#reddwarfmain 2008_Sep_05_2149
[22:45] >>> Sunday Aug 31 2008 – Automatic reset triggered – Logging Start <<<
[22:45] [+David O'Cain] Well, maybe not for your students, but maybe for us. (shrugs)
[22:45] [@Nate Detroit] I wish I had a hot teacher like you, Matsumi... all my teachers were old and scarry. Well, almost all of them..
[22:45] [@Nate Detroit] Oh, she does that all the time.
[22:47] [+Matsumi Kaze] hey :P...still
[22:47] [+Matsumi Kaze] I am not going to do that in my classroom...
[22:48] [+David O'Cain] Not even tease'em?
[22:48] [@Nate Detroit] Yeah, forget the ethics of it, I imagine it'd be way too much of a distraction.
[22:49] [@Nate Detroit] Heh, Mr. Ill lock your ass up for having pot wants Matsumi to corrupt her students?
[22:49] [+Matsumi Kaze] .......
[22:50] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh...there is no way I have any interest in that
[22:50] [+David O'Cain] I'll shut up for the rest of the night, then.
[22:51] [+Matsumi Kaze] the only thing I want to do..is teach them english
[22:51] [@Nate Detroit] Doesnt bother me! Im all for corrupting youth with a sexy busty Matsumi.
[22:52] [+Matsumi Kaze] and I'm not :P
[22:54] > +Matsumi Kaze smiles a bit
[22:55] [@Nate Detroit] You know were teasing you.
[22:58] [+Matsumi Kaze] of course
[22:58] > +David O'Cain just eats
[23:00] > @Nate Detroit realizes he didnt leave when he set out to..
[23:01] > @Nate Detroit leaves and comes back clean, wearing his boxers with a towel around his neck, refreshed and all in one line of text!
[23:03] [@Nate Detroit] There! I feel like a new princess!
[23:04] [+Matsumi Kaze] heeeey
[23:04] > +David O'Cain keeps eating
[23:05] [@Nate Detroit (Boxers)] Sorry, just a princess peach one-liner tha stuck with me.
[23:06] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh
[23:08] [+Matsumi Kaze] I'll be back
[23:08] > +Matsumi Kaze is away
[23:24] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) is back
[23:25] > +David O'Cain waves and goes back to eating
[23:30] > @Nate Detroit (Boxers) joins in, finishing the last of the food.
[23:30] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) sits on a sofa
[23:31] > +David O'Cain gets a bunch of Pocky and munches
[23:32] [@Nate Detroit (Boxers)] I just dont GET pocky..
[23:36] > +David O'Cain simply eats
[23:42] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] I love it!
[23:45] > +David O'Cain simply eats
[23:52] > +David O'Cain belches
[23:54] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] heh...
[23:55] > +David O'Cain lounges on the sofa
[23:57] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) lays on the floor :P
[00:00] >>> Monday Sep 01 2008 <<<
[00:00] > @Nate Detroit (Boxers) lays ontop of Matsumi. "This seat taken?"
[00:00] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] heheh...why?
[00:06] [@Nate Detroit (Boxers)] Cause I woult'nt wanna take someone's seat. That'd be rude.
[00:07] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] true
[00:09] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) relaxes ^^
[00:10] > @Nate Detroit (Boxers) relaxes, resting his head on Matsumi's chest.
[00:10] [@Nate Detroit (Boxers)] Next best thing after a long day to resting with my kitty girl.
[00:12] <-- +David O'Cain has left #reddwarfmain
[00:13] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) giggles and holds nate
[00:13] [@Nate Detroit (Boxers)] We chase him off? =\
[00:17] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] heh..maybeeee
[00:19] [@Nate Detroit (Boxers)] I think my bringing back his threat of incarceration upset him..
[00:21] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] aww *hugs nate*
[00:21] [@Nate Detroit (Boxers)] If Dave arrested me, what would you do?
[00:22] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] I would probably try to talk him down..or convince him not to
[00:23] [@Nate Detroit (Boxers)] Thats a start... but you wouldnt come bust me out? =(
[00:24] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] I try to work within the law at times
[00:24] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] only when I have no choice will I go for that
[00:24] [@Nate Detroit (Boxers)] But you WOULD go for it if it came down to it?
[00:27] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] yes
[00:27] > @Nate Detroit (Boxers) smiles and kisses Matsumi.
[00:28] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) returns the kiss
[00:31] [@Nate Detroit (Boxers)] Hope ya arent just saying that cause Im lying untop of you.
[00:34] [@Nate Detroit (Boxers)] I'd never let you rot in a cell, for any reason. Nice to know you'd do the same.
[00:34] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] no..I know that
[00:36] > @Nate Detroit (Boxers) sighs.
[00:36] [@Nate Detroit (Boxers)] I could stay her elike this with you all night, but we both have big days tomorrow, don't we?
[00:36] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] what's wrong????
[00:36] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] yeah we do
[00:37] > @Nate Detroit (Boxers) leaves his head on Matsumi's chest and listens to her heartbeat.
[00:39] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] how is it?
[00:39] [@Nate Detroit (Boxers)] Pretty healthy, but relaxed.
[00:41] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] heh...I thank the excercise
[00:41] [@Nate Detroit (Boxers)] Mine is probably muffled by salt and garbage...
[00:42] [@Nate Detroit (Boxers)] I lvoe salt, but since you cant really BURN it, I doubt my body can process it like everything else.
[00:44] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] I like salt too....but..you know my body
[00:45] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] actually....I tend to put alot of salt on stuff
[00:45] > @Nate Detroit (Boxers) chucles.
[00:46] [@Nate Detroit (Boxers)] Yeah, I still wanna forcefead you lard or something sometme and see what happens.
[00:48] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] heeeey :P
[00:48] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] what if you ended up with a fat matsumi :P
[00:49] [@Nate Detroit (Boxers)] Then we tie her to the treadmill and leave her there until shes regular Matsumi again. ^_^
[00:50] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] silly :P
[00:51] [@Nate Detroit (Boxers)] Not that I'd love you less if you put on some weight.
[00:53] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] awwwww *hugs nate close*
[00:55] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] you're sweet!
[00:56] [@Nate Detroit (Boxers)] Hee.. ^_^ Its true.. I don't love you for your body alone.. I can count on you when I need something.. like food cause I can't move, or a jailhouse rescue!
[00:57] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] heh..just don't count on me for everything ^_~
[00:59] [@Nate Detroit (Boxers)] Heh...
[00:59] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] if you know what I mean :P
[01:00] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) gives nate a kiss
[01:00] [@Nate Detroit (Boxers)] Im not sure I do. XD
[01:01] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] well I have a job and stuff...so don't expect me to be your maid :P
[01:02] [@Nate Detroit (Boxers)] Hah! No, I have kryten for that.
[01:03] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) giggles a bit
[01:03] [@Nate Detroit (Boxers)] Lord knows I can't clean up after myself. ^^
[01:04] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] heh....I sometimes have to remember that myself
[01:05] [@Nate Detroit (Boxers)] That I can't clean for myself? Or you can't?
[01:08] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] no...I have trouble myself
[01:08] [@Nate Detroit (Boxers)] Glad its not just me.
[01:12] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] mine is mostly with my clothes
[01:13] [@Nate Detroit (Boxers)] me too.. I can't work an iron..
[01:15] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] vana sometimes gets upset with me on that
[01:16] --> Jennifer Flare [AriesSenshi@usa.cc] has joined #reddwarfmain
[01:16] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Jennifer Flare
[01:16] [@Nate Detroit (Boxers)] Seems like we get upset with you a lot.. Sometimes I worry like Im not treating you fairly.
[01:16] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] oh..hi, Jenny
[01:16] [Jennifer Flare] Hey Matsy, Nate ^_^
[01:17] [@Nate Detroit (Boxers)] Hi Jenny.. don't mind us, please. ^^
[01:17] > @Nate Detroit (Boxers) is lying untop of Matsumi.
[01:17] > Jennifer Flare giggles/ Well now....
[01:18] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) blushes
[01:19] [Jennifer Flare] I don't know whether to leave or join the party :P
[01:20] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) blushes even redder
[01:20] [@Nate Detroit (Boxers)] Heh.. Room for one more, or will we crush you?
[01:22] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] I can only handle so much weight ^^;;;
[01:23] [@Nate Detroit (Boxers)] Princesses are delicate, after all.
[01:23] [Jennifer Flare] That's quite alright
[01:24] > Jennifer Flare goes over to the bar to make something do drink
[01:25] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] heh..
[01:28] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] I'm not that delicate.....just can only take so much XD
[01:29] [@Nate Detroit (Boxers)] We know.
[01:29] [@Nate Detroit (Boxers)] Well, I know.
[01:30] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] heh
[01:32] [Jennifer Flare] would ya'll like a drink
[01:32] [Jennifer Flare] ?
[01:32] [@Nate Detroit (Boxers)] Ill take one of whatever youre having. I wont be up much longer.
[01:33] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] I'm with most anything *pops something into her mouth*
[01:33] [Jennifer Flare] awww, ok
[01:33] [@Nate Detroit (Boxers)] Heh.. wouldnt do for you to be drunk or hungover, first day back..
[01:34] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] what's wrong, jenny?
[01:36] [Jennifer Flare] Oh nothin
[01:36] > Jennifer Flare starts mixing a couple drinks
[01:37] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] ahh okies
[01:39] [@Nate Detroit (Boxers)] Shes sad Im not stayin, she has a crush on me.
[01:40] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] awwww
[01:40] > Jennifer Flare sticks her tongue out at Nate
[01:41] [@Nate Detroit (Boxers)] She razzes me, but she doesnt deny it. =p
[01:41] [Jennifer Flare] well if course i don't
[01:42] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) giggles
[01:42] > Jennifer Flare blushes/ cause it's entirely true *^_^*
[01:42] [@Nate Detroit (Boxers)] ... I should stop.. Im sorry.
[01:44] [Jennifer Flare] Awww, why?
[01:44] [Jennifer Flare] I don't mind you teasing me a little
[01:45] [@Nate Detroit (Boxers)] Oh... just worried about... I dunno, hurting you?
[01:45] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) relaxes
[01:46] [Jennifer Flare] meh
[01:46] [Jennifer Flare] the only way you'd hurt me nate, is if you totally denied me
[01:47] > Jennifer Flare pours a mix into three glasses
[01:47] [@Nate Detroit (Boxers)] I.. Im not sure I should ask what you meab by deny. ^^;;
[01:48] > Jennifer Flare brings the glasses over and hands oen to nate, and one to matsumi, keeping the third for herself
[01:48] [@Nate Detroit (Boxers)] What do we drink to?
[01:49] [Jennifer Flare] to relaxing with good friends. ^_^
[01:49] > @Nate Detroit (Boxers) sits up and gets off Matsumi.
[01:49] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) sits up
[01:49] [@Nate Detroit (Boxers)] To good friends.
[01:50] [Jennifer Flare] oh and what i ment by deny.... is if you like compleatly ignored my feelings like they didn't exist
[01:51] [@Nate Detroit (Boxers)] Of course not, Jenny.. I'd have to be blind. Im just sorry you don't have someone better and more available to have feelings for.
[01:52] [Jennifer Flare] more available, i'd like. better.... i doubt that would happen ^_^
[01:53] > @Nate Detroit (Boxers) sips his drink.
[01:53] [@Nate Detroit (Boxers)] Whats so great about me? >_>
[01:54] > Jennifer Flare sits next to Nate/ you're a sweetheart and caring and loyal and such
[01:55] [@Nate Detroit (Boxers)] Those arent rare qualities... <_< are they?
[01:55] [Jennifer Flare] you're better then any man i've actually dated so far :P
[01:55] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) sits on the floor sipping her drink
[01:57] [@Nate Detroit (Boxers)] Thats.. thanks.. I think..
[01:57] > @Nate Detroit (Boxers) sips through most of his drink.
[01:57] [@Nate Detroit (Boxers)] I... I REALLY should get to bed.. tomorrow is a holiday.
[01:57] [Jennifer Flare] you think it's gonna' be busy tomorrow?
[01:58] [@Nate Detroit (Boxers)] Yes, very.
[01:58] [@Nate Detroit (Boxers)] Last holiday before a lot of the shotas go back to school.
[01:59] [Jennifer Flare] shotas?
[02:00] [@Nate Detroit (Boxers)] Umm... kids, boys to be spicific. I'll... explain the terminology tomorrow.
[02:00] [Jennifer Flare] ok.... do you want me to come in tomorrow instead of taking my day off?
[02:00] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] I have work tomorrow
[02:00] [@Nate Detroit (Boxers)] Oh... oh geez... yeah, could you? >_>
[02:01] [@Nate Detroit (Boxers)] I fail at scheduling.
[02:01] [Jennifer Flare] sure, it's no problem
[02:02] [@Nate Detroit (Boxers)] Thanks for a pleasant evening.. oh, Jenny? For the sake of arguement, if I got thrown in jail, what'd you do?
[02:04] [Jennifer Flare] bail ya' out :P
[02:04] [@Nate Detroit (Boxers)] Heh, bail? Well, that works too ^^;
[02:04] > @Nate Detroit (Boxers) kisses each girl in turn.
[02:04] > Jennifer Flare giggles and blushes
[02:06] > @Nate Detroit (Boxers) downs the rest of his drink, and goes for the door.
[02:06] <-- @Nate Detroit (Boxers) [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has left #reddwarfmain (Night, my blonde bombshells.)
[02:06] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] heh
[02:07] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) sips her drink
[02:07] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] hmmm..what is this
[02:08] [Jennifer Flare] my special electric lemonade
[02:08] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] ooo nice ^^
[02:09] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] so...tomorrow I go back to work
[02:09] [Jennifer Flare] awww
[02:09] [Jennifer Flare] everyone's going back to work tomorrow
[02:11] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] well...schools start up again
[02:13] [Jennifer Flare] ahh
[02:16] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] so busy busy me
[02:17] [Jennifer Flare] well, i guess now i'm closin' the store tomorrow night
[02:18] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] ahhh okies....I just hope I don't have a long meeting tomorrow or anything
[02:21] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) relaxes and sips
[02:25] > Jennifer Flare takes a long drink and sighs a little
[02:27] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] what's wrong?
[02:27] [Jennifer Flare] just.... thinking about what nate said....
[02:28] [Jennifer Flare] i really DO have a serious crush on him.... and it kinda' bugs me.... cause i know i can never have him the way i want to.....
[02:29] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] yeah that is problematic
[02:30] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] have you tried the dating scene again yet?
[02:30] [Jennifer Flare] to be honest.... not since i came here....
[02:32] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] why not?
[02:35] [Jennifer Flare] i just havn't been interested
[02:37] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] maybe you should try it out
[02:38] [Jennifer Flare] i dunno
[02:39] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] why not?
[02:40] [Jennifer Flare] to be honest....
[02:40] > Jennifer Flare blushes/ .... i... kinda' compare every guy i meet to nate.
[02:42] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] heh..well you have to learn to see past that
[02:42] [Jennifer Flare] it's just so hard!
