Thursday, November 30, 2006

#reddwarfevents 2006_Nov_30_0427

[03:53] *** Wednesday Nov 22 2006 &ndash Log reset by @Kryten &ndash Logging Start ***
[15:47] <@starcat> im in ur channel, makin things weird
[16:29] --> Bob [] has joined #rdsanctuary2
[16:29] [@HOL_6000] Greetings, Bob
[16:37] --> Madge [] has joined #rdsanctuary2
[16:37] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Madge
[23:38] --> Masaki [] has joined #rdsanctuary2
[23:38] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Masaki
[23:38] --> Vanadine [] has joined #rdsanctuary2
[23:38] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Vanadine
[23:39] --> David O'Cain has joined #rdsanctuary2
[23:39] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, David O'Cain
[23:39] > Vanadine finally let's go of Masaki: Alright..... I've had enough of this....
[23:39] > Vanadine glares at David and throws up a flame wall
[23:39] [David O'Cain] Vana, let Masaki-chan go this instant!
[23:39] [Masaki] what do you want...
[23:39] > David O'Cain backs off a bit from the wall
[23:40] [Vanadine] I've had enough of this militant attitude you have when it comes to your relationship with David...
[23:41] [Masaki] ....
[23:41] [Masaki] ....I see
[23:41] [Vanadine] You can't just believe that he won't leave you.... you gotta' threaten to dismember him or others.....
[23:41] [Vanadine] Well I've heard enough......
[23:42] [Masaki] ....
[23:42] [Masaki] what are you going to do?
[23:43] > Vanadine smirks and turns around
[23:44] ¤ Scouter indicates that Vanadine has HP / --SP / --MP.
[23:45] > Masaki quietly watches
[23:48] > David O'Cain has a worried look on his face
[23:48] ¤ Scouter indicates that Vanadine has HP / --SP / --MP.
[23:49] ¤ Scouter indicates that Vanadine has HP / --SP / --MP.
[23:49] [Vanadine] ((Ok.... guess that doesn't work))
[23:50] > Masaki stands there
[23:51] > Vanadine pulls on a pair of red leather gloves.
[23:51] [Masaki] alright...
[23:52] [David O'Cain] ((Are you doing that right?))
[23:52] [Vanadine] I'm here to beat some sense into you....
[23:52] [Masaki] go ahead
[23:54] > Vanadine takes a fighting stance: Comeon.....
[23:54] > Masaki stands....and closes her eyes...
[23:54] [Masaki] I really don't want to fight..but if I have to...
[23:54] > Masaki opens her eyes...her pupils have shrunk into tiny intense dots
[23:54] [Masaki] face the monster...
[23:55] > Masaki springs up and smashes the ground with her fist, sending a shockwave
[23:56] [David O'Cain] O_o
[23:56] [Masaki] because that's what you see me as..a monster..isn't it?
[23:57] [Vanadine] No... I don't see you as a monster.... I see you as an insecure woman who has no reason to be....
[23:58] > Masaki swings wildly at vana...each move giving off a slight shockwave
[23:58] > Vanadine dodges each shot
[23:58] [Masaki] I was always one everyone was scared at at school...maybe...I should have just given into their expectations
[23:59] > David O'Cain goes for cover and peeks out
[23:59] > Masaki grabs a chuck of metal and hurls it
[23:59] [Vanadine] I'm not scared of you Masaki-chan....
[23:59] > Vanadine melts the metal
[23:59] [Masaki] BUT DAVEY IS.....AND I'VE LET HIM DOWN....I...I....i....
[23:59] > Masaki breaks down
[00:00] > Vanadine slowly walks up to Masaki and puts her hand on her shoulder.
[00:00] [David O'Cain] Hey, look. I just don't want to get hurt, alright.
[00:01] [Vanadine] Masaki-chan.... Davey only wants you to be happy......
[00:01] > Masaki cries ".....I'm just so afraid.....I don't want to be alone again....."
[00:01] [Vanadine] He is not gonna' leave you for anyone...... not even me.
[00:03] > Masaki cries..and looks to david
[00:03] [Masaki] davey....
[00:03] > David O'Cain comes out, "Masaki-chan, I will always love you."
[00:03] > Vanadine finally drops the flame shield.
[00:04] > David O'Cain goes over to Masaki and holds her close to him tightly
[00:04] > Masaki runs to david and hugs him
[00:04] > Masaki sobs into him
[00:04] > Vanadine smiles a bit as she takes her gloves off: I'm sorry I had to get rough with her Davey....
[00:05] [David O'Cain] Vana - You shouldn't have anyhow. Things were fine when I was talking to her.
[00:06] [David O'Cain] It's okay, Masaki-chan. I love you very much. You know that.
[00:06] [Vanadine] Yeah well, I had the best of intentions.
[00:07] [David O'Cain] Vana, just be more careful, please?
[00:07] [Masaki] ...I want to go home...
[00:07] [Masaki] ...and thank you, vana
[00:07] > Vanadine nods to Masaki
[00:08] [David O'Cain] Sure, Masaki-chan. Let's.
[00:09] > David O'Cain kisses Masaki
[00:09] [Vanadine] Guess I should go find Matsy
[00:09] > Masaki returns david's kiss
[00:10] [David O'Cain] You should, Vana.
[00:10] > David O'Cain holds Masaki with one arm around her waist, "Let's head home." ^_^
[00:11] <-- Vanadine [] has left #rdsanctuary2 (Man.... this would be the best time for Kitty-chan to just randomly show up.)
[00:11] <-- David O'Cain has left #rdsanctuary2 (Don't worry, Masaki-chan. It's gonna be alright.)
[00:12] <-- Masaki [] has left #rdsanctuary2 (*sniffle*....the monster has been slained..and the storm arises a new)
[23:38] [@HOL_6000] Madge: Fight Queue: is currently empty.
[23:38] ¤ Scouter indicates that Madge has 1250HP / 625SP / 625MP.
[23:38] ¤ Scouter indicates that Bob has 750HP / 375SP / 375MP.
[23:38] [@HOL_6000] Bob rolls: 1d20 { 16 }
[23:40] [@HOL_6000] Madge rolls: 1d20 { 8 }
[23:40] {750HP / 357SP / 349MP} Bob (-18SP / -26MP)
[23:40] {1194HP / 625SP / 625MP} Madge has taken a hit from Bob! (-56HP)
[23:40] {1194HP / 590SP / 600MP} Madge (-35SP / -25MP)
[23:40] {726HP / 357SP / 349MP} Bob has BLOCKED a hit from Madge! (-24HP)
[23:40] {726HP / 340SP / 335MP} Bob (-17SP / -14MP)
[23:40] {1155HP / 590SP / 600MP} Madge has taken a hit from Bob! (-39HP)
[23:40] {1155HP / 556SP / 564MP} Madge (-34SP / -36MP)
[23:40] {638HP / 340SP / 335MP} Bob has taken a hit from Madge! (-88HP)
[23:40] {638HP / 326SP / 316MP} Bob (-14SP / -19MP)
[23:40] {1084HP / 556SP / 564MP} Madge has taken a CRITICAL hit from Bob! (-71HP)
[23:41] {1084HP / 536SP / 533MP} Madge (-20SP / -31MP)
[23:41] {617HP / 326SP / 316MP} Bob has BLOCKED a hit from Madge! (-21HP)
[23:41] {617HP / 309SP / 302MP} Bob (-17SP / -14MP)
[23:41] {1017HP / 536SP / 533MP} Madge has taken a CRITICAL hit from Bob! (-67HP)
[23:41] {1017HP / 512SP / 502MP} Madge (-24SP / -31MP)
[23:41] {594HP / 309SP / 302MP} Bob has BLOCKED a hit from Madge! (-23HP)
[23:41] {594HP / 288SP / 283MP} Bob (-21SP / -19MP)
[23:41] {930HP / 512SP / 502MP} Madge has taken a CRITICAL hit from Bob! (-87HP)
[23:41] {930HP / 496SP / 480MP} Madge (-16SP / -22MP)
[23:41] {511HP / 288SP / 283MP} Bob has taken a CRITICAL hit from Madge! (-83HP)
[23:41] {511HP / 185SP / 189MP} SPECIAL ATTACK: Bob (-103SP / -94MP)
[23:42] {550HP / 496SP / 480MP} Madge has taken a CRITICAL hit from a SPECIAL ATTACK by Bob! (-380HP)
[23:42] {550HP / 332SP / 327MP} SPECIAL ATTACK: Madge (-164SP / -153MP)
[23:42] {145HP / 185SP / 189MP} Bob has taken a hit from a SPECIAL ATTACK by Madge! (-366HP)
[23:42] {145HP / 80SP / 78MP} SPECIAL ATTACK: Bob (-105SP / -111MP)
[23:42] {134HP / 332SP / 327MP} Madge has been STUNNED by a CRITICAL hit from a SPECIAL ATTACK by Bob! (-416HP) (Attacker go again.)
[23:42] {145HP / 54SP / 58MP} Bob (-26SP / -20MP)
[23:42] {33HP / 332SP / 327MP} Madge has taken a CRITICAL hit from Bob! (-101HP)
[23:43] {33HP / 199SP / 159MP} SPECIAL ATTACK: Madge (-133SP / -168MP)
[23:43] {0HP / 54SP / 58MP} Bob has taken a hit from a SPECIAL ATTACK by Madge! (-348HP) BOB HAS BEEN ELIMINATED!
[23:51] [@HOL_6000] Madge rolls: 1d20 { 14 }
[23:51] [@HOL_6000] Madge rolls: 5d10 { 10, 8, 3, 5, 8 } Total is: 34
[04:16] ¤ Scouter indicates that Madge has 1250HP / 625SP / 625MP.
[04:18] ¤ Scouter indicates that Bob has 750HP / 375SP / 375MP.
[04:20] [@HOL_6000] Bob rolls: 1d20 { 20 }
[04:20] [@HOL_6000] Madge rolls: 1d20 { 7 }
[04:20] {750HP / 361SP / 354MP} Bob (-14SP / -21MP)
[04:21] {1206HP / 625SP / 625MP} Madge has taken a hit from Bob! (-44HP)
[04:21] {1206HP / 476SP / 476MP} SPECIAL ATTACK: Madge (-149SP / -149MP)
[04:22] > Madge checks the contrast?
[04:24] {636HP / 361SP / 354MP} Bob has BLOCKED a hit from a SPECIAL ATTACK by Madge! (-114HP)
[04:25] {636HP / 340SP / 330MP} Bob Colonel Rowe-chan (-21SP / -24MP)
[04:25] {1108HP / 476SP / 476MP} Madge has taken a CRITICAL hit from Bob! (-98HP)
[04:25] {1108HP / 316SP / 315MP} SPECIAL ATTACK: Madge (-160SP / -161MP)

Monday, November 27, 2006

#reddwarfmain 2006_Nov_27_1221

[21:49] *** Wednesday Nov 15 2006 &ndash Log reset by @Kryten &ndash Logging Start ***
[21:52] <@Kryten> Test?
[21:53] <@Kryten> The time is off, but hey that's small potatoes.
[21:53] *** Azumi Kiribayashi has joined #rdsanctuary1
[21:53] <@Kryten> Greetings, Azumi Kiribayashi
[21:53] * @Kryten changes topic to `Welcome to, please keep working little servers, please~`
[21:54] <Azumi Kiribayashi> Yay! ^_^
[21:54] *** Vanadine [] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[21:54] <@Kryten> Greetings, Vanadine
[21:54] <@Kryten> And now the time is correct... WTF.
[21:54] <Vanadine> (( Indeed ))
[21:54] <Azumi Kiribayashi> Hello, Vanadine. ^_^
[21:55] <Vanadine> (( Who knows ))
[21:55] <Vanadine> Hey Azumi-chan
[21:56] * Azumi Kiribayashi hugs Vanadine, "How are you?"
[21:56] <@Kryten> (( I knows, coding error in the reset function. ))
[21:56] * Vanadine hugs back: Pretty good. Had an average day. You?
[21:57] *** Matsumi Kaze [PJs] [] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[21:57] <@Kryten> Greetings, Matsumi Kaze [PJs]
[21:57] <Azumi Kiribayashi> Mine was alright. Earned a couple of good tips today.
[21:57] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] yawns...and walks into the wall
[21:57] <Azumi Kiribayashi> Hello, Matsumi. ^_^
[21:58] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> ouch...
[21:58] <Vanadine> Hey Matsy-chan.... you this tired already?
[22:00] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> no..I'm not tired, vana....I broke my contacts...
[22:00] <Vanadine> How'd you do that
[22:01] <Azumi Kiribayashi> Awww. :(
[22:01] * Vanadine takes Matsy's hand and guides her over to the sofa
[22:02] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> well...I was putting them aside to clean...and I got distracted by a bug in the room...
[22:02] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> I ended up knocking down my contacts...and then I stepped on them ><
[22:02] <Vanadine> Awww
[22:02] <Azumi Kiribayashi> Oh my.
[22:02] <Vanadine> I have an idea.... be right back
[22:03] * Vanadine is away: Getting something....
[22:03] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> alright *sits on the sofa*
[22:03] * Azumi Kiribayashi sits next to Matsumi and gently holds her hand, "Sorry about your contacts."
[22:05] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> it's okay *holds azumi's hand*
[22:06] <Azumi Kiribayashi> So, how was your day?
[22:06] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> it was so-so..nothing speciel
[22:07] * Vanadine is back
[22:07] * Vanadine walks in carrying a small case
[22:08] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> what's that? *looks at the lampshade*
[22:08] <Azumi Kiribayashi> Welcome back, Vanadine.
[22:09] * Vanadine sits on the opposite side of Matsumi from Azumi and hands her the small case: Here, I brought you something that should help, Sweety.
[22:10] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> what?
[22:10] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] opens the case
[22:12] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> oh..thanks, vana!
[22:12] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] puts on her glasses
[22:12] <Azumi Kiribayashi> ^_^
[22:13] * Vanadine smiles: Sure thing Sweety
[22:13] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> hopefully I can get some new contacts sometime soon
[22:14] <Azumi Kiribayashi> That's good, Matsumi. If I may say so, you look sophisticated.
[22:15] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> why thank you, azumi!
[22:15] <Vanadine> Matsy looks smart as well as sexy in her glasses. ^_~
[22:16] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> you get a a gold star, young ladies!
[22:16] * Azumi Kiribayashi giggles
[22:16] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] puts gold stars on vana and azumi's foreheads
[22:16] <Azumi Kiribayashi> Yay! ^_^
[22:17] <Vanadine> Yay!
[22:17] <Vanadine> I feel special now.
[22:17] * Azumi Kiribayashi huggles Matsumi
[22:18] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] huggles azumi back ^^
[22:19] <Azumi Kiribayashi> So good to be here. ^_^
[22:19] <Vanadine> Yes
[22:20] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> awwww....I left vana out..didn't I?
[22:23] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> awww
[22:24] * Vanadine sits and fidgets
[22:25] <Azumi Kiribayashi> Are you alright, Vanadine?
[22:26] * Vanadine silently nods.
[22:26] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> no...what's wrong, vana???????
[22:26] * Azumi Kiribayashi huggles Vanadine
[22:26] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> you can't hide anything from me!
[22:29] <Azumi Kiribayashi> I'm going to bed. See you ladies later. ^_^
[22:29] * Vanadine huggles Azumi back lightly and tackle hugs Matsy
[22:29] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> vana....
[22:29] <Vanadine> G'night Azumi-chan
[22:30] *** Azumi Kiribayashi has left #rdsanctuary1 (Even this beauty needs her rest.)
[22:31] * Vanadine pins Matsy to the sofa and smirks
[22:31] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> hmm?
[22:33] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> what's going on in your head?
[22:33] <Vanadine> I wanna' spend some special time with you....
[22:34] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> ooooo ^_^
[22:35] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> what do you have in mind ^_~
[22:37] <Vanadine> Well.... I think I should take you home first. Don't want anyone seeing us..... besides maybe 'deki. ^_~
[22:38] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] giggles and blushes
[22:39] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] 's glasses also steam up
[22:41] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> vana...I'm touched ^^
[22:46] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] giggles
[23:27] *** Vanadine [] has left #rdsanctuary1 (Delayed Reaction)
[04:25] * @Kryten changes topic to `The management apologizes for the bad timing of this change of web service. The matter was beyond our control.`
[08:55] *** Matsumi Kaze [PJs] [] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[08:55] <@Kryten> Greetings, Matsumi Kaze [PJs]
[08:55] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] yawns
[09:11] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] gets a call on her cellphone
[09:11] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> oh..hi, john...yeah...well..I would come..but I'm kinda busy
[09:13] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]>'s part of it
[09:16] *** Vanadine [Nightgown] [] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[09:16] <@Kryten> Greetings, Vanadine [Nightgown]
[09:16] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> I'm sorry I can't hang out with you today, john.....but I'm really busy...look..we can hang out this weekend
[09:16] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] is on the cellphone
[09:17] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> yes...yes, john..I'll stop by your store..yeah..bye...bye john
[09:17] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] hangs up
[09:17] * Vanadine [Nightgown] walks in, yawning a bit and sits next to Matsy
[09:18] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> morning, vana
[09:18] <Vanadine [Nightgown]> Mornin'..... who's John?
[09:18] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> he's my cousin...on my mom's side
[09:19] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> apprently he's been living in japan for awhile..didn't know that
[09:19] <Vanadine [Nightgown]> Ahh.
[09:20] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> apprently he works at some sort of manga store/resteraunt and wanted us to hang out
[09:20] <Vanadine [Nightgown]> I see
[09:21] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> told him we were busy
[09:25] <Vanadine [Nightgown]> Ah
[09:26] * Vanadine [Nightgown] snuggles against Matsy
[09:26] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] holds vana and smiles
[09:27] <Vanadine [Nightgown]> Last night was fun....
[09:28] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> it really was... ^_^
[09:29] <Vanadine [Nightgown]> Though next time.... we need to make sure 'deki does more than just watch. Though that was kinda' exciting. ^_~
[09:29] *** Azumi Kiribayashi has joined #rdsanctuary1
[09:29] <@Kryten> Greetings, Azumi Kiribayashi
[09:29] <Azumi Kiribayashi> Good morning.
[09:30] *** David O'Cain has joined #rdsanctuary1
[09:30] <@Kryten> Greetings, David O'Cain
[09:30] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> morning, azumi *snuggles against vana*
[09:30] <David O'Cain> Yo.
[09:30] <Vanadine [Nightgown]> Mornin' Azumi-chan, Davey.
[09:31] <David O'Cain> How are you ladies doing this fine morning?
[09:31] * Azumi Kiribayashi happily huggles David
[09:32] * Vanadine [Nightgown] smiles, holding Matsy: I'm good...
[09:32] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> masaki still sleeping, david?
[09:35] <David O'Cain> No, I think she's at work. Said she had to deal with something early.
[09:35] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> ahh..ok
[09:36] * Vanadine [Nightgown] lays her head on Matsy's lap.
[09:36] <David O'Cain> Is something wrong?
[09:37] <Vanadine [Nightgown]> Not with me.
[09:37] <David O'Cain> I mean about Masaki-chan.
[09:37] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> no..not that I know of
[09:37] <Vanadine [Nightgown]> We just rarely see her.
[09:39] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> that's true
[09:39] <Vanadine [Nightgown]> And how is the adorable Azumi-chan this morning?
[09:40] <David O'Cain> Ah. Well, so far she's doing well. Still can't wait for Saturday. ^_^
[09:40] <Azumi Kiribayashi> I'm doing well, Vanadine. ^_^
[09:41] <Vanadine [Nightgown]> That's good to hear Azumi-chan. What's on Tuesday Davey?
[09:41] <Vanadine [Nightgown]> ^Saturday
[09:41] <Vanadine [Nightgown]> (( Sorry, I'm still waking up. ))
[09:42] <David O'Cain> Masaki-chan and I are getting married then. Sorry for such a late notice.
[09:43] <Vanadine [Nightgown]> You are!?
[09:43] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> oooooo! *claps*
[09:44] <Vanadine [Nightgown]> When'd November become wedding season?
[09:44] <David O'Cain> Yep. I'm just hoping nothing ruins it before, during, and after.
[09:45] <Azumi Kiribayashi> I'm guessing it was more convienent for them.
[09:45] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> yeah..
[09:47] <David O'Cain> Regardless, we'd like to invite you all to come. ^_^
[09:48] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> ^_^ yay
[09:48] <Azumi Kiribayashi> ^_^
[09:51] <Vanadine [Nightgown]> What time?
[09:52] <David O'Cain> Hmmm. I'll have to ask Masaki-chan about that. We never really discussed it. ^_^;;
[09:52] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> lol
[09:53] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] 's watch beeps
[09:53] <Vanadine [Nightgown]> Well, not that it really matters, I work that night.
[09:54] <David O'Cain> Awww, I'm sorry, Vana. :(
[09:55] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> better get going....
[09:55] <Vanadine [Nightgown]> Aw man.... alright Matsy
[09:55] * Vanadine [Nightgown] hops up
[09:55] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] gives azumi a kiss before she heads out to get dressed
[09:56] *** Matsumi Kaze [PJs] [] has left #rdsanctuary1 (busy busy matsy)
[09:57] <Azumi Kiribayashi> Both of you have a good day.
