energy in the form of heat and light. It makes sense that something like that would be a giant drain on your shields.
[19:38] > Daniel stares at Bomowas a minute, reaches up, and...tries to poke the frosh on her forehead
[19:38] [Miara (blanket)] Well it's the first time I've tried it. We haven't had any wildfires that big since before I was born.
[19:39] [Bomowas Andrimiton] Ooo, careful there!
[19:39] [Solarchos] I can imagine.
[19:40] > Bomowas Andrimiton puts her Alpha back on to protect her frosh from further curious probings from the little asaug. ^_^
[19:40] [Bomowas Andrimiton] Now, I take it the little one isn't your *fryum neg*?
[19:40] > Daniel grabs some of the girl's hair instead
[19:41] [Miara (blanket)] (( brb ))
[19:41] [Solarchos] (( Certainly. ))
[19:42] --> Sskt [] has joined #reddwarfmain
[19:42] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Sskt
[19:42] > Sskt yawns and wanders in
[19:42] > Bomowas Andrimiton giggles a little as Daniel takes hold of her hair.
[19:43] [Solarchos] Hi Sskt.
[19:43] [Solarchos] Don't mind the weird smell in the air. Shin was here a little while ago.
[19:44] [Sskt]
[19:44] [Sskt] (( has Bomowas met sskt before? ))
[19:44] [Solarchos] (( Nope, I don't think so. ))
[19:44] > Sskt sees Bomowas..
[19:45] [Sskt] .....and you are?
[19:45] > Bomowas Andrimiton doesn't turn around, but knows that a new person just walked into the room.
[19:46] > Bomowas Andrimiton turns around to face Sskt since she understands that *gloe* think it's really rude when an Abh doesn't look at them directly when they're speaking.
[19:46] --> Tabatha Brown has joined #reddwarfmain
[19:46] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Tabatha Brown
[19:46] [Sskt] are?
[19:46] [Tabatha Brown] Evening all, hows it oh my GOD what is that? O_o
[19:47] > Sskt is waiting for an answer...
[19:47] [Miara (blanket)] Maybe we should find some smelly candles or something?
[19:47] [Bomowas Andrimiton] Hello. I'm Hecto-Commander Lillantha Andrimiton of the Abh Labule. And you are?
[19:48] [Sskt] ......oh god another one...
[19:48] > Bomowas Andrimiton is a little confused by the reptilian girl's response.
[19:48] [Miara (blanket)] Hey Tabatha, Sskt.
[19:48] [Sskt] .......I'm Sskt....Sskt Mi-Lsksk Rirkina
[19:48] [Solarchos] Yeah, smells like a barbecue gone bad in here, doesn't it? ><
[19:48] > Sskt has a deep dislike for soldiers
[19:49] > Miara (blanket) goes to look in the cabinets, putting her blanket asside to reveal she's not actually wearing very much
[19:49] [Solarchos] How have you been, Tabatha?
[19:50] > Sskt sits on a sofa
[19:50] [Tabatha Brown] Alright.. gettin just a liiiiitle itchy for our next job. ^.^
[19:51] [Miara (shorts)] Ooo insense
[19:51] [Sskt] heh..the last one was awesome
[19:51] > Bomowas Andrimiton looks over at Sskt. "So what is it that you do?"
[19:51] [Miara (shorts)] ...nasty insense...
[19:51] [Sskt] bounty hunter....
[19:52] > Tabatha Brown turns on the ventilation.
[19:52] [Solarchos] What kind of insense are you looking at, Miara?
[19:53] > Bomowas Andrimiton shakes her head a little. The strange smell is making her *frosh* feel a little weird. @_@
[19:53] [Miara] I dunno, musk maybe?
[19:53] [Miara] Well, this one's not bad.
[19:53] [Solarchos] Uhhh, Miara? Did you just come from the pool before you came here?
[19:54] [Tabatha Brown] I hope the fans take acre of that... its like death wrapped in AIDS nd soaked in dispair..
[19:54] [Bomowas Andrimiton] Ew.
[19:54] [Solarchos] Ew.
[19:54] [Miara] No. I don't have any clothes left, and the shirt I was wearing kind of burned.
[19:55] [Tabatha Brown] *care
[19:55] > Sskt is trying hard to ignore the smell
[19:55] > Miara is in shorts and has her chest wrapped
[19:56] > Miara gets out several of the insense cones and lights them, and a fruity smell very slowly starts to permeate the stench
[19:58] [Sskt] smells like home
[19:58] [Solarchos] I could help you out with clothes if you like, Miara.
[19:58] > Solarchos removes his chameleoline cloak and offers it to Miara for the time being.
[19:59] [Miara] Chamelieoline?
[19:59] [Sskt] guys hungry?
[20:00] [Miara] chameleoline. whatever.
[20:00] [Solarchos] It's a camoflager cloak. When activated it auto-changes its own colors to match the surroundings, making it a lot easier for the wearer to hide.
[20:00] > Bomowas Andrimiton likes the smell of those incense cones. "I
[20:01] [Bomowas Andrimiton] I'm a bit hungry. What's for dinner?
[20:01] [Tabatha Brown] Wow... thats pretty cool.
[20:01] [Sskt] I will go and make a specialitly from my home world
[20:02] > Sskt is away: making dinner
[20:02] [Miara] So when I go shoping, is anyone going to be able to see me?
[20:03] [Miara] Though maybe I should take Daniel home.
[20:03] > Solarchos demonstrates the cloak's abilities. Flicking a small switch set in the collar, the cloak's outer surface darkens and shifts, blending to a large degree with the couch he's sitting on and the room itself.
[20:03] [Miara] I can still feel you~
[20:03] [Bomowas Andrimiton] You know, one of those cloaks would make it much easier to get at those ultra-bargains before the other shoppers.
[20:03] [Miara] That's cool though. Isn't it expensive?
[20:04] [Solarchos] We manufacture them back at the Enclave, but not in huge numbers. Generally they're assigned primarily to specialist units within the 8112th.
[20:05] [Solarchos] But I wouldn't object to loaning you one for a few days.
[20:06] > Bomowas Andrimiton looks at Tabatha curiously.
[20:06] [Tabatha Brown] Ive seen some devices like that down in Pragon.. but theyre easy to bypass.
[20:06] [Tabatha Brown] *paragon.
[20:06] [Miara] All I really need is a shirt. That's too big and important to take. Especially if I go Home, I might not be back for a while and something may happen to it.
[20:07] [Solarchos] Oh? How so?
[20:07] [Miara]'ve never seen my room, have you?