[02:43] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] I'm sure it is ^^
[02:46] [Jennifer Flare] me yawns
[02:46] > Jennifer Flare ^
[02:48] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) yawns as well
[02:50] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] I suppose I should get home...busy day tomorrow
[02:51] [Jennifer Flare] yeah, me too
[02:51] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] night, Jenny..take care ^^
[02:52] > Jennifer Flare stands/ g'night matsy, you too :)
[02:52] <-- +Matsumi Kaze (undies) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has left #reddwarfmain (off to home...and then work tomorrow)
[13:12] <-- Jennifer Flare [AriesSenshi@usa.cc] has left #reddwarfmain (((Why do i keep forgetting to do this?)))
[20:05] --> Solarchos has joined #reddwarfmain
[20:05] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Solarchos
[20:05] > Solarchos comes in and looks around. "I'd really like to know how AnTil and Alex managed to get here by themselves the other day."
[20:06] --> Matsumi Kaze (Teacher) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[20:06] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)
[20:06] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)
[20:06] [Solarchos] Heh, Inu-Kit probably brought them here to play and make mischief. ^_^
[20:06] > +Matsumi Kaze (Teacher) walks in
[20:06] [Solarchos] Oh hi Matsumi.
[20:07] > +Matsumi Kaze (Teacher) is in a nice shirt, jeans and loafers...she is wearing glasses and carries a large brown sachel
[20:08] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] hi
[20:08] > +Matsumi Kaze (Teacher) sits down, removing her glasses and rubbing her eyes
[20:09] [Solarchos] You look tired. Long day?
[20:10] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] oh yes
[20:11] [Solarchos] Looks like your students gave you a tedious time today.
[20:11] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] no..it was good
[20:14] [Solarchos] Well, at least it's over.
[20:14] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] yes...well...it was a good day
[20:15] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] just busy
[20:15] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] how was your day?
[20:16] [Solarchos] Not too bad. Little Catriona and Sylvester are getting to be quite a handful though. They're both getting better at crawling and now they're crawling all over the place.
[20:17] > +Matsumi Kaze (Teacher) nods "I've heard Daia on this ship is similer
[20:17] [Solarchos] And AnTil and Alex just love going around with them. They're turning into a gang of roving mischief-makers.
[20:18] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] heh
[20:19] > Solarchos has new photos to show, too! "I caught them in the act!"
[20:20] > +Matsumi Kaze (Teacher) takes some and giggles
[20:20] > Solarchos shows Matsumi a picture of the servant-girl Mari going about her usual chores around the mansion. In the corners of the photo however, obviously unknown to Mari, lurk little fox-children.
[20:21] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] heh cute
[20:22] > Solarchos shows Matsumi the second photo. Mari is turning around to face the photographer, smiling courteously, and reaching down towards Chibi-Sylvester as he crawls up to her from the side, smiling happily as only an infant can.
[20:24] --> David O'Cain has joined #reddwarfmain
[20:24] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to David O'Cain
[20:24] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +David O'Cain
[20:24] [+David O'Cain] Yo.
[20:25] > Solarchos shows Matsumi the last photo. Mari has been ambushed! Both Sylvester and Catriona have each grabbed her by a leg and AnTil and Alex are tugging on her hair, pulling her down to the ground for the "lethal" hugging.
[20:25] [+David O'Cain] What's going on?
[20:26] [Solarchos] Hey David. Just chatting with Matsumi.
[20:26] > +Matsumi Kaze (Teacher) giggles "so cute"
[20:26] --> Nate Detroit [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[20:26] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +o to Nate Detroit
[20:26] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, @Nate Detroit
[20:27] [@Nate Detroit] Evening all. How goes?
[20:27] [+David O'Cain] Been up to much, Solar?
[20:27] [Solarchos] Oh, hi Nate. It's suddenly getting busier around here.
[20:27] [@Nate Detroit] Unlike my arcade...
[20:28] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] I'm fine *removes her shoe and rubs her feet*
[20:28] [Solarchos] Not too much today, David. I kind of spent the day taking some new pictures of my children. ^__^
[20:28] [+David O'Cain] Heh.
[20:30] [+David O'Cain] Have they been getting into all sorts of trouble?
[20:32] [Solarchos] Oh yeah. With Catriona and Sylvester crawling more and more AnTil and Alex now have little helpers in their quests to make mischief all over the house.
[20:32] > +Matsumi Kaze (Teacher) keeps rubbing her feet
[20:33] [+David O'Cain] You okay, Matsumi?
[20:34] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] yeah..just sore feet
[20:34] [Solarchos] Need something to drink, Matsumi?
[20:35] [Solarchos] Boring day, Nate?
[20:35] [@Nate Detroit] Heh... be careful with them up here, wouldnt want them wandering off or getting trapped.
[20:35] [@Nate Detroit] No, was super busy earlier, but cam to a screeching hault around 5.
[20:37] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] I'll have some ginger ale
[20:38] [Solarchos] I'm not too worried about AnTilZha and Alexianna. Both of them have tracking devices on them that let Inu-Kit and I know where they are at any time. If they got into trouble or got lost, we can just have the Hellesponte or the Steadfast lock onto their signals and teleport them to safety.
[20:38] [+David O'Cain] Good day, Matsumi?
[20:38] > Solarchos gets Matsumi some ginger ale. "Does anyone else want anything?"
[20:39] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] thank you..and David..it was really good but busy
[20:39] [+David O'Cain] Bet the kids were glad to see ya.
[20:40] [@Nate Detroit] Heh, I hope you take tem off when they get older..
[20:40] [@Nate Detroit] Anythings fine.
[20:41] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] oh they were...
[20:42] [+David O'Cain] Solar - Coffee. Plenty of it, too.
[20:43] [Solarchos] Oh I will, Nate. However, when I put them onto AnTil and Alex their younger siblings hadn't been born and it was a rather dangerous time. I was concerned that someone could try to kidnap them to try and use against me as leverage.
[20:43] > Solarchos gets to work on the coffee.
[20:45] > +Matsumi Kaze (Teacher) sips her drink
[20:45] [Solarchos] Fortunately, no one ever tried to kidnap or harm AnTil and Alex, but the people I was dealing with were certainly low-down and crummy enough to attempt it. I had every intention of ensuring any attempt they might have tried failed miserably.
[20:46] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] ahh..that hits the spot
[20:47] > Solarchos brings David the coffee. "Nate? You sure you don't want anything?"
[20:47] [@Nate Detroit] Yikes... Who were you dealign with?
[20:48] > +David O'Cain takes the coffee pot and puts the contents into a modified Camelpak, and drinks
[20:49] [Solarchos] Some people who were so determined to impose their will and vision on the world that they didn't care about *how* they did it or whether or not what they were doing was right or wrong. Basically zealots.
[20:49] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] ah
[20:49] [+David O'Cain] Glad to hear that the kiddies are safe.
[20:51] [Solarchos] Fortunately though, they got exactly what they deserved. They tried to change the world and move mountains, but instead the mountains stayed right where they were and the world showed them a lesson or two.
[20:51] [@Nate Detroit] I see..
[20:52] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] well...at least the past is the past
[20:52] [Solarchos] But like I said, it's over and my children were kept safe.
[20:53] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] that's good
[20:54] [Solarchos] As for what happened to the zealots? *shrugs* I have no idea. They just vanished.
[20:54] [@Nate Detroit] I wish my biggest rival would get whats coming to him... Last I heard he's gained a lot of power and infamy in the Rogue Isles..
[20:54] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] you mean Oppiz, Nate?
[20:55] [@Nate Detroit] Yes. >_<
[20:55] [Solarchos] Oh? I don't think I've ever heard of him.
[20:55] [@Nate Detroit] Its... a demon with a body cloned magicly from my own... he has all my powers, plus from what I hear, some soul powers..
[20:57] [@Nate Detroit] The reports say that thats not his real name, just one he uses to mock mine. Oppiz Bus, my name spelled backward. Wears colors and even colrs his skin and hair to be a negative of my own.
[20:58] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] sort of like Anzu was to me
[20:59] [Solarchos] Geh. Sounds troublesome to say the least.
[21:00] [+David O'Cain] A demon, huh? He wouldn't happen to be effected by holy stuff, would he?
[21:01] [@Nate Detroit] He's robbed banks, bombed buildings, and abducted people to have their souls ejected from their bodies to house the lost souls of his cult.. the Circle of Thorns..
[21:01] [Solarchos] So an "anti-Nate" of sorts?
[21:01] [@Nate Detroit] And from what I've read from longbow Intelligence, he wants to do that to ME.
[21:04] [Solarchos] Wouldn't doing something like that attract the wrong kind of attention to him?
[21:05] > +Matsumi Kaze (Teacher) removes her glasses and puts in her contacts
[21:06] [Solarchos] I mean, committing felonies is one thing, but bombing buildings and actively trafficking with supernatural entities is the kind of thing that would drop the big hammers on his ass.
[21:06] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] ahh..that's better
[21:07] [Solarchos] Like the Hellsing Organization for instance. Or the Sailor Senshi. How are the Senshi doing anyway? I haven't ran into any of them yet.
[21:07] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] oh..Usagi and Ami were here a little bit ago
[21:07] [Solarchos] Hmmm. I missed it. :(
[21:08] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] it's alright ^^
[21:10] > Solarchos gets himself a ginger ale, too.
[21:10] > +David O'Cain drinks his coffee from the Camelpak
[21:10] [@Nate Detroit] I don't know what his objectives are... he isn't exactly a traditional villain. He seems to see lots of ways to gain power, be it stealing money, powerful magical artifacts, or missiles.
[21:11] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] what is a camelpak, david?
[21:11] [Solarchos] A Camelpack is a type of bag you wear on your back that carries water or some other kind of liquid.
[21:11] [Solarchos] It's kind of like a modern day waterskin.
[21:12] [@Nate Detroit] Problem with liquids is that they're heavy..
[21:12] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] ahh..neverheard of that
[21:13] [Solarchos] True, but it's an alternative to carrying around bottles or canteens. You wear a Camelpak like a backpack.
[21:13] [+David O'Cain] Exactly.
[21:14] [Solarchos] That way you can't drop it and it doesn't get in the way of your arms.
[21:14] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] I'll be right back guys
[21:14] > +Matsumi Kaze (Teacher) is away: changing ((shower))
[21:15] [+David O'Cain] Oh, any news from the Abh, Solar?
[21:16] [Solarchos] Nothing yet, but I do know that my request for some additional local help is being processed. They'll be coming our way before too much longer.
[21:16] [+David O'Cain] Good. Methinks the more help the better.
[21:17] [Solarchos] Hey Nate, are you okay? You seem rather quiet tonight.
[21:18] [@Nate Detroit] (( Thats because Im going back and forth between rooms watching RAW. >=p ))
[21:18] [@Nate Detroit] Yeah... except of the looming threats, Im super.
[21:19] [Solarchos] (( Watching "Dirty Harry" on AMC myself. "Do you feel lucky? Well do ya, punk?" ))
[21:20] > +David O'Cain nods as he drinks
[21:24] [Solarchos] I should get going myself. It's getting late. Time for all good little fox-children to be tucked into bed by their parents. ^__^
[21:25] [Solarchos] Good night everyone.
[21:25] [+David O'Cain] Take care, Solar.
[21:26] [@Nate Detroit] Later Solar.
[21:27] <-- Solarchos has left #reddwarfmain (Little ones! Time for bed! If you're good your mother will read you a story!)
[21:30] [+David O'Cain] I never did get an answer about using holy stuff against someone like Oppiz.
[21:33] > +Matsumi Kaze (PJs) is back
[21:34] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] heya guys..
[21:34] [+David O'Cain] Welcome back, Matsumi.
[21:36] [@Nate Detroit] Good idea, Matsumi.
[21:36] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] hmm?
[21:36] > @Nate Detroit (PJs) changes behind the couch.
[21:46] [+David O'Cain] Glad Solar made the coffee. I needed it after being up for, well, at least 24 hours.
[21:46] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] feel better, Nate?
[21:48] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Im fine.. tho I am feeling tired... I think the season is catching up with me.
[21:49] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] awwww
[21:52] --> Jennifer Flare [AriesSenshi@usa.cc] has joined #reddwarfmain
[21:52] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Jennifer Flare
[21:52] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] hello jenny
[21:52] [+David O'Cain] Hi, Jen.
[21:52] > @Nate Detroit (PJs) yawns and waves.
[21:52] [Jennifer Flare] hey matsy, dave, bossman. how're ya'll doin' tonight?
[21:53] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] I'm just fine ^^
[21:53] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] ♬ Ya better watch out boys, you'll be servin' hard times! ♭
[21:53] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Tired >>
[21:54] > Jennifer Flare walks over to Nate and slaps him on the back kinda' hard/ Rough day.. ain't you glad I came in instead of takin' the day off? :P
[21:55] > +Matsumi Kaze (PJs) is wearing fitting PJs with green swirl patterns on them
[21:55] [+David O'Cain] How's it going?
[21:55] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Yeah.. but I think its safe for you to take any of the next three off. Maybe more.
[21:56] [Jennifer Flare] I'm ok, Dave.
[21:56] > Jennifer Flare looks at Nate confused/ Come again?
[21:57] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Its gonna slow down.. Ill be cutting hours soon.
[21:57] [Jennifer Flare] Awwww.....But what'm I gonna' do with myself with more then one day off?
[21:58] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] You were great this summer. I really don't know how I'd do it without you, but theres not gonna be nearly as much work. I'll still keep ya employeed as best I can.
[21:58] [Jennifer Flare] Ok....
[21:58] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] More time to swoon over me and call my name doing dirty things. =p Seriously tho, I wanna make you assistant manager.
[21:58] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] heh...jennifer..you know what you could do on your days off
[21:59] > Jennifer Flare plops down on the sofa, a bit away from Nate/ At least I still have my time at the manga shop.
[21:59] > Jennifer Flare sticks her tongue out at Nate about the first half of his statment/ Tease :P
[22:00] [Jennifer Flare] what're you talkin' about matsy?
[22:02] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] oh you know..what we were talking about last night, Jenny
[22:03] [Jennifer Flare] i guess..... but you know how i feel about that....
[22:04] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] yes I do
[22:05] > Jennifer Flare sighs and stands again
[22:06] [Jennifer Flare] I just realized I stink from being sweaty all day. I'm gonna' go take a shower and change. I'll be back ya'll.
[22:06] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] jenny???
[22:06] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] ohh ok
[22:06] > Jennifer Flare is away: cleanin' up
[22:07] > @Nate Detroit (PJs) curls up on the couch with a pillow and blanket.
[22:07] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] aww sleepy nate
[22:09] > @Nate Detroit (PJs) nods.
[22:09] [+David O'Cain] Nap time.
[22:09] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] (( I got up early this morning and it pains me to keep my eyes open. Im just about ready for bed.. ))
[22:10] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] (( ahh alrighty ))
[22:11] [+David O'Cain] (( Okay, man. ))
[22:15] > @Nate Detroit (PJs) is away: No sence staying up...
[22:16] [+David O'Cain] Poor guy. Hope he gets plenty of sleep.