[09:57] <David O'Cain> Bye.
[10:02] * Vanadine [Nightgown] kisses Azumi also as she follows Matsy.
[10:02] *** Vanadine [Nightgown] [] has left #rdsanctuary1 (Wait for me!)
[10:05] <David O'Cain> So nice to have friends such as them.
[10:06] <Azumi Kiribayashi> Indeed.
[10:09] *** David O'Cain has left #rdsanctuary1 (Let's see how Masaki-chan is doing.)
[10:10] *** Azumi Kiribayashi has left #rdsanctuary1 (Love to, but I have to go to work.)
[21:34] *** Matsumi Kaze [PJs] [] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[21:34] <@Kryten> Greetings, Matsumi Kaze [PJs]
[21:35] *** David O'Cain has joined #rdsanctuary1
[21:35] <@Kryten> Greetings, David O'Cain
[21:35] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> oh..hi david
[21:36] <David O'Cain> Evening, Matsumi.
[21:36] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> what's up?
[21:37] <David O'Cain> I can't find Masaki-chan anywhere. I looked for her at the store, I looked in the city, I even looked at home. Nowhere.
[21:37] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> that's strange...
[21:37] <David O'Cain> I know.
[21:38] <David O'Cain> I did find out something. The nobles that had been eyeing Masaki-chan got their asses handed to them. However, it wasn't me.
[21:38] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> weird...
[21:39] <David O'Cain> When I asked who did it, all I got was that someone more powerful did it.
[21:39] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> hmmm....this sounds bad
[21:40] <David O'Cain> I know. Who could have done something like this?
[21:41] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> I don't know
[21:41] <David O'Cain> Whoever it is, if they're going for Masaki-chan, they will regret it.
[21:43] <David O'Cain> I hope that she's doing alright.
[21:43] *** Vanadine [] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[21:43] <@Kryten> Greetings, Vanadine
[21:44] <David O'Cain> Hi, Vana.
[21:44] <Vanadine> Hey Davey
[21:45] <David O'Cain> How ya doing?
[21:45] <Vanadine> I'm alright. What's going on? Everyone looks so serious.
[21:45] <David O'Cain> I can't seem to find Masaki-chan. I've looked all over, including my home. Nothing.
[21:46] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> it sounds like a kidnapping
[21:47] <Vanadine> I see.....
[21:47] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> and from what we can understand...whoever did it is pretty powerful
[21:47] <David O'Cain> At the same time I'm worried, but I'm also pissed. Worried about Masaki-chan, pissed at whoever did the deed.
[21:48] * Vanadine flash changes into her ninja gear
[21:48] * Vanadine is now known as Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine
[21:49] <Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine> Where did you see her last Davey?
[21:49] <David O'Cain> Last time I saw her was at home before she went to work.
[21:50] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> well..good luck on finding her, david..I will pray for your and her safty
[21:50] <Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine> Alright. Do you mind if I check through your house for clues?
[21:50] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] lounges on the sofa
[21:51] <David O'Cain> Go ahead, Vana. I hope you can find something I might have missed.
[21:51] <David O'Cain> Thanks, Matsumi.
[21:51] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] seems rather non-chalat..
[21:51] <Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine> Trust me.... being a ninja, I'm very observant.
[21:53] <Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine> I'll be back shortly.
[21:53] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] nods to vana and closes her eyes
[21:53] * Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine vanishes in a puff of smoke
[21:53] * Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine is away: Investigating.
[21:54] * David O'Cain sits down on a sofa, "I can't believe this is happening."
[21:54] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> things like this happen...
[21:55] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] 's face suddenly turns pale and falls on her knees
[21:56] <David O'Cain> Matsumi?!
[21:56] * David O'Cain helps Matsumi up, "What happened?"
[21:56] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> nothing..nothing...
[21:57] <David O'Cain> Are you sure?
[21:57] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> yes...I'm sure
[21:58] * David O'Cain carefully sets Matsumi down on the sofa
[22:01] * Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine is back
[22:01] <David O'Cain> Any luck, Vana?
[22:01] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> vana...
[22:01] <Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine> Well.... I can tell you this much....
[22:02] <Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine> ....whoever took her has a very powerful and VERY dark aura....
[22:02] <David O'Cain> Holy...
[22:02] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] shakes her head
[22:02] <Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine> .... I'll put it like this. My primary element is fire.... and I got a chill being there.
[22:03] <Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine> What happened to Matsy?
[22:03] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> tried to contact a full hit by the aura in the mind
[22:04] <David O'Cain> By Serenity's name...
[22:05] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> I feel a bit ill...
[22:06] <David O'Cain> Who could have done this?
[22:06] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> I don't know...
[22:08] * David O'Cain sits down and holds his head, "I just hope Masaki-chan is okay."
[22:08] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> right now....put our faith in her...hopefully she'll be alright
[22:09] * David O'Cain nods
[22:09] <David O'Cain> For now, the best I can do is pray in Serenity and God Almighty's name.
[22:11] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] gives david a hug
[22:12] * David O'Cain hugs Matsumi back
[22:14] * Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine sits next to Matsy and David
[22:26] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] holds vana
[22:26] <David O'Cain> Thanks, you two. I really appreciate this.
[22:27] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> does azumi know?
[22:28] <David O'Cain> I'm not sure if I should tell her.
[22:28] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> alright
[22:28] <David O'Cain> What do you think?
[22:30] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> I'm not's up to you man
[22:30] * David O'Cain nods
[22:30] <David O'Cain> Well, best I'd head home. Take care.
[22:31] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> night, david..take care
[22:31] * Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine changes back to her normal outfit
[22:31] * Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine is now known as Vanadine
[22:32] * David O'Cain gives both women a hug, "Good night.
[22:32] <Vanadine> G'night Davey.... give Azumi a hug for me.
[22:32] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] holds onto vana..shivering a bit
[22:32] <David O'Cain> I will, Vana.
[22:32] * Vanadine hugs and holds Matsy
[22:32] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> I didn't like the feeling I got eailer...
[22:33] *** David O'Cain has left #rdsanctuary1 (Masaki-chan, please be alright and safe.)
[22:33] <Vanadine> If you got anything like I got when I went to Davey's house.... I wouldn't blame you.
[22:34] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] buries her head into vana's chest, shivering
[22:35] * Vanadine lightly pets Matsy's hair: It's gonna' be alright Sweety.
[22:35] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] nods and takes a breath
[22:36] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> what a day this ended up being
[22:37] <Vanadine> No kidding
[22:38] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> I just hope tomorow is better
[22:39] <Vanadine> indeed
[22:40] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] nuzzles vana
[22:45] * Vanadine holds onto Matsy
[22:45] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]>
[22:47] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> what would you do if I vanished?
[22:47] <Vanadine> Cry..... alot....
[22:49] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> awwwww....*huggles vana* then I promise not to vanish!
[22:49] * Vanadine huggles back: Good.. cause I don't like crying.
[22:50] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> I don't like crying either
[22:53] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> I remember dad would tell me I shouldn't cry..cause it made me weak
[22:59] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] yawns "I should probably head to bed"
[23:01] * Vanadine lifts Matsy
[23:01] * Vanadine kisses her before carrying her out.
[23:01] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] returns the kiss and giggles
[23:01] *** Matsumi Kaze [PJs] [] has left #rdsanctuary1 (I hope Masaki is alright...)
[23:02] *** Vanadine [] has left #rdsanctuary1 (Time for bed.)
[23:44] *** God [IN UR MACARONIS] [HEAVEN] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[23:44] *** @Kryten sets mode +o God [IN UR MACARONIS]
[23:44] <@Kryten> Greetings, @God [IN UR MACARONIS]
[23:46] *** @God [IN UR MACARONIS] [HEAVEN] has left #rdsanctuary1 (I ONLY LIKE PLAIN KETCHUP)
[08:59] *** Matsumi Kaze [robe] [] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[08:59] <@Kryten> Greetings, Matsumi Kaze [robe]
[09:02] <Matsumi Kaze [robe]> *yawnies*
[09:06] <Matsumi Kaze [robe]> what a night *lays on the sofa*
[09:16] *** Vanadine [] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[09:16] <@Kryten> Greetings, Vanadine
[09:16] <Matsumi Kaze [robe]> morning, vana
[09:16] <Vanadine> Mornin'
[09:17] <Vanadine> (( I'm having serious problems with my internet and with msn.... so i'm shutting msn down. ))
[09:17] <Matsumi Kaze [robe]> how was your sleep...
[09:17] <Matsumi Kaze [robe]> (( alrighty ))
[09:18] <Vanadine> I was with the two of you.... so of course it was great. ^_^
[09:18] * Matsumi Kaze [robe] giggles
[09:18] * Matsumi Kaze [robe] pats the area next to her for vana
[09:19] * Vanadine sits next to Matsy and smiles
[09:19] <Vanadine> Are you feeling any better after last night?
[09:25] <Matsumi Kaze [robe]> still a bit worried about david and masaki
[09:26] * Vanadine hugs Matsy tight: I'm sure it'll turn out ok for them.
[09:27] * Matsumi Kaze [robe] hugs vana back and nods
[09:30] <Matsumi Kaze [robe]> I hope today will be a good day
[09:33] <Vanadine> I think we could make it a good day
[09:33] <Matsumi Kaze [robe]> oh?
[09:36] <Vanadine> Yup.... we should do something fun today
[09:36] <Matsumi Kaze [robe]> yeah..we should :)
[09:40] <Vanadine> What do you think we should do though?
[09:41] <Matsumi Kaze [robe]> hmmm...not really sure
[09:41] <Vanadine> Well.... help me think of an idea...
[09:41] <Matsumi Kaze [robe]> hmm..we could go out to somewhere
[09:42] <Vanadine> Hhmm
[09:43] <Matsumi Kaze [robe]> like a resteraunt or someplace
[09:44] <Vanadine> I think I've got it
[09:45] <Matsumi Kaze [robe]> hmm?
[09:46] <Vanadine> Afterwork, we'll go see a movie then we can go to that italian resturant we like.
[09:46] <Matsumi Kaze [robe]> oooo..that sounds great!
[09:47] <Vanadine> I thought you'd like it ^_^
[09:48] <Matsumi Kaze [robe]> ^_^ *huggles vana!*
[09:49] * Vanadine giggles and huggles back
[09:50] <Matsumi Kaze [robe]> heh..maybe I should change into diffrent clothes...heheh
[09:51] <Vanadine> Well, we do have work first
[09:52] <Matsumi Kaze [robe]> yeah..and I don't think it would be good for me to go to class wearing just my robe
[09:53] <Vanadine> Though I'm sure most of the students would like it. ^_~
[09:54] <Matsumi Kaze [robe]> hehe...still..can't have people looking up my robe!
[09:54] <Vanadine> This is true.
[09:57] * Matsumi Kaze [robe] gets up and wiggling her butt goes to change
[09:58] <Matsumi Kaze [robe]> (( just so you know btw..I don't have class till 11 ))
[09:59] * Vanadine giggles
[09:59] <Vanadine> (( I unfortunatly only have a half hour ))
[09:59] <Matsumi Kaze [robe]> (( alrighty ))
[10:01] * Matsumi Kaze [Teacher] returns
[10:01] * Vanadine smiles: You always look so good in that outfit.
[10:01] <Matsumi Kaze [Teacher]> why thank you ^_^
[10:02] <Matsumi Kaze [Teacher]> and you always look good in uniform, my dear vana
[10:04] * Vanadine stands: Well then.... maybe I should go change too...
[10:04] * Vanadine winks and kisses Matsy on her way out: Be right back.
[10:05] <Matsumi Kaze [Teacher]> probably..althought you look good as you are
[10:07] * Matsumi Kaze [Teacher] giggles
[10:10] * Vanadine [Uniform] returns, her pants still unzipped on the side
[10:11] <Matsumi Kaze [Teacher]> hehehe
[10:11] * Vanadine [Uniform] walks over to Matsy: Zip me, please Sweety?
[10:14] * Matsumi Kaze [Teacher] smiles and does so for vana, giving her a kiss afterwards
[10:22] <Matsumi Kaze [Teacher]> hehehe...
[16:25] * Vanadine [Uniform] kisses Matsy back and sits on her lap
[16:26] * Matsumi Kaze [Teacher] giggles and holds vana "you're so huggible!"
[16:26] * Vanadine [Uniform] smiles and lays against Matsy
[16:28] <Matsumi Kaze [Teacher]> so..any idea what movies are playing?
[16:35] <Vanadine [Uniform]> No clue. I say we find out when we get to the theatre.
[16:35] * Matsumi Kaze [Teacher] nods "good idea"
[16:37] * Vanadine [Uniform] stands: I think it's about time we headed out.
[16:37] <Vanadine [Uniform]> (( Did you notice we went from 1022am to 425pm in the matter of three mintues? ))
[16:37] * Matsumi Kaze [Teacher] nods and stands
[16:37] <Matsumi Kaze [Teacher]> (( yeah..weird ))
[16:39] *** Vanadine [Uniform] [] has left #rdsanctuary1 (Girls just wanna' have fun. ;))
[16:39] *** Matsumi Kaze [Teacher] [] has left #rdsanctuary1 (mmmhmm! *starts humming that song*)
[14:27] <@Kryten> Time check?
[14:27] <@Kryten> Must have been a server hiccup.
[03:44] *** Matsumi Kaze [PJs] [] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[03:44] <@Kryten> Greetings, Matsumi Kaze [PJs]
[03:48] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] yawns and streachs, wiping off her glasses
[03:48] *** Vanadine [Nightgown] [] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[03:48] <@Kryten> Greetings, Vanadine [Nightgown]
[03:48] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> evening, vana
[03:49] <Vanadine [Nightgown]> (( Wow... it's almost 4 o'clock ))
[03:49] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] adjusts her glasses
[03:49] <Vanadine [Nightgown]> Hey Sweety. What'd you do after the movie? I didn't see you at the house.
[03:56] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> oh....well...It was such a nice day...I decided to take a walk
[03:57] <Vanadine [Nightgown]> Without telling me?
[03:57] <Vanadine [Nightgown]> I'd've loved to have gone with you.....
[03:59] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> I'm sorry.....
[03:59] * Vanadine [Nightgown] sits next to Matsy: I was just worried, Sweety....
[04:00] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> I'm really sorry *looks sad at vana*
[04:07] * Vanadine [Nightgown] hugs Matsy: It's ok Sweety.....
[04:08] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] hugs back
[04:08] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] tickles vana's back in the process
[04:09] * Vanadine [Nightgown] giggles a bit
[04:09] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> you have really soft skin ^^
[04:12] <Vanadine [Nightgown]> Thank you...
[04:12] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> are you alright?
[04:13] <Vanadine [Nightgown]> Yeah, why do you ask?
[04:14] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> just seem quietish
[04:15] <Vanadine [Nightgown]> Really? I didn't notice.
[04:16] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] rests her head on vana's shoulder
[04:17] * Vanadine [Nightgown] holds Matsy
[04:18] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] simply smiles
[04:20] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> I love night's like this
[04:21] <Vanadine [Nightgown]> Yeah.... nice and quiet
[04:22] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] hits vana on the head with a rubber chicken "comedy ^^"
[04:24] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> sorry about that vana...
[04:25] * Vanadine [Nightgown] gives Matsy a serious look: Not funny....
[04:27] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] pouts sadly
[04:27] * Vanadine [Nightgown] sighs and lightly squeezes Matsy
[04:27] <Vanadine [Nightgown]> Comeon now, stop all that
[04:28] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] nods and hugs vana
[04:31] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> now let's both be happy!
[04:32] <Vanadine [Nightgown]> Yes, let's
[04:36] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> oh...I heard some news from nintendo and red it in a magizine actually
[04:37] <Vanadine [Nightgown]> Ok...
[04:38] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> apperently they're making a new Sailor Q game...
[04:38] <Vanadine [Nightgown]> Cool!
[04:40] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> apprently it's going to be a fighting game for the Wii
[04:41] <Vanadine [Nightgown]> Cool
[04:41] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> it's kinda weird they make these games when I'm not even that well known
[04:43] <Vanadine [Nightgown]> It's cause you're so cute. ^_~
[04:43] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] blushes "but they don't know I'm her..."
[04:46] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> which I've always found odd..since we look the same
[04:48] <Vanadine [Nightgown]> Hehe
[04:49] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> I mean..think about is it that noone notices we senshi are one in the same?
[04:51] <Vanadine [Nightgown]> I have no clue
[04:54] * Vanadine [Nightgown] yawns
[04:54] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> tired, vana?
[04:55] <Vanadine [Nightgown]> Yes
[04:56] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> shall we head to sleep?
[04:57] * Vanadine [Nightgown] yawns again: Yeah
[04:58] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] picks up vana
[04:58] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> let's go then ^^
[04:58] * Vanadine [Nightgown] holds onto Matsy, smiles and nods.
[04:59] *** Matsumi Kaze [PJs] [] has left #rdsanctuary1 (sleepy vanas and sleepy matsys have to head to bed)
[05:00] *** Vanadine [Nightgown] [] has left #rdsanctuary1 (bed time..... *yawn*)
[11:19] <@Kryten> I'll fix the time issue if it continues to be a problem, but right now I have a third time over rewrite of some code to get it ready for the additions the fight system will bring to it.
[03:49] *** Matsumi Kaze [PJs] [] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[03:49] <@Kryten> Greetings, Matsumi Kaze [PJs]
[03:49] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> *yawn*
[03:51] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> what a night...
[03:51] *** Vanadine [Nightgown] [] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[03:51] <@Kryten> Greetings, Vanadine [Nightgown]
[03:53] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> evening, vana
[03:55] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] smiles and yawns
[03:55] <Vanadine [Nightgown]> Hey Sweety. *yawns*
[03:59] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> hehe...looks like we are both tired
[03:59] <Vanadine [Nightgown]> Yeah... I just came to see if you were comin' home to come to bed.
[04:00] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> of course I am...
[04:02] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> ^_^
[04:04] <Vanadine [Nightgown]> Well, let's go Sweety. I have to get up early tomorrow for a meeting.
[04:05] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> alrighty ^^
[04:05] *** Vanadine [Nightgown] [] has left #rdsanctuary1 (tired Vana has to get up early)
[04:07] *** Matsumi Kaze [PJs] [] has left #rdsanctuary1 (and sleepy matsy will keep her company)
[11:43] * @Kryten changes topic to `Admin system and User system have been revamped code-wise. Changes are minimal functionality wise. Please report any errors.`
[01:01] * @Kryten changes topic to `Admin system and User system have been revamped code-wise. Changes are minimal functionality wise. Please report any errors. | Stats edit page available in #rd2 (You have to use the Management panel link from that box for it to show up.)`
[04:35] *** Masaki [Nightgown] [] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[04:35] <@Kryten> Greetings, Masaki [Nightgown]
[04:36] * Masaki [Nightgown] sits quietly on the sofa
[04:37] * Masaki [Nightgown] shivers
[04:38] *** David O'Cain has joined #rdsanctuary1
[04:38] <@Kryten> Greetings, David O'Cain
[04:38] <David O'Cain> Masaki-chan? What are you doing here?
[04:38] <Masaki [Nightgown]> ....nothing..
[04:39] <David O'Cain> Are you gonna be alright?
[04:39] <Masaki [Nightgown]> ....maybe
[04:40] * David O'Cain gently holds Masaki
[04:41] <Masaki [Nightgown]> you really want to get married, david...
[04:41] <David O'Cain> Of course I do. I love you so much.
[04:41] <Masaki [Nightgown]> ....ok
[04:42] <David O'Cain> Are you having second thoughts about it?
[04:43] <Masaki [Nightgown]> ....a little
[04:44] <David O'Cain> Don't worry about it. We're going to be with people that we know. It's going to be alright.
[04:45] <David O'Cain> Besides, we'll have a very nice Honeymoon once it's all said and done.
[04:45] * Masaki [Nightgown] holds onto david..and starts to cry
[04:46] * David O'Cain holds Masaki close, "It's going to be alright, Masaki-chan."
[04:47] <Masaki [Nightgown]> I..was awake during all that last night, david..
[04:47] <David O'Cain> You were?
[04:48] * Masaki [Nightgown] nods...
[04:48] <David O'Cain> So, you heard what was going on, huh?
[04:49] <Masaki [Nightgown]> yes....
[04:51] <David O'Cain> I see. You know what I had to do, right? I was left no choice.
[04:51] <Masaki [Nightgown]> ...yes...but I was scared....more scared then anytime in my life
[04:52] <David O'Cain> You're strong, Masaki-chan. I know you are.
[04:54] * Masaki [Nightgown] holds onto david
[04:56] * David O'Cain holds Masaki, "It's alright, my love. It's going to be alright."
[04:58] <Masaki [Nightgown]> you have tomorrow ready?
[04:58] <David O'Cain> I do. ^_^
[05:00] <David O'Cain> We're going to have a very nice wedding.
[05:01] <Masaki [Nightgown]> is Al alright btw?
[05:03] <David O'Cain> He's fine. Had to reboot his system, but otherwise undamaged.
[05:03] <Masaki [Nightgown]> oh good.......matsumi and saki have their bridesmaids dresses ready I believe
[05:04] <David O'Cain> That's good.