[20:08] [Solarchos] Heh, afraid the cloak might blend into everything else?
[20:09] [Miara] ...maybe...
[20:09] [Bomowas Andrimiton] XD
[20:09] > Daniel lets himself down on the floor and plays with the nearest person's shoelaces
[20:09] > Bomowas Andrimiton watches little Daniel as he plays.
[20:10] > Sskt returns with several plates
[20:10] [Sskt] ok...dinner is ready
[20:10] [Solarchos] But the cloak isn't designed to bypass thermographic sensors, just visual ones.
[20:10] [Sskt] had to do some substitung
[20:10] [Bomowas Andrimiton] Oh? What did you cook?
[20:10] [Sskt] cook?
[20:11] [Solarchos] Substitute?
[20:11] [Miara] Oh? Like what?
[20:11] > Sskt puts the plates down..revealing raw steak with spices and herbs coated on top, potatos soaked in the meat juices and what looks like a fish head
[20:11] [Bomowas Andrimiton] O_o
[20:11] > Daniel smells food and runs over to Sskt
[20:12] > Solarchos blinks a little bit at everything. "What kind of steaks are those?"
[20:12] > Bomowas Andrimiton is just O_O at the fish head.
[20:12] [Sskt] cow steaks
[20:12] > Daniel is jumping up and down to see what's on the table
[20:12] [Sskt] well everyone going to eat or just stare at it?
[20:12] > Sskt lifts the child up gently to see the food
[20:13] > Daniel looks for about 2 seconds
[20:13] > Daniel is now known as Daniel[fur]
[20:13] > Solarchos takes a piece of the steak and eats it, allowing his neuroglottis organ to analyze it.
[20:14] > Bomowas Andrimiton sees the little child suddenly transform into some kind of bestial creature. <_<;
[20:14] > Daniel[fur] POUNCES on the fish head and carries it off to a corner to play with
[20:14] [Sskt] what do you think of it?
[20:14] > Sskt notes the steak is quite raw
[20:14] [Solarchos] Well, there's nothing wrong with the meat itself. It's perfectly edible. Fresh, too.
[20:14] > Tabatha Brown giggles at Daniel.
[20:15] > Miara takes a piece of meat and eats it out of her hands, using long, sharp teeth to rip off her bites
[20:15] [Sskt] we never cook foods at home
[20:15] > Solarchos continues eating without any sign of disgust or discomfort.
[20:15] [Bomowas Andrimiton] You don't?
[20:15] [Sskt] the spices and herbs are from my mother's recipe
[20:15] [Tabatha Brown] Woah.. I didnt know you could do that, Miara.
[20:15] [Sskt] bomowas- why would we? cooking ruins everything
[20:16] [Miara] My people don't cook much, either.
[20:16] [Solarchos] The spices are pretty good.
[20:16] [Bomowas Andrimiton] o_O
[20:16] > Sskt eats a bit of the fish head
[20:17] > Bomowas Andrimiton isn't exactly certain if she can actually stomach and digest raw meat. Cooked, yes. Vegetables, most definitely. But raw?
[20:17] [Miara] Can you eat sushi?
[20:18] [Solarchos] Actually, I've eaten far, far worse things in the past. This is actually quite palatable.
[20:18] [Miara] Yeah, and you didn't have to run it down and kill it first, either.
[20:18] [Bomowas Andrimiton] Sushi?
[20:18] [Miara] Heh. Well, you'll never know if you don't try it.
[20:18] [Bomowas Andrimiton] Oh, you mean raw fish and rice? I can definitely handle the rice.
[20:19] [Sskt] rice?
[20:19] > Tabatha Brown goes to the bar and mixes a drink.
[20:19] > Sskt unhings her jaw a bit to eat the full fish head
[20:20] > Bomowas Andrimiton is also quite surprised at Miara's transformation.
[20:21] > Daniel[fur] has thoroughly torn up and scattered the fish head, and comes back for some more meat.
[20:21] [Solarchos] Sskt? Would you like to have my fish head?
[20:21] > Sskt spits out the bone
[20:21] [Sskt] hmmm
[20:21] > Miara all Miara did was lengthen her teeth?
[20:21] > Sskt takes the fish head and cracks it in half...and offers one half to the child
[20:21] [Solarchos] Daniel! You're supposed to EAT your food, not play with it.
[20:22] [Tabatha Brown] Yall... are really gonna eat that?
[20:22] [Sskt] let the child alone
[20:22] > Daniel[fur] is eating some of Miara's steak and ignoring anything else
[20:23] > Solarchos eats another piece of his steak. "Hmmm, what kind of spices are in this?"
[20:23] [Miara] Well the cheek meat on some fish is the best part.
[20:23] [Bomowas Andrimiton] Uhhhh...could I get a salad please?
[20:23] [Sskt] well.......I had to use ones on this ship...cinimon, paprika...and some others
[20:24] > Bomowas Andrimiton considers trying to steer the conversation towards the various proven health benefits a vegetarian diet can provide, but has a sneaking suspicion no one would listen without bursting out into hysterical laughter.
[20:25] [Miara] Ginger, cardamom, chili pepper...I think.
[20:25] [Solarchos] It's really quite good. The paprika was a nice touch. Well done.
[20:25] [Sskt] before the rebellion...we could hardly eat like this...
[20:25] > Tabatha Brown sips her drink.
[20:25] [Tabatha Brown] Anyone want a drink?
[20:25] [Miara] Well your species may benifit most from a vegetarian diet, but that doesn't mean we all do.
[20:25] [Bomowas Andrimiton] I do! ^___^
[20:26] [Miara] Orange juice?
[20:26] [Solarchos] Indeed. My enhanced metabolism requires a high protein diet, and the best sources happen to be from animals.
[20:26] --> David O'Cain has joined #reddwarfmain
[20:26] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to David O'Cain
[20:26] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +David O'Cain
[20:26] [Bomowas Andrimiton] Orange juice sounds perfect.
[20:27] > Daniel[fur] has finished his food and licks the residue off his paws
[20:27] [Sskt] I'll have....a beer
[20:27] [+David O'Cain] Yo.
[20:27] [Solarchos] Hi David. Uhhhh, how do you like your steak?
[20:27] > Daniel[fur] rushes over to Tabatha to see what she's doing
[20:28] [+David O'Cain] Solar, what kind of question is that? :P
[20:28] [+David O'Cain] Gimme mine medium.