[22:18] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] yeah....he needs it for work
[22:20] [+David O'Cain] Hmm, never thought to ask Solar what kind of coffee he used. Eh, probably doesn't matter.
[22:21] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] I can never drink coffee ^_^;;;;
[22:27] [+David O'Cain] Eh, not really complaining about that. Some folks like coffee, others don't. Nothing wrong with that.
[22:37] > +Matsumi Kaze (PJs) relaxes on the sofa
[22:43] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] ahh...well tomorrow is another day of work
[22:44] [+David O'Cain] Yep.
[22:48] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] but that will be nice ^^
[22:48] > +David O'Cain nods
[22:49] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] what is up for you tomorrow?
[22:49] [+David O'Cain] Don't know yet.
[22:50] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] oh?
[22:53] [+David O'Cain] Well, I could be in the office or out somewhere getting some wanted crooks off the streets.
[22:55] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] a good job
[22:56] [+David O'Cain] Yeah, it is. Best I can do to help protect the world.
[22:58] > +Matsumi Kaze (PJs) pokes david with her foot
[22:59] [+David O'Cain] What? :P
[23:01] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] making sure you're alive :P
[23:01] [+David O'Cain] And I am.
[23:08] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] well that's good!
[23:16] > @Nate Detroit (PJs) stirs.
[23:17] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] nate? you ok?
[23:17] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] unnn...
[23:17] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] No...
[23:17] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] what's wrong?
[23:18] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Can't sleep... to much on my mind...
[23:18] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] awwww
[23:19] [+David O'Cain] Hmm.
[23:22] > +Matsumi Kaze (PJs) strokes nate's hair a little bit
[23:26] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] i wan mah kitty..
[23:27] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] awwww
[23:36] > +Matsumi Kaze (PJs) smiles "it's ok"
[23:36] > @Nate Detroit (PJs) rests his head on Matsumi's lap.
[23:37] > +Matsumi Kaze (PJs) giggles "go ahead and rest"
[23:38] [+David O'Cain] Awww.
[23:41] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] it's alright ^^
[23:47] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] just relax ^^
[23:51] > @Nate Detroit (PJs) nods.
[23:52] > +Matsumi Kaze (PJs) holds Nate close to her
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Sep 02 2008 <<<
[00:03] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] there you go ^^
[00:04] [+David O'Cain] All better?
[00:04] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Little..
[00:05] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] aww
[00:11] > +Matsumi Kaze (PJs) gives nate a kiss on the forehead
[00:17] > +Matsumi Kaze (PJs) yawns a bit
[00:18] > @Nate Detroit (PJs) snores lightly.
[00:18] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] heh....*slips under nate and puts a blaket over him*
[00:19] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] *blanket
[00:19] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] David...I think I'm going to head to bed...
[00:19] [+David O'Cain] Okay, Matsumi. I guess I'll head on home, then. Night.
[00:20] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] night ^^
[00:20] > +Matsumi Kaze (PJs) gives nate one more goodnight kiss and then heads out
[00:20] <-- +Matsumi Kaze (PJs) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has left #reddwarfmain (off to bed..)
[00:20] <-- +David O'Cain has left #reddwarfmain (Bedtime for me.)
[00:22] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] zzzzzz..
[00:22] <-- @Nate Detroit (PJs) [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has left #reddwarfmain (..........zzzz.............)
[19:00] --> Vanadine [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #reddwarfmain
[19:00] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine
[19:00] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine
[19:00] > +Vanadine walks in wearing a bikini top and cut off jean shorts: Ahhhh what a nice day
[19:01] > +Vanadine walks over and grabs a bottle of soda from the fridge behind the bar
[19:02] --> Matsumi Kaze (Teacher) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[19:02] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)
[19:02] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)
[19:02] > +Matsumi Kaze (Teacher) walks in
[19:03] > +Matsumi Kaze (Teacher) rubs her neck
[19:04] [+Vanadine] Hey Sweety
[19:04] [+Vanadine] Rough day?
[19:05] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] just a regular day....hard to get back in the habit
[19:06] > +Vanadine grins, grabbing another drink for Matsumi and walking over, handing it to her
[19:07] [+Vanadine] I bet your boys are goin' crazy over thier sexy teacher. ^_~
[19:08] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] actually...they've toned down
[19:08] [+Vanadine] oh?
[19:09] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] yeah..they're much more attentive
[19:09] [+Vanadine] well that's good
[19:10] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] yup...oh...Kiki and Momo give you their love
[19:10] [+Vanadine] awwww, how're those two doing?
[19:13] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] they're doing great....Kiki decided to join the tennis club
[19:15] > +Matsumi Kaze (Teacher) sits down and removes her glasses
[19:15] [+Vanadine] That's cute
[19:16] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] momo is still the same hardworker
[19:17] [+Vanadine] I'm so happy they're doing well.
[19:18] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] me too ^^
[19:23] > +Matsumi Kaze (Teacher) stretches and puts in her contacts
[19:25] [+Vanadine] Hey... can you do me a favor Sweety?
[19:26] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] yes?
[19:26] [+Vanadine] Have those two stay after school.
[19:27] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] oh?
[19:27] [+Vanadine] I'm gonna' come see 'em tomorrow after classes are over. I miss 'em.
[19:29] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] awww..alright
[19:29] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] do you want me to tell them the reason
[19:31] [+Vanadine] No. I want it toe be a surprise
[19:31] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] very well
[19:32] > +Vanadine giggles and stands
[19:32] [+Vanadine] I'm gonna' go home and change. I'll be back in a little while
[19:33] [+Vanadine] unless you wanna' come with me and help? ;)
[19:33] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] heh I'll come with
[19:34] > +Vanadine giggles and grabs Matsumi's hand, dragging her out
[19:34] <-- +Vanadine [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #reddwarfmain (Yay! ^_^)
[19:35] <-- +Matsumi Kaze (Teacher) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has left #reddwarfmain (heh)
[19:51] --> Chibi-AnTil has joined #reddwarfmain
[19:51] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Chibi-AnTil
[19:51] --> Chibi-Alex has joined #reddwarfmain
[19:51] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Chibi-Alex
[19:51] > Chibi-Alex and Chibi-AnTil quickly peer around from the top of one of the couches, their little ears twitching.
[19:52] [Chibi-Alex] Meep?
[19:52] [Chibi-AnTil] Po-cho-tah?
[19:54] > Chibi-Alex toddles around from behind the couch, looking around eagerly.
[19:54] > Chibi-AnTil comes around from the other side, sniffing the air.
[19:55] --> Janice [HotCat@Mycidian.co] has joined #reddwarfmain
[19:55] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Janice
[19:56] > ~The Kitsu-twins begin to search around the room for yummy things to snack on. :3 :3
[19:56] > Janice walks in, yawning
[19:56] [Chibi-Alex] =^ ^=
[19:56] [Chibi-AnTil] =^ ^=
[19:57] [Janice] hmm?
[19:57] > Chibi-Alex pops up in front of Janice with great big, glowing fox-kid eyes. *__*
[19:58] [Janice] ......
[19:58] [Janice] down
[19:58] > Janice just looks at the child
[19:59] [Chibi-AnTil] ^__^
[19:59] [Chibi-Alex] ^__^
[19:59] > Janice goes over to the bar
[20:00] > ~The Kitsu-twins watch the lady walk away from them. :< :<
[20:00] [Janice] ...you two seem to have wandered off
[20:01] > Chibi-Alex yawns a little.
[20:01] > Chibi-AnTil sits down on the floor and peers around curiously.
[20:02] > Janice pours herself a mild drink
[20:03] --> Solarchos has joined #reddwarfmain
[20:03] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Solarchos
[20:03] > Solarchos sees his eldest children. "There you are!"
[20:03] [Janice] oh hi there
[20:03] > Chibi-Alex and Chibi-AnTil quickly scramble over to their dada and crowd into his arms! ^^ ^^
[20:04] [Solarchos] Hello, Janice. Have my kids been bothering you?
[20:05] [Janice] not really...they were just there
[20:06] > Solarchos gets some ice cream from the fridge and gives a big bowl to his children.
[20:07] [Chibi-AnTil] :D
[20:07] [Chibi-Alex] :D
[20:07] --> Chibi-Sylvester has joined #reddwarfmain
[20:07] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Chibi-Sylvester
[20:07] --> Chibi-Catri has joined #reddwarfmain
[20:07] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Chibi-Catri
[20:07] > Chibi-Catri smells ice cream!
[20:07] > Chibi-Sylvester smells ice cream, too!
[20:08] > Janice sips her drink and watches
[20:08] [Solarchos] Oh jeez! My kids have come out of the woodwork! Janice, did you want any ice cream?
[20:09] > ~The Kitsu-children all quickly gather around the big bowl of ice cream and start lapping it up eagerly, trilling contentedly as they do so. :p :p :p :p
[20:10] [Janice] no I'm fine..don't touch the stuff
[20:11] [Solarchos] Are you all right? You seem a bit tense this evening.
[20:13] [Janice] just worn out
[20:16] [Janice] (( brb ))
[20:32] [Janice] (( back ))
[20:33] > Solarchos sits back and relaxes.
[20:33] --> Azumi Kiribayashi has joined #reddwarfmain
[20:33] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Azumi Kiribayashi
[20:34] > ~The Kitsu-children continue to rapidly devour the ice cream, occasionally scattering drops everywhere in their enthusiasm.
[20:34] [Solarchos] Hello Azumi.
[20:34] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Hello, Solarchos.
[20:35] > Janice simply drinks her drink
[20:35] [Azumi Kiribayashi] How are you this evening?
[20:35] > Chibi-Alex looks up at the new lady, her face now dripping with melted ice cream. ^__^
[20:35] > Chibi-AnTil is just as messy, too. ^__^
[20:36] [Solarchos] I'm doing all right. My children somehow arrived here ahead of me.
[20:37] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Oh?
[20:37] [Chibi-Catri] *lick* *lick* *lick* :3
[20:37] [Chibi-Sylvester] Nya-nya! :3
[20:37] > Janice nods to azumi
[20:38] [Solarchos] Yup. They did.
[20:38] [Solarchos] So what happened with you today, Janice?
[20:38] [Azumi Kiribayashi] How did they manage to do that?
[20:39] [Solarchos] I'm still trying to figure that one out.
[20:39] [Janice] just worked alot
[20:40] > Chibi-Alex and Chibi-AnTil stop eating for a moment and look up at everyone, smiling beautifully, then they rejoin their younger siblings in the glorious feast of wonderous ice cream!
[20:41] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Well, your children are certainly adorable, Solarchos.
[20:42] --> Vanadine (Bathrobe) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #reddwarfmain
[20:42] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (Bathrobe)
[20:42] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (Bathrobe)
[20:42] [+Vanadine (Bathrobe)] Ahhh, I feel so much better
[20:42] > +Vanadine (Bathrobe) looks around after walking in: Oooh, packed house
[20:43] [Solarchos] Hi Vana.
[20:43] --> Matsumi Kaze (casual) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[20:43] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze (casual)
[20:43] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze (casual)
[20:43] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Hello, Vanadine.
[20:43] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] it really is
[20:43] [Chibi-Alex] Meep?
[20:43] [Azumi Kiribayashi] And Matsumi.
[20:43] [Chibi-AnTil] Ooom-pah?
[20:43] [+Vanadine (Bathrobe)] Hey Solar... are these your little ones?
[20:43] [Chibi-Catri] *lick* *lick* *lick* :3
[20:43] [Chibi-Sylvester] Nya! :3
[20:43] [Solarchos] They certainly are! ^__^
[20:44] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Aren't they adorable? ^_^
[20:45] > +Vanadine (Bathrobe) looks over the children
[20:45] > +Vanadine (Bathrobe) looks at chibi-antil
[20:45] ➣ chibi-antil: is AnTilZha, an adorable little kitsunejin infant and son of Solarchos and Inu-Kit. His lush black hair frames his head like a lion's mane and is marred by a large patch of copper-colored hair near his forehead. His little fox-ears twitch slightly as he regards you back with his blue-green eyes. He's as curious about you as you are of him.
[20:45] > ~The Kitsu-children continue to ravenously devour the big bowl of ice cream. By now they're all leaning far into the bowl, their tails flicking around rapidly in delight.
[20:46] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) sits on a sofa
[20:46] > Janice slips out
[20:46] <-- Janice [HotCat@Mycidian.co] has left #reddwarfmain (pah....)
[20:46] > +Vanadine (Bathrobe) giggles: I've seen Neko's and Inus..... I think this is the first time I've seen foxes
[20:46] [Solarchos] Janice? Did we say something wrong to her?
[20:46] > Azumi Kiribayashi giggles at the sight
[20:47] > Chibi-AnTil peers back up at the red-headed lady looking at him. O_O
[20:47] [+Vanadine (Bathrobe)] Janice just gets like that sometimes. Don't mind her
[20:47] [+Vanadine (Bathrobe)] Hey little guy ^_^
[20:48] > Chibi-AnTil reaches up and places a little hand on Vana's cheek.
[20:48] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) watches from her seat
[20:48] > +Vanadine (Bathrobe) smiles at Antil: Hi.... I'm a friend of your daddy's ^_^
[20:48] > Chibi-AnTil 's hand was covered with melted ice cream. ^__^
[20:49] > +Vanadine (Bathrobe) just realized that, but laughs it off
[20:49] > Azumi Kiribayashi sits down on the floor
[20:50] [Chibi-AnTil] ^__^
[20:50] > Chibi-Alex looks up, too.
[20:51] > Chibi-Catri and Chibi-Sylvester look up at the new person as well.
[20:51] [+Vanadine (Bathrobe)] They're so cute, Solar ^_^
[20:51] [Solarchos] Well, Inu-Kit certainly deserves most of the credit for that. She *is* their mother, after all.
[20:52] > Chibi-Alex reaches up and pats the red-haired lady on the face...with ice-cream smeared hands. :D
[20:52] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Oh, Solarchos, how are the Abh these days?
[20:52] > Chibi-Catri and Chibi-Sylvester just lean in closer to their older siblings and start licking the ice cream from their cheeks. :P :P
[20:52] > +Vanadine (Bathrobe) thinks to herself: Now I'm wishing I hadn't JUST took a shower
[20:54] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) sips her drink
[20:54] [Solarchos] Not too bad. I received a message earlier today indicating that the latest transport ships have arrived at the outskirts of Unmei's star system. They should arrive at Unmei and Egae within the next couple of days to being loading up the usual monthly supplies.
[20:55] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Ah.
[20:55] > +Vanadine (Bathrobe) giggles
[20:56] [Chibi-Alex] Mitai na?
[20:56] [Azumi Kiribayashi] I do wish them well, Solarchos.
[20:56] > Chibi-AnTil looks up at the red-haired lady curiously. Don't you like the taste of the ice cream? o_o
[20:58] [Solarchos] I think those escort vessels I requested are travelling with the Abh transports, though. So if you wanted to hear the latest news from the Frybar you'll probably be getting your chance soon.