[05:05] * David O'Cain kisses Masaki on the cheek
[05:05] * Masaki [Nightgown] blushes and smiles
[05:07] <David O'Cain> I love you, Masaki-chan. ^_^
[05:07] <Masaki [Nightgown]> I love you too, david..forever and ever
[05:08] * David O'Cain kisses Masaki on the lips passionately
[05:09] * Masaki [Nightgown] returns the kiss
[05:11] <David O'Cain> Shall we head back home?
[05:11] <Masaki [Nightgown]> lets ^^
[05:11] * David O'Cain lifts Masaki into his arms and carries her out
[05:12] *** David O'Cain has left #rdsanctuary1 (And this is just practice for after the wedding and reception. ^_^)
[05:13] *** Masaki [Nightgown] [] has left #rdsanctuary1 (tomorrow...I will be Mrs. O'Cain)
[00:00] <-Moronde> filteredMessage
[00:02] <-Moronde> filteredMessage
[00:02] <@Kryten> Grah! Work, damnit!
[00:05] <@Kryten> Devoicing works! :D
[00:05] <@Kryten> D:
[00:05] *** God [IN UR MACARONIS] [HEAVEN] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[00:05] *** @Kryten sets mode +o God [IN UR MACARONIS]
[00:05] <@Kryten> Greetings, @God [IN UR MACARONIS]
[00:07] <@God [IN UR MACARONIS]> Kryten, keep up the good work :)
[00:07] * @God [IN UR MACARONIS] opens some clouds and let's the sun shine in just over Kryten
[00:08] <666 Girl> Daddy! Why'd you give me so much paperwork this month?
[00:09] <@Kryten> I'm dectecing natural sunlight... Is there a leak in the hull?
[00:10] *** 666 Girl [] has left #rdsanctuary1 (Fine, ignore me like you always do. *hmph*)
[00:11] * @God [IN UR MACARONIS] smiles :)
[00:13] *** @Kryten [] has left #rdsanctuary1 (I just need to go and recharge for a few hours.)
[04:15] *** Hideki Kaze [Tux] [] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[04:15] <@Kryten> Greetings, Hideki Kaze [Tux]
[04:15] * Hideki Kaze [Tux] fixes his coller
[04:16] *** David O'Cain [Class A] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[04:16] <@Kryten> Greetings, David O'Cain [Class A]
[04:16] <David O'Cain [Class A]> Hey.
[04:16] <Hideki Kaze [Tux]> how are you feeling, david?
[04:16] <David O'Cain [Class A]> A wee bit nervous. But I feel happy at once.
[04:18] <David O'Cain [Class A]> Did you feel this way when you married Matsumi and Vana?
[04:18] <Hideki Kaze [Tux]> well....I know I was nervious before my wedding
[04:19] <Hideki Kaze [Tux]> yes..I was
[04:19] <David O'Cain [Class A]> Any advice from ya?
[04:20] <Hideki Kaze [Tux]> take some deep breaths....and just remember who you are marrying.....
[04:20] * David O'Cain [Class A] nods
[04:21] <David O'Cain [Class A]> I pray that my love to Masaki-chan lasts as long as I live.
[04:21] <Hideki Kaze [Tux]> I'm sure Masaki is also nervious
[04:22] <David O'Cain [Class A]> I'm sure she is as well. She was certainly last night.
[04:24] <Hideki Kaze [Tux]> you look good btw...
[04:25] <David O'Cain [Class A]> Thanks. My Class A uniform with a medal and a few ribbons isn't too much, is it?
[04:26] <Hideki Kaze [Tux]> not at all...remember...this is you we're talking about
[04:27] <David O'Cain [Class A]> Right, right. I'm not much of a tux man myself.
[04:27] <Hideki Kaze [Tux]> matsumi likes me in this tux...
[04:28] <David O'Cain [Class A]> I'll bet. Betcha she couldn't wait to get that off of you when got hitched.
[04:29] * Hideki Kaze [Tux] simply blushes at that
[04:30] <David O'Cain [Class A]> Oh well. I just hope the ceremony doesn't get interupted.
[04:31] <Hideki Kaze [Tux]> I'm sure it won't....we have the best security avalible
[04:32] <David O'Cain [Class A]> Good. I'm trying to remember who all Masaki-chan and I had invited.
[04:33] <Hideki Kaze [Tux]> vana is here...Masaki's parents are here I belive...
[04:34] <Hideki Kaze [Tux]> Queen Minerva is spirit
[04:35] * David O'Cain [Class A] nods
[04:35] <Hideki Kaze [Tux]> I'm not sure who else is there..I think masaki and matsumi brought in alot
[04:36] <David O'Cain [Class A]> Um, just how much?
[04:38] <Hideki Kaze [Tux]> about half a football field worth...
[04:38] <David O'Cain [Class A]> H-h-half a football field?! O_o
[04:39] * Hideki Kaze [Tux] shrugs
[04:41] <David O'Cain [Class A]> Man, my number really is small compared to that. I know Azu-chan will be there as well as Iris. Um, there's also a few members of the MKA and my Platoon. That's about it.
[04:45] <Hideki Kaze [Tux]> she apperently found some other..members of the MKA...
[04:46] <David O'Cain [Class A]> Wait, other members?
[04:48] <Hideki Kaze [Tux]> apprently..
[04:48] <David O'Cain [Class A]> Where were they from?
[04:50] <Hideki Kaze [Tux]> one is apprently a member from Quinox....she was found being a member of the anti-godzilla force
[04:50] <David O'Cain [Class A]> Really?
[04:51] <Hideki Kaze [Tux]> from what I understand...yes
[04:52] <David O'Cain [Class A]> Wow. When I found Iris, she was working for the KCPD.
[04:53] <Hideki Kaze [Tux]> the woman would like to meet with you help her jog all her memories
[04:54] <David O'Cain [Class A]> I...I see. I just hope that Masaki-chan won't take offense.
[04:54] <Hideki Kaze [Tux]> I don't think she wants to meet you that way, man
[04:55] <David O'Cain [Class A]> Still, I just don't want the woman to get hurt.
[04:57] * Hideki Kaze [Tux] nods
[04:58] <David O'Cain [Class A]> Anyway, hope Masaki-chan looks beautiful. She is quite a lady.
[05:00] <Hideki Kaze [Tux]> I'm sure she will
[05:04] * Hideki Kaze [Tux] pats david on the back
[05:04] <David O'Cain [Class A]> Thanks, man.
[05:05] * David O'Cain [Class A] exhales
[05:06] * Hideki Kaze [Tux] smiles a bit to him
[05:07] <David O'Cain [Class A]> You know, there's probably some folks who thought it wasn't possible for a Soldier such as me to be with a Senshi like Masaki-chan.
[05:08] <Hideki Kaze [Tux]> perhaps
[05:08] <David O'Cain [Class A]> But Masaki-chan didn't care about it. She just simply saw me for who and what I am.
[05:09] <Hideki Kaze [Tux]> of course she did
[05:10] <David O'Cain [Class A]> We're loyal to each other. I love her as much as she loves me.
[05:14] * Hideki Kaze [Tux] nods
[05:15] <David O'Cain [Class A]> Remind me, where are we going?
[05:16] <Hideki Kaze [Tux]> a special chapel prepared on Zephrius
[05:17] <David O'Cain [Class A]> Very nice.
[05:19] <Hideki Kaze [Tux]> the lodestone build it for your use
[05:20] <David O'Cain [Class A]> It did?
[05:21] <David O'Cain [Class A]> But, I thought the chapel was in ruins like much of the moon.
[05:22] <Hideki Kaze [Tux]> the lodestone can read minds..remember that
[05:23] <David O'Cain [Class A]> Oh.
[05:24] <Hideki Kaze [Tux]> you didn't know that...
[05:24] <David O'Cain [Class A]> I know it was in Matsumi's possession, but I didn't know it could read one's mind.
[05:25] <Hideki Kaze [Tux]> it's living...
[05:26] * David O'Cain [Class A] is speechless
[05:28] <Hideki Kaze [Tux]> at least partially
[05:29] <David O'Cain [Class A]> I see.
[05:34] * David O'Cain [Class A] takes a seat
[05:35] <Hideki Kaze [Tux]> are you alright?
[05:35] <David O'Cain [Class A]> Yeah, just doing my best to relax.
[05:37] <Hideki Kaze [Tux]> I can understand it
[05:48] * Hideki Kaze [Tux] adjusts his tie again
[05:52] <Hideki Kaze [Tux]> I can never get used to ties
[05:52] <David O'Cain [Class A]> Not your thing, huh?
[05:53] <Hideki Kaze [Tux]> it constricts my throat
[05:53] <David O'Cain [Class A]> Maybe if you didn't have it so tight it wouldn't be so constricting.
[05:55] * David O'Cain [Class A] helps Hideki fix the tie
[05:55] <Hideki Kaze [Tux]> well...seems better
[05:56] <David O'Cain [Class A]> There we go.
[05:59] <Hideki Kaze [Tux]> thank you
[06:03] <David O'Cain [Class A]> No problem, man. Just helping my best man look as good as the groom. :D
[06:04] * Hideki Kaze [Tux] nods to david
[06:13] <David O'Cain [Class A]> Well, time to go. It's time I got married.
[06:14] * Hideki Kaze [Tux] nods
[06:15] *** David O'Cain [Class A] has left #rdsanctuary1 (To the chapel to get married.)
[06:17] *** Hideki Kaze [Tux] [] has left #rdsanctuary1 (yes)
[00:44] *** Matsumi Kaze [PJs] [] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[00:44] <@Kryten> Greetings, Matsumi Kaze [PJs]
[00:44] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] walks in with her family album..and lays down..looking through it
[00:47] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] pages through the photos
[01:12] *** Azumi Kiribayashi has joined #rdsanctuary1
[01:12] <@Kryten> Greetings, Azumi Kiribayashi
[01:14] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> hi, azumi....
[01:14] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] sighs looking at the photos
[01:15] <Azumi Kiribayashi> Oh, hello, Matsumi. How are you?
[01:15] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> eh...fine *turns the page and sighs*
[01:15] <Azumi Kiribayashi> What are you looking at?
[01:15] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> oh...old family album.....
[01:16] <Azumi Kiribayashi> Ah (sits next to Matsumi).
[01:16] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] sighs....and shakes her head
[01:17] <Azumi Kiribayashi> So, what did you think of Masaki and David being married now?
[01:18] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> oh..very nice *isn't really paying attention*
[01:18] * Azumi Kiribayashi leans back and sighs
[01:21] * Azumi Kiribayashi tries to take a peek at the photos
[01:23] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] 's family photos are full of pics of her at various points of her in her childhood...all as a girl
[01:25] <Azumi Kiribayashi> Awww, so cute. ^_^
[01:25] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> heh...oddly enough...I don't remember any of these...
[01:26] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] points to the pic of her dressed in a violet prom dress, smiling next to a vase of flowers...
[01:27] <Azumi Kiribayashi> Still, you look beautiful.
[01:27] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> I remember that day diffrently..I wore a horrid dress jacket...and spent the entire night in a corner along..
[01:27] <Azumi Kiribayashi> Awww. (hugs Matsumi)
[01:30] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> seems as if things changed..
[01:32] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] rests her head on azumi's lap
[01:32] * Azumi Kiribayashi nods
[01:35] * Azumi Kiribayashi gently pets Matsumi on her head, "Must be nice to be married."
[01:37] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> it is somewhat.....where did the happy couple go for their honeymoon?
[01:39] <Azumi Kiribayashi> I think they went to New York or someplace just as nice.
[01:39] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> I'm sure masaki is really happy right now
[01:40] <Azumi Kiribayashi> As well as David. Those two deserved it.
[01:43] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] is curls up near azumi
[01:44] * Azumi Kiribayashi huggles Matsumi and smiles
[01:46] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> I ike your hugs ^^
[01:48] <Azumi Kiribayashi> I'm glad you do (softly kisses Matsumi on the cheek).
[01:49] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> do you think...I would not be your guys friend..if I was still a guy?
[01:52] <Azumi Kiribayashi> Man or woman, I'm sure you'll find friends in all of us.
[01:53] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] smiles
[01:54] <Azumi Kiribayashi> ^_^
[01:56] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> you was really weird..the couple of months after my transformation
[01:56] <Azumi Kiribayashi> Oh? Mind telling me what had happened?
[01:59] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> well..think about it...going from a 5'6 guy with some minor beard stubble growing on your face...
[01:59] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> to a 5'6 girl with a D Cup chest and a nice figure to boot
[01:59] * Azumi Kiribayashi ponders for a moment
[02:00] <Azumi Kiribayashi> I would probably be at wit's end.
[02:00] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> well..I was...and just imagine having to push down your chest flat using tight fitting bandages to hide the fact you are now female
[02:02] <Azumi Kiribayashi> I would have extreme difficulty. I'm pretty sure my CC cup chest would be difficult.
[02:05] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> and then there were the choir class..I was a baritone I was a soprano!
[02:07] <Azumi Kiribayashi> Wow.
[02:08] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> and then there was the fact I was even more emotonal then usual..
[02:09] <Azumi Kiribayashi> Oh my.
[02:10] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> sorry for talkin all about's old news
[02:11] <Azumi Kiribayashi> It's quite alright. At least I'm better informed of what happened.
[02:14] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]>'s sorta fixed nowadays
[02:14] <Azumi Kiribayashi> That's good.
[02:17] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> no one remembers (with some exceptions) Matt Smithson...
[02:19] * Azumi Kiribayashi nods and keeps a gentle hold of Matsumi
[02:19] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> only Mattie Smithson..or as you guys know me now, Matsumi Kaze
[02:24] <Azumi Kiribayashi> And you are a beautiful woman. ^_^
[02:26] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] blushes
[02:28] <Azumi Kiribayashi> I mean look at you. I'm sure Hideki, Nephrite, and David would all think the same thing about you.
[02:29] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] turns even redder
[02:30] <Azumi Kiribayashi> Sorry if I am embaressing you.
[02:31] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> no no really aren't..
[02:33] <Azumi Kiribayashi> But you're blushing.
[02:33] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> well..I am sorta embrassed..but it's a happy embrassed
[02:35] <Azumi Kiribayashi> Ah, okay. (tightly huggles Matsumi)
[02:37] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] huggles back
[02:38] * Azumi Kiribayashi gives Matsumi a kiss on the cheek
[02:40] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] smiles..and gives azumi a kiss
[02:41] * Azumi Kiribayashi is taken aback a bit, and then returns the kiss softly.
[02:42] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> sorry...
[02:42] <Azumi Kiribayashi> Excuse me for a bit, Matsumi.
[02:43] * Azumi Kiribayashi goes off to change
[02:44] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] sighs sadly and shakes her head
[02:45] * Azumi Kiribayashi [maid] comes back in her maid long dress, "There. Much better." ^_^
[02:54] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] smiles, seeing azumi
[02:56] * Azumi Kiribayashi [maid] sits back down next to Matsumi
[02:59] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] rests against azumi
[03:00] * Azumi Kiribayashi [maid] holds Matsumi and cuddles her with a smile
[03:06] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] cuddles back happily
[03:08] <Azumi Kiribayashi [maid]> Such a nice night.
[03:08] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> it really is...
[03:10] * Azumi Kiribayashi [maid] shivers a bit
[03:13] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> are you okay?
[03:14] <Azumi Kiribayashi [maid]> Well, ever since David and Masaki left for their honeymoon, I've felt a bit lonely not being in their company at home.
[03:17] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> do you need company?
[03:17] <Azumi Kiribayashi [maid]> If it's not too much trouble.
[03:18] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> of course not, azumi...of course not...
[03:18] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] lifts azumi into her arms..and holds her close
[03:19] <Azumi Kiribayashi [maid]> Thank you.
[03:20] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> ^_^ my pleasure
[03:21] * Azumi Kiribayashi [maid] kisses Matsumi
[03:25] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] kisses back
[03:27] <Azumi Kiribayashi [maid]> I'm not sure about staying at the house or take room at your place.
[03:30] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> about I take you to my quarters here?
[03:30] <Azumi Kiribayashi [maid]> Sure.
[03:30] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] picks up azumi and takes her out
[03:31] *** Matsumi Kaze [PJs] [] has left #rdsanctuary1 (let me show you the way of matsumi ^^)
[03:31] *** Azumi Kiribayashi [maid] has left #rdsanctuary1 (Ooooo, I hope it's fun. ^_^)
[16:08] *** Vanadine [Sweatsuit] [] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[16:08] <@Kryten> Greetings, Vanadine [Sweatsuit]
[19:47] <@Kryten> Test?
[03:07] *** S.Goku [] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[03:07] <@Kryten> Greetings, S.Goku
[03:07] <S.Goku> hmm...nice place
[03:08] * S.Goku looks for the booze
[03:10] <S.Goku> let's seeeeeee
[03:12] * S.Goku grabs a ton of vodka..and sits down...
[03:13] <S.Goku> the booze..the TV...what am I missing?
[03:14] <S.Goku> oh yeah...a woman
[03:16] <S.Goku> none of this is worth my time without a woman!!!
[03:22] * S.Goku chugs his vodka
[03:30] * S.Goku finds a list of numbers....and dials up one
[03:33] * S.Goku he talks to da lady
[03:34] *** Orochi-Maru [] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[03:34] <@Kryten> Greetings, Orochi-Maru
[03:35] * Orochi-Maru grabs the phone
[03:38] * Orochi-Maru turns off the phone and glares at Goku
[03:38] <S.Goku> what? can't a guy have some fun?
[03:41] * S.Goku is grabbed by the neck and dragged out
[03:41] *** S.Goku [] has left #rdsanctuary1 (ack! no sense of humor!)
[03:42] *** Orochi-Maru [] has left #rdsanctuary1 ( are lucky I don't kill you)
[04:30] *** Vanadine [Sweatsuit] [] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[04:30] <@Kryten> Greetings, Vanadine [Sweatsuit]
[04:31] * Vanadine [Sweatsuit] walks in and looks around
[04:32] * Vanadine [Sweatsuit] sighs: Guess I missed everyone again
[04:33] <Vanadine [Sweatsuit]> Guess it's another lonely night for Vana.
[04:34] * Vanadine [Sweatsuit] turns to leave
[04:38] *** Vanadine [Sweatsuit] [] has left #rdsanctuary1 (Guess I continue to be bored and lonely)
[04:38] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[04:38] <@Kryten> Greetings, Matsumi Kaze
[04:39] <Matsumi Kaze> thought I heard someone here...
[04:40] * Matsumi Kaze sips some cocoa
[04:41] * Matsumi Kaze sits on the sofa
[04:41] *** Nall [Humanoid] [] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[04:41] <@Kryten> Greetings, Nall [Humanoid]
[04:41] <Matsumi Kaze> oh..hiya, nall
[04:42] <Nall [Humanoid]> Hey Matsumi-hime.
[04:42] <Matsumi Kaze> how are you?
[04:43] <Nall [Humanoid]> I'm well. You?
[04:44] <Matsumi Kaze> alright....trying to relax
[04:45] <Nall [Humanoid]> I see
[04:45] <Matsumi Kaze> you?
[04:47] <Nall [Humanoid]> Just, coming to get a drink and a last night snack before heading to bed.
[04:49] <Matsumi Kaze> how is neva?
[04:50] <Nall [Humanoid]> She's good. She's back at our quarters relaxing after our day.
[04:51] <Matsumi Kaze> busy day?
[04:53] <Nall [Humanoid]> Yeah, it was a full day.
[04:54] * Matsumi Kaze sips her cocoa..
[04:54] * Matsumi Kaze snickers "i'm sure"
[04:55] <Nall [Humanoid]> Well, I had a full maintence schedual here on the ship and Neva picked up 3 bounty heads today.
[04:56] <Matsumi Kaze> see
[04:56] * Matsumi Kaze gets bad thoughts out of head
[04:57] <Matsumi Kaze> how is having her family around going?
[04:58] <Nall [Humanoid]> It's...... different
[04:59] <Nall [Humanoid]> I sure wish I could get her sister Janice to like me....
[04:59] <Matsumi Kaze> heh..I'm sure
[05:00] <Matsumi Kaze> well...I'm going to head to bed...I'll seeya later, nall..say hi to neva for me...
[05:01] <Nall [Humanoid]> I will do that. Goodnight Matsumi-hime
[05:01] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has left #rdsanctuary1 (now where did vana go?)
[05:03] *** Nall [Humanoid] [] has left #rdsanctuary1 (I'm coming, my sweet.)
[15:16] *** Matsumi Kaze [PJs] [] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[15:16] <@Kryten> Greetings, Matsumi Kaze [PJs]
[15:17] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> *yawn*
[15:26] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] goes and grabs some milk from the fridge
[15:35] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] drinks it down as she looks over her sceadule for the day
[15:43] *** Vanadine [Nightgown] [] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[15:43] <@Kryten> Greetings, Vanadine [Nightgown]
[15:43] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> morning, vana..
[15:44] <Vanadine [Nightgown]> Mornin' Sweety
[15:45] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> how are you? miss ya last night
[15:52] * Vanadine [Nightgown] sits next to Matsy and hugs her: I'm sorry I havn't spent anytime with you lately....
[15:53] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] hugs back "It's alright"
[15:54] <Vanadine [Nightgown]> I've missed all of you since last week....