[20:28] > Sskt chews on her steak
[20:28] [Sskt] ....ew
[20:28] [Sskt] I still don't understand how you people can ruin flavor like that
[20:28] [Solarchos] Unfortunately I think the only kind of steak that's on the menu tonight is "still mooing".
[20:29] [Miara] Well there's potatoes, too.
[20:29] > Bomowas Andrimiton nibbles cautiously on a bit of potato.
[20:29] > Tabatha Brown does some fancy and flashy bartending tricks for Daniel.
[20:29] [+David O'Cain] Raw beef? Unfortunately, I'm gonna pass on that. I really don't wanna get taken down by any form of food poisoning.
[20:30] [Daniel[fur]] waaaaa
[20:30] > Daniel[fur] watches with wide eyes
[20:30] [Miara] It's perfectly safe, Solar and I both tested it.
[20:30] [Sskt] food poisoning?
[20:30] [+David O'Cain] I's human!
[20:31] [Miara] When you don't eat your meats right away and they grow bacteria and make you sick.
[20:31] > Tabatha Brown pours something makes something simple, and hands it to Daniel with a smile. ^^
[20:31] [Miara] There are plenty of humans who eat raw meat.
[20:31] [+David O'Cain] I'm not even gonna argue. ~_~
[20:32] [Daniel[fur]] o_o
[20:32] > Daniel[fur] smells the glass, wondering what it is
[20:32] [Solarchos] Yeah, but it's also been proven that eating raw meat or improperly cooked meat can result in injesting parasites into your system.
[20:33] > Bomowas Andrimiton flails her hands to emphasize.
[20:33] [Sskt] you mean like Silrikians?
[20:33] [Tabatha Brown] Here you go, little guy.
[20:33] > Daniel[fur] drinks it happily ^_^
[20:33] [Solarchos] Silrikians?
[20:34] [Bomowas Andrimiton] What was that you were mixing, Tabatha?
[20:34] [Sskt] yeah...they're tiny worms that live in my specie's stomaches
[20:35] [Tabatha Brown] Juices.
[20:35] [Solarchos] Ahh. Something similar to that. Definitely along the same evolutionary lines.
[20:35] [Miara] Oh, like a symbote?
[20:35] [Tabatha Brown] For him, at least. I got a couple electrical fires for you all.
[20:35] > Tabatha Brown takes a lighter, and lights the other drinks on fire.
[20:35] [Sskt] yeah
[20:35] [Daniel[fur]] yummy juce!
[20:35] [Sskt] totally harmless
[20:35] [Solarchos] But the worms I was thinking of are completely parasitic and harmful.
[20:36] > Bomowas Andrimiton sees a burning drink with her name on it. O_o
[20:36] [Miara] I suppose if we have anything like that in our bodies, our immune system kills it pretty fast.
[20:36] [+David O'Cain] ANYWAY, how's everybody doing?
[20:36] [Miara] Um..alright, I guess.
[20:37] [Miara] Do you have an extra shirt?
[20:37] [Bomowas Andrimiton] Uhhh...I'm fine. I guess.
[20:37] [Tabatha Brown] Good. Who wants a drink? ^^
[20:37] [Sskt] I'll have one
[20:38] > Tabatha Brown hands Sskt the flaming drink.
[20:38] [Solarchos] I guess I'll try one, too.
[20:38] [Tabatha Brown] Blow it out. :P
[20:38] [Miara] I think I've had enough of fire for now, actually...
[20:39] > Bomowas Andrimiton blows on her drink. A little too lightly though. It doesn't go out.
[20:39] > Solarchos blows on his and drinks it. O_O
[20:39] > Sskt blows it and drinks
[20:39] > +David O'Cain takes a seat somewhere
[20:40] [Solarchos] Spicy...!
[20:41] > Daniel[fur] holds his glass back out to Tabatha
[20:41] > Bomowas Andrimiton finally blows her drink out and drinks it.
[20:41] [Bomowas Andrimiton] O_____O
[20:41] [Sskt] whoa....
[20:41] [Tabatha Brown] Didnt want it, little guy?
[20:42] > Daniel[fur] 's glass is empty
[20:42] [Tabatha Brown] Oh wow... good job! You drank it all.
[20:43] [Bomowas Andrimiton] Gggggggaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh~!!!
[20:43] > Bomowas Andrimiton burned her mouth!!!!! >_<;;;;
[20:44] [+David O'Cain] Anything interesting go on today?
[20:44] > Daniel goes over to David and pulls on his pant leg
[20:44] [Tabatha Brown] Bow?
[20:44] [Solarchos] Besides a pretty unique dinner?
[20:45] > Sskt puts away the dishes
[20:45] [+David O'Cain] Hey, little guy.
[20:45] > Miara is away: let's hope this goes well
[20:45] > Bomowas Andrimiton is fanning her mouth and desperately searching for something very cold to drink. O_O;
[20:46] [Daniel] Play??
[20:46] [Tabatha Brown] Its... not that hot..
[20:46] > Sskt looks at Daniel quietly
[20:46] [+David O'Cain] Whatcha wanna play?
[20:47] [Solarchos] You wanna play "chase", Daniel?
[20:47] [Tabatha Brown] The fire is just to bring out the flavor.. it shouldnt make the drink very warm..
[20:47] [Daniel] Play!!
[20:47] [Daniel] Upup!
[20:47] > Sskt moves away from the child and heads to another part of the room
[20:48] [Bomowas Andrimiton] Hot enough though...owwie-owwie-owwie...!!!
[20:48] [Tabatha Brown] That shouldnt happen... gomenanasai..
[20:48] > +David O'Cain picks up Daniel into the air
[20:49] > Sskt sits on a sofa away from the others
[20:49] [Sskt] ....better yet
[20:49] <-- Sskt [] has left #reddwarfmain (*heads off to another part of the ship*)
[20:49] [Solarchos] Awww. I wonder what was wrong?
[20:50] [+David O'Cain] Not sure, Solar.
[20:51] > Solarchos reaches over and ruffles Daniel's hair a little. "Having fun tonight, little guy?"
[20:53] [Bomowas Andrimiton] Thank you for the...unique dinner tonight everyone, but I think I may have contracted a stomach virus or something. I should return to my ship for treatment.
[20:53] [Daniel] Uuuup!
[20:53] > Bomowas Andrimiton *is* looking just a little bit green in the face.
[20:54] [+David O'Cain] See ya, Andrimiton.
[20:54] <-- Bomowas Andrimiton has left #reddwarfmain (Bar Abh Lepenu-uuuuurk!! ~__~;;)
[20:55] [Solarchos] Poor Andrimiton. I have a feeling that tonight wasn't one of her better nights.