[20:58] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) relaxes
[20:59] > +Vanadine (Bathrobe) just nods with a smile
[21:00] [Solarchos] So Vanadine, this is the second time I've run into you since I arrived here onboard the RD, and that first time you were a bit pressed for time. How are you?
[21:01] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Oh?
[21:01] [+Vanadine (Bathrobe)] I'm am doing alright.... and apparently have melted ice cream on my face. ^_^
[21:01] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) grabs a cushion and hugs it
[21:02] > Chibi-AnTil stands up and peers intensely at the red-haired lady. *__*
[21:03] [+Vanadine (Bathrobe)] And it seems this little guy is enamored with me
[21:04] [Solarchos] Actually, it looks more like little AnTil wants your attention.
[21:04] > Chibi-AnTil reaches up towards the red-haired ladies' face.
[21:04] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) is away
[21:05] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Well, Solarchos, if there's anything the Moon Kingdom can provide, let us know.
[21:05] > +Vanadine (Bathrobe) looks at Antil again and smiles: Hiii Antil-chan ^_^
[21:06] > Chibi-AnTil starts licking the ice cream off of the red-haired lady's face. :P
[21:06] <-- +Matsumi Kaze (casual) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has left #reddwarfmain
[21:06] > Chibi-Alex is pulled down by little Catri and Sylvester, who crawl all over her licking her face clean. :P =^ ^= :P
[21:07] [Solarchos] XD
[21:07] > +Vanadine (Bathrobe) giggles
[21:07] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Well, aren't they silly. ^_^
[21:07] [+Vanadine (Bathrobe)] It's cute but it tickles ^_^
[21:09] > Chibi-Catri leans in closer to the red-haired lady and starts investigating her hair closely, curious about its strange, unique color. o_o
[21:09] > Chibi-Sylvester is curious, too. o_o
[21:09] [Chibi-AnTil] Scaa-let?
[21:10] > Chibi-Alex tugs on the red-haired lady's robe a little.
[21:11] [+Vanadine (Bathrobe)] You could call it Scarlet.... but it's just red to me
[21:11] [Solarchos] Heh, the kits are certainly having fun.
[21:11] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Indeed, Solarchos.
[21:11] [+Vanadine (Bathrobe)] Um.. please don't pull on my rope little one
[21:12] > Chibi-Alex keeps tugging, giggling a little. :D
[21:12] > Chibi-AnTil hugs! ^__^
[21:12] > Solarchos quickly comes over. "That's enough for right now, Alexianna. Don't bug the nice lady."
[21:12] > +Vanadine (Bathrobe) tugs back, trying to keep her robe closed
[21:13] [+Vanadine (Bathrobe)] I had a feeling I should've come a little more dressed then this *^_^*
[21:13] > Solarchos gently picks up little Alex and carefully pulls her away from Vanadine.
[21:15] > +Vanadine (Bathrobe) smiles up at Solar: So, what're your other two children's names?
[21:16] [Solarchos] Oh, let me introduce AnTil and Alex's younger brother and sister. These are Catriona and Sylvester. Say hello, little ones!
[21:16] > Solarchos picks up little Catriona and Sylvester so Vanadine can see them better (and be seen).
[21:16] [Azumi Kiribayashi] How old are the children?
[21:17] [+Vanadine (Bathrobe)] It's nice to meet all of you little ones ^_^
[21:18] [Solarchos] Alex and AnTil aren't quite two years old, and Catriona and Sylvester are a little bit shy of nine months.
[21:18] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Two sets of twins?
[21:19] [+Vanadine (Bathrobe)] Well, they're all very cute ^_^
[21:19] [Solarchos] Yup! Inu-Kit always wanted to have a large family with me, and that's exactly what we had! ^__^
[21:19] [Chibi-AnTil] =^ ^=
[21:19] [Chibi-Alex] =^ ^=
[21:20] [Chibi-Catri] =^ ^=
[21:20] [Chibi-Sylvester] =^ ^=
[21:20] [Azumi Kiribayashi] And they are cute children no less. ^_^
[21:20] > Solarchos looks at Chibi-Catri
[21:20] ➣ Chibi-Catri: is Catriona, the younger daughter of Solarchos and Inu-Kit. She looks almost identical to her mother, with the same rich black hair and cute fox ears, but has blue-green eyes like her father. She reaches up and playfully bats at your nose as you look at her. ^_^m
[21:20] > Solarchos looks at Chibi-Sylvester
[21:20] ➣ Chibi-Sylvester: is the youngest son of Solarchos and Inu-Kit and the twin of Catriona. He looks quite a bit like his mother, with the same dark hair and fox ears, as well as his father's eyes. He peers back at you eagerly, looking like he wants a cookie. :3
[21:21] [+Vanadine (Bathrobe)] So, when do we get to meet your lovely bride there Solar?
[21:22] [Solarchos] I'll certainly try to get her to come here with me sometime. I'm a little surprised she hasn't already joined us.
[21:23] [+Vanadine (Bathrobe)] Well, whenever she's comfortable with coming, we'll be ready to greet her
[21:23] > Solarchos smiles happily as he thinks about his wonderful kitsune-wife. *^__^*
[21:23] [Azumi Kiribayashi] I'm sure she'll be welcomed here.
[21:24] [+Vanadine (Bathrobe)] Heh, next time I see you, I should show you my belt. ^_^
[21:25] [Solarchos] I'm certainly looking forward to spending time with her here, too. Maybe one of these days you can all come over to our manse on Unmei. It's quite impressive now that construction's been completed on the expansions.
[21:25] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Before I forget, Solarchos, when will the transports arrive?
[21:27] [+Vanadine (Bathrobe)] Ooooh, sounds like fun
[21:27] [Solarchos] They should arrive in orbit over Unmei within the next two or three days. Remember, Abh transport ships aren't really built for speed.
[21:28] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Noted.
[21:30] > +Vanadine (Bathrobe) looks around: Um.... where'd Matsy go?
[21:31] [Azumi Kiribayashi] She was here a moment ago.
[21:31] [Solarchos] She ducked out a few minutes ago. It seemed like she suddenly remembered that she had something else to take care of.
[21:32] [+Vanadine (Bathrobe)] Hmm
[21:32] > Chibi-Catri and Chibi-Sylvester snuggle deeper into the arms of their dada, relaxing. ^^ ^^
[21:33] > Chibi-Alex and Chibi-AnTil quickly finish off the last of the ice cream, burying their faces into it and licking the bowl clean. :P :P
[21:34] > +Vanadine (Bathrobe) smiles at the children
[21:34] > Azumi Kiribayashi giggles
[21:36] [Solarchos] Heh, I should get them home now since it's now time for all good children to get into bed.
[21:36] [Chibi-Alex] Nya! :D
[21:36] [Chibi-AnTil] Puu-chu!
[21:37] [+Vanadine (Bathrobe)] Yeah, might be a good idea Solar :)
[21:37] > Chibi-Catri reaches out to bat at the red-haired lady's hair. :3
[21:37] [Chibi-Sylvester] ^_^
[21:37] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Indeed.
[21:37] [Solarchos] Good night, everyone. Vanadine?
[21:37] > +Vanadine (Bathrobe) giggles a bit and smiles: G'night kids ^_^
[21:37] [Solarchos] Next time you need to tell me about this wrestling thing I've heard about.
[21:37] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Good night, Solarchos and children. ^_^
[21:38] [+Vanadine (Bathrobe)] will do solar. g'night :)
[21:38] > Chibi-AnTil waves. ^_^m
[21:39] > +Vanadine (Bathrobe) waves back with a smile: night night ^_^
[21:39] > Chibi-Alex grins, her face and clothes liberally covered with ice cream. ^_^
[21:39] <-- Solarchos has left #reddwarfmain (Oh dear, you four are a mess. What will your mother say?)
[21:39] <-- Chibi-Alex has left #reddwarfmain (Yum!!)
[21:39] <-- Chibi-AnTil has left #reddwarfmain (Meep!)
[21:40] <-- Chibi-Catri has left #reddwarfmain (Mmmmm-bah!)
[21:40] <-- Chibi-Sylvester has left #reddwarfmain (Nah-nya!)
[21:40] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Those four children are such darlings.
[21:41] [+Vanadine (Bathrobe)] They are ^_^
[21:42] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Although, I don't know if they paid any attention to me.
[21:43] [+Vanadine (Bathrobe)] I guess my hair just draws people to me....
[21:46] [Azumi Kiribayashi] I guess. Or they just didn't want to be near this platinum beauty. :P
[21:48] > +Vanadine (Bathrobe) giggles: You definately are a looker there Azumi ^_~
[21:49] [Azumi Kiribayashi] I am.
[21:50] [+Vanadine (Bathrobe)] how've you been doin' girly? I haven't seen you in a while
[21:51] [Azumi Kiribayashi] I've ben doing alright.
[21:51] [Azumi Kiribayashi] ^been
[21:52] [+Vanadine (Bathrobe)] that's good to hear
[21:52] [Azumi Kiribayashi] How about you?
[21:57] [+Vanadine (Bathrobe)] i'm doin' good
[21:57] [+Vanadine (Bathrobe)] just relaxing a bit
[21:58] > Azumi Kiribayashi nods
[22:03] > +Vanadine (Bathrobe) smiles, relaxing
[22:04] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Have a good day, then?
[22:05] [+Vanadine (Bathrobe)] Yeah... spent the day with Matsy
[22:05] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Ah.
[22:10] [+Vanadine (Bathrobe)] it was fun.
[22:11] [Azumi Kiribayashi] That's good.
[22:13] [+Vanadine (Bathrobe)] what'd you do today azumi?
[22:14] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Oh, nothing much. Just doing my best to keep my troops in line.
[22:14] [+Vanadine (Bathrobe)] ahh, you still waiting tables?
[22:15] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Yes. Once in a while I manage to make good tips.
[22:18] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Some days it just gets slow.
[22:18] [+Vanadine (Bathrobe)] yeah, i can imagine
[22:21] --> Candy [sunangel@rays.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[22:21] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Candy
[22:21] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Candy
[22:21] --> Nate Detroit (PJs) [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[22:21] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +o to Nate Detroit (PJs)
[22:21] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, @Nate Detroit (PJs)
[22:21] [+Vanadine (Bathrobe)] Hi Candy ^_^
[22:21] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Evening girls.
[22:21] [+Vanadine (Bathrobe)] Hi Nate Nate ^_^
[22:22] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Hello.
[22:22] [+Candy] Hey guys!
[22:24] [Azumi Kiribayashi] How are you two this eveing?
[22:25] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Ok.. just as I expected, theres not enough work for a full crew of people anymore... stupid manditory schooling... cuts into my profits..
[22:26] [+Candy] poor nateypoo
[22:26] [+Vanadine (Bathrobe)] awwww, i'm sorry to hear that nate
[22:26] [+Vanadine (Bathrobe)] you gonna' be cutting jenny?
[22:27] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Her hours, but not entirely of course.
[22:28] [+Vanadine (Bathrobe)] well that's good
[22:29] > +Candy sits down on the floor
[22:30] [+Vanadine (Bathrobe)] candy?
[22:30] [+Candy] ahh schoolin and traveln suck
[22:30] [+Candy] >_<
[22:31] [+Candy] yes vannypoo?
[22:31] > +Candy looks up at her
[22:31] [+Vanadine (Bathrobe)] you don't wanna' sit with me?
[22:32] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Poor Sexy Candy girl...
[22:34] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Aww. :(
[22:34] > +Candy crawls up next to Vana ^^
[22:34] > +Vanadine (Bathrobe) hugs Candy and holds her
[22:35] [+Vanadine (Bathrobe)] my candy! :P
[22:36] [+Candy] ^^ Yay! My Vana!
[22:36] > +Vanadine (Bathrobe) giggles and playfully licks Candy's cheek
[22:37] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Heh..
[22:37] [+Vanadine (Bathrobe)] ❧ Mmmm... sweet ^_~ ❧
[22:37] > @Nate Detroit (PJs) goes to the bar. "Anyone want something from Nate and Candy's friendship bar?"
[22:38] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Some chardonay, please.
[22:38] [+Vanadine (Bathrobe)] chocolate martini
[22:38] [+Candy] Lemonade! Friendship rocks!
[22:40] > @Nate Detroit (PJs) looks through a book and starts making the martini.
[22:44] [+Candy] heh
[22:44] [+Candy] I have my DS now able to stream your matches Vana!
[22:44] > @Nate Detroit (PJs) hands off Azumi a glass of chardonay, Vana her Martini, and candy a glass of lemonade on ice with a splash of vodka., then sits next to Vana, drinking a Vodka x Lemonade with more alcohol.
[22:44] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Really??
[22:44] > +Vanadine (Bathrobe) continues to hold onto candy with a smile, accepting her drink and sipping
[22:45] [+Vanadine (Bathrobe)] Mmmmm... hummy
[22:45] [+Vanadine (Bathrobe)] ^yummy
[22:45] > +Candy takes a drink of hers not noticing the alcohol in it
[22:45] [+Vanadine (Bathrobe)] wow, you do candy!? that's awesome
[22:45] > @Nate Detroit (PJs) shudders.
[22:46] [+Candy] yep!
[22:46] > Azumi Kiribayashi takes her glass, "Thank you, Nate."
[22:46] [+Candy] thankies nate btw
[22:47] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Nothing to it. Hows things, Azumi?
[22:47] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Just fine, Nate. Ran into Solarchos earlier this evening. Had his children with him.
[22:48] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] I've been seeing him a lot lately. I like him.
[22:48] --> Matsumi Kaze [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[22:48] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze
[22:48] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze
[22:49] [+Vanadine (Bathrobe)] welcome back sweety
[22:50] > +Candy drinks her lemonade again
[22:50] [+Candy] heeey Matsy!
[22:50] [+Matsumi Kaze] sorry about that....
[22:50] [+Matsumi Kaze] hi, candy ^^
[22:51] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Hello again, Matsumi.
[22:51] [+Matsumi Kaze] I just didn't want to intruppt your night, vana
[22:51] [+Vanadine (Bathrobe)] awww, you never interupt anything sweety
[22:52] [+Vanadine (Bathrobe)] you shouldn't stayed and watched the kids make a mess out of my face then clean it up. it was cute
[22:52] [+Vanadine (Bathrobe)] ^should've
[22:52] > +Candy hiccups
[22:53] [+Matsumi Kaze] nah...can't be the center of your world every night :p
[22:53] [+Matsumi Kaze] ...you ok, candy?
[22:53] [+Candy] Yeep just peachy keeeen!
[22:53] [+Matsumi Kaze] .....candy what are you drinking?
[22:53] > +Vanadine (Bathrobe) lets go of Candy so she can go to matsumi if she feels the need
[22:54] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] You're always the center of out world, Princess. ^_~ Or at least our rallying point.
[22:54] [+Vanadine (Bathrobe)] nate's got a point :)
[22:55] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Ohh... don't even tell me the little splash of Vodka I threw in there is makign you tipsy?!
[22:55] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Indeed, Vanadine.
[22:55] [+Matsumi Kaze] ....
[22:55] [+Matsumi Kaze] candy..