[15:55] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> yeah..I know
[15:55] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> well..I'm planning a thanksgiving dinner this week
[15:58] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> anyway..I better get going..seeya at the school ^^
[15:58] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] gives vana a kiss and goes out to get dressed
[15:58] *** Matsumi Kaze [PJs] [] has left #rdsanctuary1 (busy days)
[21:06] <-Kryten> Test?
[21:06] <-Kryten> Grah.
[21:11] <-Kryten> Test?
[21:12] <@Kryten> And the code ends up as it was. :/
[21:15] <-Guest Handle> This should log my IP, right?
[21:17] <-Guest Handle> Test?
[21:22] <-Guest Handle> Test?
[21:22] <@Kryten> Test?
[21:22] <@Kryten> Test?
[21:23] * @Kryten test?
[21:23] * @Kryten is now known as Bogbot
[21:23] <@Bogbot> Test?
[21:23] * @Bogbot is now known as Colonel Rowe-chan
[21:23] <@Colonel Rowe-chan> Changeup! :D
[21:23] * @Colonel Rowe-chan is now known as Kryten
[21:23] *** @Kryten [] has left #rdsanctuary1 (I just need to go and recharge for a few hours.)
[21:24] *** Lister of Smeg [] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[21:24] <@Kryten> Greetings, Lister of Smeg
[21:24] *** Lister of Smeg [] has quit IRC
[17:17] * @Kryten changes topic to `Time zone problem fixed. It's set to Eastern Standard for the moment.`
[17:19] * @Kryten is away
[21:17] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[21:17] <@Kryten> Greetings, Matsumi Kaze
[21:17] * Matsumi Kaze scrolls through some magizines..
[21:18] <Matsumi Kaze> hmm..nah...nada..nope
[21:18] *** Azumi Kiribayashi has joined #rdsanctuary1
[21:18] <@Kryten> Greetings, Azumi Kiribayashi
[21:19] <Matsumi Kaze> oh..hiya, azumi
[21:19] * Matsumi Kaze scrolls through the magizines more
[21:20] <Azumi Kiribayashi> Hello, Matsumi. How are you?
[21:20] <Matsumi Kaze> oh just fine...looking through some winter gear
[21:21] <Azumi Kiribayashi> Oh? Getting ready for it?
[21:22] <Matsumi Kaze> yeah....I thought I might go up north for some fun this winter
[21:23] <Azumi Kiribayashi> Ooooooo, sounds fun. ^_^
[21:24] <Matsumi Kaze> just wondering what kind of coat to wear
[21:24] <Matsumi Kaze> I do have a coat...but it's kinda got holes in it now...
[21:27] <Matsumi Kaze> actually..they're claw marks
[21:30] <Azumi Kiribayashi> I guess you're cat must have done it?
[21:31] <Matsumi Kaze> no....a snow demon
[21:32] <Matsumi Kaze> it was when I was in tibet
[21:32] <Azumi Kiribayashi> A snow demon?! O_o
[21:32] <Matsumi Kaze> at first I thought it was a yeti..then I remember those things are peaceful and only 7 ft tall
[21:33] <Matsumi Kaze> this thing was 13 ft tall
[21:34] <Matsumi Kaze> it slashed some of my coat before I could transform
[21:35] <Azumi Kiribayashi> Yikes! At least you were able to get away and defeat it, right?
[21:38] <Matsumi Kaze> yeah....barely
[21:38] * Azumi Kiribayashi huggles Matsumi
[21:39] * Matsumi Kaze hugs back
[21:42] <Azumi Kiribayashi> I'm glad you're still here. ^_^
[21:43] <Matsumi Kaze> hey..I have a charmed life
[21:43] <Azumi Kiribayashi> So you do.
[21:45] * Matsumi Kaze goes and gets some ginger ale, tossing one to azumi
[21:48] * Azumi Kiribayashi catches, opens it, and takes a sip, "Thank you."
[21:48] <Matsumi Kaze> no prob...
[21:48] <Matsumi Kaze> hey...are you busy this weekend?
[21:49] <Azumi Kiribayashi> Not that I know of. Why do you ask?
[21:50] <Matsumi Kaze> ever had a thanksgiving dinner?
[21:50] <Azumi Kiribayashi> With the troops, I have.
[21:52] <Azumi Kiribayashi> Is something going on?
[21:53] <Matsumi Kaze> I'm hoping to have one
[21:55] <Azumi Kiribayashi> That's wonderful. ^_^
[21:57] <Matsumi Kaze> wondering if you would like to come by
[21:57] <Azumi Kiribayashi> What day are you planning on having it?
[22:01] <Azumi Kiribayashi> Matsumi?
[22:01] <Matsumi Kaze> hmmm....depends
[22:02] <Matsumi Kaze> hopefully maybe like thurs or fri
[22:02] <Azumi Kiribayashi> Hmmm, Friday may work best for me.
[22:04] <Matsumi Kaze> well...I better check with vana and hideki too
[22:05] <Matsumi Kaze> I'm going to use my mom's old turkey recipe
[22:05] <Azumi Kiribayashi> Strangely enough, I have this week off.
[22:05] <Azumi Kiribayashi> Shall I bring something?
[22:06] <Matsumi Kaze> if you want
[22:07] <Azumi Kiribayashi> I'll see what I can do. Hmmm, probably not wise to wear my maid dress unless I put on something covering my cleavage.
[22:10] <Matsumi Kaze> heh...whatever..
[22:14] * Azumi Kiribayashi shrugs, "Just wondering, that's all."
[22:33] <Nate Detroit [Via com]> Hi, anyone there?
[22:34] * Matsumi Kaze ruffles azumi's hair "tis okay"
[22:34] *** Vanadine [Sweatsuit] [] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[22:34] <@Kryten> Greetings, Vanadine [Sweatsuit]
[22:35] <Matsumi Kaze> hey, vana!
[22:35] <Vanadine [Sweatsuit]> Hey Sweety.
[22:35] <Matsumi Kaze> are you okay with having a thanksgiving dinner this weekend, vana?
[22:35] <Nate Detroit [Via com]> Helloooo? Red Dwarf?
[22:36] <Vanadine [Sweatsuit]> Uh... sure
[22:36] <Matsumi Kaze> oh..hi, nate!
[22:36] * Vanadine [Sweatsuit] hears a faint voice on the ships com and turns the volume up: HI!
[22:36] <Nate Detroit [Via com]> Hi Matsy! Hows it going, Princess?
[22:37] <Matsumi Kaze> oh...just fine...thinking about the upcoming holiday
[22:38] * Vanadine [Sweatsuit] sits next to Matsy
[22:38] <Azumi Kiribayashi> Hello, Nate.
[22:38] * Matsumi Kaze moves and sits on vana's lap
[22:38] <Nate Detroit [Via com]> Hi Vana, Hi Azumi.
[22:38] * Vanadine [Sweatsuit] smiles at Matsy and holds onto her
[22:38] <Azumi Kiribayashi> Hello, Vanadine.
[22:38] <Nate Detroit [Via com]> Whats been going on? I miss you girls.
[22:39] <Matsumi Kaze> well....david got married
[22:39] <Azumi Kiribayashi> Nate - I'm doing alright.
[22:39] <Vanadine [Sweatsuit]> We miss you and Kitty-chan too....
[22:39] <Matsumi Kaze> yeah...we do!
[22:40] <Nate Detroit [Via com]> Ill be sure to relay that. Were in London now and shes passed out. The time zone change is ackward.
[22:40] <Matsumi Kaze> awww
[22:41] * Matsumi Kaze relaxes
[22:41] * Azumi Kiribayashi hugs Vanadine
[22:42] <Nate Detroit [Via com]> Its been a wonderful trip. Really it has. I hope we can do this for our anniverseries to come.
[22:42] <Matsumi Kaze> it sounds nice
[22:43] * Matsumi Kaze is kinda squeezed against vana and azumi
[22:44] <Nate Detroit [Via com]> Hey, anyone want anything from London? Or Hawaii? We leave for there tomorrow.
[22:44] <Matsumi Kaze> um...anything that you think I would like..I'm not too picky
[22:44] * Azumi Kiribayashi smiles at Matsumi
[22:46] <Nate Detroit [Via com]> Ok, Ill see what I can find. Hmmm... maybe next year, we'll ALL go.
[22:46] <Azumi Kiribayashi> Nate - By the way, how have you been so far?
[22:46] <Matsumi Kaze> sounds nice
[22:49] <Nate Detroit [Via com]> Couldnt be better Azumi. Top of the world with my kittywife by my side.
[22:49] * Matsumi Kaze plays with a feather
[22:49] <Azumi Kiribayashi> Nate - That's good.
[22:49] <Matsumi Kaze> honeymoons are always fun
[22:49] <Nate Detroit [Via com]> And Absolut has really taken care of us with this trip. First class all the way.
[22:49] <Azumi Kiribayashi> Matsumi - Having fun with that feather?
[22:49] <Nate Detroit [Via com]> Heh.. 'always' is an odd word to associate with them, but I suppose it works.
[22:50] <Matsumi Kaze> um...yeah..guess so...
[22:50] <Matsumi Kaze> well..I had fun during mine with hideki
[22:50] * Azumi Kiribayashi kisses Matsumi on the cheek
[22:50] * Matsumi Kaze blushes
[22:51] <Azumi Kiribayashi> I'm sure David and Masaki are having a good time on theirs.
[22:51] <Vanadine [Sweatsuit]> Honeymoons are typically fun
[22:52] <Nate Detroit [Via com]> Im deffinately having fun. I am truely blessed to have Rowenta.
[22:53] <Vanadine [Sweatsuit]> Poor Azumi-chan... did they leave you out?
[22:53] <Azumi Kiribayashi> Vanadine - No. I'm just happy they're spending much needed time together. ^_^
[22:53] <Nate Detroit [Via com]> Dont worry Azumi. The way things have been working around here, Im sure you'll get your dose of honeymooneske fun.
[22:54] <Azumi Kiribayashi> Thank you, Nate.
[22:54] <Vanadine [Sweatsuit]> Heh, Yes... we'll make sure of that. Right Matsy?
[22:54] * Matsumi Kaze plays with her feather
[22:55] <Matsumi Kaze> huh..oh..yeah
[22:55] * Matsumi Kaze got distracted ^^;;;;;
[22:56] * Azumi Kiribayashi leans back on the sofa and sighs, "Oh, to be with David on a honeymoon after being married."
[22:56] <Nate Detroit [Via com]> Heh..
[22:57] <Nate Detroit [Via com]> I feel behind the times with my opinions on monogamy..
[22:57] <Matsumi Kaze> uh..I don't know what to say ^^;;
[22:58] <Nate Detroit [Via com]> As loose as they are.
[22:58] <Vanadine [Sweatsuit]> Ya' know.... I'm confused about what to say also
[22:59] <Nate Detroit [Via com]> Well, go where your hearts lead you. Just dont take my kitty away from me.
[22:59] <Matsumi Kaze> ok....
[22:59] * Matsumi Kaze is confused
[23:00] <Azumi Kiribayashi> Hmph. I feel there's nothing wrong with my feelings towards David despite him being with Masaki.
[23:00] <Vanadine [Sweatsuit]> We'd never take Kitty-chan away...... perminantly
[23:01] <Matsumi Kaze> so...does that mean everything I did before was bad?
[23:01] <Nate Detroit [Via com]> I know, Vana. I know. Im just a little paranoid. Ive never had anyone I loved this much, and anyone or anything that Ive loved nearly this much, Ive lost.
[23:02] <Matsumi Kaze> do you think I would truely try to break up you two???
[23:03] <Vanadine [Sweatsuit]> We wouldn't do anything to split you guys up. So stop being so paranoid about us.
[23:03] <Nate Detroit [Via com]> Nonono... I know you wouldnt. I love and trust all of you. I just worry. I dont want anything to come between us. But nothing is gonna change.
[23:05] <Matsumi Kaze> the most I would steal your stockpile of snacks..MUHAHAHA
[23:05] <Nate Detroit [Via com]> ...
[23:05] <Nate Detroit [Via com]> ...heh.
[23:06] <Nate Detroit [Via com]> You found my whore of crunch bars then? Or the Doritos?
[23:06] <Matsumi Kaze> I love doritos!..
[23:06] * Azumi Kiribayashi giggles
[23:07] <Vanadine [Sweatsuit]> Yes, I'm a snackfood stockpile hunting fiend. ^_~
[23:07] <Matsumi Kaze> hehe
[23:08] <Nate Detroit [Via com]> You wouldnt know it. You two have the most perfect bodies..
[23:09] <Nate Detroit [Via com]> Matsy is a little soft, but thats how we like her.
[23:09] <Azumi Kiribayashi> Hey, what about me? :(
[23:10] <Nate Detroit [Via com]> You look good, but I havent seen you neekid yet.
[23:10] <Nate Detroit [Via com]> I think Im gonna curl up with my kitty. Night all.
[23:11] <Matsumi Kaze> hehe....night, nate
[23:11] <Vanadine [Sweatsuit]> G'night Nate-chan...
[23:12] *** Nate Detroit [Via com] [] has left #rdsanctuary1 (Catnap, nya~)
[23:12] * Matsumi Kaze turns to vana " we ever go on a honeymoon?"
[23:13] <Vanadine [Sweatsuit]> We did, Sweety. Lasted three wonderful days. ^_^
[23:13] <Matsumi Kaze> oh yes ^_^
[23:13] * Matsumi Kaze sniffs vana "you've been working out, haven't ya, vana?"
[23:14] * Azumi Kiribayashi curls up in a cute manner
[23:16] <Vanadine [Sweatsuit]> Yup, tryin' to get back into my old routine. Why? Do I stink?
[23:16] <Matsumi Kaze> you smell like busy vana!
[23:18] <Azumi Kiribayashi> Stinky. :P
[23:18] <Vanadine [Sweatsuit]> Is that good or bad?
[23:19] <Matsumi Kaze> always smell good stinky!
[23:20] <Azumi Kiribayashi> ^_^
[23:20] * Vanadine [Sweatsuit] giggles and blushes
[23:21] * Matsumi Kaze smiles and hugs vana cutely...and grabs azumi into the hug as well
[23:21] * Azumi Kiribayashi hugs Matsumi and Vanadine ^_^
[23:22] * Vanadine [Sweatsuit] hugs both girls back and giggles
[23:22] <Matsumi Kaze> I love hugs ^^
[23:22] <Azumi Kiribayashi> Yay! ^_^
[23:23] <Azumi Kiribayashi> So, what do we do?
[23:24] <Matsumi Kaze> um....not sure
[23:24] * Vanadine [Sweatsuit] grins: We could always head back to the house and have some fun together. ^_~
[23:25] * Azumi Kiribayashi giggles
[23:25] <Matsumi Kaze> oooooo..that sounds nice ^^
[23:27] <Azumi Kiribayashi> What would you have in mind, Vanadine?
[23:30] * Matsumi Kaze giggles
[23:30] * Vanadine [Sweatsuit] slides out from beneath Matsy and stands with a smirk: You'll see....
[23:31] <Azumi Kiribayashi> Hmmm.
[23:31] * Matsumi Kaze gets up too
[23:32] * Vanadine [Sweatsuit] leands the way out and winks
[23:33] * Azumi Kiribayashi gets up
[23:33] * Matsumi Kaze follows
[23:33] *** Vanadine [Sweatsuit] [] has left #rdsanctuary1 (This'll be fun....)
[23:34] *** Azumi Kiribayashi has left #rdsanctuary1 (Hope this will be enjoyable.)
[23:34] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has left #rdsanctuary1 ( will be...)
[23:50] *** Nall [Feline] [] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[23:50] <@Kryten> Greetings, Nall [Feline]
[23:51] * Nall [Feline] flies into the room and lands on the back of the sofa.
[23:52] *** Neva [Nightgown] [] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[23:52] <@Kryten> Greetings, Neva [Nightgown]
[23:52] * Neva [Nightgown] wanders in..and smiles "so there's where you went.."
[23:52] * Nall [Feline] looks up/ "Hello Kitten
[23:53] * Neva [Nightgown] scraches nall behind the ear
[23:53] <Neva [Nightgown]> mind if I join you down there, nall-kun?
[23:53] <Nall [Feline]> Yeah, I was gonna' come get something to drink for us and.... ohhhhhh right there *purrrrs(
[23:54] * Nall [Feline] nods and purrs
[23:54] * Neva [Nightgown] morphs
[23:54] * Neva [Feline] lands next to nall
[23:55] * Nall [Feline] smiles and snuggles against Neva
[23:55] * Neva [Feline] snuggles back "I love snuggling with you, nall"
[23:57] * Nall [Feline] purs/ "As long as I'm with you, I'm happy"
[23:57] <Neva [Feline]> were looking for something for us to drink?
[23:58] <Nall [Feline]> Yeah.... something to relax us before bed.
[23:59] <Neva [Feline]> like what?
[00:00] <Nall [Feline]> I dunno.... a warm saucer of milk or somethin'...
[00:00] <Neva [Feline]> oooooo
[00:01] * Neva [Feline] curls her tail around nall's
[00:02] * Nall [Feline] lightly rubs against Neva's tail with his and smiles.
[00:02] * Neva [Feline] giggles and purrs
[00:05] <Neva [Feline]> I'm sorry if I forced you to babysit Katina...
[00:07] <Nall [Feline]> It's alright
[00:09] <Neva [Feline]> she wasn't any trouble was she?
[00:14] <Nall [Feline]> Not at all
[00:14] <Neva [Feline]> oh good *yawns a tiny bit*
[00:14] <Nall [Feline]> Are you tired Kitten?
[00:15] <Neva [Feline]> yeah...a bit
[00:16] <Nall [Feline]> Alright Sweety
[00:17] <Nall [Feline]> You go ahead to our quarters and I'll bring the milk, ok?
[00:19] <Neva [Feline]> alrighty.....*yawn*
[00:19] * Neva [Feline] gives nall a kitty-kiss and jumps down..heading for their quarters
[00:19] *** Neva [Feline] [] has left #rdsanctuary1 (so tired)
[00:22] * Nall [Feline] flies to the mess hall
[00:22] *** Nall [Feline] [] has left #rdsanctuary1 (Now for a bowl of milk and to curl up with my kitten.)
[04:03] <@Kryten> AAAAAARRRRRGH!!! Coding error made me lose all the Events Room logs. >_< Sorry.
[10:22] *** Vanadine [Nightgown] [] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[10:22] <@Kryten> Greetings, Vanadine [Nightgown]
[10:22] * Vanadine [Nightgown] yawns as she walks in: What a night....
[10:25] * Vanadine [Nightgown] sits on the sofa.
[10:27] *** Matsumi Kaze [PJs] [] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[10:27] <@Kryten> Greetings, Matsumi Kaze [PJs]
[10:28] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] yawns
[10:30] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> morning, vana
[10:32] <Vanadine [Nightgown]> Mornin' Sweety
[10:33] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] sits next to vana "you look tired"
[10:33] <Vanadine [Nightgown]> A little. Azumi-chan wore me out more than I thought last night
[10:34] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> heh..she certianly has energy
[10:34] <Vanadine [Nightgown]> Indeed... but it was fun. ^_^
[10:35] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> more fun then me?
[10:35] * Vanadine [Nightgown] kisses Matsy on the cheek: Never, my sweet.
[10:36] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> well..tomorrow I have off for the rest of the week
[10:37] <Vanadine [Nightgown]> Well, unfortunatly, Global needs me till next week. ~_~
[10:38] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> awwwwww
[10:38] <Vanadine [Nightgown]> Yeah, I'm hating it
[10:38] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> will you be able to make to my special thanksgiving dinner?
[10:40] <Vanadine [Nightgown]> That depends, have you decided when you're having it yet?
[10:42] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> either thurs or friday..up to you
[10:43] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> crap..I better get dressed...
[10:43] <Vanadine [Nightgown]> Well, I work 139-930 Thursday and 6-midnight on Friday
[10:43] <Matsumi Kaze [PJs]> ok..thursday then!
[10:44] * Matsumi Kaze [PJs] runs out to get dressed
[10:44] * Vanadine [Nightgown] stands: Guess I should go change too.
[10:44] *** Matsumi Kaze [PJs] [] has left #rdsanctuary1 (crap..going to be late!)
[10:45] *** Vanadine [Nightgown] [] has left #rdsanctuary1 (Relax Sweety, we have plenty of time.)
[15:39] <@starcat> So THIS is the Secret Hideout.
[15:39] *** starcat [Comcast] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[15:39] *** @Kryten sets mode +o starcat
[15:39] <@Kryten> Greetings, @starcat
[15:39] <@starcat> You know, I'd have been here a lot more if I hadn't lost the URL!
[15:39] <@starcat> Classic style?
[15:39] * @starcat [-chan] tests
[15:39] <@starcat [-chan]> Baah.
[15:40] <@starcat> That's not a suffix!
[15:40] <@starcat> That's a...modifier!
[15:40] <@Kryten> Suffix gets stuffed into brackets always.
[15:40] <@starcat [this is not a suffix box]> Much better.
[15:40] <@Kryten> :P
[15:40] <@starcat [this is not a suffix]> Box is a bit redundant.
[15:40] <@starcat [this is not a suffix]> :D
[15:40] * @Kryten points at the help file: "Questions, comments?"