[20:56] [+David O'Cain] Probably not.
[20:56] [Solarchos] I think Daniel wants you to toss him up higher into the air. I've seen Miara do the same thing with AnTilZha on several occasions.
[20:57] [Tabatha Brown] That was strange..
[20:57] > +David O'Cain tosses Daniel up into the air, but uses telekinesis to keep him up
[20:57] [Daniel] Upupuuuuup!
[20:57] [Daniel] owwwn?
[20:58] > Tabatha Brown giggles.
[20:58] > +David O'Cain slowly floats Daniel down to the floor
[20:59] [Solarchos] Heh.
[21:00] [+David O'Cain] Hey. He didn't say how. :P
[21:01] [Daniel] :<
[21:02] > Daniel sulks
[21:02] [Solarchos] Well, I should get going for the night, too. It's getting close to bedtime for the kits back home and I wouldn't mind spending some quality time with them too.
[21:02] [Solarchos] Awww, don't be sad Daniel. Wanna hug?
[21:03] [+David O'Cain] Take care, Solar.
[21:04] > +David O'Cain tosses Daniel up again, this time catching him in his arms
[21:04] > Solarchos gives Daniel a little gift before he leaves - an ice-cube tray filled with frozen orange juice cubes. "Yummy, crunchy, and good for you, too! I don't think Miara would mind at all if you ate all of these."
[21:04] [Daniel] ...
[21:05] [Solarchos] Good night, Tabatha. If you see Sskt again tonight, please thank her for dinner. It actually wasn't bad.
[21:05] > Daniel looks at the tray, not sure if it's an acceptable appeasement
[21:06] [Tabatha Brown] eWill do.
[21:06] > Solarchos takes an orange juice cube and holds it up to Daniel's mouth. "Now, open your mouth and stick out your tongue."
[21:07] > Daniel quickly takes the cube out of Solar's hand, making sure to nip him just a little
[21:08] [Solarchos] Oooch. He nipped me just a little bit. I hope that doesn't mean he's upset at me.
[21:09] [Solarchos] See you all next time, folks.
[21:09] [+David O'Cain] I'm not sure, to be honest. See ya, Solar.
[21:10] <-- Solarchos has left #reddwarfmain (I hope Daniel likes the orange juice. I'll ask Miara about it next time.)
[21:10] > Daniel leaves the tray where it is and goes down the hall to his and Mi-na's room
[21:11] > Daniel is away
[21:11] [+David O'Cain] Awww.
[21:12] [Tabatha Brown] Heh... whats going on with everyone tonight?
[21:13] [+David O'Cain] Um, at the moment, not much from me.
[21:13] [Tabatha Brown] No, I mean theyre all actign strange.. sulking off randomly.
[21:14] [+David O'Cain] I have no idea.
[21:14] > Miara is back
[21:15] [+David O'Cain] Welcome back, Miara.
[21:15] > Miara has managed to aquire a shirt, but it wasn't very fun getting it
[21:15] [Miara] Thanks.
[21:19] [Miara] Gee, half the room disappeared.
[21:20] [+David O'Cain] Yeah.
[21:21] [Miara] Something bad happen?
[21:22] [+David O'Cain] I'm not even sure what happened.
[21:23] [Miara] Oh. Oh, well.
[21:23] > Miara rubs her shoulder a bit
[21:24] [+David O'Cain] You okay?
[21:25] [Miara] Yeah, just training stuff.
[21:27] [+David O'Cain] Cool.
[21:31] > Miara stretches and yawns
[21:31] [Miara] So what's up for tonight?
[21:31] [+David O'Cain] I haven't a clue.
[21:31] [Tabatha Brown] Drinkin.
[21:31] > Tabatha Brown makes another one.
[21:33] [Miara] You're pretty good at bartending, aren't you, Tabatha?
[21:35] [Tabatha Brown] Getting there. Want something?
[21:36] --> Matsumi Kaze (robe) [ ] has joined #reddwarfmain
[21:36] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze (robe)
[21:36] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze (robe)
[21:36] [Miara] If you like.
[21:37] > +Matsumi Kaze (robe) wanders in
[21:37] [Miara] Hi Matsi!
[21:37] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] yo
[21:38] [+David O'Cain] Hi, Matsumi.
[21:38] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] hi
[21:40] [+David O'Cain] How's it going?
[21:41] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] ok
[21:43] [Miara] I'm pretty tired, I think I'm going to go get some more sleep.
[21:44] [Miara] Night, you guys.
[21:44] [+David O'Cain] Night, Miara.
[21:45] <-- Miara [] has left #reddwarfmain (Stand up and watch me!)
[21:45] [Tabatha Brown] Aww... she didnt want her drink..
[21:46] > Tabatha Brown finishes soem Gin and Tonics.
[21:47] > +Matsumi Kaze (robe) sits quietly on the sofa
[21:48] --> Sskt [] has joined #reddwarfmain
[21:48] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Sskt
[21:48] > Sskt walks in, wearing a backpack
[21:49] [Sskt] shhhh
[21:49] <-- Sskt [] has left #reddwarfmain (you didn't see me *leaves the ship*)
[21:51] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] ...huh..what was that
[21:55] [Tabatha Brown] No idea... @.@ and all this confusion is getting to me..
[21:55] > +David O'Cain shrugs
[21:56] --> Anubis Saotome [] has joined #reddwarfmain
[21:56] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Anubis Saotome
[21:58] [+David O'Cain] Hey, Anubis.
[21:59] [Anubis Saotome] Hello David, Matsumi
[21:59] [Anubis Saotome] And there is my sweet Tabby ^_^
[21:59] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] hi
[22:00] [Tabatha Brown] Hiii
[22:01] [Anubis Saotome] How is everyone tonight?
[22:02] [+David O'Cain] I'm doing alright.
[22:07] > Tabatha Brown slides Anubis a stiff Gin & Tonic.
[22:07] > Anubis Saotome takes a sip, puts his arm around Tabatha and kisses her
[22:08] > +Matsumi Kaze (robe) quietly watches
[22:17] [Anubis Saotome] So, is anything going on tonight?
[22:18] [+David O'Cain] Um, not really other than drinking.
[22:18] [Tabatha Brown] Lots of weird stuff... food poisoning... flying foxboys..
[22:19] [Anubis Saotome] Oh really?
[22:20] [Tabatha Brown] Yeah.. and people running off like something was wrong..
[22:22] [Anubis Saotome] Interesting.