[22:55] > +Candy giggles
[22:56] > +Vanadine (Bathrobe) finishes her martini
[22:56] > +Matsumi Kaze shakes her head a bit
[22:56] [+Candy] wwwhaaaat?
[22:56] > +Candy finishes her drink and sets it on the table
[22:56] > @Nate Detroit (PJs) shakes his head.
[22:57] [+Matsumi Kaze] candy..I can't have you going to school with a hangover
[22:57] > Azumi Kiribayashi sips her chardonay
[22:58] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] An INFANT could handle that better >_<
[22:58] [+Candy] hangover, what hangover?
[22:58] [+Candy] naaate...what did you do to mah drink?
[22:58] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] About a tablespoon of vodka...
[22:59] [+Vanadine (Bathrobe)] that little bit of booze shouldn't effect THAT much...
[23:00] [+Matsumi Kaze] well..candy is a bit of a lightweight..even more then me
[23:00] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Candy, did you sell your liver or something?
[23:01] [+Candy] :P:P:P
[23:01] > +Candy closes her eyes for a second
[23:01] > +Candy 's hair flares up brightly into flame and then dies down
[23:01] [+Candy] ...ahh better
[23:01] [Azumi Kiribayashi] I guess not.
[23:02] [+Candy] the alcochol in my system is gone now
[23:02] [+Candy] neat trick Amber taught me
[23:02] [+Vanadine (Bathrobe)] O_O
[23:02] [+Vanadine (Bathrobe)] you TOTALLY need to teach me that!
[23:03] > @Nate Detroit (PJs) raises an eyebrow.
[23:03] [+Candy] heh it's not to hard
[23:04] [+Candy] alcohol is burnable so using your powres and what not you can burn it away
[23:04] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Thats no fun, Vana. I can do something similar, but I vomit flame.
[23:04] [+Candy] flarey hair is better :P
[23:05] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh
[23:06] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Too bad I can't do such.
[23:06] [+Matsumi Kaze] I have to take a pill to get that effect
[23:06] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Im the last one to accuse someone of cheating, but I think its not right to circumvent the effects of alcohol.
[23:07] [+Candy] well I didn't want to be drunk anyway :P
[23:08] > +Candy giggles
[23:08] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] I didnt think a tablespoon would make you DRUNK! >_<;
[23:09] [+Candy] I don't drink :P
[23:09] [+Candy] not much can get me drunk
[23:09] [+Vanadine (Bathrobe)] hmm
[23:10] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] You mean it doesnt take much?
[23:10] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Even a drop?
[23:11] [+Candy] not only that but I'm in a 16 year old body, alcohol acts differently with me then you
[23:12] > +Candy giggles reaching over and messing up Nates hair
[23:12] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Yes, because the body can't process alcohol properly until you turn the legal age of your place of residence. >_<
[23:12] > +Matsumi Kaze sits down on the sofa "I don't think that's what she meant, Nate"
[23:13] > @Nate Detroit (PJs) sips his trink, his eyes still closed in frustration.
[23:14] [+Matsumi Kaze] I'll just be quiet
[23:14] --> Jennifer Flare [AriesSenshi@usa.cc] has joined #reddwarfmain
[23:14] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Jennifer Flare
[23:14] [Jennifer Flare] Hiiiiiii!
[23:14] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Yay, someone who can hold her liquor! Hi Jenny.
[23:14] [+Candy] HIIIIII
[23:15] --> Pichu has joined #reddwarfmain
[23:15] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Pichu
[23:15] [+Candy] :P you making fun of me Nate?
[23:16] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Maybe >_>
[23:16] [+Vanadine (Bathrobe)] Hey Jenny, Pichu!
[23:16] [Jennifer Flare] Hi everyone!
[23:16] [+Candy] hush now :P
[23:17] [+Candy] it takes all kinds to run the world
[23:17] [Pichu] Pichu!
[23:17] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Hello.
[23:17] [+Candy] alcoholics or not
[23:17] > Jennifer Flare has pichu on her shoulder/ How's everyone' doin' t'night?
[23:18] [+Candy] good jenjen!
[23:18] [+Matsumi Kaze] fine
[23:18] > +Vanadine (Bathrobe) smiles
[23:20] [+Candy] so how has JenJen been?
[23:20] > Jennifer Flare walks over behind the sofa and noogies Vana a bit/ And how's my bestest bud!?
[23:20] > +Vanadine (Bathrobe) giggles: I'm fine, how about you jenny?
[23:20] > Pichu hops down off Jennivers shoulder and scampers down her front to Candy's lap.
[23:21] > +Matsumi Kaze smiles a bit
[23:21] > +Candy giggles poking Pichu's nose lightly
[23:21] [Jennifer Flare] i've been good Candy. just enjoying my day off
[23:22] [Pichu] >.< ^.^
[23:22] > +Candy nods towards Jenjen
[23:24] > +Candy reaches over and grabs the lemon slice and shows it to Pichu
[23:24] [+Candy] (( brb ))
[23:25] > +Matsumi Kaze sits on a sofa
[23:25] > Jennifer Flare walks over and brushes Nate's head with her hands
[23:25] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Awww, isn't it cute? ^_^
[23:25] [Jennifer Flare] and how's my boss?
[23:26] > Pichu sniffs it and gives it a lick, then cringes.
[23:26] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] He's ok, tho mildly frustrated with the extreme-lightweights here. Pichu could handly his alcohol better then Candy or Matsumi, and he weighs like ten pounds..
[23:26] [Pichu] Chu?
[23:27] [+Matsumi Kaze] hey....
[23:28] [Jennifer Flare] Awww, don't tease the girls. You've always got me for a drinkin' buddy. ^_~
[23:28] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Pour yourself somethin, then. suddenly I feel like getting sloshed out of spite.
[23:29] [+Matsumi Kaze] it's not by choice ~_~
[23:29] > Jennifer Flare giggles at Nate/ I take it you want one too?
[23:29] > Azumi Kiribayashi gently pets the Pichu on the head
[23:29] [+Vanadine (Bathrobe)] Awww, comeon guys... you shouldn't pick on Candy and Matsy like tat
[23:29] [+Vanadine (Bathrobe)] ^that
[23:30] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Ill take another, sure.
[23:33] > Jennifer Flare goes over and starts making a drink
[23:33] [Jennifer Flare] Anyone else want any?
[23:34] [Azumi Kiribayashi] I'm enjoying a glass of chardonay, Jennifer. None for me at the moment.
[23:35] [+Matsumi Kaze] ginger ale
[23:35] [+Vanadine (Bathrobe)] i'll take one
[23:35] > +Candy just stays quiet
[23:36] [Jennifer Flare] candy?
[23:36] [+Matsumi Kaze] no alcohol please
[23:36] [+Candy] sorry I'm sorry I choose not to partake in the spirits llike Nate seems to think everyone should
[23:37] [+Candy] I have my reasons and I shouldn't have to be made fun of because of them
[23:37] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] >_> Candy... Im sorry, its just literally staggering to me that if effects you THAT badly.
[23:38] > +Candy pets pichu
[23:38] [Jennifer Flare] awwww
[23:38] > Pichu coos and curls up on Candy's lap.
[23:38] [+Vanadine (Bathrobe)] Poor Candy....
[23:39] [+Candy] its quit alright ^^
[23:39] [Jennifer Flare] i'm sorry candy.... it was just a good natured rib... didn't mean to upset ya'
[23:40] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Yeah... I don't mean any real ill will here..
[23:40] > +Matsumi Kaze sits next to candy
[23:40] [+Candy] its fine I said, I'm past it now
[23:41] [+Candy] heh pichu is so cute tonight ♡♡
[23:42] [Azumi Kiribayashi] It is. ^_^
[23:48] > +Candy giggles
[23:48] > +Matsumi Kaze kicks up her feet
[23:49] [+Candy] sooo now what? It's so quiet!
[23:50] > +Vanadine (Bathrobe) is dozing off
[23:50] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Hmm, I'm not sure.
[23:50] > Jennifer Flare finishes the drinks
[23:51] > Jennifer Flare pours a few glasses
[23:51] > +Matsumi Kaze takes off her sock and throws it at vana
[23:51] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] So now the drinkign people drink themselves silly and the sober people laugh at them!
[23:51] [+Candy] :P :P
[23:52] [Azumi Kiribayashi] :P
[23:52] [+Candy] to bad I didn't have my camera! Can't mod my DS yet for that
[23:53] > Jennifer Flare hands Nate a drink and keeps one for herself
[23:54] > +Matsumi Kaze wonder if the sock workd :P
[23:54] > @Nate Detroit (PJs) sips it and smiles, and pats the seat next to him.
[23:55] > +Vanadine (Bathrobe) snores through the sock
[23:55] [+Matsumi Kaze] *worked
[23:55] > Jennifer Flare sits next to Nate and smiles
[23:55] [Jennifer Flare] so, how slow was the center today Nate?
[23:55] > +Matsumi Kaze gets up, walks over and puts the sock on vana's face
[23:55] > +Candy giggles
[23:56] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Made less then five hundered bucks..
[23:56] > +Vanadine (Bathrobe) just snores away, totally out
[23:56] [Jennifer Flare] oh wow.... it was THAT dead?
[23:56] [+Matsumi Kaze] ....
[23:57] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Try stuffing Vanadine's mouth with the sock, Matsumi. Surely that will wake her up.
[23:57] > +Matsumi Kaze pokes vana's ear slightly
[23:58] > +Vanadine (Bathrobe) brushes her ear a little and turns into the sofa
[23:59] [+Matsumi Kaze] hehehe
[23:59] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] When I have to wake Matsumi up, I handcuff her to something, then splash her with a bucket of water. Its the only thing I've found to work and be safe.
[23:59] [+Matsumi Kaze] what should I do, candy? I don't want to be too mean
[23:59] [Pichu] Pichu?
[00:00] >>> Wednesday Sep 03 2008 <<<
[00:00] > +Matsumi Kaze pokes one of vana's cheeks
[00:01] [+Candy] kiss her?
[00:01] > +Vanadine (Bathrobe) brushes her cheek and turns again
[00:01] > Pichu gets up and walks over to Vana.
[00:02] [Jennifer Flare] I zapped her with a joybuzzer once to wake her up... she was MAAAAAAAD! XD
[00:02] [+Matsumi Kaze] ooo...
[00:02] > +Matsumi Kaze walks over to vana...and kisses her
[00:03] > Pichu points at Vana and looks to the room at large. "Pi pi, Pichu?"
[00:03] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Oh my. Did she punch you, Jennifer? Or was it worse than that?
[00:03] > +Candy giggles watching them
[00:04] [Jennifer Flare] Nah, she just chased me around the house
[00:04] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] I think Pichu wants to wake her...
[00:05] > +Vanadine (Bathrobe) snores away
[00:06] > Pichu hops unto Vana's lap and his cheeks begin to spark.
[00:06] [+Candy] O_O
[00:06] [+Matsumi Kaze] awwwww....
[00:07] > Azumi Kiribayashi giggles
[00:07] [Jennifer Flare] Um... this has the potential for disaster
[00:08] [+Matsumi Kaze] ...kiss didn't work
[00:08] > +Candy coughs the name Vash
[00:10] > +Vanadine (Bathrobe) slowly wakes up and yawns: Did someone kiss me...?
[00:10] [+Matsumi Kaze] I did
[00:11] [+Vanadine (Bathrobe)] That's my baby ^_^
[00:11] [Jennifer Flare] Saved by a kiss
[00:12] > Pichu tils his head and looks at Vanadine. "Chu?"
[00:12] > +Candy giggles
[00:12] > +Vanadine (Bathrobe) looks down and sees pichu and lightly pets his head: Hey little guy....
[00:12] > +Matsumi Kaze yawns a bit
[00:13] [+Vanadine (Bathrobe)] uh oh.... looks like i made matsy tired by fallin' asleep
[00:13] [+Matsumi Kaze] yeah..sorry about that...work tomorrow
[00:13] > +Candy stands up. "Yeah class for me too."
[00:13] [+Candy] I should probably be heading
[00:14] [+Candy] heading...OUT
[00:14] [+Candy] :P
[00:14] > +Matsumi Kaze stands
[00:14] [+Candy] goodnight alls ^^
[00:14] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Gnight Candy girl. Enjoy your sobriety! ^^
[00:14] > +Candy gives Vana a kiss and Matsumi one
[00:15] [Jennifer Flare] g'night matsy, candy
[00:15] [+Candy] Enjoy your spirits Nate!
[00:15] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Good night, Candy and Matsumi.
[00:15] > +Matsumi Kaze returns the kiss
[00:15] > +Vanadine (Bathrobe) kisses Candy back and stand with them
[00:15] [+Vanadine (Bathrobe)] i should go too. i have a meeting in the morning
[00:15] [+Candy] ^^ then lets go!
[00:16] [Jennifer Flare] okies! G'night to you too Vana
[00:16] <-- +Candy [sunangel@rays.com] has left #reddwarfmain (I may 'forget' which way is my home now)
[00:16] [+Vanadine (Bathrobe)] g'night guys
[00:16] <-- +Matsumi Kaze [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has left #reddwarfmain (heh)
[00:16] <-- +Vanadine (Bathrobe) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #reddwarfmain (Either one can be home :P)
[00:16] [Jennifer Flare] and then there were four
[00:17] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Sometimes I wonder why Im always the only guy here...
[00:17] > Pichu looks a little angry by that statement. "Piii Chu chu!"
[00:18] [Jennifer Flare] Hmm.... seems pichu is mad about somethin'
[00:18] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Oh dear.
[00:18] > Jennifer Flare gasps, thinking for a sec
[00:19] [Jennifer Flare] i think pichu's upset cause you said you're the only guy here...... that must mean he's male!!
[00:19] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Oh?
[00:20] [Jennifer Flare] seems so
[00:20] [Jennifer Flare] am i right pichu?
[00:21] > Pichu nods, his ears flopping every which way, and crosses his short arms as best he can.
[00:21] [Pichu] Pi pi pi! PicHUUU!
[00:22] > Jennifer Flare giggles and picks up Pichu, hugging him/ That's my lttle man ^_^
[00:22] [Azumi Kiribayashi] He's so cute. ^_^
[00:24] [Jennifer Flare] i hope that doesn't make you jealous Nate :P
[00:25] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] That depends on what you DO with him =p
[00:26] > @Nate Detroit (PJs) takes a long sip of his drink.
[00:27] > Jennifer Flare playfully pops Nate on the shoulder/ I'm not THAT kinda' girl bubba XD
[00:27] > Jennifer Flare finishes her drink and grins, still having the pitcher nearby as she pours herself another
[00:28] > @Nate Detroit (PJs) holds out his glass for more.
[00:29] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Sure was a lovely evening.
[00:30] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Yeah.. Any more for you Azumi?
[00:30] > Jennifer Flare pours one for Nate and smiles at Azumi: Sure has
[00:36] [Azumi Kiribayashi] No thank you, Nate.