[15:41] <@Kryten> Box is there for convienience, though its original purpose is no longer useful. <_<
[15:41] <@starcat [this is not a suffix]> Yeah, where's my /sing?
[15:41] * @starcat [this is not a suffix] looks at Kryten
[15:41] <@Kryten> Kryten is a 6 foot tall android with a squared off head and very little in the way of understanding of basic human drives.
[15:41] <@Kryten> Err. Yeah.
[15:42] <@starcat [this is not a suffix]> Oh, never mind.
[15:42] <@Kryten> Works?
[15:42] <@starcat [this is not a suffix]> geez, ORGANIZE this.
[15:42] <@starcat [this is not a suffix]> Far too wordy and it's hard to know what you can do.
[15:42] <@Kryten> How is it not organized?
[15:42] <@starcat [this is not a suffix]> I'd suggest moving the commands up to the top and put the technical stuff like auto-idle at the bottom.
[15:43] <@Kryten> Ah. I always have been wordy. <_<
[15:43] <@Kryten> Will do.
[15:43] <@Kryten> And, classic style vs. IM style is your selectable 'Enter' key idea. :D
[15:44] <@starcat [this is not a suffix]> Chat functions and text functions can be collected together, and yes, I read that.
[15:44] <@Kryten> *nods*
[15:44] <@Kryten> Also: D:
[15:45] <@starcat [this is not a suffix]> ··· OP PROCLAMATION ··· I AM AN OP
[15:45] <@starcat [this is not a suffix]> XD
[15:45] <@starcat [this is not a suffix]> Oh come on, that's totally >:
[15:45] * @starcat [this is not a suffix] has killed Kryten
[15:45] <@Kryten> That will be the official "I am making a ruling" text. Anything else is unofficial unless it's extremely important.
[15:45] <@starcat [this is not a suffix]> Drat.
[15:46] <@Kryten> Hey! :P
[15:46] <@starcat [this is not a suffix]> Yes, I got that, I just wondered what it looked like.
[15:46] <@Kryten> I mean rules-wise. I hate that "you'll know it if it happens" vagueness.
[15:47] <@starcat [this is not a suffix]> I'd also suggest you have a list of the subcategories at the top of the help page so you can find what you're looking for easily.
[15:47] <@Kryten> !
[15:47] <@starcat [this is not a suffix]> Uhh...sure.
[15:48] <@Kryten> Anyways. I have half a fight system over in the other channel. :D :D :D
[15:48] <@Kryten> Well, probably about a third of one.
[15:48] <@starcat [this is not a suffix]> XD
[15:49] <@starcat [this is not a suffix]> Well THAT'S not fun. How do you win the bets, then?
[15:49] <@Kryten> Also, you can go in and change your password to whatever you'd like.
[15:49] <@Kryten> Lots of luck.
[15:49] <@starcat [this is not a suffix]> Eh, I might, I might not.
[15:49] <@starcat [this is not a suffix]> Can I change the topic?!
[15:50] <@starcat [this is not a suffix]> :o
[15:50] <@Kryten> You can!
[15:50] * @starcat [this is not a suffix] changes topic to `HAHAHAHAHA. HELLO, WORLD!`
[15:51] <@starcat [this is not a suffix]> Yaaaaay, dorky. XD
[15:51] <@Kryten> Oh yeah! Watch this:
[15:52] <@starcat [this is not a suffix]> ?
[15:52] <@Kryten> T
T Makes topic float! :D
[15:52] * @starcat [this is not a suffix] tests something
[15:52] <@Kryten> T
T Makes topic float! :D ((Needed more tallness. <_<))
[15:52] <@starcat [this is not a suffix]> o_O
[15:52] <@starcat [this is not a suffix]> Hah, cool.
[15:52] <@starcat [this is not a suffix]> /pizza
[15:52] <@starcat [this is not a suffix]> YOU NEED /PIZZA
[15:52] <@Kryten> Argh, forgot that one.
[15:53] *** @starcat [this is not a suffix] [] has left #rdsanctuary1 (If thou dost not have /pizza by the time I return, I shall be displeased!)
[16:21] * @Kryten is too damn lazy to get up and call, so here's a link: pizza
[16:23] * @starcat [this is not a suffix] thwaps Kryten with a harison
[16:23] <@starcat [this is not a suffix]> *harisen
[16:24] <@starcat [this is not a suffix]> You have not studied hard enough! Try again!
[16:24] * @starcat [this is not a suffix] is away: coloring an Excel Saga picture
[16:43] * @Kryten is too lazy to get up and find a phone book, so here's a pizza link.
[16:46] * @starcat [this is not a suffix] bows to Kryten and presents him with a cookie
[16:49] * @Kryten stores the cookie for later consumption.
[03:25] <@Kryten> My color
[03:25] <Lister of Smeg> My color
[03:25] <Krissy K> My color
[03:25] <@HOL_6000> My color
[03:25] <@Colonel Rowe-chan> My color
[03:26] <Rowenta> My color
[03:26] <Fashionable Feline> My color
[03:26] <@Cpt. F. Hollister> My color
[03:26] <Talkie Toaster> My color?
[13:42] <@God [IN UR MACARONIS]> Due to factors BEYOND my control
[13:44] <@God [IN UR MACARONIS]> Since other people can dictate who I interact and don't interact with. I am leaving this box for the time being until these issues are sorted out. I don;t LIKE being dragged into this, but there isn't a lot I can do.
[13:50] <@God [IN UR MACARONIS]> what color can i change to hmmm....
[13:51] <@God [IN UR MACARONIS]> white = helios. red = rei , blue = ami, green= mako, grey = prefect orange = minako... WAIT EVERY BASIC COLOR HAS BEEN USED>
[15:25] * @HOL_6000 changes topic to `Everyone gets colors now. Check the Management Panel. Make sure it's in the form: #RRGGBB (the hash is important. Also: I need to add validation code) Find colors here:`
[18:06] * ~Kurisutaru [Blacklight] is bored.
[18:06] * ~Kurisutaru [Boredom] is just messing around
[18:08] <Kurisutaru [Boredom]> Anyone around?
[18:13] <Kurisutaru [Boredom]> Whoo, does my color show up now?
[18:13] <Kurisutaru [Boredom]> Shweeet~
[18:15] <~Kakyuu [Baking]> Kurisutaru, you're hopeless.
[18:16] * ~Kakyuu [Baking] is now known as Kakyuu-hime
[18:16] <Kakyuu-hime [Baking]> That's better~
[18:20] *** Kakyuu-hime [Baking] has left #rdsanctuary1
[18:20] *** Kurisutaru [Boredom] has left #rdsanctuary1 (I'm just passing the time until my cookies are done.)
[21:08] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[21:08] <@Kryten> Greetings, Matsumi Kaze
[21:08] [Matsumi Kaze] check?
[21:08] [Matsumi Kaze] yay!
[21:08] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has left #rdsanctuary1
[23:26] *** Vanadine (Nightgown) [] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[23:26] [@Kryten] Greetings, Vanadine (Nightgown)
[23:26] * Vanadine (Nightgown) looks around.
[23:27] [Vanadine (Nightgown)] Hmmm....noone's here.
[23:27] *** Vanadine (Nightgown) [] has left #rdsanctuary1 (Oh well.. no biggie.)
[23:45] *** Nephrite [] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[23:45] [@Kryten] Greetings, Nephrite
[23:46] [Nephrite] Hhmm
[23:47] * Nephrite leaves a card that reads, "Happy Thanksgiving to all our friends" which is signed by both Nephrite and Zoi-chan.
[23:47] *** Nephrite [] has left #rdsanctuary1 (Turkey is good for the sole.)
[00:21] *** Vanadine [] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[00:21] [@Kryten] Greetings, Vanadine
[00:22] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[00:22] [@Kryten] Greetings, Matsumi Kaze
[00:23] [Vanadine] Maaaaaaan, I'm stuffed.
[00:23] * Matsumi Kaze sighs....and lays on the sofa
[00:23] [Matsumi Kaze] same here.....and I'm the one who did the cooking..hehe
[00:24] * Vanadine plops down on the sofa next to Matsy
[00:24] [Matsumi Kaze] was the turkey alright?
[00:25] [Vanadine] It was great Sweety
[00:25] [Matsumi Kaze] was hard enough to find one in yokohama
[00:26] [Vanadine] Mmmm.... ya' know who would've loved that meal..... Kitty-chan....
[00:26] [Matsumi Kaze] heh...well..luckly we have some leftovers
[00:27] * Vanadine nods.
[00:27] [Matsumi Kaze] you know...this is the first time I've cooked on this scale
[00:28] [Vanadine] Really?
[00:28] [Matsumi Kaze] oh yeah....I've never really done this size of a meal...
[00:28] [Rowenta (Comm)] Want smell o'vision so much-nya...
[00:28] [Matsumi Kaze] LOL...ROW!
[00:29] [Vanadine] It's a surprise Kitty-chan call!! HI!
[00:29] [Matsumi Kaze] you missed my thanksgiving meal!
[00:29] [Rowenta (Comm)] Hi-nya~ ^_^
[00:30] [Vanadine] Yeah.... you'd've loved Matsy-chan's turkey
[00:31] [Rowenta (Comm)] I know-nya. Want turkey. :r
[00:31] [Vanadine] No worries, we'll save you some
[00:31] [Matsumi Kaze] yup!
[00:32] [Rowenta (Comm)] I rigged up a mini stasis booth in the mess, just pop it in there, and it should keep until we're back-nya.
[00:32] [Matsumi Kaze] alrighty!
[00:32] [Vanadine] Will do!
[00:34] [Matsumi Kaze] though..I was a bit worried about the mash potatos...
[00:34] [Matsumi Kaze] since I'm not a big fan of them...I didn't know the recipe very well
[00:34] [Vanadine] Well, they turned out fine.
[00:35] [Vanadine] So, when's our Kitty-chan comin' back to us?
[00:35] [Matsumi Kaze] yeah!
[00:35] [Rowenta (Comm)] Uhh... You'd have to ask Nate-kun and he's konked out-nya.
[00:35] [Rowenta (Comm)] Sometime early next week if I'm right.
[00:36] [Matsumi Kaze] where are you btw?
[00:36] [Vanadine] Okies
[00:37] [Rowenta (Comm)] We're in Hawaii now-nya. It's gorgeous~ ^_^
[00:37] [Vanadine] I bet
[00:37] [Matsumi Kaze] ooooo....did you see any of the volcanos! I've always wanted a rock from them
[00:38] [Rowenta (Comm)] Haven't yet. I'll make sure Nate-kun takes me there this weekend and get you a rock-nya~
[00:38] [Matsumi Kaze] yay!
[00:39] * Matsumi Kaze burps a bit "scuse me ^^;;;;;"
[00:39] * Vanadine giggle
[00:40] * Rowenta (Comm) giggles. ^_^;
[00:40] [Vanadine] The true sign of a good meal
[00:40] [Matsumi Kaze] heh....I guess
[00:41] [Vanadine] Why do you think I burped so loud after dinner. ^_~
[00:42] [Matsumi Kaze] I think hideki got quite embrassed...
[00:43] [Rowenta (Comm)] Aww.
[00:43] [Vanadine] But it was sooooo good!
[00:44] [Rowenta (Comm)] Hee~
[00:45] [Matsumi Kaze] I was quite proud of it...though....the dishes..^_^;;;;;;;;;;;;;
[00:46] [Rowenta (Comm)] That's what dishwashers are for-nya.
[00:46] [Vanadine] I still have to help you with those before we go to bed.
[00:46] [Matsumi Kaze] heh...I've always hated washing dishes since I was little ^^;;
[00:48] * Rowenta (Comm) giggles.
[00:49] [Rowenta (Comm)] Oops. Looks like Nate-kun's about to wake up... I'll give him a kiss for each of you-nya~
[00:49] * Vanadine stands: I'm gonna' go find something to drink, be back in a bit, ok?
[00:49] [Matsumi Kaze] alrighty!
[00:49] [Vanadine] Alrighty Kitty-chan
[00:49] [Matsumi Kaze] ok, vana
[00:50] * Vanadine blows holograpic Row a kiss as she heads out for a moment
[00:50] *** Rowenta (Comm) [] has left #rdsanctuary1 (Night-nya~)
[00:50] * Vanadine is away: Back in a mintue
[00:53] * Matsumi Kaze lays on the sofa and looks at the ceiling
[01:05] * Matsumi Kaze blinks
[01:09] * Matsumi Kaze closes her eyes
[01:12] * Matsumi Kaze opens her eyes again
[01:12] [Matsumi Kaze] damn
[01:13] [Matsumi Kaze] can't track it
[01:14] * Matsumi Kaze looks back at the ceiling
[01:14] * Vanadine is back
[01:15] [Vanadine] Sorry I took so long
[01:15] [Matsumi Kaze] oh..welcome back, vana
[01:15] [Matsumi Kaze] no problem
[01:15] * Vanadine carries in a small bottle.
[01:16] [Matsumi Kaze] whatcha got?
[01:16] [Vanadine] Just thought I'd get us something special for a nightcap.... in celebration of the great meal.
[01:16] [Matsumi Kaze] ooooo
[01:18] * Vanadine pours some of the brown liquid into a glass and hands it to Matsy, then makes one for herself.
[01:18] * Matsumi Kaze takes it...and sips it
[01:18] [Matsumi Kaze] mmmm....what is this...
[01:19] [Vanadine] it's an alternate version of a mudslide
[01:19] [Matsumi Kaze] oh?
[01:19] [Vanadine] Yeah, rather than use ice cream you use regular cream to make it
[01:21] [Matsumi Kaze] oooo ^_^
[01:21] * Matsumi Kaze sips some more!
[01:21] [Vanadine] It's good stuff. I just prefer it with ice cream
[01:22] [Matsumi Kaze] ahhh...
[01:22] * Matsumi Kaze has cream on her lip
[01:22] * Vanadine giggles
[01:22] [Matsumi Kaze] what?
[01:24] [Vanadine] You've got some stuff on your lip there....
[01:24] [Matsumi Kaze] really??
[01:25] [Vanadine] Here, I'll get it.
[01:25] * Vanadine leans in and licks the cream off Matsy's upper lip with a grin.
[01:27] * Matsumi Kaze giggles
[01:27] [Matsumi Kaze] careful!
[01:28] [Vanadine] Be careful of what, Sweety?
[01:29] [Matsumi Kaze] we might be watched!...hehe
[01:29] [Vanadine] Oh, so what if we are..... we didn't do anything dirty
[01:30] [Matsumi Kaze] hmm..good point
[01:31] * Vanadine drinks somemore and giggles
[01:33] * Matsumi Kaze drinks too "ya know....since thanksgiving is over..we're going to have to start thinking about the next holiday"
[01:35] [Vanadine] Ah yes, christmas
[01:35] [Matsumi Kaze] yuppers!
[01:36] [Vanadine] what do you want for presents?
[01:37] [Matsumi Kaze] don't know....havn't thought too much about it yet O_O
[01:38] [Vanadine] Ahh.
[01:39] [Vanadine] Well, I'm gonna' go put the rest of this drink back. You wanna' meet me at the house?
[01:39] [Matsumi Kaze] sure!
[01:40] * Vanadine kisses Matsy as she stands: I'll see you in a little bit then. ^_^
[01:40] [Matsumi Kaze] alrighty!
[01:41] *** Vanadine [] has left #rdsanctuary1 (Gonna' put the leftover drink back.)
[01:41] [Matsumi Kaze] heh...what a nice day this ended up being
[01:42] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has left #rdsanctuary1 (...but what's this feeling of dread?)
[11:36] *** Vanadine (undies) [] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[11:36] [@Kryten] Greetings, Vanadine (undies)
[11:36] * Vanadine (undies) walks in and sits on the sofa, humming to herself, but looking someone troubled.
[11:37] * Vanadine (undies) ^somewhat
[11:41] *** Matsumi Kaze (PJs) [] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[11:41] [@Kryten] Greetings, Matsumi Kaze (PJs)
[11:41] * Matsumi Kaze (PJs) yawns
[11:41] * Vanadine (undies) looks up: Mornin' Sweety
[11:42] [Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] hi...what's up?
[11:42] * Vanadine (undies) pats a spot next to her on the sofa
[11:43] * Matsumi Kaze (PJs) sits next to vana
[11:43] [Vanadine (undies)] Did you notice I came home.... kinda' late last night?
[11:44] [Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] yeah...
[11:45] [Vanadine (undies)] Well, there's a reason for it I didn't tell you last night.... and I didn't want to keep it from you.
[11:46] [Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] ok....
[11:47] [Vanadine (undies)] Do you remember Kallichore?
[11:48] [Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] yeah
[11:49] [Vanadine (undies)] Well, I saw her when I was getting the mudslide bottle last night and we talked for a mintue before I came back....
[11:50] [Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] alrighty
[11:50] [Vanadine (undies)] ...when I went to put the mudslide bottle away, I saw her again..... but she was....well.... having a intimate moment with herself...
[11:52] [Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] ahhhhh
[11:52] [Vanadine (undies)] I hid from her for a while... but then when I did show myself....we talked again and she said I was the reason she was doing..... that
[11:54] [Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] oh?
[11:54] [Vanadine (undies)] Yeah
[11:55] * Vanadine (undies) starts to get fidgity and sheepish: So.... because I was the cause of her...feelings.... I felt the need to join/help her....
[11:56] [Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] I see
[11:56] [Vanadine (undies)] Please don't be upset..... I felt guilty for making her like that.... then when I got home I felt guilty for doing it....
[11:57] * Vanadine (undies) looks down at the floor with a mild frown
[11:59] * Matsumi Kaze (PJs) simply hugs vana "I'm not mad"
[11:59] * Vanadine (undies) at her with mild surprise: Really?
[12:01] [Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] yeah
[12:02] * Vanadine (undies) hugs back: I was so worried you'd be upset with me.....
[12:03] * Matsumi Kaze (PJs) hugs back just as quietly
[12:04] [Vanadine (undies)] But you are being rather quiet.... what're you thinking?
[12:05] [Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] nothing important really
[12:05] [Vanadine (undies)] Awww, now you have me curious, tell me.
[12:07] [Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] well..something I've been feeling lately
[12:07] * Vanadine (undies) looks at Matsy, curiously and slightly worried
[12:09] [Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] something out there *motions to the window that reveals space*
[12:09] [Vanadine (undies)] Oh....
[12:10] * Vanadine (undies) grins: Well.... what do you say I take you home and try to take your mind off of it
[12:11] [Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] alright...heh
[12:11] * Vanadine (undies) lifts Matsy up off the sofa and kisses her as she carries her out.
[12:12] *** Vanadine (undies) [] has left #rdsanctuary1 (I can't resist my Matsy. ^_~)
[12:13] *** Matsumi Kaze (PJs) [] has left #rdsanctuary1 (*blushes*)
[20:43] *** Azumi Kiribayashi has joined #rdsanctuary1
[20:43] [@Kryten] Greetings, Azumi Kiribayashi
[20:43] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Ah, what a nice evening. ^_^
[20:43] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Hmmm, that color will NOT do.
[20:44] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Testing.
[20:45] [Azumi Kiribayashi] No, that's not right.
[20:45] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Again.
[20:45] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Nope.
[20:46] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Will this do?
[20:46] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Perfect! ^_^
[20:48] [David O'Cain] Hello?
[20:49] [David O'Cain] Test?
[20:50] [David O'Cain] This one?
[20:54] [David O'Cain] Hmmm, something just doesn't look right.
[21:01] [David O'Cain] Eh, it'll do for now.
[21:02] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[21:02] [@Kryten] Greetings, Matsumi Kaze
[21:02] * Matsumi Kaze drinks some water
[21:03] [Matsumi Kaze] mmm...that hits the spot!
[21:06] [David O'Cain] Hi, Matsumi.
[21:07] [Matsumi Kaze] oh..hi, david!
[21:08] [David O'Cain] How're you?
[21:09] [Matsumi Kaze] eh...alright I supose
[21:09] [Matsumi Kaze] *suppose
[21:09] [Matsumi Kaze] how was the honeymoon!?
[21:10] [David O'Cain] It was great! Went to New York City for a bit, and then went to Masaki-chan's family for Thanksgiving. We got back not too long ago, actually.
[21:11] [Matsumi Kaze] how does it feel to finally be masaki's husband?
[21:12] [David O'Cain] Feels good. I finally got to marry the lady of my life. ^_^
[21:13] * Matsumi Kaze ruffles david's hair :P
[21:15] * David O'Cain chuckles, "Hey." :P
[21:18] [Matsumi Kaze] what??? hehe
[21:18] [David O'Cain] Silly. ^_^
[21:19] [David O'Cain] Nice night, by the way.
[21:21] [Matsumi Kaze] oh yeah...
[21:21] [Matsumi Kaze] that I think about were pretty close to masaki as a kid weren't you?
[21:22] [David O'Cain] Yeah, we were.
[21:24] [Matsumi Kaze] heh.hard to belive cute lil david-kun grew up to look like this
[21:25] [David O'Cain] Yeah, hard to believe. Hey, we all gotta grow up at some point.
[21:26] [Matsumi Kaze] you want anything to drink?
[21:27] [David O'Cain] Sure. A nice mug of Chocolate Coffee Kiss.
[21:27] [David O'Cain] Thanks for coming to the wedding last Saturday.