[22:23] > +Matsumi Kaze (robe) quietly sips a drink
[22:24] > +Matsumi Kaze (robe) is away
[22:24] [Tabatha Brown] Did we chase her off?
[22:25] [+David O'Cain] I hope not.
[22:27] [Anubis Saotome] I hope not as well
[22:28] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) is back
[22:28] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) walks back
[22:28] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] sorry about that....just kind of worn out today
[22:30] [+David O'Cain] Ah, welcome back, Matsumi.
[22:30] [Anubis Saotome] Ahh. Tabby and I were a bit concerned that we ran you away.
[22:30] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] sorry
[22:30] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) lays on a sofa
[22:33] [Anubis Saotome] It is quite alright
[22:33] [Anubis Saotome] How is your day going Mastumi?
[22:33] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] busy busy busy busy busy @_@
[22:35] [+David O'Cain] Another one of those long days?
[22:37] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] yes...
[22:40] [Tabatha Brown] Would you like a drink, Matsumi?
[22:40] > Tabatha Brown sips hers.
[22:41] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] sure
[22:43] > Anubis Saotome lets go of Tabby and sits at the bar
[22:43] > Tabatha Brown makes another Gin and Tonic, and takes it to Matsumi.
[22:44] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] thank you
[22:44] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) quietly sips her drink
[22:47] [+David O'Cain] So, uh, nice night.
[22:47] [Anubis Saotome] Quite
[22:52] [+David O'Cain] I'm gonna head off to bed, guys. I'll catch you later.
[22:52] [Anubis Saotome] Goodnight David
[22:52] [Tabatha Brown] Night Dave.
[22:52] <-- +David O'Cain has left #reddwarfmain (Good night.)
[22:55] [Anubis Saotome] How is your family doing Matsumi?
[22:56] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] they're ok....I only saw candy at school today...haven't gone home yet
[22:57] [Anubis Saotome] I see. Do they know you are here at least?
[22:59] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] I guess...yeah....uh..I don't know
[23:02] [Tabatha Brown] Have to get away from the signifigant... others? I imagine there isnt much room for personal space.
[23:02] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] out of work..
[23:03] [Anubis Saotome] Get out rather late?
[23:03] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] ..yes
[23:05] [Anubis Saotome] I see
[23:14] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] yup
[23:15] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) fluffs up a pillow and lays her head on it
[23:16] [Tabatha Brown] Aww.. the night is young!
[23:16] > Tabatha Brown downs her drink and kisses Anubis.
[23:17] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) sips her dirnk
[23:17] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] *drink
[23:18] > Anubis Saotome kisses Tabatha back with a smile
[23:19] [Tabatha Brown] I feel like doing something fun... dunno what.
[23:25] [Anubis Saotome] Hmmm....
[23:25] [Anubis Saotome] Well, they do have the video game machine in here.
[23:26] [Tabatha Brown] Mmmm.... maybe.
[23:33] > Tabatha Brown pulls up too cussions and sits on the floor.
[23:33] [Tabatha Brown] What do they have?
[23:38] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) 's glass falls on the floor and shatters
[23:39] > Tabatha Brown jumps a little.
[23:39] [Tabatha Brown] You alright?
[23:39] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) has fallen asleep on the sofa
[23:39] [Anubis Saotome] Matsumi?
[23:40] [Tabatha Brown] Oh..
[23:40] [Anubis Saotome] I guess she was more tired then we thought.
[23:42] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] zzz
[23:42] [Anubis Saotome] Perhaps I should take her home.
[23:43] > Tabatha Brown raises an eyebrow. "She'll be fine.."
[23:47] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] zzzz
[23:48] [Anubis Saotome] Well then, maybe we should head to our quarters and play some games alone. ^_~
[23:49] [Tabatha Brown] Kay. ^^
[23:50] > Anubis Saotome stands, picks up Tabatha and throws her over his shoulder with a smirk
[23:50] > Tabatha Brown giggles, and speaks unconvincingly.
[23:50] [Tabatha Brown] 'Ohh, you big brute! Put me down!' :D
[23:51] [Tabatha Brown]
[23:51] > Anubis Saotome chuckles to himself as he carries Tabatha out
[23:51] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] zzz
[23:51] <-- Anubis Saotome [] has left #reddwarfmain (I have some fun planned out for us. ^_~)
[23:52] <-- Tabatha Brown has left #reddwarfmain (You do?! What monsterous things are you intending to do to me!?)
[23:53] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] zzzz
[23:54] --> Vanadine (PJ's) [] has joined #reddwarfmain
[23:54] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (PJ's)
[23:54] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (PJ's)
[23:54] > +Vanadine (PJ's) walks in and sees Matsumi asleep on the sofa
[23:55] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] zzzzz
[23:55] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] There you are. Geez....
[23:57] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) is quietly snoring
[23:58] > +Vanadine (PJ's) walks over and carefully scoops Matsumi up off the sofa
[23:59] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) curls up a bit in vana's arms
[00:00] >>> Wednesday Feb 11 2009 <<<
[00:01] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] much much to do..zzz
[00:04] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] Poor Sweety
[00:04] > +Vanadine (PJ's) carries Matsumi home
[00:04] <-- +Vanadine (PJ's) [] has left #reddwarfmain (Need to get you to bed....)
[00:06] <-- +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) [ ] has left #reddwarfmain (zzzz)
[00:52] --> Minako Aino [] has joined #reddwarfmain
[00:52] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Minako Aino
[00:52] > Minako Aino walks in and looks around.
[00:52] > Minako Aino goes to the bar and makes something.
[00:54] --> Nephrite [] has joined #reddwarfmain
[00:54] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Nephrite
[00:54] > Minako Aino looks around again, downs it, and refills it.
[00:54] > Minako Aino blinks. "Don't I know you?"
[00:55] [Nephrite] Well well, if it isn't the beautiful Minako.
[00:55] > Nephrite bows politely
[00:56] [Nephrite] My name is Nephrite..... we uh... faught a very long time ago. ^_^;;
[00:56] > Minako Aino giggles.
[00:56] > Minako Aino thinks, blinks, and goes wide eyed.
[00:57] > Nephrite nervously chuckles, "Please don't get me wrong...... I'm a totally different person now.... so to speak."
[00:58] [Minako Aino] Didnt you die? Heh.. guess that doesnt mean much around here. ^^v
[00:59] [Nephrite] Yes well... much like you ladies.. I came back. But like I said, I'm a totally different person now. I've seen the error of my ways.