[00:37] [Jennifer Flare] suit yourself azumi
[00:37] > Jennifer Flare sips her drink
[00:39] > Jennifer Flare pets Pichu and smiles
[00:43] > Pichu relaxes in Jennifers arms.
[00:46] > Jennifer Flare hugs Pichu with one arm and put's the other around nate
[00:46] [Jennifer Flare] Mmmm... my boys ^_^
[00:47] > @Nate Detroit (PJs) chuckles quietly, and leans against Jennifer.
[00:49] > Azumi Kiribayashi giggles at the sight
[00:50] > Jennifer Flare takes a few sips of her drink and smiles
[00:52] [Jennifer Flare] So nate... are you gonna' have to cut my hours for sure?
[00:54] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Yeah, Im really sorry.. don't take it personally...
[00:55] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Its not just you, Im cutign the STORES hours.
[00:55] [Jennifer Flare] it's ok... if you're only makin' 500 bucks a day... i can understand
[00:56] [Jennifer Flare] maybe i should really take matsy's advice and start dating with the extra time off i'm gonna' have
[00:56] > @Nate Detroit (PJs) sips his drink, chuckles, and rubs his face against Jennifer's shoulder.
[00:56] > Jennifer Flare hugs Nate and Pichu with a smile
[00:56] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Great idea, if its that simple. And hey, its not like you have a high cost of living, unless you have a coke habbit I don't know about.
[00:57] > Jennifer Flare laughs a bit
[00:57] > Pichu smiles and emits a very mild electric current.
[00:57] [Jennifer Flare] No no no.... the worst i do is drink.
[00:57] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] And flirt with married men. =p
[00:58] [Jennifer Flare] well yeah.... but they usually enjoy that ;P
[00:58] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Goodness. Well, as much as I'd like to stay, but I must be going. I wish you two a good night.
[00:59] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Night Azumi! Thanks for coming.
[00:59] [Jennifer Flare] Alright Azumi. night :)
[00:59] <-- Azumi Kiribayashi has left #reddwarfmain (Good night.)
[01:00] [Jennifer Flare] Looks like just us now
[01:02] > Jennifer Flare takes another gulp of her drink and is just now starting to feel it
[01:02] [Jennifer Flare] Mmmm... there's the buzz i was lookin' for
[01:02] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Yeah.. How CONVENIEEEEENT..
[01:02] [Jennifer Flare] What? You WANTED me to be drunk in front of everyone else?
[01:03] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Hee... no... well, maybe.. Im not sure..
[01:04] > Jennifer Flare grins and turns to Nate, holding closer to him/ Or are you just afraid i'm gonna use my drukenness to take advantage of you? ^_~
[01:05] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] A liiitle!
[01:05] > Jennifer Flare giggles a bit/ You're so sily
[01:06] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] So my fears are unjustified?
[01:06] > Pichu begins to give tiny snores on Jennifer's lap.
[01:07] [Jennifer Flare] A little :P
[01:09] [Jennifer Flare] Heh... little guy konked out too
[01:11] [Jennifer Flare] Are you honestly afraid I'd try to do somethin' crazy?
[01:13] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Well... maybe a little.. also Im afraid that Ill forget my.. responsibilities..
[01:13] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Im as afraid of you as myself..
[01:14] > Jennifer Flare picks up Pichu off her lap and carries her, standing/ I need to put Pichu to bed... you wanna' continue this conversation in my quarters?
[01:15] [Jennifer Flare] ^him
[01:15] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Umm... and you're really not trying to seduce me? ^^;
[01:15] [Jennifer Flare] No no no... remember...... i promised Rowe i wouldn't do that again
[01:16] > @Nate Detroit (PJs) nods and follows, bringing his drink.
[01:16] <-- Jennifer Flare [AriesSenshi@usa.cc] has left #reddwarfmain (gonna' put the little guy to bed)
[01:17] <-- Pichu has left #reddwarfmain (zzz.... chu.... zzzz.....)
[01:17] <-- @Nate Detroit (PJs) [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has left #reddwarfmain (Ice is flowin' through my veins; Explosives on my lips and in my lungs.)
[17:33] --> Jennifer Flare [AriesSenshi@usa.cc] has joined #reddwarfmain
[17:33] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Jennifer Flare
[17:33] --> Nate Detroit [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[17:33] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +o to Nate Detroit
[17:33] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, @Nate Detroit
[17:34] > @Nate Detroit walks in with a sandwich.
[17:34] [@Nate Detroit] Oh, hey Jenny. How goes?
[17:34] [Jennifer Flare] Goooood. ^_^ How's about you?
[17:35] [@Nate Detroit] Heh, good enough.. just shot up here to get something to eat.
[17:37] [Jennifer Flare] Ahh. The center slow today?
[17:37] [@Nate Detroit] You seem in good spirits. Things... go well last night?
[17:37] > @Nate Detroit takes a bite and nods.
[17:41] > Jennifer Flare nods with a grin/ Of course, thanks to you.
[17:42] [@Nate Detroit] Glad to help ^^; But yeah, might be sorta good for both of us. Ill be taking about as much time off as you from the arcade.
[17:42] [Jennifer Flare] I see
[17:43] [Jennifer Flare] how many days off am i gonna' have to take?
[17:43] [@Nate Detroit] Well, two or three, or just shorter shifts more regulary.
[17:44] [@Nate Detroit] You can still work full days on weekends if you like. Beyond that, why don't you take 25 hours on the weekdays, whenever you want?
[17:45] [Jennifer Flare] alright
[17:46] > Jennifer Flare sighs and plops down/ I dread free time
[17:46] [Jennifer Flare] cause i never know what to do ~_~
[17:47] > @Nate Detroit sits opposite her and eats.
[17:48] [@Nate Detroit] Maybe try a dating service? Or take your chances on the open market, so to speak. Or start a hobby that isnt stalking me! ^_~
[17:48] > Jennifer Flare laughs a bit
[17:48] [Jennifer Flare] but I like stalking you, it's fun. :P
[17:50] [@Nate Detroit] I admit its flattering, but I worry about you..
[17:53] [Jennifer Flare] i know....
[17:55] [@Nate Detroit] Say Jenny, have you been doing anything special with the money you've been making? I know its not much, but like I said you must have a low cost of living.
[17:56] [Jennifer Flare] Yeah, I found a good bank with a high interest savings account and no service fee
[17:56] [@Nate Detroit] Saving then?
[17:57] [Jennifer Flare] of course
[17:59] [@Nate Detroit] There are worse things.. although I do question the wisdom of clinging to the dollar, keeping them in the bank..
[17:59] [Jennifer Flare] Actually, i have two accounts. Just in case
[17:59] [@Nate Detroit] Not that that isnt what Im doing >_<
[17:59] [Jennifer Flare] well, ya' kinda' have to
[18:00] [Jennifer Flare] i'm just glad i don't need a car living up here :P
[18:01] [@Nate Detroit] Same... I have one, but I rarely use it, and its not that nice..
[18:02] [Jennifer Flare] gas just costs so much right now.... it's crazy
[18:03] [Jennifer Flare] and it's like... twice as expensive in japan as it is in america
[18:03] [@Nate Detroit] I know.... Its hurting everybody.. even our sales, Im sure.
[18:09] [@Nate Detroit] The american dream is dying... >_<
[18:10] [Jennifer Flare] Hmm.. perhaps
[18:11] > Jennifer Flare lays back and crosses her legs
[18:11] [Jennifer Flare] i'm just glad i found those accounts when i did
[18:11] > @Nate Detroit finishes his sandwich and puts it aside, wiping his hands on his pants.
[18:13] [Jennifer Flare] hey, i've been meaning to ask ya'....
[18:14] [@Nate Detroit] Hmm?
[18:14] > Jennifer Flare sits up and looks at Nate again/ You keep talking about making me assistant manager. What would I have to do in that position?
[18:16] [@Nate Detroit] Sorry to disapoint you, but it doesnt mean sleeping with me =p Not much else different from what you do. Just being able to boss around what little other staff I have and make your own decisions.
[18:18] > Jennifer Flare smirks/ Awwww, I was kinda' hopin' that'd be a perk. :P
[18:19] [@Nate Detroit] Hence why I nipped it in the butt right away. ~_~
[18:20] > Jennifer Flare stands/ You sure like to joke with me about that subject
[18:20] [@Nate Detroit] Doesnt feel like joking. ~_~
[18:21] > @Nate Detroit stands. "I gotta get back."
[18:21] [Jennifer Flare] Yeah, I gotta' get dinner for me and Pichu ready
[18:21] [Jennifer Flare] I'll see ya' later?
[18:22] > @Nate Detroit gives Jennifer a hug.
[18:22] [@Nate Detroit] Say hi to the rat for me.
[18:22] > Jennifer Flare hugs back/ he's not a rat, but i'll say hi
[18:23] <-- @Nate Detroit [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has left #reddwarfmain (If it wasnt slow, Id be afraid the place burnt down while I was gone this long.)
[18:23] <-- Jennifer Flare [AriesSenshi@usa.cc] has left #reddwarfmain (Dinner time Pichu!!)
[20:17] --> Marty D [Techwiz@hogwarts.edu] has joined #reddwarfmain
[20:17] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Marty D
[20:18] > Marty D walks in carrying several parchment letters, and sits on the couch looking them over.
[20:18] [Marty D] Not interested... off yor rocker... stop writting... who are you?
[20:19] > Marty D sorts through them, then lays against the couch and looks at the ceiling, his ears and tail drooping.
[20:20] [Marty D] Bloody hell...
[20:34] [Marty D] Cant fail the girls.. but I can't get startup galleons...
[21:14] > Marty D waves his wand in one direction and drinks begin to mix, then slashes it, making an instant fish dinner appear on the table before him.
[21:16] > Marty D begins to eat, looking downtrodden.
[21:32] [Marty D] Really dont wanna ask pop or Aunt Matsumi... but I might have to soon..
[21:34] --> Tina Gale [FireyAirPrincess@QTech.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[21:34] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Tina Gale
[21:34] [Tina Gale] heya
[21:34] [Marty D] T..Tina! Hi ~nya!
[21:36] [Tina Gale] how are you, marty ^^
[21:38] [Marty D] Oh... okay... still need my gold to get started..
[21:42] [Marty D] You?
[21:43] [Tina Gale] I'm ok...been talking with mom
[21:44] [Marty D] Anything in particular?
[21:44] [Tina Gale] about what I'm going to do
[21:48] [Marty D] What ARE you going to do, sweetie?
[21:49] [Tina Gale] I'm actually thinking of following in mom's footsteps
[21:49] [Marty D] You mean... o.o
[21:50] [Tina Gale] what????
[21:51] > Marty D blinks. "Maybe you should tell me.."
[21:52] [Tina Gale] become head-guard
[21:52] [Royal Guard Vanadine] YOU ARE!?
[21:52] --> Royal Guard Vanadine [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #reddwarfmain
[21:52] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Royal Guard Vanadine
[21:52] [Marty D] Ohh... I got your parents confused for a second.. ~.~
[21:52] > Royal Guard Vanadine suddenly ports in from nowhere
[21:53] > Marty D leaps. 0.0
[21:53] [Royal Guard Vanadine] That's wonderful to hear sweetheart! ^_^
[21:53] [Tina Gale] hello, mom
[21:53] [Tina Gale] but...there is a catch, Marty
[21:53] > Royal Guard Vanadine turns to look at Marty and waves: Hey there "son-in-law" ^_^
[21:54] [Marty D] ha...hi.. Umm... maybe 'aunt' isnt apropriate anymore..
[21:54] [Tina Gale] I will have to stick close to Quinox
[21:55] [Marty D] Well... don't we have instant transport to and from there?
[21:56] [Tina Gale] yes...true
[21:57] [Royal Guard Vanadine] oh yeah... she'll have time to visit. no worries
[21:57] [Royal Guard Vanadine] i'll make sure of that
[21:58] [Tina Gale] we will get a place to live too on Quinox, mom, as well...when we're all together?
[21:59] [Royal Guard Vanadine] yeah. the three of you can have your own place
[21:59] [Marty D] I always thought I'd be living on earth.. hell, thats what I was planning my business around..
[21:59] [Royal Guard Vanadine] well... maybe you can have a home on both planets
[21:59] [Tina Gale] well....it will be like mama now a days maybe..several homes?
[22:00] [Royal Guard Vanadine] plus you can port back and forth from the planets... so we can set up things in your houses to make sure they're linked
[22:01] [Marty D] ...I guess that'll be ok.. still kinda weird tho..
[22:01] [Royal Guard Vanadine] marty
[22:02] > Royal Guard Vanadine walks over and hugs Marty suddenly
[22:02] [Royal Guard Vanadine] don't you worry your cute kitty ears over it. i'll arrange everything.
[22:03] > Marty D returns the hug and smiles.
[22:03] [Royal Guard Vanadine] i wanna' make sure you guys stay together and get to see each other as much as possable. alright?
[22:04] [Marty D] Thanks, Vanadine. =^.^= Thats really great of you.
[22:05] > Royal Guard Vanadine lets go of Marty and winks at him: You can call me Vana if you want. You know you don't have to be so formal
[22:05] > Tina Gale blushes and is looking down, scooting a little bit away
[22:05] [Marty D] Just seemed appropriate ^^;
[22:05] [Royal Guard Vanadine] that's ok
[22:06] > Royal Guard Vanadine kneels in front of her daughter: Tina.... what's with that blush?
[22:07] [Tina Gale] y-y-y-you're kind of embrassing me, mom
[22:07] [Royal Guard Vanadine] Awww... I'm sorry Tina
[22:07] > Royal Guard Vanadine stands: I'll go and head home.
[22:08] [Tina Gale] um..does mama know you're here
[22:08] [Royal Guard Vanadine] No.... Matsy is working on a treaty I think
[22:09] [Royal Guard Vanadine] I'll get back there before she gets suspicious. Not to mention leave you two alone. You two don't need this old lady lingering around ya'. :P
[22:10] > Tina Gale blushes "mooom.."
[22:10] > Marty D chuckles. "Its alright.."
[22:11] [Royal Guard Vanadine] Anyway... Tina, I'll see you at home. We have a lot to talk about.
[22:12] > Tina Gale nods "yes, mom...night"
[22:13] [Royal Guard Vanadine] G'night you two. Marty, tell your parents I said hello.
[22:13] [Marty D] Goodniiiiiight Vana!
[22:14] <-- Royal Guard Vanadine [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #reddwarfmain (I remember when I was that young. ^_^)
[22:14] > Tina Gale just blushes
[22:14] --> Celestite [CrystalGirl@dimensionzero.cc] has joined #reddwarfmain
[22:14] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Celestite
[22:15] [Marty D] Hi Cele.
[22:16] [Tina Gale] oh..hi, Celest
[22:16] [Celestite] Marty, Tina. How're my two favorite people?
[22:17] [Marty D] Ok. You just missed Vana. Looks like Tina wants to join the royal guard, and Vana swears she'll make it easy for us to see eachother freely.
[22:18] [Celestite] Ahh.... well that's cool then. I had a feeling Aunty Vana would help us like that
[22:18] > Tina Gale looks down "...did I.....do wrong"
[22:18] [Celestite] Wait.... does it make sense for me to call her "Aunty" when she's about to be my mother-in-law?