[21:28] * Matsumi Kaze goes to the kitchan and works on the drink "'s no problem...remember..I'm Masaki's superor"
[21:29] [David O'Cain] That's true. Just like I have my superiors.
[21:29] [Matsumi Kaze] plus..I'm your friend
[21:33] * Matsumi Kaze hands david his drink
[21:33] * David O'Cain takes the drink and takes a sip
[21:34] [David O'Cain] Yeah, and a good one, too.
[21:37] * Matsumi Kaze sits on the sofa..and flips on the TV
[21:39] [David O'Cain] So, how'd your Thanksgiving go?
[21:41] [Matsumi Kaze] was great...I did all the cooking
[21:42] [David O'Cain] Yeah?
[21:49] [Matsumi Kaze] yup!
[21:50] [David O'Cain] Must have been good stuff. ^_^
[21:51] [Matsumi Kaze] well..the basics....including Mashed Potatos even though I hate them
[21:52] [David O'Cain] Heh.
[21:54] [Matsumi Kaze] what?..they're yucky!
[21:55] [David O'Cain] There's nothing wrong with taters.
[21:57] [Matsumi Kaze]'s not the's the mashed part
[21:58] [David O'Cain] Ah. I like'em.
[22:04] [Matsumi Kaze] I see...
[22:05] [David O'Cain] Give it butter, salt, and pepper, oh man so good.
[22:08] * Matsumi Kaze gives a yucky face
[22:08] [Matsumi Kaze] potatos have to be fried!
[22:09] [David O'Cain] Fried? That's good too. So is baked.
[22:09] [Matsumi Kaze] mmm...
[22:11] *** Inu Kitsune [Comtessed'] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[22:11] [@Kryten] Greetings, Inu Kitsune
[22:12] [David O'Cain] Inu! Hi there!
[22:12] [Inu Kitsune] Hi!
[22:13] [David O'Cain] How have you been?
[22:13] [Matsumi Kaze] oh..hi, inu!
[22:13] [Matsumi Kaze] long time no see!
[22:13] *** Calaway has joined #rdsanctuary1
[22:13] [@Kryten] Greetings, Calaway
[22:14] [Calaway] *grunt*
[22:14] [Matsumi Kaze] oh...hiya!
[22:15] [Calaway] ..Hi..
[22:15] [David O'Cain] Hey.
[22:15] * Calaway gets a six pack of beer and sits on the couch, gouging the top of one with a chain and drinking it.
[22:16] *** Cosette [] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[22:16] [@Kryten] Greetings, Cosette
[22:16] [Matsumi Kaze] heh....
[22:16] [Matsumi Kaze] wow...what a crowd
[22:16] [Inu Kitsune] Well, I've been as well as could be expected for a new mother ^_^;;
[22:17] [Matsumi Kaze] oh!...congrats, inu!!!!
[22:19] [David O'Cain] Inu - Awwww. Where is the child?
[22:19] * Inu Kitsune smiles "Thankfully Alex and AnTil are sleeping right now, so I don't think they'll need me for a while
[22:19] * Calaway cracks his neck.
[22:20] [Matsumi Kaze] I'll have to visit you sometime ^_^
[22:20] [Matsumi Kaze] if that would be alright with you..
[22:20] [Inu Kitsune] They're with their father at home right now.
[22:21] [David O'Cain] Inu - They must be wonderful bundles of joy. ^_^
[22:21] * Matsumi Kaze sits on the sofa
[22:23] * Calaway finishes a beer, smashes the can against his head, and stretches, his chains clithering over his person.
[22:23] * David O'Cain finishes his Chocolate Coffee Kiss
[22:23] * Matsumi Kaze sips her ginger ale
[22:25] * Inu Kitsune nods
[22:26] [Matsumi Kaze] if you ever need a babysitter, inu....I'd be willing to step in ^^
[22:26] [Calaway] So... How is everyone? Or would everyone else just prefer I wasnt here?
[22:27] [David O'Cain] Calaway - Doing alright.
[22:28] [Matsumi Kaze] just fine calaway
[22:29] [David O'Cain] Inu - May your children be healthy, and may they bring joy to the hearts of many.
[22:30] [Calaway] Ung.. I havent looked up from my job here in a while..
[22:31] [Inu Kitsune] Thanks ^_^
[22:31] [Matsumi Kaze] oh...did you know that Nall and Neva moved here?
[22:32] [Matsumi Kaze] kinda sad their wedding got postponed though
[22:32] [Calaway] Dotn think I did.
[22:34] [David O'Cain] Inu - Hopefully they won't give you a hard time as they grow up.
[22:35] [Inu Kitsune] I hope they won't either. *pager starts beeping* Ah, it looks like I need to return ^_^ I'll see you all around.
[22:35] [Matsumi Kaze] seeya, inu!..say hi to the family for me!
[22:35] [David O'Cain] Bye, Inu. Take care.
[22:37] * Matsumi Kaze props her feet up
[22:39] * Calaway moves on to another beer.
[22:39] *** Inu Kitsune [Comtessed'] has left #rdsanctuary1 (Power truly comes from the heart, not physical strength.)
[22:39] [Matsumi Kaze] how many beers do you drink in a day?
[22:41] [David O'Cain] Damn, man. You sure are packing them away.
[22:41] * Cosette smiles at David "Nii-san showed up today! And Maman and Papa welcomed him home!" ((Cosette's real brother, Ty, and what she means is that Saya and Trajan adopted him into the family as well))
[22:42] [Matsumi Kaze] heh...
[22:42] [David O'Cain] Cosette - Congrats.
[22:42] [Calaway] Im only on my second, but I can do about..
[22:42] * Calaway counts on his fingers, then counts again.
[22:43] [Calaway] like, ten, before I get buzzed. Im a devil. I regenerate. Im tough.
[22:45] *** Anubis Saotome [] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[22:45] [@Kryten] Greetings, Anubis Saotome
[22:45] [David O'Cain] Calaway - Heh.
[22:45] [Calaway] Beer, anyone?
[22:45] [Anubis Saotome] Good evening.
[22:45] [Matsumi Kaze] heh...a beer drinking I've seen everything
[22:45] [David O'Cain] Hey, Anubis.
[22:45] [Matsumi Kaze] oh..hiya, anubis!
[22:46] [Anubis Saotome] How is everyone this evening?
[22:46] * Matsumi Kaze goes and gives anubis a friendly hug
[22:46] [Matsumi Kaze] oh...just have you been?
[22:46] [Calaway] Really? Something tells me if you'd seen the horrors of the frozen layer of hell, you would still look are pretty as you do.
[22:46] [Calaway] Fine. You?
[22:47] * Anubis Saotome hugs Matsumi back lightly - "I am fine. Just thought I would check in here and see what was going on.
[22:48] [David O'Cain] Anubis - Doing alright.
[22:48] [Matsumi Kaze] well..right now..pretty much just relaxing
[22:49] *** Lady Saya (Priestess) [Prê] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[22:49] [@Kryten] Greetings, Lady Saya (Priestess)
[22:49] [David O'Cain] Anubis - Hey, glad you can come by.
[22:50] [David O'Cain] Hello, Saya.
[22:51] [Calaway] Well well well, who'se this pretty thing now?
[22:51] [Matsumi Kaze] hiya!
[22:51] * Calaway looks at Lady Saya
[22:51] [@Kryten] pure-blood demon, she looks perfectly human (like most pure-blood demons do on Unmei), she is also a priestess and married to Sgt. Ander Trajan. Pic:
[22:52] [Calaway] Hmm... is that demon blood I detect?
[22:52] [Matsumi Kaze] want something to drink, anubis-san?
[22:52] [Anubis Saotome] Uh.... sure Matsumi-san. I have no preferance.
[22:53] [Lady Saya (Priestess)] ..My daughter is half-demon, you know.
[22:53] [Lady Saya (Priestess)] Besides~ I'm happily married with two children~
[22:53] [David O'Cain] Saya - How're you this evening?
[22:54] * Matsumi Kaze goes to the kitchan
[22:54] [Lady Saya (Priestess)] I'm fine. I was making fun of Wakaba earlier because of the fact she and Serbius are now engaged.
[22:54] [David O'Cain] Saya - Nothing wrong with being engaged. I was engaged before getting married.
[22:55] [Calaway] I wasnt planning on coming on to you.. Demons dont really hold my interest. But, I have no desire to drag the blood war here.
[22:56] [Matsumi Kaze] oh..hey, saya...have you seen Shiro at all?
[22:56] * Matsumi Kaze returns with a ginger ale for anubis
[22:57] [Lady Saya (Priestess)] Shiro? No, he hasn't been on Unmei in ages.
[22:58] [Matsumi Kaze] hmm..last thing I heard..he got married or something
[23:00] [Anubis Saotome] Thank you Matsumi-san
[23:00] * Matsumi Kaze hands anubis his drink
[23:00] [Matsumi Kaze] ((lol))
[23:01] * Matsumi Kaze sits back on the sofa
[23:01] [Lady Saya (Priestess)] Haven't heard a word, but Kakyuu would know about it.
[23:01] * Anubis Saotome accepts the drink with a light smile
[23:01] * Matsumi Kaze nods
[23:03] * David O'Cain stretches
[23:04] * Matsumi Kaze smiles back to anubis
[23:05] * Anubis Saotome takes a drink: Hmmm... interesting.
[23:05] [Matsumi Kaze] one of my favorite drinks, anu-san
[23:06] [Anubis Saotome] Well, it is different from anything I have tasted previously.
[23:08] [Matsumi Kaze]'ll have to go around yokohama sometime...they have tons of diffrent drinks
[23:08] * Calaway hacks into another beer can with his chains and guzzles another one.
[23:08] [Anubis Saotome] Perhaps I will sometime, Matsumi-san
[23:10] [David O'Cain] Man, quite a night, eh?
[23:11] [Matsumi Kaze] really is
[23:11] [Calaway] Same old same old...
[23:13] [Anubis Saotome] I have to agree with Calaway, but it is nice to relax.
[23:16] *** Lord Ty [Prê] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[23:16] [@Kryten] Greetings, Lord Ty
[23:16] [Matsumi Kaze] mmhmm...
[23:16] [Matsumi Kaze] oh..hiya ^^
[23:16] * Lord Ty tackles his little sister
[23:16] [David O'Cain] Hello.
[23:17] * Cosette laughs as she's tackled
[23:17] * Matsumi Kaze smiles at the two
[23:17] [Cosette] Nii-san! ^__^
[23:18] [Matsumi Kaze] was your day, Anu-san?
[23:18] [David O'Cain] Awwww.
[23:20] * Lady Saya (Priestess) smiles at her children "Aren't the two of them adorable!?"
[23:20] [Matsumi Kaze] they really are!
[23:21] [David O'Cain] Saya - Yep.
[23:21] * Anubis Saotome finishes his drink.
[23:22] [Cosette] Uncle David, are you and Aunt Masaki going to have any babysitting jobs open for me and Nii-san anytime soon?
[23:22] [Matsumi Kaze] hehehe *looks at david*
[23:23] * Calaway yawns, his chains slowing their movements.
[23:23] [Anubis Saotome] My day was fine Matsumi-san. Very busy, but fine.
[23:23] * Lord Ty is tempted to laugh at his little sister but stays silent
[23:23] [David O'Cain] Cosette - None that I know of. But if there is, I'm sure you'll be on the list. ^_^
[23:24] [Cosette] Thank you very much Uncle David!
[23:24] [Matsumi Kaze] what were you up to, anu-san?
[23:25] *** Calaway has left #rdsanctuary1 (Rest in peace)
[23:25] [Anubis Saotome] General ship maintinance mostly.
[23:26] [Matsumi Kaze] ahhh....
[23:27] [David O'Cain] Matsumi - And what were you giggling about, hmmm?
[23:28] [Matsumi Kaze] what do you think, david?
[23:29] [David O'Cain] Matsumi - Heh.
[23:30] [Anubis Saotome] Hmmm
[23:30] * Anubis Saotome yawns
[23:32] [Matsumi Kaze] tired, anu-san?
[23:33] [Anubis Saotome] Indeed. It seems fatigue has finally caught up to me.
[23:34] [David O'Cain] Hope you sleep well if and when you go to bed, Anubis.
[23:35] [Anubis Saotome] Thank you David. I think that time has arrived for me.
[23:35] * Matsumi Kaze gives anu-san another hug
[23:35] * Anubis Saotome stands
[23:35] * Anubis Saotome hugs Matsumi back again
[23:36] [Matsumi Kaze] night, anu-san ^_^
[23:36] [David O'Cain] Later, man.
[23:36] [Anubis Saotome] Goodnight David-san, Matsumi-san.
[23:37] *** Anubis Saotome [] has left #rdsanctuary1 (I am the alpha and omega....)
[23:38] [Matsumi Kaze] he's such a nice guy
[23:39] [David O'Cain] Yep.
[23:39] *** Kitalia (Senshi) [] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[23:39] [@Kryten] Greetings, Kitalia (Senshi)
[23:39] [David O'Cain] Hi, Kitalia.
[23:39] [Matsumi Kaze] oh..hello, kit-chan!
[23:41] * Kitalia (Senshi) grins and wipes the blood off of her sword ^_^
[23:41] [Matsumi Kaze] been busy?
[23:44] *** Lady Kou [] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[23:44] [@Kryten] Greetings, Lady Kou
[23:45] [Lady Kou] good evening ^_^
[23:45] * Kitalia (Senshi) nods "Aunt Matsumi, did I ever tell you how much I LOVE my new "sister-in-law"?" ^_^
[23:45] [Matsumi Kaze] this her?
[23:45] [Lady Kou] it is so nice to meet you, lady matsumi
[23:45] [David O'Cain] Hello.
[23:46] * Matsumi Kaze bows to Lady who bows back
[23:47] [Lady Kou] my my, kit-chan.....your sword is so dirty
[23:48] [Matsumi Kaze] um...I'm scared to ask what happened
[23:49] * Lady Kou wipes off the blood from kit's sword
[23:51] [Kitalia (Senshi)] Heheheheheheheh~ Let's just say Seiya's rather miserable~
[23:52] [David O'Cain] Ouch.
[23:52] *** ~Seiya has joined #rdsanctuary1
[23:52] [@Kryten] Greetings, ~Seiya
[23:52] * ~Seiya Kou is LIMPING
[23:55] [David O'Cain] Kitalia, be nice.
[23:56] [Lady Kou] oh...hello, seiya my dear sister
[23:56] [Matsumi Kaze] hiya, seiya!
[23:57] [Lady Kou] I do not know what you mean
[23:57] * Matsumi Kaze can't help but giggle
[23:57] [Kitalia (Senshi)] But Uncle David! I have no clue what Seiya's talking about! Lady and I were just helping Alu-kun cut some turkey heads off...
[23:58] [Lady Kou] it was quite interesting
[23:59] *** Seiya Kou [] has left #rdsanctuary1 (DAMMIT! Why must *I* be Kitalia-hime's favorite punching bag?! T_T)
[23:59] [Matsumi Kaze] heh..poor seiya
[23:59] [David O'Cain] Heh.
[23:59] * Matsumi Kaze looks at Kit, and smirks...knowing the truth
[23:59] * Kitalia (Princess) smiles innocently
[00:00] [Kitalia (Princess)] Aunt Matsumi, do you know what Seiya-san was talking about?
[00:00] [Lady Kou] dear kit-chan...
[00:00] [Matsumi Kaze] not
[00:00] [Kitalia (Princess)] Yes, Nee-san?
[00:01] [Lady Kou] may I lean on you, kit...for some reason...I do not feel well
[00:01] [Kitalia (Princess)] How about I call Shiro-san?
[00:01] [Lady Kou] could you please ^^
[00:02] * Kitalia (Princess) nods happily and closes her eyes before opening them again "He'll be here in a second, if he knows what's good for him."
[00:02] *** Shiro Kou [] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[00:02] [@Kryten] Greetings, Shiro Kou
[00:03] [Shiro Kou] oh..hi, david....what's wrong here?
[00:03] [Kitalia (Princess)] Good boy! XD
[00:03] [Lady Kou] oh my...darling..I feel a bit...faint
[00:03] [Kitalia (Princess)] My sister-in-law wishes to go home, NOW.
[00:03] [Shiro Kou] whoa..WHOA! *runs over and catches Lady*
[00:04] [Shiro Kou] good idea, kit-chan.....I'll see you there
[00:04] * Shiro Kou picks up his wife and runs out!
[00:04] * Kitalia (Princess) grins
[00:04] *** Shiro Kou [] has left #rdsanctuary1 (what's wrong, darling!)
[00:04] *** Lady Kou [] has left #rdsanctuary1 (oh my...)
[00:04] [Kitalia (Princess)] Mwuahahahaha
[00:05] [Matsumi Kaze] what's up, kit-chan?
[00:05] [Kitalia (Princess)] You know the truth, don't you~? ^_~
[00:05] * Matsumi Kaze is puzzled at first...then giggles "oh man..shiro is in for a surpise"
[00:06] [Kitalia (Princess)] That and that my senshi are my personal punching bags XD
[00:07] [Kitalia (Princess)] Since Mother is dead, I get to treat my senshi any way I please~
[00:08] [Matsumi Kaze] heh...wish vana was here for this
[00:09] [Matsumi Kaze] you know vana..right?
[00:11] [Kitalia (Princess)] Yeah, of course I know Aunt Vana >>
[00:11] * Matsumi Kaze looks left..and right...and gives her neice a BIIIIIIG hug!
[00:11] * Kitalia (Princess) laughs
[00:12] [Shiro Kou (from Kinmoku)] -/flash
[00:13] * Kitalia (Princess) closes her eyes for a moment then laughs "Kara's using Taki and Yoshi as punching bags again and my sister-in-law just told Shiro" XD
[00:13] *** Shiro Kou (from Kinmoku) [] has left #rdsanctuary1
[00:14] [Matsumi Kaze] I could hear it ><
[00:15] [Matsumi Kaze] my ears are ringing...
[00:16] *** Vanadine [] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[00:16] [@Kryten] Greetings, Vanadine
[00:16] [Matsumi Kaze] hi, vana!!!.....
[00:17] [Vanadine] Hey Sweety, what's up?
[00:17] [Matsumi Kaze] just...trying not to get deaf!
[00:17] [Vanadine] What's with all the yelling?
[00:17] *** ~Kara (From Kinmoku) has left #rdsanctuary1
[00:19] [Matsumi Kaze] I think shiro just found out his wife is pregnant
[00:19] [Vanadine] Oh my
[00:20] [Vanadine] Who's Shiro?
[00:20] [Matsumi Kaze] Seiya's older brother
[00:20] [Matsumi Kaze] you know seiya of the starlights
[00:21] [Vanadine] Ohhh, ok
[00:21] [Kitalia (Princess)] Kara's tormenting Shiro, Taki, and Yoshi again XD
[00:21] *** Seiya Kou (Senshi) [] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[00:21] [@Kryten] Greetings, Seiya Kou (Senshi)
[00:22] [Matsumi Kaze] hiya, seiya!
[00:22] * Matsumi Kaze hugs vana at the same time
[00:22] * Vanadine hugs Matsy back and holds her.
[00:23] [Vanadine] Grrrr....
[00:24] [Matsumi Kaze] heh
[00:24] [Kitalia (Princess)] I don't know what he's talking about Aunt Vana~
[00:24] * Vanadine lets go of Matsy, walks over to Seiya and proceeds to smack him.
[00:24] [Vanadine] Will you please stop yelling?
[00:24] * Seiya Kou (Senshi) FLEES
[00:25] [Matsumi Kaze]!
[00:25] *** Seiya Kou (Senshi) [] has left #rdsanctuary1 (DAMMIT! Why must *I* be Kitalia-hime's favorite punching bag?! T_T)
[00:25] * Matsumi Kaze applauds
[00:25] [Matsumi Kaze] one thing, vana...
[00:25] [Vanadine] I just wanted him to stop yelling....
[00:25] [Kitalia (Princess)] I APPROVE!
[00:25] * Vanadine glares at Kitalia....
[00:25] [Matsumi Kaze] Seiya's a think >_>
[00:26] [Kitalia (Princess)] Seiya's a girl, and sorry Aunt Vana! T_T
[00:26] [Vanadine] Him, her, it... I don't care. I have a headache..... so they need to stop yelling before I really hurt someone.
[00:27] [Matsumi Kaze] heh..that's my vana!
[00:28] [Kitalia (Princess)] Aunt Vana is the best! ^_^
[00:29] * Matsumi Kaze can't help but giggle "she is wonderful!"
[00:29] * Vanadine sits on Matsy's lap and lays against her.
[00:30] * Matsumi Kaze holds vana " was today for you, vana?"
[00:30] *** Kitalia (Princess) [] has left #rdsanctuary1 (Kara-neesan, come here so I can stab you with Father's sword. Seiya, who's that you're dating now?)
[00:30] [Vanadine] It was fine... till this headache caught up with me.
[00:31] [Matsumi Kaze] awww..anyway I can help with it?
[00:32] [Vanadine] Just let me relax for a bit.