[01:00] > Nephrite walks in and sits on the sofa, "Not to mention, I've learned to truely appreciate the look of a beautiful woman. One of which I'm looking at." ^_~
[01:00] > Minako Aino grins and folds her arms, careful not to spill her drink. "You guys messed around with us before, how do I know I can trust you?"
[01:01] [Nephrite] Ask Matsumi about me sometime
[01:01] [Nephrite] Besides, if I were a bad guy, wouldn't the alarms have gone in here as soon as I walked in?
[01:02] [Minako Aino] If memory serves... we all got along well a few thousand years ago.. untill you guys got corrupted. Since the source of that is gone, you should be ok.
[01:06] > Nephrite smiles, "Thank you for trusting me again"
[01:06] [Minako Aino] So, hows life?
[01:07] [Nephrite] Well, I'm living with Zoisite now. She's my fiancee, though our relationship is very open.
[01:09] [Minako Aino] Thats good.
[01:10] > Minako Aino sits on the couch, crossing her legs casually and sipping her drink.
[01:11] [Nephrite] So, what brings you up here at this time of night?
[01:11] [Minako Aino] Do anything?
[01:13] [Nephrite] Well, I work in advertising now. Make pretty good money.
[01:14] [Minako Aino] Really? Umm...
[01:14] > Minako Aino blushes a little.
[01:14] [Minako Aino] Need a model?
[01:14] > Minako Aino gets a fit of giggles.
[01:15] > Nephrite grins and winks, "You would make an excellent model, believe me."
[01:16] [Nephrite] If I DO need one, I'll have to call you. ^_~
[01:16] [Minako Aino] Thanks! I DO have experience... a little too much experience.. >.>
[01:17] [Nephrite] Now way would you say that?
[01:18] [Minako Aino] Well.. I was modeling for a few years recently... I kinda... wound up working for... umm *cough* Well.. people I'd be better off to have not met..
[01:19] [Nephrite] Did something happen?
[01:19] [Minako Aino] But, if Matsumi says you're trustworthy, thats good enough for me. I wouldnt mind doing some more work with you and or Setsuna-san.
[01:19] [Minako Aino] Not something... a lot of things <.<
[01:19] > Minako Aino puts her arms behind her head and laughs nervously.
[01:21] [Minako Aino] But really, I'm a pro model when I'm not being distracted by crooked guys.
[01:23] [Nephrite] Oh, I know you are. I've seen quite a few very lovely pictures of you
[01:23] [Nephrite] Though, you're much prettier in person.
[01:24] [Minako Aino] awww... ♡.♡
[01:25] > Nephrite chuckles a bit at her reaction
[01:26] [Minako Aino] Thats so nice.. thank you.
[01:26] [Nephrite] You're quite welcome. But there's no real need to thank me. I only speak the truth.
[01:26] > Minako Aino swoons.
[01:29] > Minako Aino regains her composure, still blushing, and sips her drink.
[01:29] [Nephrite] What're you drinking?
[01:29] [Minako Aino] Hee.. this plaec is so nice.. everyone makes me feel like a teenager again.
[01:39] [Nephrite] Well, you still certinly look as good as you did back in your teen years.
[01:40] [Nephrite] Maybe even a bit better. ^_~
[01:42] > Minako Aino giggles and blushes more.
[01:42] [Minako Aino] Not likely... but maaaayyybe...
[01:46] > Nephrite casually puts an arm around her with a smile, "Maybe nothing.... you do."
[01:46] [Minako Aino] You're very sweet, for a villain..
[01:49] [Nephrite] But I'm not one of those anymore
[01:49] [Nephrite] I'm a good man now.
[01:52] [Minako Aino] Thats what they all say ^.~ And believe me, I've met them all..
[01:53] > Nephrite smiles at her and decides to take his arm back and stands, "I think I'll make myself a drink. Care for another of what you're drinking?"
[01:54] [Minako Aino] Please.
[01:55] [Minako Aino] Something strong.. doesnt matter. ^^;
[01:55] [Nephrite] Very good
[01:56] > Nephrite walks over to the bar and starts making something
[02:01] > Nephrite pours two glasses and brings them over, sitting next to Minako and handing one of them to her
[02:01] [Nephrite] Here, I love a good long island. I hope you like it.
[02:01] [Minako Aino] Sure!
[02:03] > Nephrite takes a sip of his own drink
[02:06] > Minako Aino takes a few sips.
[02:06] [Minako Aino] Arigato.
[02:06] [Nephrite] You're quite welcome
[02:06] > Minako Aino lets out a sigh, recovering from the long draw.
[02:07] [Nephrite] Minako, I'd like to ask you something and please tell me if I'm being too forward.....
[02:08] [Nephrite] ... but would you like to go to an empty room to talk more privately?
[02:09] [Minako Aino] uhh uh uh... O.O
[02:10] [Minako Aino] Were talking... talk.. right?
[02:11] [Nephrite] Oh... yes of course ^_^;;.....
[02:11] [Nephrite] ... I'm sorry if you got the wrong idea..... ^_^;;
[02:12] [Minako Aino] /me reaches for soemthing in her pocket, then nods and stands.
[02:13] > Nephrite stands and heads out ahead of her, "Follow me. I know where there's an unoccupied room."
[02:14] <-- Minako Aino [] has left #reddwarfmain (Sure.)
[02:14] <-- Nephrite [] has left #reddwarfmain (I'd never force you to do anything you wouldn't want to.)
[12:26] --> Nephrite [] has joined #reddwarfmain
[12:26] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Nephrite
[12:26] > Nephrite walks in and yawns
[12:28] > Nephrite lays on the sofa, looking up at the ceiling, "what an interesting night"
[12:39] --> Minako Aino [] has joined #reddwarfmain
[12:39] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Minako Aino
[12:39] > Minako Aino walks in, holding her head and looking disheveled.
[12:39] > Nephrite is layed out on the sofa, looking half asleep
[12:39] [Minako Aino] Ohh.. right... THIS is why I got out of that lifestyle..
[12:40] > Nephrite looks up and sits up, "Good morning Minako"
[12:41] [Minako Aino] Heh...hey..
[12:41] [Minako Aino] I'm not sure what I told you... but... don't go telling everyone, please? ~.~
[12:41] [Nephrite] How're you feeling?
[12:41] [Minako Aino] Hung over..
[12:42] [Nephrite] What we talked about will stay in that room, I promise you.
[12:43] [Minako Aino] My friends will find out eveuntally, I'm sure.. I just want it to be from me.
[12:43] [Nephrite] I totally understand. You have my word I won't go telling anyone.
[12:47] [Minako Aino] Ung.. I used to drink like that to come down from other things..