[22:19] [Marty D] I gotta say tho, Im a little dissapointed... when you said you wanted to follow your mom, I thought you meant the throne, even tho I knew it couldnt be right..
[22:19] [Marty D] Thats what I said, Cele.. heh, we need to rethink our surrogate family members and their titles.
[22:19] [Celestite] Indeed
[22:19] [Celestite] Tina?
[22:19] > Celestite sits next to Tina, looking concerned
[22:20] [Tina Gale] did I make a bad descion....
[22:20] [Celestite] Why do you ask that?
[22:22] [Tina Gale] I don't know...I don't want to tear us apart
[22:23] [Marty D] Im just worried about YOU being torn apart, Tina.. But I guess you're tougher then I think of you.
[22:23] [Tina Gale] well...I'm not in the military, Marty
[22:23] [Celestite] That's not gonna' happen Tina.... especially if your mom's helping us like that.
[22:25] > Tina Gale nods
[22:26] > Celestite hugs Tina and kisses her temple, "You're working too much...."
[22:26] [Tina Gale] I just want to help you guys
[22:26] [Marty D] Well, what does the royal guard do, then?
[22:28] [Celestite] They protect the queen and king, if memory serves me
[22:28] [Tina Gale] yes
[22:28] [Celestite] So it'll be Tina's job to protect Miki and Nick
[22:28] [Marty D] Right, but from what?
[22:29] > Marty D sighs.
[22:29] [Celestite] well, any possable threat
[22:29] [Marty D] If thats what you wanna do, I'll support it, but I wish you got royal recognition, and didnt have to be the one to risk your neck for them.. I wish you wernt seen as less valuable then them. Thats what bugs me about this..
[22:29] [Celestite] Marty... I've done a good amount of research on the Royal Guard
[22:31] [Celestite] Tina would be the like... final line of defense... so it's not like she'd EVER be on the front lines
[22:31] [Tina Gale] I do have royal recognition
[22:31] [Marty D] Oh?
[22:31] [Celestite] Oh.. and if you're worried about Tina getting royal recognition... how do you think Minami feels?
[22:32] [Celestite] The only way Mini would ever become queen is if Miki dies.....
[22:32] [Marty D] Well, she's still just a kid..
[22:32] > Tina Gale nods "and as for being less valuable..I'm head guard....without me...the Queen is defenseless..."
[22:33] [Celestite] Also true
[22:33] [Marty D] Doesnt Miki have all the Sailor Quinox powers?
[22:33] [Tina Gale] yes...
[22:33] [Tina Gale] but in some ways I'm more powerful then her
[22:34] > Marty D grins, just a little.
[22:34] [Celestite] Yeah.... cause Tina can use fire too. ^_~
[22:36] [Tina Gale] and as for her having all the powers.....Queens still require bodyguards
[22:37] [Marty D] Heh... okay then... okay.. I suppose its better then being a cleaning girl somewhere. THAT I'd put my foot down for...
[22:38] [Tina Gale] they could not do that
[22:38] [Marty D] Hmm?
[22:43] [Tina Gale] mom and mama would never do that to me...
[22:44] [Marty D] Just an example. ^^
[22:45] [Celestite] i would hope not
[22:46] [Tina Gale] in a way...I'm following the family tradition...
[22:48] [Celestite] true
[22:48] [Tina Gale] my mom was one..as was her mom
[22:49] [Celestite] yeah... so you're the next in line. it's like staying in the family business
[22:53] [Tina Gale] yes ^^
[22:54] [Celestite] Marty?
[22:54] [Celestite] you're kinda' quiet
[22:54] [Tina Gale] hmm..I'll be back...I want to....try something out >>
[22:55] [Celestite] sure.... ok tina
[22:55] > Tina Gale is away
[22:58] [Marty D] oh, sorry..
[22:59] [Celestite] marty, are you ok?
[22:59] [Marty D] Yeah, just have a little bit on my mind.
[23:00] [Tina Gale] um.....can I...come in?
[23:01] [Celestite] of course you can tina ^_^
[23:04] [Marty D] Tina?
[23:05] > Tina Gale (undies) is back
[23:05] > Tina Gale (undies) slowly walks in
[23:05] [Marty D] ❧ Nya~ ❧
[23:05] > Tina Gale (undies) is blushing
[23:06] [Marty D] ❧ Whats all this about now? ❧
[23:07] [Tina Gale (undies)] I...I..just felt like dressing like this...
[23:08] [Celestite] Hehe
[23:08] > Tina Gale (undies) is turning really red
[23:10] [Marty D] Feel out of place now?
[23:10] > Celestite blushes at Tina, giggling
[23:10] > Tina Gale (undies) sits down on a sofa
[23:10] > Marty D 's tail curls up, holding his wand.
[23:11] [Marty D] Lets see if I can do this properly..
[23:11] > Tina Gale (undies) sits on a sofa
[23:12] > Marty D waves the wand at Celestite, causing her outer garnments to magically fall off.
[23:12] [Tina Gale (undies)] O_O
[23:12] > Celestite (undies) sits there now in only her underwear
[23:12] > Celestite (undies) grins, "Nice trick Marty"
[23:13] > Tina Gale (undies) turns super super red
[23:14] [Tina Gale (undies)] um...uh...
[23:15] [Marty D] Thanks! The tricky part was leaving your underware on.
[23:15] [Celestite (undies)] Heh
[23:15] [Celestite (undies)] Tina.... come sit with me ^_^
[23:16] [Tina Gale (undies)] uh....really....
[23:18] > Tina Gale (undies) 's face is as red as her hair now..and getting redder
[23:18] [Marty D] Tina, if you really were this shy about this, you wouldnt have come here dressed like that in the first place... Come, sit. Would anyone like a drink?
[23:19] [Tina Gale (undies)] I'll...have...anything *shuffles slowly over to celest*
[23:19] [Celestite (undies)] i would love a drink, but have no preferance
[23:20] > Marty D apperates to the bar with a loud *CRACK* and starts looking through the drink book.
[23:21] > Tina Gale (undies) sits...veeeeeeery slowly onto the sofa
[23:21] > Marty D looks through the bottles behind the bar. 99 Bananas... this sounds good...
[23:21] > Tina Gale (undies) is sitting down a little two slowly
[23:22] > Celestite (undies) quickly grabs Tina and hugs her, "don't be so shy!! it's just us!"
[23:23] [Marty D] Yeah, we love you! And we've seen all the best parts of you already anyway. We're gonna be maried before too long!
[23:23] > Tina Gale (undies) smiles a little..and hugs celest back
[23:23] > Marty D mixes it with some pineapple juice, and brings glases to everyone.
[23:24] > Celestite (undies) giggles and snuggles with Tina, "Yeah, Marty's right ya' know."
[23:24] [Tina Gale (undies)] I..I just didn't expect this tonight ^^;;;
[23:25] [Marty D] Us all together?
[23:25] > Celestite (undies) takes the glass and sips from it, "Mmmm... tastey"
[23:26] > Tina Gale (undies) sips the drink happily "thank you, marty.."
[23:26] > Marty D gives his a sip and smiles.
[23:26] [Celestite (undies)] Come sit with your girls Marty ^_^
[23:26] [Marty D] So.. how did you two first really hook up?
[23:27] > Marty D lays on the to pof the couch, just behind the girls.
[23:27] > Marty D *top
[23:28] [Tina Gale (undies)] oh...well.....celest?
[23:28] [Celestite (undies)] well... it started at the acadamy
[23:28] [Celestite (undies)] i had a pretty heavy crush on miki at the time... but knew there was no chance of getting her.
[23:30] [Celestite (undies)] when i finally got it through my thick skull that i couldn't have miki, i was really bummed.... that's when i noticed tina watching me
[23:30] > Tina Gale (undies) blushes a little
[23:31] [Celestite (undies)] to be honest, i was so focused on miki... i didn't notice poor tina
[23:31] [Marty D] Pop tells me he used to have a heavy crush on Aunt Matsy... but now hes proud that Im doign what he couldnt, Marrying a Kaze girl ^^;
[23:32] [Tina Gale (undies)] yeah...
[23:33] > Celestite (undies) giggles at marty
[23:33] [Celestite (undies)] anyway..... one day i saw a bunch of girls pickin' on poor tina
[23:33] [Celestite (undies)] so i took action
[23:34] [Marty D] Good for you. ^_^ I hate bullying.
[23:34] [Celestite (undies)] yeah... i couldn't stand it
[23:35] [Celestite (undies)] so we became friends at that point... then i started noticing how cute our tina was
[23:36] > Tina Gale (undies) blushes even more
[23:37] [Marty D] Were ya always into girls, or did it just seem to happen that all the guys wernt worth your notice?
[23:37] [Celestite (undies)] me? i always liked girls
[23:38] [Marty D] You, Tina?
[23:40] [Tina Gale (undies)] I...I don't know
[23:41] [Tina Gale (undies)] I guess I just felt...interested..in Celest
[23:42] > Marty D stretches and scratches the couch, then drinks more of his drink. "Woah.."
[23:43] > Tina Gale (undies) blushes again
[23:44] [Celestite (undies)] Question
[23:44] [Celestite (undies)] How'd you discover US Marty?
[23:44] [Marty D] Nya?
[23:46] [Marty D] Don't yo uremmeber? You discovered me, not the other way around... I was... struggling.. and you two both kinda... took after me, and decided to... assist. You said you felt... what was it.. a connection? I forget your words. I always thought you two were both beautiful as well as charming.. but you were with eachother, and I wasn't gonna try to get in the way of that.
[23:47] [Celestite (undies)] So you didn't know about us before that moment?
[23:47] [Tina Gale (undies)] oh yes..heh
[23:49] [Marty D] No.. I knew you.. I saw you now and then, here and at family events.. I didnt know you WELL tho..
[23:49] [Celestite (undies)] Ahh
[23:49] [Celestite (undies)] Then you got to know us alright. ^_~
[23:51] > Tina Gale (undies) giggles
[23:52] > Tina Gale (undies) is still giggling and starts laughing
[23:53] [Marty D] You're both very generous to take in a kittyboy in need like I was.. I didnt deserve it.
[23:53] > Marty D sips his drink again and coughs.
[23:53] [Tina Gale (undies)] I *hehehhee* don't know why I'm laughing *hehehe*
[23:54] [Celestite (undies)] Awww, I think WE were the lucky ones
[23:56] > Celestite (undies) takes another sip of her drink and shrinks back a bit, "Um... Marty... how much alcohol are in these drinks?"
[23:56] > Tina Gale (undies) is still giggling
[00:00] >>> Thursday Sep 04 2008 <<<
[00:00] [Marty D] Um... I didnt use much.. like a third of whats in there.
[00:00] [Marty D] Don't like it?
[00:00] > Marty D 's ears twitch.
[00:01] [Celestite (undies)] it tastes good... but it's kinda' strong
[00:01] > Tina Gale (undies) falls off the sofa
[00:01] [Marty D] Tina?!
[00:02] [Celestite (undies)] oh boy
[00:02] > Tina Gale (undies) finally stops laughing "hehehe..sorry about..heh..that...*whew*..heh"
[00:03] [Celestite (undies)] Are you alright Tina?
[00:04] > Tina Gale (undies) stands a bit wobbly "I'll be just fine"
[00:04] > Marty D falls into Tina's place on the couch.
[00:06] > Tina Gale (undies) grabs hold of celest for support
[00:06] > Celestite (undies) helps Tina up and starts to get a little wobbly also
[00:06] [Celestite (undies)] oooh
[00:06] [Marty D] Maybe I should be more careful about what I put into drinks..
[00:07] [Celestite (undies)] i think maybe we've all had a liiiiiiittle too much
[00:07] [Tina Gale (undies)] is it just me..or is the room spinning...
[00:08] [Celestite (undies)] it's you tina.... you're drunk
[00:08] [Marty D] Maybe the ship is moving..
[00:08] [Tina Gale (undies)] I'm not drunk..I'm strong..like..like mom..you know!
[00:09] [Celestite (undies)] Hmm
[00:11] [Celestite (undies)] well, if you say so hon
[00:11] > Tina Gale (undies) nearly falls over
[00:12] > Celestite (undies) hugs Tina and Marty, one with each arm
[00:12] [Celestite (undies)] I love you guys so much! ^_^
[00:12] > Tina Gale (undies) smiles..her face partially red from the drink
[00:13] [Marty D] Meee too!
[00:14] [Tina Gale (undies)] me..um..too..too
[00:16] > Tina Gale (undies) smiles broadly
[00:16] > Celestite (undies) squeezes them both
[00:17] > Marty D chuckles, spilling the rest of his drink.
[00:17] > Tina Gale (undies) moves slightly and starts snuggling against one of celest's sides
[00:18] [Celestite (undies)] Awwww
[00:19] [Tina Gale (undies)] love you ^^
[00:20] [Marty D] You *hic* too..
[00:21] > Tina Gale (undies) 's legs give out again
[00:22] [Tina Gale (undies)] @_@
[00:22] > Celestite (undies) holds onto both of them and smiles
[00:22] [Celestite (undies)] You two are soooo cute
[00:22] > Celestite (undies) starts to blush a little from the alcohol, finishing her drink
[00:23] [Tina Gale (undies)] so dizzy@_@
[00:25] [Tina Gale (undies)] Feel...dizzy tina..
[00:26] [Celestite (undies)] Mmmm..... we need to find an empty room... we are not making it home tonight
[00:27] [Marty D] You can.. use mine.. *blink*
[00:28] [Tina Gale (undies)] tina so dizzy @_@ no want homework
[00:29] [Celestite (undies)] we're out of school sweet.... well... at least you are
[00:29] [Celestite (undies)] Marty... can you help me help tina up?
[00:29] > Marty D staggers to his feet and tries to pull Tina to her feet.
[00:30] > Celestite (undies) gets to her feet also, pulling Tina up, "Here we go beautiful"
[00:30] > Tina Gale (undies) wobbles a bit and grabs hold of celest in anyway to stablize
[00:30] [Tina Gale (undies)] ^ any way
[00:31] > Marty D guides Tina out from her other side.
[00:32] > Celestite (undies) holds onto Tina from the other side as they all stagger out together
[00:33] <-- Tina Gale (undies) [FireyAirPrincess@QTech.com] has left #reddwarfmain (Tina feel sick...*urp*)
[00:33] <-- Marty D [Techwiz@hogwarts.edu] has left #reddwarfmain (What was in that stuff..?)
[00:34] <-- Celestite (undies) [CrystalGirl@dimensionzero.cc] has left #reddwarfmain (That's powerful stuff....)
[22:06] --> Jennifer Flare [AriesSenshi@usa.cc] has joined #reddwarfmain
[22:06] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Jennifer Flare
[22:08] > Jennifer Flare walks in and looks around/ Wow.... there's actually noone here.