[00:32] *** ~Sage (Prince) has joined #rdsanctuary1
[00:32] [@Kryten] Greetings, ~Sage (Prince)
[00:33] [~Sage (Prince)] Aunt Mats, Kara-neechan just knocked out Taki and Yoshi with two large sacks of flour >>
[00:34] [Matsumi Kaze] what do you want me to do about it, sage-chan? *lays vana's head on her lap*
[00:34] * Vanadine stretches across the sofa, her head in Matsy's lap
[00:34] [~Sage (Prince)] She demanded that I tell you. >> And Kitalia-neechan knocked out all three of the starlights with her sword. She too demanded I tell you. They both also told me to tell you that I have been reduced to a messenger boy >>
[00:35] [Matsumi Kaze] awwww...come here, sage
[00:37] [~Sage (Prince)] They also told me to tell you that our Mother is not to find out about this.
[00:38] *** ~Sage (Prince) has quit IRC (AAAAACK! NO! PLEASE! ANYTHING BUT JELLO IN MY BOOTS ><)
[00:38] [Matsumi Kaze] oh...poor kid
[00:39] *** Kakyuu-hime has joined #rdsanctuary1
[00:39] [@Kryten] Greetings, Kakyuu-hime
[00:39] * Matsumi Kaze strokes vana's hair
[00:39] [Matsumi Kaze] oh..hiya, kakyuu! long time no see
[00:39] [Kakyuu-hime] I'm just going to assume that my children are all up to no good and leave it at that. >>
[00:40] * Vanadine throws something at the door as Sage leaves: Damnit.... why do people feel the need to yell tonight!?
[00:40] [Kakyuu-hime] I'm guessing my daughters are torturing their brother?
[00:40] * Matsumi Kaze strokes vana's hair again "shh..shh..there there"
[00:41] [Matsumi Kaze] would know
[00:41] * Kakyuu-hime sighs, also has a headache from some NOISY little Starlights.
[00:42] [Matsumi Kaze] heh...they may be noisy..but their cute too
[00:42] *** Kakyuu-hime has left #rdsanctuary1 (Kara, go back to torturing your Star Samurai. Kitalia, go back to torturing your Starlights.)
[00:43] [Matsumi Kaze] heh...
[00:44] * Matsumi Kaze gives vana a kiss
[00:44] * Vanadine kisses back lightly
[00:46] [Matsumi Kaze] you are so pretty.....
[00:48] * Vanadine smiles: Awww, thank you Sweety.
[00:50] [Matsumi Kaze] hey...I love you ^_^
[00:52] [Vanadine] I love you too, Matsy-chan....
[00:53] * Matsumi Kaze puts her arms around vana and nuzzles her
[00:53] * Vanadine snuggles against Matsy's stomach
[00:55] [Matsumi Kaze] hehe...that feels nice!
[00:57] [Vanadine] Mmmm.... so soft.
[00:58] * Matsumi Kaze strokes vana's cheek "you're soft too"
[00:59] * Vanadine giggles
[01:01] * Vanadine smirks: Ya' know.... there is something you can do to help get rid of my headache....
[01:02] [Matsumi Kaze] oh...what?
[01:03] * Vanadine sits and stands, winking at Matsy as she heads out. Follow me.....
[01:03] * Matsumi Kaze smirks and follows
[01:03] *** Vanadine [] has left #rdsanctuary1 (^_~)
[01:04] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has left #rdsanctuary1 (what is vana up to?)
[12:02] *** Vanadine (undies) [] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[12:02] [@Kryten] Greetings, Vanadine (undies)
[12:03] * Vanadine (undies) walks in, yawning with a content smile.
[12:03] *** Matsumi Kaze (Undies) [] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[12:03] [@Kryten] Greetings, Matsumi Kaze (Undies)
[12:03] * Matsumi Kaze (Undies) yawns
[12:04] * Vanadine (undies) slowly sits on the sofa: Mmmm.... mornin' Sweety. ^_~
[12:05] [Matsumi Kaze (Undies)] morning ^^
[12:06] * Vanadine (undies) lays back against the sofa
[12:06] * Matsumi Kaze (Undies) sits next to the sofa...cause she partially can't find the sofa
[12:07] * Vanadine (undies) telekineticly picks up Matsy and places her on her lap with a smile: Mine....
[12:08] * Matsumi Kaze (Undies) giggles and leans against vana "mine too ^^"
[12:09] [Vanadine (undies)] You were wonderful last night... :)
[12:10] * Matsumi Kaze (Undies) blushes and giggles "thankies ^^"
[12:11] * Vanadine (undies) holds Matsumi with a smile
[12:16] [Vanadine (undies)] I've been thinking two things after last night....
[12:18] [Matsumi Kaze (Undies)] oh..what?
[12:19] [Vanadine (undies)] First... that bit of fun with Kalli I had the other night was a warm up for you....
[12:19] [Matsumi Kaze (Undies)] oooooh
[12:19] [Vanadine (undies)] ... and second... all those nights I had to go to bed early is what made me need you so badly last night.
[12:20] * Vanadine (undies) hugs and holds Matsumi tight: I'm not letting you go now....
[12:21] * Matsumi Kaze (Undies) smiles and nuzzles vana
[12:33] * Vanadine (undies) sighs happily
[12:43] [Matsumi Kaze (Undies)] I love this
[12:43] [Vanadine (undies)] Me too....
[12:46] * Matsumi Kaze (Undies) 's cell phone rings "hold on a moment, vana"
[12:47] [Vanadine (undies)] ok
[12:47] * Matsumi Kaze (Undies) listens to the person on the other line "......okay...stop calling me about that..I have no exprence on those to your mother or something!"
[12:48] * Matsumi Kaze (Undies) hangs up
[12:48] [Vanadine (undies)] Who was that?
[12:49] [Matsumi Kaze (Undies)] Shiro...panicing
[12:50] [Matsumi Kaze (Undies)] *panicking
[12:50] [Vanadine (undies)] I see.
[12:50] [Vanadine (undies)] What's going on?
[12:51] [Matsumi Kaze (Undies)] he wanted to to deal with his wife being preganant
[12:53] [Matsumi Kaze (Undies)] the guy is hopeless
[12:54] [Vanadine (undies)] Heh, poor guy.
[12:54] [Matsumi Kaze (Undies)] I'm just wondering why he thought I would know this stuff....
[12:55] [Vanadine (undies)] I dunno
[12:57] [Vanadine (undies)] So, what're we gonna' do today?
[12:58] [Matsumi Kaze (Undies)] hmm...I'm have any ideas?
[13:04] [Vanadine (undies)] We could go home and give Hideki a workout he'll never forget. ^_~
[13:05] [Matsumi Kaze (Undies)] heh..sure
[13:08] [Matsumi Kaze (Undies)] that sounds like an idea
[13:11] [Vanadine (undies)] Well then.... shall we go?
[13:13] [Matsumi Kaze (Undies)] let's ^^
[13:14] * Vanadine (undies) lifts up Matsy and carries her out with a grin
[13:15] *** Matsumi Kaze (Undies) [] has left #rdsanctuary1 (hehehe....^_^)
[13:15] *** Vanadine (undies) [] has left #rdsanctuary1 (Here we come 'deki... I hope you've rested up. ^_~)
[14:56] *** Nall (Humanoid) [] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[14:56] [@Kryten] Greetings, Nall (Humanoid)
[14:56] [Nall (Humanoid)] Hmm.... noone here.
[14:56] [Nall (Humanoid)] Good, gives me a chance to check the controlls.
[14:57] * Nall (Humanoid) walks over and sits at the workstation in the corner of the room
[14:58] *** Lister of Smeg [] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[14:58] [@Kryten] Greetings, Lister of Smeg
[14:58] * Nall (Humanoid) types in a few key sequences/ "Good....seems everything's in line."
[14:59] * Lister of Smeg wanders over and gets a beer can from under the console.
[15:00] [Nall (Humanoid)] WHA..! Oh.... Hello Lister.... you scared me.
[15:00] [Lister of Smeg] Jah! Sorry 'bout that. Just needed me lager.
[15:02] [Nall (Humanoid)] Oh, that's quite alright. I was just checking to make sure the workstation is operating properly.
[15:04] [Lister of Smeg] If it stops workin' just give it a good whack.
[15:05] [Nall (Humanoid)] Ya' know.... I'd normally say something about that not being the proper way to repair equipment.... but I've seen it work....
[15:07] [Lister of Smeg] S'what I used ta do ta Rimmer when he broke down. Ha.
[15:09] [Nall (Humanoid)] The Rimmer?
[15:10] [Lister of Smeg] Old Smeghead himself.
[15:11] [Nall (Humanoid)] I'm not quite sure I follow.
[15:12] [Lister of Smeg] Most o' the time I spent with him, he was a Hologram.
[15:12] [Nall (Humanoid)] I see
[15:13] [Lister of Smeg] Arnold Judas Rimmer. Mr. "Up, up, up the ziggurat lickedy-split"
[15:13] [Nall (Humanoid)] I see
[15:13] [Nall (Humanoid)] Was he some kind of robot or something?
[15:14] * Lister of Smeg takes a long pull on his lager can.
[15:14] [Lister of Smeg] Nah. He was human. Maybe not a very good one, but...
[15:16] [Nall (Humanoid)] Ahh. So if he didn't work.... you'd kick him? O_o
[15:16] [Lister of Smeg] Well, not him... I'd go an' whack the Holo-projectors. Always made 'im jump, though.
[15:18] [Nall (Humanoid)] Ohh, alright. Well, that kinda' explains why the holo-projectors were in such bad shape before I got here.
[15:18] [Lister of Smeg] <_<
[15:19] [Nall (Humanoid)] Please do me a favor.... if you have a problem with them now, get in contact with me. I'll fix 'em up quick.
[15:21] [Lister of Smeg] Hey, no trouble at all. Call ya up, man. No prob.
[15:21] * Nall (Humanoid) stands/ "I don't mind fixing them... but I don't want to have to replace them cause of blunt force damage."
[15:22] [Lister of Smeg] Better get meself over to the hangar.
[15:23] [Lister of Smeg] Krissy wants to go crusin' some of Jupiter's moons.
[15:23] [Nall (Humanoid)] Alright Lister. Take care.
[15:25] *** Lister of Smeg [] has left #rdsanctuary1
[15:26] *** Nall (Humanoid) [] has left #rdsanctuary1 (Better finish my rounds.)
[23:12] *** Nall (Humanoid) [] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[23:12] [@Kryten] Greetings, Nall (Humanoid)
[23:12] [Nall (Humanoid)] What a day....
[23:16] *** Neva [] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[23:16] [@Kryten] Greetings, Neva
[23:16] * Neva sighs.....
[23:16] * Neva has paint on her face
[23:16] * Nall (Humanoid) plops down on the sofa/ "Hey there Kitten."
[23:16] [Neva] hiya...
[23:17] [Nall (Humanoid)] What's with the paint?
[23:18] [Neva] ..lil Katina..
[23:18] [Neva] she found out about the human activity known as "Finger Painting"
[23:19] [Nall (Humanoid)] Oh my...
[23:19] [Neva] should see her quarters...*sweatdrops*
[23:21] * Neva sighs and sit down next to nall
[23:23] * Nall (Humanoid) puts his arm around Neva and holds her.
[23:25] [Nall (Humanoid)] Well, even though it was messy, I can imagine the two of you had fun.
[23:26] [Neva] was ^_^...
[23:26] [Neva] she asked me if it was alright for her to call you "brother"
[23:27] [Nall (Humanoid)] Awwwww.... what'd you tell her?
[23:27] [Neva] well...if she wanted to..yes
[23:28] [Nall (Humanoid)] Hehe.... that's gonna' be cute the first time she calls me that. ^_^
[23:29] [Neva] well...she likes you alot
[23:32] * Nall (Humanoid) smiles/ "I'm glad she does."
[23:33] [Neva] what do you think of my family?
[23:34] [Nall (Humanoid)] I think they're great.... except for Janice of course... but only cause she doesn't like me.
[23:44] [Neva] I'm wondering about Janice sometimes
[23:45] [Neva] to be honest...she really has never been populer with the boys
[23:46] [Nall (Humanoid)] Do you think maybe....
[23:47] [Neva] maybe what?
[23:48] [Nall (Humanoid)] She might be like Vana-chan and Matsumi-hime?
[23:48] [Neva] mean she's....
[23:49] [Nall (Humanoid)] Well.... that's kinda' what it sounds like....
[23:51] [Neva] I never really though about that...
[23:53] [Neva] maybe I should ask her sometime soon
[23:54] * Neva lays her head on nall's lap
[23:55] * Nall (Humanoid) lightly scratches Neva's ears/ "I'd suggest you be very careful with approching that subject though.
[23:57] * Neva nods and purrs
[00:00] [Neva] when row and nate come back.....does that mean we can get married?
[00:00] * Nall (Humanoid) smiles, "We can get married anytime Kitten. But I would like to have the ceremony when they get back."
[00:01] * Neva nods
[00:03] [Neva] mama is getting ideas again...
[00:04] [Nall (Humanoid)] What ideas?
[00:06] [Neva] oh..more wedding getting a new cater and increasing the size of the guest list
[00:07] [Nall (Humanoid)] By how many people?
[00:09] [Neva] famlies's guild..I told you about them
[00:11] [Nall (Humanoid)] She doesn't wanna' invite.... all of them.... does she?
[00:12] [Neva]'s my mother...what do you think?
[00:13] [Nall (Humanoid)] Ok.... we're gonna' have to have the wedding BEFORE she can do that....
[00:15] [Neva] I think I can get my brothers to change her mind
[00:18] [Nall (Humanoid)] Please do....
[00:20] * Neva looks up at nall "you are so..utterly..handsome"
[00:22] [Neva] in both forms ^_^
[00:24] [Nall (Humanoid)] Awww
[00:24] * Nall (Humanoid) blushes/ "You're so sweet."
[00:25] * Neva carresses nall's cheek "'s true"
[00:26] * Nall (Humanoid) bends down and kisses Neva
[00:28] * Neva kisses back fully and happily
[00:34] * Nall (Humanoid) holds Neva/ "Ya' know.... waiting to marry you has been one of the most difficult things I could've done...."
[00:34] [Neva] same here, nall-kun *smiles up to him*
[00:38] [Nall (Humanoid)] If I weren't so dedicated to doing the wedding the right way... I'd be tempted to do what Nate and Row-san did.
[00:38] [Neva] heh....
[00:40] * Neva nuzzles nall
[00:47] * Nall (Humanoid) smiles
[00:48] * Nall (Humanoid) fidgets a bit.
[00:49] [Neva] something wrong, nall?
[00:51] [Nall (Humanoid)] I... think we should go back to our quarters.....
[00:53] [Neva] uh....okay...
[00:54] * Nall (Humanoid) blushes, then leands down and whispers into Neva's ear
[00:54] [Neva] is everything alright?
[00:54] * Neva blushes too
[00:55] [Neva] alright nall-kun...hehe
[01:00] * Neva gets up
[01:01] * Nall (Humanoid) stands and quickly makes his way out
[01:02] * Neva follows
[01:02] *** Nall (Humanoid) [] has left #rdsanctuary1 (This is slightly embarassing. *^_^*)
[01:03] *** Neva [] has left #rdsanctuary1 (heheh..I'll take care of it, nall-kun!)
[02:35] *** Shiro Kou [] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[02:35] [@Kryten] Greetings, Shiro Kou
[02:35] * Shiro Kou sighs and opens up a can of beer
[02:35] [Shiro Kou] man....all
[02:43] *** Shiro Kou [] has left #rdsanctuary1 (I hope I do things right)
[14:28] [Calaway] ((to whom it concerns, my IM client should accept file transfers even while Im away.))
[21:00] *** Shiro Kou [] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[21:00] [@Kryten] Greetings, Shiro Kou
[21:01] * Shiro Kou relaxes on the sofa
[21:03] * Shiro Kou gets himself something to drink
[21:09] [Shiro Kou] *sigh*
[21:12] [Shiro Kou] what if I'm a terrible father?
[21:18] * Shiro Kou takes some more drinks and turns on the TV
[21:31] * Shiro Kou watches a Daikaiju movie
[21:40] [Shiro Kou] heh...rubber suits
[21:42] * Shiro Kou drinks his beer
[21:45] *** ~Kara (Guardian) has joined #rdsanctuary1
[21:45] [@Kryten] Greetings, ~Kara (Guardian)
[21:46] *** Kitalia (Guardian) [] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[21:46] [@Kryten] Greetings, Kitalia (Guardian)
[21:47] [Shiro Kou] huh?
[21:47] [Shiro Kou] oh..hi you two
[21:47] * Shiro Kou drinks his beer
[21:49] * Shiro Kou turns off the TV and gets up
[21:51] [Shiro Kou] what brings you here?
[21:51] * ~Kara (Guardian) grins
[21:52] * ~Kara (Guardian) pins Shiro to the nearest wall at the nod of her sister "Where's Seiya. She's been missing since morning."
[21:52] [Shiro Kou] ugh..I don't know!
[21:52] [Shiro Kou] I've been with the guys all day!
[21:52] [Kitalia (Guardian)] I asked my sister to help me look, but we didn't find her. Now, you being her brother, I just presumed you'd help her~
[21:53] [~Kara (Guardian)] How can that be? I was training them all day~ EXTREME TRAINING. Unless you've found out how to create shadows of yourselves?
[21:53] [Shiro Kou] I don't know where she is!!!!
[21:53] [Shiro Kou] ok..ok..I admit it T_T
[21:54] [Shiro Kou] I spend most of my time in the local bar
[21:56] [Shiro Kou] I don't know.....I think she went out......maybe on a date
[21:57] [Shiro Kou] are you going to let me go?
[21:57] [~Kara (Guardian)] BAR!? YOU'VE BEEN DRINKING AGAIN!? That's it, I'm going to inform my sister-in-law of this~
[21:58] *** David O'Cain has joined #rdsanctuary1
[21:58] [@Kryten] Greetings, David O'Cain
[21:58] [David O'Cain] Evening.
[21:59] [Shiro Kou] NO..DON'T...please..I don't want her to be worried
[21:59] [Kitalia (Guardian)] Uncle David!
[21:59] [Shiro Kou] .....I'm just worried..that's all, girls
[21:59] [~Kara (Guardian)] Your only other option is extreme training with your cousins.
[22:00] [David O'Cain] Um, what's going on?
[22:00] [Shiro Kou] alright...
[22:00] [Shiro Kou] please let me go....
[22:00] * ~Kara (Guardian) lets go of Shiro and nods to her LITTLE SISTER before disappearing
[22:01] * Shiro Kou dusts himself off
[22:01] *** ~Kara (Guardian) has left #rdsanctuary1 (Report to the arena at 4:30 AM SHARP! Even a second late will earn you ten minutes after training is done for the day.)
[22:02] [Kitalia (Guardian)] Don't you just love your charges, Shiro~?
[22:02] [Shiro Kou] yeah....
[22:02] [Shiro Kou] Kit-chan....please don't tell my wife......I don't want to worry her
[22:02] [Shiro Kou] I feel rotten enough...
[22:02] [David O'Cain] Man, I'm not sure what's worse: Ranger training or what Kara's got in mind.
[22:04] [Shiro Kou] I wish I felt better...
[22:04] [Kitalia (Guardian)] We won't~ Seiya's gonna go through ZERO DIMENSION training tomorrow! Because of Erin is back now and she's granted me permission to use the Zero Dimension to train my guardians!
[22:06] [David O'Cain] Yeah, that sounds worse than Ranger training.
[22:06] [Shiro Kou] oh poor baby sister
[22:06] [Kitalia (Guardian)] David, the training that my sister and I have our protectors go through, is WORSE than Ranger training.
[22:07] [David O'Cain] Aren't I lucky I don't have to go through Unmeian military training. :/
[22:11] [Kitalia (Guardian)] This isn't as bad as Kurisutaru's training of her military officers.
[22:11] [Kitalia (Guardian)] It's WORSE
[22:12] * Shiro Kou pats kit on the back
[22:13] * Kitalia (Guardian) flinches and draws away from Shiro "Don't touch me."
[22:13] [Shiro Kou] oh..pardon, kit-chan
[22:14] [Kitalia (Guardian)] No... It's just... Do you remember when Kinmoku had so many refugees from the spirit kingdoms?
[22:14] [Shiro Kou] oh yes....
[22:15] [Kitalia (Guardian)] Someone brought up that time.... That time when I spent so long locked away by myself...
[22:16] * David O'Cain takes a seat on a sofa
[22:16] [Kitalia (Guardian)] My hands are stained from that time... Stained with the blood of my little sister... These hands will never again be clean.
[22:17] * Shiro Kou nods
[22:17] [Shiro Kou] I'm sorry if I don't sound like myself tonight, kit-chan
[22:18] [Kitalia (Guardian)] Just go home! You know nothing of the truth of that time!
[22:20] [Shiro Kou] alright.....princess.....
[22:20] * Shiro Kou turns away from kit quietly and leaves
[22:20] *** Shiro Kou [] has left #rdsanctuary1 (I rather not say anything)
[22:20] [David O'Cain] I'm not gonna ask.
[22:22] [Kitalia (Guardian)] Thanks, Uncle Dave... It means a lot not to have to revisit that time...
[22:22] *** Kitalia (Guardian) [] has left #rdsanctuary1 (My past is horrific, and the stench of death is overpowering.)
[22:22] [David O'Cain] Yeah.