[12:49] [Nephrite] I see. Would you like anything?
[12:50] [Minako Aino] Something to eat.. I'm starving.
[12:51] > Nephrite stands, "How about you come over and have a seat. I'll get something for you to munch on"
[12:51] > Minako Aino plops down onto the sofa.
[12:52] [Nephrite] Is there anything in particular you'd like?
[12:54] [Minako Aino] Not to think for a while. ^^
[12:55] [Nephrite] Heh, alright. I'll come up with something. Be back in a few.
[12:55] > Nephrite is away: Getting brunch
[12:56] [Minako Aino] He's sweet..
[12:56] > Minako Aino lays down.
[13:01] > Nephrite is back
[13:01] > Nephrite walks in with two large glasses and a small plate with two muffins on it
[13:02] [Minako Aino] Wow.. thanks..
[13:02] > Nephrite sets the plate on the table in front of her and hands one of the glasses to her, keeping the other glass to himself
[13:03] [Nephrite] One's chocolate chip, the other's blueberry. Also thought you'd like some orange juice
[13:04] > Minako Aino takes the chocolate muffin and bites in, then sips some juice.
[13:04] [Minako Aino] You're very sweet. Zoicite is lucky.
[13:04] [Nephrite] Thank you. That's sweet of you to say.
[13:06] [Minako Aino] ^^v
[13:06] > Minako Aino DEVOURS the muffin.
[13:07] [Nephrite] wow, you weren't kidding when you said you were starving ^_^;;
[13:11] > Minako Aino finishes and slams the orange juice, letting out a gasp once she finishes. XD
[13:12] > Nephrite chuckles a bit and sits next to her, taking a drink for his glas
[13:12] [Nephrite] ^s
[13:12] [Nephrite] Wow, never would've thought a beauty like you could eat like that. :P
[13:13] [Minako Aino] Heh.. I'm done with starving myself.
[13:14] [Nephrite] That's good. Natural beauty looks better.
[13:19] [Minako Aino] You sure like to flatter me.. ^^;
[13:19] [Nephrite] Starving yourself to be thin doesn't exactly look attractive to me.
[13:20] [Nephrite] I call 'em as I see 'em.
[13:21] > Minako Aino smiles, and stares into space.
[13:21] [Nephrite] So, are you feeling better after our conversation last night?
[13:22] [Minako Aino] Its hard to feel better about the things I've been through... but Im hoping I can just pick up my act and get back to how I was.
[13:23] [Nephrite] I understand. I just hope I helped a little by being there to listen while you got that stuff off your chest.
[13:23] > Minako Aino sighs.
[13:24] [Minako Aino] It was nic eto confide in someone.. tho I never thought It'd be in someone who tried to kill my friends.
[13:24] [Nephrite] Ironic how things work out, isn't it?
[13:27] [Minako Aino] Hai..
[13:29] [Nephrite] What do you have planned for the rest of your day?
[13:29] [Minako Aino] Recovering... maybe start my search for my friend..
[13:30] [Minako Aino] I really hope he's ok.. he can take care of himself, but who knows what happened?
[13:30] [Nephrite] Would you like some help?
[13:31] [Minako Aino] You think you can?
[13:31] [Nephrite] I do and I know someone else who may be able to help as well.
[13:34] [Minako Aino] That'd be great..
[13:35] > Nephrite finishes his glass of orange juice and stands, quickly putting the dishes away and offerting a hand to Mina
[13:35] [Nephrite] ^-t
[13:35] > Minako Aino considders for a moment, and takes it.
[13:36] > Nephrite helps Mina up with a smile and leads the way out
[13:37] [Nephrite] My friends should be able to help
[13:37] > Minako Aino follows.
[13:37] <-- Nephrite [] has left #reddwarfmain (Sometimes it takes a feline to find a feline.)
[13:38] <-- Minako Aino [] has left #reddwarfmain (*giggles*)
[18:35] --> Logan SD [] has joined #reddwarfmain
[18:35] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Logan SD
[18:35] [Logan SD] Hallooo?
[18:36] > Logan SD sits on the couch and starts reading his datapad.
[18:46] [Logan SD] Hmm hm hm..
[19:07] > Logan SD is enjoying a book. ^^
[19:19] > Logan SD flips pages occationally by stroking his data pad.
[19:40] --> Taiyo has joined #reddwarfmain
[19:40] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Taiyo
[19:40] [Taiyo] hello
[19:44] [Logan SD] Hi!
[19:45] [Taiyo] hi
[19:46] > Taiyo sits down and looks at Logan "whatcha doing"
[19:49] [Logan SD] Readin... Its called 'Ender's Game.' Its pretty cool!
[19:50] [Taiyo] really?
[19:53] [Logan SD] Yeah.
[19:54] > Taiyo looks over logan's shoulder, reading
[19:55] [Logan SD] Wanna do somthin?
[19:56] [Taiyo] what?
[19:56] [Logan SD] uhhh... I dunno
[19:57] > Taiyo blinks "me neither"
[19:59] > Logan SD puts down his datapad.
[20:00] > Taiyo looks at the datapad
[20:03] > Taiyo starts to move his finger towards the datapad
[20:04] [Logan SD] Nya? Go ahead.
[20:04] > Taiyo pokes at the datapad
[20:08] > Logan SD 's datapad mkes soothing noises to the touch.
[20:08] [Taiyo] whoa
[20:11] > Taiyo starts pressing it more!
[20:12] [Logan SD] Hey!
[20:12] > Logan SD 's datapad starts to make odder noises, and finally locks up.
[20:12] [Taiyo] *blinks*
[20:13] [Logan SD] Whatd you do?
[20:13] [Taiyo] just pressed some buttons
[20:16] [Logan SD] Hmm... maybe I should ask Marty to look at it.. its been doing this alot.
[20:17] > Logan SD resets it.
[20:17] [Taiyo] really?
[20:20] [Logan SD] Yeah.. I wus playin a game the other day and it locked up too.
[20:21] [Taiyo] that sounds bad!
[20:21] [Logan SD] I hope it isnt... but Marty can fix it! Hes realllllly smart!
[20:22] [Taiyo] really???
[20:25] [Logan SD] Yupp! He has to fix pop's computer all the time.
[20:26] --> Solarchos has joined #reddwarfmain
[20:26] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Solarchos
[20:26] [Solarchos] Hello children!
[20:27] [Taiyo] hi
[20:27] [Taiyo] hideki-papa is pretty smart..he does video games
[20:28] [Logan SD] Hi Mister Solar.