[22:08] > Jennifer Flare is carrying a large bag/ Guess this is as good a time as any to restock the bar
[22:10] > Jennifer Flare carries the bag over to the bar and starts pulling out bottles, putting them away
[22:11] --> Rynia Soula [WaterBearer@aquarius.co] has joined #reddwarfmain
[22:11] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Rynia Soula
[22:11] > Rynia Soula walks in slowly
[22:12] [Rynia Soula] oh..evening.. Jenny
[22:12] > Jennifer Flare can't be seen over the bar, but the sound of clanking bottles can be clearly hard
[22:12] [Rynia Soula] (( ignore that last one ))
[22:12] > Jennifer Flare pops up/ How'd you know it was me? HI Rynia!
[22:12] [Rynia Soula] oh..I...sorta could feel it
[22:13] [Jennifer Flare] (( I'm lagging on this computer a bit, so bare with me. ))
[22:13] [Rynia Soula] (( heh I understand ))
[22:13] [Jennifer Flare] What brings you here tonight Rynia? *continues stocking the bar*
[22:13] [Rynia Soula] I just...felt like coming
[22:14] [Jennifer Flare] That's cool. You want a drink while I'm restocking?
[22:15] [Rynia Soula] um..something non alcoholic
[22:16] > Jennifer Flare pops up again and closes the fridge behind the bar/ Anything in particular... iced tea, juice, fruit punch....?
[22:17] [Rynia Soula] iced tea will be nice
[22:18] [Jennifer Flare] Sure :)
[22:19] > Jennifer Flare goes back over to the fridge and takes a pitcher out/ So, how're things at the temple?
[22:20] [Rynia Soula] oh they're very well..Sakura...well..*blushes slightly*
[22:21] > Jennifer Flare pours some tea in a glass and puts in on the bar/ Hmm.... did she do something?
[22:22] [Rynia Soula] she's just....the same...kind..person ^^ *starts giggling*
[22:22] [Jennifer Flare] Ahh.. I thought maybe she did something unusual
[22:23] [Rynia Soula] like..w-w-w-what
[22:23] > Jennifer Flare pours herself a glass of tea as well, then puts the pitcher in the fridge.
[22:25] [Jennifer Flare] I dunno... what ya'll do behind closed doors isn't my business. ^_~
[22:28] > Rynia Soula turns really red
[22:28] > Jennifer Flare giggles a little/ you blush so easy
[22:29] [Rynia Soula] (( brb..hall meetings ))
[22:33] > Jennifer Flare sits on a stool behind the bar
[22:40] --> David O'Cain has joined #reddwarfmain
[22:40] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to David O'Cain
[22:40] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +David O'Cain
[22:40] [Jennifer Flare] Hey Dave. Care for a drink?
[22:42] [+David O'Cain] Hey, Jen. What's new?
[22:42] [Jennifer Flare] Not much, just restocked the bar
[22:43] [+David O'Cain] Ah.
[22:44] [Jennifer Flare] care for anything?
[22:48] --> Nate Detroit (PJs) [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[22:48] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +o to Nate Detroit (PJs)
[22:48] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, @Nate Detroit (PJs)
[22:48] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Something harsh..
[22:48] [+David O'Cain] Hey, Nate.
[22:50] [Jennifer Flare] Hey Nate.... you ok?
[22:50] > @Nate Detroit (PJs) waves and falls back on the couch.
[22:50] [+David O'Cain] As for me, Jen, not at the moment.
[22:52] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Yeah.. just sleep depraved. Or is it deprived?
[22:53] [Jennifer Flare] deprived
[22:53] [+David O'Cain] Deprived.
[22:54] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Probably both. >_~
[22:54] [Jennifer Flare] poor nate
[22:55] [+David O'Cain] Another one of those long days, huh?
[22:56] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] I really don't function well without sleep.. Pretty long, tho still no business. More like I couldnt sleep well.
[22:56] [Jennifer Flare] You should've called me.
[22:58] > Jennifer Flare makes Nate a Gin and Tonic, walking from behind the bar and handing it to him
[22:58] > @Nate Detroit (PJs) takes it and sips it.
[22:59] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] I had it, just as long as I can sleep tonight.
[22:59] [Jennifer Flare] I'm sure that kitty of yours will help with that. ^_~
[23:00] > Jennifer Flare goes back over, sitting next to Rynia
[23:02] > Rynia Soula is all blushy still
[23:02] [+David O'Cain] Hi, Rynia.
[23:02] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Hi Rynia, didnt see you there.
[23:02] [Rynia Soula] i-it's ok
[23:04] [+David O'Cain] How are you?
[23:08] [Rynia Soula] I'm fine *is blushing*
[23:09] [+David O'Cain] That's good. Good day today for you?
[23:10] > Jennifer Flare quietly listens, sipping her tea
[23:10] [Rynia Soula] it's been fine ^^
[23:11] [+David O'Cain] Good.
[23:12] [Rynia Soula] you?
[23:12] [+David O'Cain] Not too shabby.
[23:15] > Rynia Soula sips her drink all blushy
[23:17] [+David O'Cain] Sure is a quiet, but nice night.
[23:18] > Rynia Soula nods "it's nice for a school night"
[23:20] [+David O'Cain] Yep.
[23:22] [Rynia Soula] how are you, jenny?
[23:27] [Jennifer Flare] i'm ok
[23:27] [Rynia Soula] how was your day ^^
[23:27] [Jennifer Flare] just trying to read your mind :P
[23:27] > @Nate Detroit (PJs) sips his drink again.
[23:28] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Oh Lord, you don't do that too, do you?
[23:28] [Jennifer Flare] No... but i'm trying :P
[23:29] [Jennifer Flare] Think of how helpful something like that would be at the store or at the center!@
[23:29] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Vana does it, Minami does it...
[23:29] [Rynia Soula] um..who's mind
[23:29] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] At mine? Not terribly...
[23:30] [+David O'Cain] Heh.
[23:31] [Jennifer Flare] Yours Rynia... you've been blushy and quiet. I wanna' know what you're thinkin' about.
[23:31] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Now, if you wanted to sell used cars, hell yeah.
[23:31] [Rynia Soula] gaaahhh!!!
[23:33] [Rynia Soula] whatdidyouseewhatdidyousee?????
[23:33] [Jennifer Flare] Wouldn't mind readin' yours sometimes too Nate. ^_~
[23:33] > Jennifer Flare laughs/ Relax Rynia... I said I was TRYING to read your mind.... I never said I was successful. :P
[23:34] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] If you did, you probably would...
[23:34] [Rynia Soula] oh......ok
[23:36] [Jennifer Flare] Anyway
[23:39] [Jennifer Flare] Enough about mind reading
[23:40] [Jennifer Flare] Cause it's not like I can actually do it.
[23:40] [Rynia Soula] o_O
[23:40] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Oh.. heh, since Vana could you threw me off ^^;
[23:41] [Rynia Soula] .....
[23:41] [Jennifer Flare] anyway
[23:41] [Jennifer Flare] i think i'm gonna' go to my quarters and change
[23:41] > Jennifer Flare stands/ You wanna' come with me Rynia?
[23:42] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Should be interesting.
[23:42] [Rynia Soula] >_____<
[23:42] [+David O'Cain] I don't read minds, but I think it's doubtful telepathy counts.
[23:43] [Rynia Soula] ...you made me upset over nothing >_____<
[23:43] [Jennifer Flare] Rynia... it was a joke
[23:43] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Happens a lot around here.
[23:43] [Rynia Soula] I didn't find it funny T_T
[23:43] [Rynia Soula] you scared me T_T
[23:44] [Jennifer Flare] well, i'm sorry hun.
[23:44] [Jennifer Flare] anyway... i'm gonna' go clean up and change for the night. i'll be back in a little while
[23:45] [Rynia Soula] okies...*stands*
[23:45] > Jennifer Flare is away: Sometimes I wonder about you Rynia
[23:46] > Rynia Soula is away: ???
[23:56] [+David O'Cain] Hmmm.
[00:00] >>> Friday Sep 05 2008 <<<
[00:01] [+David O'Cain] Eh, I'm gonna call it a night. See ya later.
[00:02] <-- +David O'Cain has left #reddwarfmain (Good night.)
[00:05] > @Nate Detroit (PJs) finishes his drink.
[00:20] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] hmm...
[00:24] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] So... anyting happening, Rynia?
[00:28] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Oh..
[00:28] > @Nate Detroit (PJs) grumbles.
[00:40] <-- @Nate Detroit (PJs) [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has left #reddwarfmain (Ice is flowin' through my veins; Explosives on my lips and in my lungs.)
[17:10] --> Vanadine (workout) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #reddwarfmain
[17:10] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (workout)
[17:10] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (workout)
[17:11] [+Vanadine (workout)] Mmmm... what a good day
[17:12] --> Taiyo has joined #reddwarfmain
[17:12] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Taiyo
[17:12] > Taiyo wanders in
[17:12] > +Vanadine (workout) goes over to the fridge and gets something to drink
[17:13] [+Vanadine (workout)] ❧ Hhhmmm hmm hmmmmm ❧
[17:13] [Taiyo] ???
[17:14] > +Vanadine (workout) takes a bottle of water from the fridge and closes the door, turning around
[17:14] [+Vanadine (workout)] Taiyo-chan!!
[17:15] [Taiyo] hiii
[17:15] > +Vanadine (workout) walks over, picks Taiyo up and hugs him: How's my little boy doin'!?
[17:15] [Taiyo] bored
[17:16] [Taiyo] sissy is sleeping..and tala is eating shoes
[17:17] [Taiyo] so I came here..
[17:18] [+Vanadine (workout)] awww
[17:18] > +Vanadine (workout) carries Taiyo and sits on the sofa with him on her lap
[17:18] [+Vanadine (workout)] well, it's always nice to see my little boy
[17:19] > Taiyo smiles a bit "what's vana-mama doing?"
[17:20] [+Vanadine (workout)] Well. mama just got done with her workout for the day :)
[17:21] [Taiyo] to be strong?
[17:22] [+Vanadine (workout)] Yes, to continue to be strong.
[17:23] [Taiyo] ..I want to be strong someday >>
[17:23] [+Vanadine (workout)] You will... I'm sure of it ^_^
[17:24] [Taiyo] ^_^
[17:24] > Taiyo looks around "where's matsy-mama?"
[17:25] [+Vanadine (workout)] I think she's at home
[17:26] [Taiyo] is it true she works somewhere most of the day???
[17:26] [+Vanadine (workout)] She was there when I left to do my workout
[17:26] [+Vanadine (workout)] Yes, she's a teacher at a school
[17:27] [Taiyo] oh...
[17:27] [Taiyo] what's school like????
[17:27] [+Vanadine (workout)] Well... school is a place where you go with other boys and girls to learn things about the world.
[17:29] [Taiyo] is it fun??
[17:29] [+Vanadine (workout)] it can be
[17:30] [Taiyo] did mamas have fun at school?
[17:33] [Taiyo] (( be back ))
[17:41] [+Vanadine (workout)] well... mostly, yes
[17:41] [+Vanadine (workout)] phone isn't always fun, but most of the time it is
[17:45] [+Vanadine (workout)] ^school
[17:45] [+Vanadine (workout)] (( how i got phone out of school, i have no idea :P ))
[17:47] [Taiyo] (( back ))
[17:48] [Taiyo] ...is it scary??????
[17:49] [+Vanadine (workout)] well... i wouldn't say scary
[17:49] [Taiyo] ??
[17:50] [+Vanadine (workout)] you can be nervous before a test but that's not really scary
[17:50] [Taiyo] ...I just wonder....
[17:51] [Taiyo] ..do me and sissy have to go to school?
[17:52] [+Vanadine (workout)] well, if you plan on staying in this timeframe much longer, you probably should
[17:53] [Taiyo] ..I'm scared
[17:53] [+Vanadine (workout)] awww
[17:54] > +Vanadine (workout) hugs Taiyo tight: Don't be scared
[17:54] [Taiyo] but..but...I'm not...normal
[17:55] [+Vanadine (workout)] That doesn't matter. You'll be fine in school
[17:57] > Taiyo nods
[17:58] > +Vanadine (workout) stands, holding Taiyo: Let's go talk more at mama's house, ok?
[17:58] > Taiyo stomach grumbles
[17:59] [Taiyo] okies
[17:59] <-- Taiyo has left #reddwarfmain (I'm hungry too)
[17:59] > +Vanadine (workout) giggles, taking Taiyo home
[17:59] <-- +Vanadine (workout) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #reddwarfmain (Let's get you somethin' to eat.)
[21:11] --> Tabatha Brown (Long T-shirt) has joined #reddwarfmain
[21:11] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Tabatha Brown (Long T-shirt)
[21:11] [Tabatha Brown (Long T-shirt)] Nobody around... sorta a mixed blessing.
[21:13] > Tabatha Brown (Long T-shirt) tucks her feet under the couch, and proceeds to do sit-ups.
[21:16] > Tabatha Brown (Long T-shirt) switches and does pushups.
[21:18] --> Matsumi Kaze (nightie) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[21:18] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze (nightie)
[21:18] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze (nightie)
[21:18] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) walks in and watches
[21:18] [Tabatha Brown (Long T-shirt)] ...and sixty!.. *phew*
[21:19] > Tabatha Brown (Long T-shirt) starts to stretch on the ground. "Oh, hi."
[21:19] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] working out?
[21:20] [Tabatha Brown (Long T-shirt)] Just a little.. I was bored and thought I should tigehten up, so to speak.
[21:20] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] well working out is always fun ^^ need any assitence
[21:22] [Tabatha Brown (Long T-shirt)] Assistance? Nah, I just wanted to break a sweat.
[21:22] > Tabatha Brown (Long T-shirt) kimp-ups to her feet.
[21:23] > Tabatha Brown (Long T-shirt) realizes what she just did and tugs down her shirt 0.0
[21:24] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] hehe..it's ok
[21:24] [Tabatha Brown (Long T-shirt)] Um.. yeah.. so, you're back to teaching I hear?
[21:24] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] yup I am!
[21:26] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) sits on a sofa
[21:28] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] it's nice to be back to work ^^
[21:28] [Tabatha Brown (Long T-shirt)] Hows it going?
[21:30] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] oh it's wonderful ^^
[21:32] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] it's always nice to see my students again
[21:35] > Tabatha Brown (Long T-shirt) gets a tall ice water. "Want anything?"
[21:35] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) removes her socks
[21:35] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] water is fine ^^
[21:36] > Tabatha Brown (Long T-shirt) hands Matsumi off a water and sits opposite her.
[21:38] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] thank you ^^
[21:38] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] so how have you been?
[21:42] [Tabatha Brown (Long T-shirt)] Good! Im torn between continuing hero work and finding a 'normal' job.. But heroics have been all I've done since I was reawoken.
[21:43] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] well if you did get a normal job...what would you do?
[21:44] [Tabatha Brown (Long T-shirt)] I don't know o.o
[21:46] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] well what are you good at?
[21:48] [Tabatha Brown (Long T-shirt)] Fighting... stealth.. electricical conductivity..
[21:49] [Tabatha Brown (Long T-shirt)] Fluent in English and Japanese.. I like to think I have a good, healthy, athletic body.