[22:24] *** Masaki (Undies) [] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[22:24] [@Kryten] Greetings, Masaki (Undies)
[22:24] * Masaki (Undies) wanders in, dressed in her red lace panties and bra
[22:24] *** ~Sage (Prince) has joined #rdsanctuary1
[22:24] [@Kryten] Greetings, ~Sage (Prince)
[22:24] [David O'Cain] Oh, hello, my lovely wife. ^_^
[22:25] [Masaki (Undies)] hi, david...long story
[22:25] * Masaki (Undies) sees the newcomer...and turns red
[22:25] [David O'Cain] Masaki-chan, I got all night to hear it.
[22:25] [~Sage (Prince)] Er... Sorry, just looking for Kitalia! *has his hands over his eyes trying to be polite
[22:25] [Masaki (Undies)] I think she left...
[22:26] *** ~Sage (Prince) has left #rdsanctuary1 (Dammit! Kitalia! What's gotten into you, lately?!)
[22:26] * Masaki (Undies) sighs
[22:27] [David O'Cain] Are you feeling alright?
[22:28] [Masaki (Undies)] oh....Euri stopped by for card night at matsumi's house
[22:28] [David O'Cain] And?
[22:29] [Masaki (Undies)] started off as go-fish..turned into poker..and ended up being strip poker
[22:30] [David O'Cain] I take you got cleaned out. Still, you're good looking to me. ^_^
[22:31] [Masaki (Undies)] no....I was lucky...I came in third
[22:31] [David O'Cain] Very nice. ^_^..b
[22:31] [Masaki (Undies)] matsumi loast
[22:31] [Masaki (Undies)] *lost
[22:33] [David O'Cain] Poor girl. Who else was there?
[22:34] [Masaki (Undies)] saki was there..she came in second place
[22:35] [David O'Cain] Euri came in first, right?
[22:36] [Masaki (Undies)] yes
[22:36] * David O'Cain huggles Masaki, "You're still a sexy woman to me."
[22:37] * Masaki (Undies) smiles and sits on david's lap
[22:37] [David O'Cain] Enjoy the honeymoon?
[22:38] [Masaki (Undies)] of course ^_^
[22:39] [David O'Cain] Good. I was hoping to make it a memorable one.
[22:40] [Masaki (Undies)] honey....whatever you do...I love it
[22:40] [Masaki (Undies)] Mr. O'cain
[22:41] * David O'Cain kisses his beautiful wife passionately
[22:42] * Masaki (Undies) returns the kiss
[22:43] [David O'Cain] I love you so much.
[22:44] [Masaki (Undies)] I know, dear
[22:45] [David O'Cain] Such a lovely night.
[22:45] [Masaki (Undies)] it is..
[22:49] [David O'Cain] Nothing like being with the one you love and share the night with that person.
[22:49] [Masaki (Undies)] yup
[22:51] * David O'Cain picks up Masaki into his arms as he stands up
[22:52] * Masaki (Undies) smiles
[22:56] [David O'Cain] What do you say we have a good time? ^_~
[22:57] [Masaki (Undies)] alright..
[22:58] *** David O'Cain has left #rdsanctuary1 (You are my lovely wife, Masaki-chan.)
[22:59] *** Masaki (Undies) [] has left #rdsanctuary1 (heh)
[23:36] *** Nephrite [] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[23:36] [@Kryten] Greetings, Nephrite
[23:37] *** Matsumi Kaze (Robe) [] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[23:37] [@Kryten] Greetings, Matsumi Kaze (Robe)
[23:38] [Nephrite] Hey there Matsumi
[23:38] [Matsumi Kaze (Robe)] hiya....
[23:39] [Nephrite] I just wanted to gring something by for Nate
[23:39] [Matsumi Kaze (Robe)] oh?
[23:39] [Nephrite] ^bring
[23:40] [Nephrite] Yeah... Zoi-chan did a picture for him before the wedding and just now finished it. She had a few things going on.
[23:40] [Matsumi Kaze (Robe)] cool
[23:41] [Nephrite] Check it out:
[23:42] [Matsumi Kaze (Robe)] very nice
[23:44] [Nephrite] I'll pass that comment along when I get home. ^_^
[23:44] * Matsumi Kaze (Robe) nods
[23:46] [Nephrite] I was hoping to show it to him first, but I missed him this afternoon and now, so I figured I'd just debut it in the room.
[23:47] * Matsumi Kaze (Robe) nods...
[23:47] * Matsumi Kaze (Robe) sits on a sofa
[23:49] * Nephrite sits next to Matsumi and smiles, "I havn't seen you in a while. How's our princess doing?"
[23:52] [Matsumi Kaze (Robe)] well..tonight was card night with the saki and masaki...brought in Euri too
[23:52] [Matsumi Kaze (Robe)] turned from Go-Fish to Strip Poker
[23:53] [Nephrite] Oh my.... wish I'd've been able to watch that. ^_~
[23:53] [Matsumi Kaze (Robe)] I lost
[23:54] [Nephrite] An even better reason I wish I could've watched. ^_~
[23:54] [Matsumi Kaze (Robe)] heh...
[23:55] [Nephrite] Well, it's been a while since I've seen the beautiful vision of you in the nude.
[23:55] [Matsumi Kaze (Robe)] I should head home
[23:55] * Matsumi Kaze (Robe) blushes slightly
[23:55] [Nephrite] Awww, alright.
[23:56] [Nephrite] Tell Hideki I said hello
[23:56] * Matsumi Kaze (Robe) gives neph a quick kiss
[23:57] * Nephrite smiles, kissing back
[23:57] *** Matsumi Kaze (Robe) [] has left #rdsanctuary1 (what a day)
[00:04] * Nephrite stands, "Oh well, guess I should head home as well."
[00:04] *** Kakyuu-hime has joined #rdsanctuary1
[00:04] [@Kryten] Greetings, Kakyuu-hime
[00:05] [Nephrite] Oh... what a surprise. Hello Kakyuu... long time no see.
[00:05] [Kakyuu-hime] Hello
[00:05] [Nephrite] How've you been?
[00:06] [Kakyuu-hime] Indeed it has been a long time. I've been so busy with taking care of two kids off-world that I haven't had any time to be here in quite some time ^_^
[00:08] [Nephrite] Well, since Matsumi and Vanadine moved away, I havn't been in here very much myself.
[00:10] [Nephrite] I'm actually concidering moving to Yokohama myself....
[00:19] [Nephrite] Oh well, I must be off. My fiancee is waiting. Nice seeing you Kakyuu.
[00:20] *** Nephrite [] has left #rdsanctuary1 (What an interesting night.)
[01:36] *** Fashionable Feline [] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[01:36] [@Kryten] Greetings, Fashionable Feline
[01:36] * Fashionable Feline spins into the room right toward the nearest shiny surface.
[01:36] [Fashionable Feline] OoOoOoWwWw!~ How'm I lookin'?
[01:37] * Fashionable Feline looks at his reflection and grooms himself a bit.
[01:37] [Fashionable Feline] I'm lookin' good! No, better than good, sexy!
[01:38] * Fashionable Feline tosses a catnip mouse and catches it with his other hand.
[01:38] *** Vanadine (nightgown) [] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[01:38] [@Kryten] Greetings, Vanadine (nightgown)
[01:38] [Fashionable Feline] Too slow mousy. :3
[01:39] * Fashionable Feline bats and nibbles at the mouse.
[01:39] * Vanadine (nightgown) walks in silently and grins
[01:39] [Fashionable Feline] This is hard work, I'm gonna need some food.
[01:40] * Fashionable Feline saunters over to the replicator.
[01:40] [Fashionable Feline] Fish!
[01:40] * Fashionable Feline takes his fish and turns around.
[01:40] [Fashionable Feline] Hey, you're not after my fish are you?
[01:40] [Vanadine (nightgown)] So.... a boy kitty in our ranks now....
[01:41] [Vanadine (nightgown)] No no, I just came to see if anyone was here. Wasn't expecting to find a kittyboy.
[01:41] [Fashionable Feline] Now? I've always been here. Ever since I was born.
[01:42] [Vanadine (nightgown)] Have you now? This is my first time encountering you and I'm here quite a bit.
[01:43] [Fashionable Feline] Well, I got my own place down on Earth. Novelty condom head thought it was fun to pull pranks on me.
[01:44] [Fashionable Feline] But I was born and raised here on Red Dwarf.
[01:44] [Vanadine (nightgown)] Novelty condom head?
[01:45] [Fashionable Feline] That maniacal mechanoid Kryten.
[01:45] [Vanadine (nightgown)] Ohhh
[01:45] [Vanadine (nightgown)] heh, kryten doesn't strike me as a prankster
[01:46] [Fashionable Feline] Lister said he fixed him up, but his advice is about as useful as a bathing suit in a nudist camp.
[01:46] [Fashionable Feline] So I nicked a Blue Midget and made it my home.
[01:47] * Vanadine (nightgown) thinks about that statement and grins, then shakes it off: Anyway
[01:47] [Fashionable Feline] Aww.. You've had me talkin' so much my fish is cold. Now I need a new one.
[01:48] [Vanadine (nightgown)] Nah... I can fix that
[01:48] * Fashionable Feline goes back over to the replicator to get a new fish platter.
[01:48] * Vanadine (nightgown) points at the fish and closes here eyes, heating it to a light sizzle: There...
[01:49] * Fashionable Feline goes a bit wide eyed as his old fish is reheated and a new one appears from the replicator.
[01:49] [Fashionable Feline] Hey, that's a neat trick. You can reheat fish!
[01:50] [Vanadine (nightgown)] Pyrokinesis has it's advantages.
[01:51] [Fashionable Feline] Like I always say, two fish is better than one.
[01:51] [Fashionable Feline] But don't get me started on those red and blue ones, they're just weird.
[01:52] * Vanadine (nightgown) sits on the sofa and watches him eat: So, what's your name?
[01:53] [Fashionable Feline] I'm Cat!
[01:55] * Vanadine (nightgown) smirks: Well, isn't that rather original?
[01:56] [Fashionable Feline] Thank Lister for that one.
[01:59] [Vanadine (nightgown)] Have you ever thought of re-naming yourself?
[01:59] * Fashionable Feline finishes up his fish and dabs his lips with a handkerchief
[02:00] [Fashionable Feline] There was this one time. After I got into a big barrel of catnip.
[02:01] * Vanadine (nightgown) giggles a bit.
[02:03] [Fashionable Feline] It wasn't funny, I threw up my lunch all over my suit. Peach on blue just didn't work.
[02:04] [Fashionable Feline] The worst part was waiting for them to pump my stomach before I could change into something that matched.
[02:05] [Vanadine (nightgown)] Oh my
[02:07] [Fashionable Feline] Just thinking about it, I need another fish.
[02:09] [Vanadine (nightgown)] Are you sure? You've already had two.
[02:10] [Fashionable Feline] Are you kidding? I usually eat five. This is just a late night snack.
[02:11] [Vanadine (nightgown)] I see.
[02:12] [Fashionable Feline] But, I should try to keep trim for all the lady cats.
[02:13] * Fashionable Feline whips out a miniature bullhorn.
[02:14] [Vanadine (nightgown)] I hate to disappoint you, but to my knowledge, the only lady cats that frequent this ship are both taken.
[02:14] [Fashionable Feline] Attention, all lady cats! Single male on the prowl!
[02:14] [Fashionable Feline] Really?
[02:14] [Fashionable Feline] I need to find new grounds.
[02:15] [Vanadine (nightgown)] Perhaps so. That or go for a non-kitty girl.
[02:16] [Fashionable Feline] A human girl? They're so bland!
[02:18] * Vanadine (nightgown) smirks: You're lucky I'm not easily offended......
[02:19] [Fashionable Feline] Why would you be offended?
[02:20] [Vanadine (nightgown)] I am not bland
[02:20] [Fashionable Feline] Well, duh. Humans are bland.
[02:21] [Vanadine (nightgown)] So now you're saying I'm not human...?
[02:21] * Fashionable Feline gets a really embarassed look on his face.
[02:21] [Fashionable Feline] I didn't realize you were human. Wow, maybe there's hope for them yet.
[02:22] * Vanadine (nightgown) grins: I'll take that as a compliment.
[02:23] * Vanadine (nightgown) crosses her legs, her nightgown sliding up a bit to show off her legs more.
[02:23] [Fashionable Feline] Just about time for my nightly prowl. I should go before I say anything else stupid.
[02:24] [Vanadine (nightgown)] Well, in an odd way, what you said was kinda' sweet, Cat.
[02:24] [Fashionable Feline] Wow... If you didn't smell taken...
[02:26] * Vanadine (nightgown) giggles and blushes a bit: You're a charmer....
[02:27] * Vanadine (nightgown) shows off her bracelet and ring: I am rather taken, but let's just say I still have a few extra..... playmates.
[02:27] [Fashionable Feline] Never go up against a smell stronger than you, though. I smell three, no four I wouldn't want to cross.
[02:28] [Vanadine (nightgown)] Well, you do flatter me and I thank you for that.
[02:28] [Fashionable Feline] Last two are kinda faint.
[02:30] [Vanadine (nightgown)] So... you can really smell who I've "been with" on me?
[02:31] * Fashionable Feline stands up proudly. "I can smell meteorites coming in space, of course I can."
[02:31] [Vanadine (nightgown)] That's a powerful sniffer
[02:32] [Fashionable Feline] Three million years of evolution.
[02:33] [Vanadine (nightgown)] Interesting
[02:34] * Vanadine (nightgown) repositions herself so that she's laying across the sofa: Let me ask you something Cat....
[02:35] [Fashionable Feline] Yes?
[02:35] [Vanadine (nightgown)] Your comment has me curious.... what WOULD you do if I didn't smell taken? ^_~
[02:36] [Fashionable Feline] Throw you over my shoulder and take you back to my place. Rwawr!
[02:36] * Vanadine (nightgown) giggles a bit
[02:41] [Vanadine (nightgown)] You really think I'm THAT attractive?
[02:42] [Fashionable Feline] In that getup, I could overlook you being human.
[02:42] * Vanadine (nightgown) blushes: Thank you...
[02:45] [Fashionable Feline] I really gotta go find me a lady cat...
[02:46] [Vanadine (nightgown)] Well, I won't keep you any longer. Thank you for the nice words. ^_^
[02:46] *** Fashionable Feline [] has left #rdsanctuary1 (Attention all lady cats!)
[02:47] * Vanadine (nightgown) giggles: He's got me all flustered.....
[02:48] * Vanadine (nightgown) sits up, then stands: Guess I should head home and get to bed.
[02:49] *** Vanadine (nightgown) [] has left #rdsanctuary1 (Such a nice guy. I'm sure he'll find a nice girl soon enough.)
[10:06] *** Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown) [] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[10:06] [@Kryten] Greetings, Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown)
[10:06] * Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown) yawns
[10:13] * Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown) lays on the sofa and turns on the TV lazily
[10:19] *** Vanadine (nightgown) [] has joined #rdsanctuary1
[10:19] [@Kryten] Greetings, Vanadine (nightgown)
[10:23] [Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown)] morning, vana
[10:26] * Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown) yawns and streachs on the sofa
[10:28] [Vanadine (nightgown)] Mornin' Sweety
[10:28] [Vanadine (nightgown)] Ya' know... I came in here last night cause I couldn't sleep... and I met the oddest person.
[10:29] [Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown)] oh?
[10:31] [Vanadine (nightgown)] Yeah...
[10:31] [Vanadine (nightgown)] He said his name was Cat. He's a neko who says he lives on the ship, but I'd never seen him till last night.
[10:34] [Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown)] oh..yeah..him
[10:35] * Vanadine (nightgown) blushes: He's quite the charmer. He hit on me a little.
[10:36] [Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown)] heh...he is quite smooth...
[10:36] [Vanadine (nightgown)] He told me he didn't usually go for humans.... but that he'd forget about that if I didn't "smell taken"
[10:37] [Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown)] and did you?
[10:39] [Vanadine (nightgown)] Well, I couldn't smell it. But apperently I did.
[10:40] [Vanadine (nightgown)] He said, "Never go up against a smell stronger than you, though. I smell three, no four I wouldn't want to cross. "
[10:41] [Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown)] I guess that's partially my fault
[10:41] [Vanadine (nightgown)] Your fault?
[10:43] [Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown)] well..obveusly he smelled me on you
[10:44] [Vanadine (nightgown)] Well..... that's fine with me.
[10:45] * Vanadine (nightgown) proceeds to lay on top of Matsumi on the sofa
[10:46] * Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown) giggles
[10:46] [Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown)] you missed some real fun last night
[10:47] [Vanadine (nightgown)] I did? Awwww..... what happened?
[10:47] [Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown)] well..I invited Euri, Masaki and Saki over to play some go-fish
[10:48] [Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown)] then it turned into poker
[10:48] [Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown)] and ended up as strip poker
[10:49] [Vanadine (nightgown)] Awwwwwww...... and you did this without me?
[10:51] [Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown)] it kinda ended up as a spur of the moment
[10:51] [Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown)] I lost
[10:51] [Vanadine (nightgown)] Oh la la
[10:52] [Vanadine (nightgown)] How'd the other girls do?
[10:53] [Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown)] well...masaki ended up in her underwear
[10:53] [Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown)] Saki ended up in her shirt, panties and that was it for her
[10:54] [Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown)] Euri was in her shirt, panties and shocks
[10:54] [Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown)] *socks
[10:56] [Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown)] hideki was home..but he was working
[10:56] [Vanadine (nightgown)] Awwww
[10:57] [Vanadine (nightgown)] So many cute girls is so little clothing and I missed it.
[10:57] * Vanadine (nightgown) fake sniffles and pouts: Vana-chan is sad now.
[10:58] [Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown)]
[10:58] * Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown) wraps her arms around vana and gives her a big warm hug!
[11:00] * Vanadine (nightgown) hugs back and snuggles: Ok... I feel better now. ^_^
[11:00] [Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown)]'re so silly sometimes
[11:04] [Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown)] where were you yesterday anyway?
[11:07] [Vanadine (nightgown)] Work. They needed me at Global
[11:08] [Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown)] awwww...
[11:08] * Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown) holds vana tightly and close "my poor dear"
[11:10] * Vanadine (nightgown) snuggles back
[11:12] [Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown)] I'm not hurting you, am I?
[11:13] [Vanadine (nightgown)] Nope ^_^
[11:13] [Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown)] I'm sorry if I missed seeing you last night
[11:15] [Vanadine (nightgown)] it's ok.... I'm sorry i missed seeing you naked with other girls in thier underwear. ^_~
[11:15] * Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown) blushes "I'm not sure how masaki or the others would feel about that"
[11:17] [Vanadine (nightgown)] Well, if I was in on the game...
[11:17] [Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown)] how good are you at poker though?
[11:20] * Vanadine (nightgown) smirks: Let's just say... if you had any clothes by the end... it wouldn't be much.
[11:20] * Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown) blushes again
[11:22] [Vanadine (nightgown)] I've played poker with co-workers during downtime.... I usually end up with almost everyone's money
[11:24] [Vanadine (nightgown)] The only one I havn't been able to beat so far is my boss. He's very good.
[11:25] [Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown)] ahh..ok
[11:25] [Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown)] I suck at cars
[11:25] [Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown)] *cards
[11:29] [Vanadine (nightgown)] It's not hard. I know a few different styles of poker.
[11:29] [Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown)] I used to be able to play with my sister...but she always would clean me out ^^;;;
[11:35] * Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown) sits up
[11:37] [Vanadine (nightgown)] You gonna' start gettin' ready for work sweety?
[11:39] [Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown)] no..just...could breath..heh ^^;;;
[11:40] [Vanadine (nightgown)] oh, hehe
[11:43] * Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown) pulls out a photo from a "hidden" shows matsumi, masaki and saki during their mugen years
[11:46] [Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown)] heh
[11:50] * Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown) leans on vana, while still looking at the photo
[11:51] * Vanadine (nightgown) looks over Matsy's shoulder: Hehe, three cute girls
[11:52] [Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown)] when we first met..we had no idea the connection we would have
[11:55] * Vanadine (nightgown) nods
[11:56] * Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown) smiles..and then just lays her head on vana's lap
[11:57] * Vanadine (nightgown) combs through Matsy's hair with her hand
[11:59] [Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown)] I hope I never lose my friends
[12:01] [Vanadine (nightgown)] I doubt that will happen, Sweety.
[12:03] [Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown)] heh....thanks, vana
[12:05] [Vanadine (nightgown)] That's what I'm here for.
[12:07] [Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown)] and I'm thankful for that
[12:07] * Vanadine (nightgown) bends down and kisses Matsy on the forehead.
[12:09] * Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown) blushes
[12:10] * Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown) gives vana a playful kiss back
[12:10] * Vanadine (nightgown) smiles: You're so cute
[12:12] [Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown)] I try to be
[12:13] * Vanadine (nightgown) winks: Well, you're good at it.
[12:15] * Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown) giggles and gets up "I should probably get to work"
[12:17] [Vanadine (nightgown)] You and me both.
[12:17] * Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown) pulls off her nightgown...and in a flash is fully dressed
[12:17] [Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] Freya taught me that one
[12:20] [Vanadine (nightgown)] Cute.
[12:20] [Vanadine (nightgown)] I have a ninja technique that's similer
[12:20] [Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] ahh
[12:20] * Vanadine (nightgown) is encircled in flames
[12:21] * Vanadine is in her uniform when the flame "bubble" comes down.