[20:28] [Solarchos] How are you two doing tonight?
[20:29] [Taiyo] I'm ok!
[20:30] [Logan SD] Good!
[20:32] [Taiyo] how are you mister solar?
[20:33] [Solarchos] I'm doing pretty well.
[20:33] [Taiyo] good!
[20:36] [Solarchos] How about you, Taiyo? Feeling all right?
[20:37] > Taiyo nods nods
[20:37] [Taiyo] been training
[20:40] [Solarchos] And you Logan?
[20:41] [Logan SD] School... Its kina boring.
[20:44] [Solarchos] True, but it's still necessary. Otherwise you might grow up to be a dumbass like George W. Bush.
[20:45] [Logan SD] Who?
[20:45] [Logan SD] (( ..... ))
[20:45] [Taiyo] I don't go to school
[20:45] [Taiyo] (( solar... ))
[20:45] [Solarchos] (( Hmmm? ))
[20:45] [Taiyo] (( keep politics out of here I think ))
[20:46] [Logan SD] (( Id critisize, but Im guilty of it mysefl.. ))
[20:46] [Solarchos] (( *nods* ))
[20:46] [Logan SD] (( Of course, but WENt to school, so your logic is flawed anyway. =p ))
[20:46] [Logan SD] (( Bush ))
[20:47] [Taiyo] (( heh let's just move on :P ))
[20:48] [Solarchos] Well, you should go to school, Taiyo. You should at least get to play and interact with a multitude of kids.
[20:48] > Taiyo just blinks
[20:49] [Logan SD] The Academy is ok.. Pop says its better than where he went to school.. but.. I wanna go to Hogwarts!
[20:49] [Solarchos] Hogwarts?
[20:49] [Taiyo] oooo
[20:51] [Solarchos] Sounds like fun. So you actually possess the needed magical aptitude?
[20:52] [Logan SD] Ummmmm I dunno. o.o
[20:54] [Taiyo] oh?
[20:55] [Logan SD] I hope I do..
[20:56] [Taiyo] does your brother?
[20:56] [Logan SD] I think so.. Aptitude means, like, skill, right?
[20:57] [Solarchos] Not quite. It's more along the lines of untrained talent than learned skill.
[20:59] > Logan SD blinks, confused and thinking.
[20:59] [Taiyo] I don't have that V_V
[20:59] [Solarchos] You don't know that, Taiyo.
[21:00] [Logan SD] That would be cool if Taiyo came too!
[21:00] [Taiyo] really?
[21:00] [Solarchos] You're young. It takes years to figure out one's aptitudes
[21:01] > Taiyo nods
[21:01] [Solarchos] Besides, how old are the two of you?
[21:02] > Taiyo holds up a 5...or 6..and then 5...and then 6..and looks confused
[21:04] [Solarchos] Now, how old are most students when they first get inducted into Hogwarts Academy?
[21:05] [Logan SD] Eleven.
[21:05] [Solarchos] And I assume you're both younger than that?
[21:06] [Logan SD] Yeah.. Im eight years old.
[21:06] > Taiyo is still confused over the five or six bit
[21:08] [Solarchos] So you've both got quite a bit of time before either one of you is elligible to join.
[21:09] [Taiyo] join what?
[21:10] [Solarchos] Hogwarts, of course!
[21:10] [Taiyo] why would I go there?
[21:11] [Solarchos] Just in case you wanted to join Logan there.
[21:13] > Taiyo blinks
[21:14] [Taiyo] don't know
[21:19] > Solarchos gets some apple juice and sips it.
[21:20] [Taiyo] can I have some?
[21:21] [Solarchos] Sure.
[21:21] [Taiyo] ^^
[21:21] > Solarchos gets some apple juice for both Taiyo and Logan.
[21:22] [Taiyo] thank you!!!
[21:22] [Solarchos] You're welcome.
[21:23] > Taiyo sips the juice happily
[21:23] > Taiyo seems more cheerful
[21:25] [Taiyo] training is going really good!
[21:25] [Solarchos] How about you, Logan?
[21:26] [Logan SD] Sure! Thanks!
[21:26] > Logan SD takes his and drinks, his ears twitching a little.
[21:26] > Taiyo pokes at an ear
[21:30] > Logan SD shakes his head. "Hay!"
[21:30] [Solarchos] Heh.
[21:31] [Taiyo] what????
[21:32] [Solarchos] Nothing. Just watching you two play.
[21:32] [Logan SD] How about I poke your ears? :P
[21:33] [Taiyo] why would you do that?
[21:34] [Logan SD] Why'd you pkoe mine?
[21:35] [Taiyo] cause...don't you do that with kitty ears?
[21:36] [Logan SD] I don't.
[21:37] [Solarchos] Taiyo's just playing with you Logan. That's all.
[21:37] [Taiyo] I do that with miss amber's ears
[21:39] [Logan SD] I'm not a toy. >.<
[21:40] [Taiyo] sorry...
[21:41] [Solarchos] I don't think he thought of you that way, Logan.
[21:42] [Taiyo] yeah...
[21:44] [Logan SD] Its ok..
[21:44] > Taiyo sips his drink quietly..feeling guilty
[21:49] [Solarchos] Well, good night kids. I need to be returning home.
[21:50] [Taiyo] night, mister solar..
[21:50] [Logan SD] Night Mister Solar.
[21:50] <-- Solarchos has left #reddwarfmain (Time to tuck in the kits for the night!)
[21:51] > Taiyo kicks his feet a bit
[21:52] [Logan SD] Wanna do sumthin?
[21:53] [Taiyo] sure!
[22:00] > Logan SD boots up a game on his datapad.
[22:01] [Taiyo] ooo..what's this?
[22:01] [Logan SD] Wanna play this?
[22:02] [Taiyo] sure!
[22:03] [Logan SD] Its F-Zero UXD. Its fun, but FAST.
[22:03] [Taiyo] neat!
[22:04] > Taiyo smiles, looking at the game
[22:07] > Logan SD races super fast using touch controls on the screen.
[22:08] [Taiyo] whoa....
[22:13] [Taiyo] so neat
[22:16] [Taiyo] ^_^
[22:18] [Logan SD] :3
[22:19] > Taiyo puts his face really close to the screen
[22:27] [Logan SD] Weee!
[22:28] [Taiyo] hehehe
[22:35] [Taiyo] you really like video games?
[22:40] [Logan SD] Yeah! Theyre great!
[22:40] > Logan SD reeeeeeally focuses. >:3
[22:40] [Taiyo] heh
[23:00] [Logan SD] Watch out!